Wednesday, December 30, 2009


For illegals but not for citizens (Some random thoughts)

Date: 2009-12-26, 2:07PM PST

Reply to: [Errors when replying to ads?]


"We (citizens) really get in trouble if we don't have our license or we don't have insurance. And boy, do we pay if we get in an accident. Why is that?"

There's no simple answer, except that illegals are considered "the new Americans." As such, they are being integrated into our country at our expense.

I could fill this page with what has happened in LA -- and the United States -- in the past few years. And none of it is good.

A pro-illegal LA mayor was placed into office. He's only doing what he was elected to do: Provide a sanctuary to illegals. Most elected LA officials, in fact, are pro-illegal.

Illegals, once here, provide sanctuary to more illegals. A strong Hispanic lobby, locally and nationally, will soon give rise to a Hispanic (pro-illegal) President.

There seems to be this mass hysteria of providing sanctuary to tens of millions of illegals. Soon it will be hundreds of millions. In the meantime, American citizens are supposed to pay the bill. But how?

Sometimes I think that Barack Obama intentionally placed this country into serious debt, so he can make a case for incorporating Mexico and Canada into a North American Union. You've heard of our global economy. That is nothing new. But now that has evolved into a political and social agenda of global "oneness."

In the meantime, the lowly and downtrodden are cut a break while citizens are held to higher standards.

To answer your question, here's what you do: Demand fair treatment under the law. Illegals have no license and insurance? Then you don't need them, either. Then contact the ACLU and demand legal representation. If enough people do this it might hit home that our laws must be enforced equally.

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