Wednesday, July 21, 2010

IMMIGRANTS GOOD OR BAD? An American Sees & Speaks

If you build it, they can't come. Build the wall.


Ask Israel if a wall works!

Israel has built a substantial double wall that keeps out those who wish to kill them with bombs, etc.-- IT WORKS!

The Berlin wall, intended to keep people in, WORKED!

Presidente Jorge Bush willfully delayed the wall construction because he was an NAU, open border, quisling RINO who believes in that "cheap" labor for his business friends. Of course such so-called "cheap" labor will be STAGGERINGLY expensive all-in socio-economically to AMERICA.

The ObaMessiah IMMEDIATELY stopped the wall construction! He KNOWS that ILLEGAL aliens are big entitlement guvment voters to be-- job security for the Left.

The damm border fence could work if Robert Frost said, good fences make good neighbors.

ILLEGALS need to get CLEAR signals from America, whose politicians have waffled collectively...the invaders choose to hear only the PC, open border, sanctuary city, NAU, one-world, "come try our welfare state" messages.

Finishing the fence AND cracking down on employers would send the RIGHT clear message.

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