Monday, August 23, 2010

this has got to stop! BUT WHO WILL STOP IT?


this has got to stop

I've worked for both a County Welfare Dept and a County jail in the Central Valley of Calif. Average American's have no idea how much aid illegal immigrants are really costing this state. They say (well they don't get welfare)...Oh, but their children do and medical and food stamps. Also every time they have those children the American taxpayer is paying for them. See in Calif., you don't even need I.D. to get FREE prenatal care. Or proof of age either. So we are also paying for their children to have children. And if the Parents can get a Doctor to say they suffer from culture shock they can also get SSI.

Then when I worked at the Jail later I learned that a very high number of crimes committed in Calif. Are committed by illegal immigrants. That’s why our jails and prisons are over populated. And why the number of gangs in Calif. Have increased so drastically. The number of pedophiles is also shocking.

They hire out in crews; one person who has papers receives the payment, and then splits the money in cash between the illegal workers. They can get credit cards from American companies, and also buy houses. If they hit your car your just out of luck, as they have no insurance, because of course they are illegal and cannot get a drivers license. So they just bail out and run like hell away from the scene.

Now all those who were legalized the last time we had immigration reform are working in businesses and taking jobs form American born college kids, undereducated and even handicapped people that use to fill those positions. They say they fill the jobs no one wants, that might be true, EXCEPT when they become legal they take our jobs. They don’t want those jobs any longer. If you have ever visited CALIF. try ordering from a lot of the fast food restaurants, you can not ever understand them half of the time.

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