Friday, July 30, 2010


Arizona appeals judge's ruling on immigration law

Video of dozens arrested in Ariz. protests
Arizona asked an appeals court Thursday to lift a judge's order blocking most of the state's immigration law as the city of Phoenix filled with protesters, including dozens who were arrested for confronting officers in riot gear. (July 29)
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By Jerry Markon and Robert Barnes
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, July 30, 2010

Hundreds of opponents of Arizona's new immigration law swarmed the streets of downtown Phoenix Thursday, confronting police in riot gear as the state's governor filed an urgent appeal of a judge's ruling that prevented key portions of the law from taking effect.

This Story
SUSAN BOLTON: Judge in Arizona decision is well versed in immigration cases
Video of dozens arrested in Ariz. protests
Arizona immigration law SB 1070 - Judge blocks some sections
The ruling
Arizona appeals ruling on immigration law
Arizona governor to appeal block on law
As Arizona immigration reform takes effect, local tensions start to boil
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Condemning what they called the "terrorizing" of Hispanics, protesters blockaded a jail and marched to the offices of Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, known for his aggressive stance on illegal immigrants. The sheriff vowed a "crime sweep" targeting illegal immigrants but later postponed the raids. At least 17 protesters were arrested.

With the case's future uncertain, the demonstrations illustrated that tensions over the state's immigration crackdown may only have been heightened by U.S. District Judge Susan Bolton's ruling Wednesday in the Obama administration's lawsuit against Arizona. Bolton temporarily blocked the law's most controversial sections, but protesters objected to other provisions that she allowed to take effect on Thursday.

A day after Bolton's decision riveted attention on illegal immigration, it was clear that the increasingly divisive debate is spreading nationwide.

Similar bills

Nearly 20 states have introduced bills similar to the Arizona law, and nine states with Republican attorneys general are planning to file appellate briefs supporting Arizona. Immigration is a key theme in this fall's midterm elections; at the same time conservative candidates are attacking what they say is the Obama administration's aggressive expansion of government.

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