Friday, September 18, 2009

12 MILLION ILLEGALS? ...Try 38 Million & Breeding Fast


RE 12 million illegals?

Date: 2009-09-18, 9:46AM MDT
Reply to: [Errors when replying to ads?]


Why don't you try a more accurate figure? Like maybe 25 million illegals in the USA right now? How is it that liberals rebuke 1 million people at a tea party in DC ,and yet can't fathom these numbers. In order to fill the Mall in DC it takes at least a million people. Try multiplying that by 25 which is easy to do with Mexicans here. Yeah that's right 25 MILLION! So you say that HB3200 will not allow free healthcare for illegals? It's my understanding that the HB3200 will not allow illegals to participate in a public option. They can still but private healthcare insurance. My question for you? Do not illegals already enjoy free healthcare in the USA? They do! They use our ER's as a family clinic! No person is ever turned away here for a life threatening injury. But do you think those Mexicans actually are going to pay their bill? Yeah right! Under a proposed HB3200 it will be the same thing. Mexicans will still be going to the "ER Clinic" as usual. Taxpayers picking up the tabs.

Another thing. I love kids and have a family of my own. I don't have a family which I cant afford. How is it that Mexicans are here and have such large families on some of their incomes? Can you say that the US taxpayers are paying for their kid's births here. Yep. What happens when you have a situation like that illegal mother who came to the USA when she was pregnant. Discovered that she had two conjoined fetuses. Went back to Mexico and then conveniently appears at a California hospital when it's time to get birth? It was all over the news, about the difficult delivery, and subsequent care and expense. Yeah, at least I had a family that I support. I live within my means and dont have 5 kids that I expect the taxpayers(me) to pay for.I'd likemore kids but I am concerned about the cost to me. Lets see 25 million times 10 kids. You do the math!

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