Thursday, April 29, 2010 - 4-29-10 LA RAZA HARRY REID'S QUICK AMNESTY PUSH

Senate Leadership Circulates Amnesty Proposal on Capitol Hill

Call Your Senators Now and Tell Them You Want Enforcement, not Amnesty!
Wednesday, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV), Immigration Subcommittee Chair Chuck Schumer (D-NY), and Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee Chair Bob Menendez (D-NJ) began circulating a draft amnesty proposal on Capitol Hill. Multiple media sources now report that Democratic Leadership is “dead set” on pushing amnesty legislation, with or without Republican support.

Through our sources, FAIR obtained a copy of the proposal and has already poured through it. Our members, activists, and friends will not be surprised that the Reid-Schumer-Menendez proposal closely mimics the 2007 Bush-Kennedy amnesty bill (S.1639). Specifically, the proposal:

Grants amnesty to illegal aliens in the U.S. (while calling it a “broad-based registration program”);
Creates an “H-2C” guest worker program for low-skilled workers (with apparently no cap) that contains a path to citizenship;
Massively expands legal immigration;
Incorporates the DREAM Act;
Incorporates AgJOBS legislation that would grant amnesty to millions of illegal farm workers; and
Preempts state and local laws encouraging immigration enforcement
In addition, the Reid-Schumer-Menendez proposal offers all kinds of promises regarding the future enforcement of our immigration laws. But we know through years of experience and hard lessons that the federal government has broken virtually every enforcement promise it has made to the American people. Now, Senators Reid, Schumer and Menendez go so far as to say: “there will be zero tolerance for illegal entry and reentry into the U.S.” Who can believe this?

We need your help! Right now Congressional Leaders are determining whether this proposal will be brought to the Senate floor. PLEASE call your Senators NOW and tell them you reject this proposal! Tell them you want immigration enforcement -- NOT AMNESTY – and that you will not be fooled by more false promises.


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