Saturday, July 4, 2009


HILLARY CLINTON.... endorsed by La Raza. Former La Raza donor Wal Mart board member. LISTED ON JUDICIAL WATCH’S 10 MOST CORRUPT. Voted for McCain’s amnesty bill. Has Los Angeles mayor, the racist Mexican supremacist, Anthony Villaraigosa as campaign co chairman. The Mexican will deliver the illegals’ votes and Hillary will give him a cabinet post!

BARACK OBAMA is endorsed by La Raza. LISTED ON JUDICIAL WATCH’S 10 MOST CORRUPT. Voted for the Bush Reid McCain Amnesty. Wants illegals to have quickie citizenship, a.k.a DRIVER’S LICENSES.

JOHN McCAIN.... endorsed by La Raza. Hired Mexican racist Juan Hernandez, an agent for the government of Mexico is his “Hispanic Outreach Director”. Hernandez advocates there is no border. Borders are just one more stupid gringo notion. Mexicans must continue to invade, pillage, get welfare, birth at our costs, then return to their real country at will with their stolen cars to collect their social security, according to McCain’s man, Hernandez. Voted for the Bush Reid McCain Amnesty.

California operates in the red $16 billion per year, and puts out $12 billion per year in social services to illegals.


DIANNE FEINSTEIN ...... “Illegals are good citizens!” calls Americans “stupid” that don’t want open borders. Dianne Feinstein hires illegals at her San Francisco hotel. Take massive campaign bribes from La Raza donors, Bank of America and Wells Fargo, both of which open bank accounts for illegals and profit from billions wired back to Mexico. Wants “paperless” citizenship a.k.a driver’s license. Vows to fight building of wall. Does not want illegals to have to produce ID when voting for Hillary. Voted for the Bush Reid McCain Amnesty.

BARBARA BOXER.... (although not listed on Judicial Watch’s 10 most corrupt, Boxer takes massive campaign bribes, channels them through her son, Douglas Boxer as “campaign consulting fees” and then back in her own pockets) Fights English only. Wants 1 million illegal farm workers and their extended families given immediate amnesty for her corporate agri business contributors. Wants “paperless” citizenship a.k.a driver’s license. Vows to fight building of wall. Does not want illegals to have to produce ID when voting for Hillary. Has demanded ICE cease to enforce laws against employers hiring illegals and all deportations. Voted for the Bush Reid McCain Amnesty.

NANCY PELOSI.... hires illegals with stolen social security numbers at her 25 million dollar St Helena, Napa winery. Vows to fight building of wall.

ANNA ESHOO..... keeps her big business contributions flowing in by selling us out to third worlders taking our jobs. Visit Eshoo’s Palo Alto district. You won’t find any legals left. They’re all Chinese, Indians, and Mexicans.

ZOE LOFGREN...... gets 93% of her campaign bribes from business interests that demand floods of illegals. Fights for chain migration which, after a Clinton, Obama, or McCain amnesty would enable 272 additional family members from Mexico to walk right over the border and to the front of the welfare and social security lines.

SAM FARR...... Demands ICE cease to enforce laws against employers hiring illegals and all deportations.

HENRY WAXMAN....on all levels a clown. Waxman has run on at the mouth about the crimes of Bush’s Haliburton, but never opens his big mouth about the crimes of Bush’s war profiteer, Dianne Feinstein!. Waxman claims he’s never seen an illegal. Not in La Raza occupied Los Angeles where there are virtually no Americans left. Takes massive campaign bribes from business and unions that want cheap labor and dues paying illegals. Has never demanded the interests of legals in his district be protected.

JANE HARMAN.... multi millionaire works only for her own wealth in Orange County, California where the overwhelming majority are illegals. Has no word about the staggering cost the Mexican invasion has cost her district, state or country.

LORETTA SANCHEZ and sister LINDA SANCHEZ...... obtained congressional seats by getting illegals registered to vote, and vote often. Is a La Raza candidate.

JOE BACA........ virulent Mexican racist and La Raza supremacist. Member of Congress at Latino Summit. Pushes for illegals to register to vote. “Well, the Latinos are coming, the Latinos are coming! And the Latinos are going to vote. So our voices will be heard. So that's what this agenda is about. It's about insuring that we increase our numbers. That we increase our numbers at every level.” (source: La Raza conference)

HOWARD BERMAN...... long advocate of uncontrolled borders. No comment from Berman on the cost to California of the 30 tunnels found under the Mex border just since 2005. One of these tunnels is the length of three football fields.

GRACE F NAPOLITANO another virulently racist Mexican supremacist that constantly talks about “OUR” people. Not the American people that pay her wages in Congress, but the fucking illegals.

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