Tuesday, October 20, 2009

SAN DIEGO - An American

How to fix America 101. (SD)

Date: 2009-10-17, 2:49PM PDT

Reply to: pers-my7ge-1426043416@craigslist.org [Errors when replying to ads?]


1, print our own money, fire the Federal Reserve.
2, USA citizenship only given to children where at least 1 parent is current US citizen.
3, ban all importation of goods from China.
4, ban sale of property to non-us citizens and reclaim all foreign owned property.
5, back all us currency with at least 50% gold...used to be 100%.
6, put Term limits on all officials "congress".
7, stop all aid to all foreign countries.
8, only fight wars at our borders.
9, deport all illegals.
10, revoke the business license of any company that hires illegals on the first offense.
11, revoke the drivers license of any individual that hires an illegal.
12, require to show drivers license to purchase gasoline and food until the crises is resolved.
13, send Mexico a bill for ALL unpaid illegal alien medical treatment.
14, send all illegals in prison back to Mexico and inform them that if they return to USA they will be euthanized.
15, close the Mexico border and use USA citizens in prison to the jobs they were doing!

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