Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Rep. Luis Guterrez ALWAYS WORKING HARD FOR ILLEGALS - While LEGALS pay his salary!


Luis Guterrez is an idiot ( Illegal aleins will aways do more harm than good)

Tell your friends and family to contact there Reps...

Tell President Obama and any of your Senators and Congressman to tell President Felipe Calderón to take care of his own people and stop his people from crossing our border period.

President Calderón is a horrible president who cares less about his people and just hopes he can get rid of them by shipping his people to us.

The billions we spent on his people is ridicules. Yes our taxes, President Felipe Calderón is a fiend to the American people, and our representatives who believe in helping illegal aliens at our taxpayer expense.

Just look at what Felipe Calderón did to California, he’s allowed his citizens to give California high crime, use of taxpayer schools, taxpayer health care, taxpayer food, taxpayer housing, He such a thief.

Felipe Calderón should be treated in the same manner as any other tyrant; we should not even allow our people to vacation there. He does nothing to curb illegal aliens from coming here he just encourages it by doing nothing and pushing for reform in our country.

Hopefully someday there will be reform but stronger now than ever, new immigrants should be here on a trial bases only and should already be self sufficient and not be allowed social services for at least 20 years. And should be picked by special immigration reform government which means picking equal amount from each country and the max a year should not extent 5000 people. People coming in the millions is ridicules we don’t have enough jobs now and so we give them to the new people coming or maybe they are already filing for some sort of social service since after saying I do to citizenship they are entitled to a free ride.

Example, if they come and 6 months down the road they need government services we will be able to send them back this should show no free rides here, they laugh at us now as it is, they must be able to pull their own wait, not depend on a free ride like our government allows now. That’s the American dream to illegal immigrants everything’s free.
The American dream for American taxpayer has long been gone and illegal immigration has a play in that also.

Please let’s demand the arrest of President Felipe Calderón for crimes against his people and American taxpayer who suffer daily, minute by minute from this criminal.

Border states should put a lean on Mexico's foreign aid monies to help cover for some of the services they steal from the tax payers . I don't understand why we have to help his people here and give Mexico money also

PS: Guterrez, if illegals go to the hospitals we should stabilize them, then Deport them, i'm sick of you being part of the problem not honor them with taxpayer health care to criminals...and i am a Hispanic American taxpayer my family came here the right way not amnesty. Stop kissing President Felipe Calderón and President Obama's ass and i am so sorry i voted for this president.

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