Friday, June 25, 2010


Demographic Warfare

After the news of Governor Jan Brewer signing SB-1070 into law, millions of illegal aliens protested on May 1st in the streets of this nation (again) and demanded citizenship, threatened to attack Americans with shovels and axes. The threats and boycotts are looming. The Hispanic racial groups are beating the war drums.

The majority of Americans of all races have expressed their disapproval for the tsunami of illegal aliens running rampant throughout our country, and the upcoming Amnesty pushed by the racist Illinois Congressman and Mexican loyalist, Luis Gutierrez. After all, Democrats have to pay the Hispanic community back for allowing illegal immigrants to vote in our elections (an offense that would get you a prison sentence in Mexico).

If you seek answers, just look to the “racist” groups like The National Council of La Raza (The Race), MeCHA, LULAC, (too many others to list), and a terrorist group called the “Mexica Movement.” Their official platform says: “We totally reject all illegal European Colonial Squatter Occupation Borders on our continent. We also reject Colonialism’s right to keep stealing the wealth of our lands. And we reject their artificial divisions of our people!” This is a group that thinks America is their property, and anyone who doesn’t fit their description should leave the country. What it also means is this is a hateful, racist and terrorist group, and it should be dealt with. Of course, we will be the Nazis.

What Americans are fed up with are the millions upon millions of people who come here illegally, do not want to assimilate or learn the language. People who send their earnings “home” to another country. People who are turning 2 bedroom apartments and single family homes into illegal camps housing up to 100. People who are stealing I.Ds and Social Security numbers from American taxpayers. People who are turning entire neighborhoods and city sections into Tijuana’s, where half the store signs advertise “llanteras usadas.” People who are killing American citizens at the rate of 27 per day through murder, drunk driving, etc. People who expect and demand their kids to be taught in Spanish, and don’t care what we Americans think. People who since 2000 have desecrated our National border parks with 45+ million tons of trash.

People who drive illegally without auto insurance or set enough aside to cover their liabilities. People who use our expensive hospital emergency rooms as their cold and sniffle clinics. The real complaint here is that those “lazy Americans” who “follow the laws” find themselves increasingly squeezed and taxed, fingerprinted and regulated and licensed and strip-searched, while the illegals and their ilk thumb their noses, disregard our wishes, and give the finger to our laws.

Why would they want “reform” of laws they’ve shown no intention of obeying? What they really want is “belly up immigration surrender” – free instant citizenship rights to all government welfare benefits for any of their people who can get here. Why is it dangerous that we can’t discuss these things frankly in the open, without crippling euphemisms that disguise what this is really about?

Every 3 months, a population the size of Tallahassee, FL pours across our southern border. They are not “undocumented,” or “immigrants.” They are illegal aliens. Period.

In 1997, pres Zedillioo proclaimed “I have proudly affirmed that the Mexican nation extends beyond the territory enclosed by its borders.” MALDEF founder Mario Obledo stated, “California is going to be a Hispanic state. Anyone who doesn’t like it should leave. Every constitutional office in California is going to be held by Hispanics in the next 20 years.” People who don’t like such demographic changes “should go back to Europe.” They see the US as lands they claim is theirs.

Why do American public officials (and those in the liberal media) value so little what thousands have fought and died to protect?

A foreign power has stated its plans to conquer this nation by demographic warfare.

They call it Reconquista.

Why is the Hispanic/Latino agenda taking precedence over the future and direction of our country, and constantly being forced down our throats?

It's because the most dispicable, worthless, obnoxious, immoral, indignant, corrupt, greedy, wreckless, parasitic and underlying ideologically maligned country and it's people insist we do so for their benefit alone...

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