Sunday, October 25, 2009


Illegals - Let's Get to the Core of the Issue, Enforcing the Law!

We can go on and on about historic battles, or who was here first. We can talk about the Mexican people living in what is now the U.S. long before white people ever got here. We can talk about how people smell, or what would be considered nasty habits. We can talk about how people live, the food they eat, and the cars they drive. We can threaten one another with bloody violence, and wave flags in each other's faces. None of this will fix the problem, because it's all just talk and finger pointing.

This is not in any way against Hispanic Americans who live here legally. This is strictly for those who are breaking the law by being here illegally.

What we need to focus on is the law, and finding ways to enforce it. This fine country of ours has laws in place to deport illegal aliens. It is against the law for illegal aliens to work in this country. It is against the law for illegal aliens to live in this country. The problem, as we all know, is that employers do not do enough to make sure they are hiring legal workers to do the jobs. As long as the opportunity is there, they will come to our country, and find ways to work here and raise their families. These laws are not enforced. When you question why the laws aren't enforced, people say it's because they're here already and it's overwhelming. That's a bunch of crap! The real reason is because this is not a priority for politicians. Democrats want to quietly work out a way to let them stay here, and Republicans don't want to touch the issue because it's a time bomb. It's time for our government to take a strong stand against this problem! We need to stop this now!

Let's start by speaking ENGLISH ONLY in this country. Every driving test, public assistance form, job application, road sign, and even our candy wrappers must be in ENGLISH. For those of you who think this is racist, TOUGH! America is in crisis, and if some foreigner's fellings are hurt because we want to speak English in this country now, TOUGH!

Proof of American citizenship to receive medical care.

Proof of American citizenship to receive any government offered financial assistance.

Proof of American citizenship to attend our schools.

Proof of American citizenship to work our jobs, backed by a mandated background check. Exception to migrant workers with green cards.

Proof of car insurance to drive a car. Without it, you will be investigated and deported if you cannot prove your right to be in this country.

As we exit the middle east, move the troops to our southern borders to shut down ALL illegal movement across the border and into our country. Warn the Mexican people that our military is armed. and on alert, so DO NOT CROSS! Implement a "shoot to kill" order to insure the safety of this nation.

Once we have our borders tighter than a flea's ass, deport each and every mexican citizen that resides in our prisons. Send every last one of them back to their country of origin.

It's nothing personal Muchaco, you and your family just have to go home now.

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