Saturday, July 4, 2009

An AMERICAN speaks from GAINESVILLE TX on the Mex occupation

Just a little history lesson

Reply to: [Errors when replying to ads?]
Date: 2009-06-30, 12:12PM CDT

I grew up in Gainesville TX during the 1960's. My family had the biggest business in the county, so we knew just about everyone in the area. At that time there were two Hispanic families and both had been born in this country, even they barely spoke Spanish.

I still have friends in Gainsville, so I keep up with their news and have often sought help from friends across the country to raise funds for worthy causes there including helping to save the life of a child who needed a bone marrow transplant.

About two years ago there was a bad flood in Gainesville and some people drowned. I intended to once again help to raise funds to help the people because I have a lot of resources across the country. That is until I read newspaper stories about this event. The government was giving the flood victims $5000 each to help with recovery. The news stated that Gainesville is now almost exclusively "poor Hispanics and speak little or no English". Some people interviewed admitted being in this country illegally and were complaining that the $5000 they were getting FREE from US tax-paying citizens wasn't enough! I was furious. These people DO NOT BELONG HERE and have NO RIGHT to ANY tax-payers money PERIOD! I sent inquiries about funds raised and if anyone would verify that the money was going to legal citizens and was told there would be NO verification. So I refused to help!

The fact that this entire town is now over-run with illegals over the past twenty to thirty years speaks VOLUMNS about what is going on in EVERY state and if we do not step in, step up, and stop this nonsense, our country is DOOMED! We cannot carry these people on our backs! Criminals should NOT be encouraged by businesses, government, or anyone! Giving away money to them is no different than giving away meth on the streets to drug addicts. As soon as you do that, they will line up forever!

And you BET I'm flagging bilingual ads, ads only in Spanish and not just in DFW but other cities as well! These ads are now showing up less and less which shows that what we are doing is working. Please don't give me that "they are only taking jobs Americans won't", thats crap. I have a friend who was a paralegal for 12 years at the same law firm, was laid off due to the economy and now cannot get a job in the law office because she does not speak Spanish! Just wait until it happens to YOU! I've written my state and federal representatives as well demanding deportations. I am FED UP and fighting back.

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