Saturday, April 3, 2010

AN AMERICAN SEES & SPEAKS - Obama's Open Borders Plan


It won't have been covered by the Washington Post, but on Saturday, a rancher in Arizona, by the name of Robert Krentz was out checking his herd. He came across an illegal alien, who claimed to be injured. Krentz offered to help him, and contacted his brother on his cell phone, asking him to phone for an ambulance, and gave him his location. The illegal alien shot and killed Krentz, as well as his dog.

In that area of Arizona, near Douglas, it's been reported that since the talks of amnesty starting up again, more illegals have been heading over the border. Obama has gutted the budget for the increases in border patrol agents that were promised, and he has also gutted the funding for a border fence. Janet Napolitano claims our border is secure. The blood of Robert Krentz is on Napolitano's, Obama's, McCain's Reid's and every other amnesty proponent's hands. Krentz's wife and children have lost a husband and father.

We need to stop providing birthright citizenship to the children of illegals, we need to start deporting illegals, and construct a physical barrier at the border. This insanity has to end.

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