Monday, August 16, 2010

AN AMERICAN SEES & SPEAKS - On Los Angeles Unde Mex Occupation & Anchors

Well I give the LARAZA TIMES credit for one thing, at least they finally admited that they hate white people, and they are pro Hispanic,open borders, reconquesta nut jobs. Of course legal immigration was helpful when this country was being built out of the wilderness, we needed millions of unskilled workers, but not anymore. Furthermore ther were no social services safety nets a hundred years ago,.no food stamps, welfare etc. There is a reason they are called AMENDMENTS, so that the Constitution can be changed to fit the times. Anchor baby is a very accurate term, because todays anchor babies are dragging this country down. I really wonder what the editorial staff of the LARAZA TIMES thinks about when they drive to the office through a bankrupt, gang infested, third world dump of a city. Do we really want more

Anchor Babies Grab One Quarter of Welfare Dollars in LA Co

The anchor baby scam has proven lucrative for illegal aliens in Los Angeles County, at considerable cost to our own poor and downtrodden legal citizenry.

The numbers show that more than $50 million in CalWORKS benefits and food stamps for January went to children born in the United States whose parents are in the country without documentation. This represents approximately 23 percent of the total benefits under the state welfare and food stamp programs, Antonovich said.

"When you add this to $350 million for public safety and nearly $500 million for health care, the total cost for illegal immigrants to county taxpayers far exceeds $1 billion a year -- not including the millions of dollars for education," Antonovich said.

I love children and I'm all for compassion -- smart, teach-them-to-fish compassion. But when laws, the Constitution, and enforcement allow illegal aliens (the operative word here being "illegal") to insinuate themselves into our nation and bleed us of our precious financial resources, then laws, the Constitution and enforcement need to be changed.

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