Sunday, March 6, 2011


Neo Hippies Suck at 12:50 PM March 6, 2011

It's amazing how far the L.A. Slimes can slant a story to the left. At least 12 states are preparing to put an SB1070 style initiative on their next ballot (including California). And even if Obama's activist judges shoot them all down they'll be enforced as soon as Republican take the Whitehouse back in 2 years. Seems like the only word the L.A. Slimes got right is "momentum", which is going against Obama and other open borders zealots.


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Melvin Painter at 11:51 AM March 6, 2011

The odumba's pledge to other countries-

Give me your criminals, illiterate, drunks, drug addicts, drug cartels, pregnant teens, and the unhealthy, and I will make them democrat voters.


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Ucvbn Bjfyuvs at 11:54 AM March 6, 2011

When I was in the 3rd grade, the children of particularly low intelligence, what we called 'cretins' back then, would resort to verbal mockery of other childrens' names.

For the most part those 'cretins' ended up bitter and jealous ditch-diggers, or worse, flipping burgers at McDonalds.

What are you up to these days, Melvin?

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ian1205 at 12:02 PM March 6, 2011

Melvin Painter's statements reinforce negative prejudices about the jingoistic, redneck faction of the American underclass. With each impotent epithet, each perverse sexual insult, each butchery of the English language you leave in this forum, you shame your forefathers

You are clearly an irrational, uneducated, talentless and undisciplined slob at the bottom of a rather mediocre class of plebeian insult hurlers.

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Neo Hippies Suck at 12:52 PM March 6, 2011

For the most part those 'cretins' ended up bitter and jealous ditch-diggers, or worse, flipping burgers at McDonalds


Sounds like you're describing illegal aliens.

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EddieGarcia at 11:49 AM March 6, 2011


Pass the costs to the illegal aliens for causing such havoc and expense in our country!!

Jot down the names of skidding politicians for their next election cycle run.


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EddieGarcia at 11:51 AM March 6, 2011

Meant to write "skittish" politicians but skidding also may apply as these politicians are skidding away from the truth and the facts that illegal aliens are siphoning resources from our country.

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ian1205 at 12:05 PM March 6, 2011

Hey Eddie: You don't have to apologize. Your group "Tennesseans for English Language" is not for bettering the English language, but excluding others.

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Jim199104 at 11:43 AM March 6, 2011

Mexico is dumping its welfare cases into the USA.


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ian1205 at 12:06 PM March 6, 2011

You mean "welfare cases" are taking away American jobs???? Geeez, Mexico has a very capable and hard-working "welfare class".

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Neo Hippies Suck at 12:55 PM March 6, 2011

Capable of undercutting entire industries by working for dirt wages and putting millions of Americans out of work.

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Delaware Bob at 11:34 AM March 6, 2011

What give Utah the right to grant amnesty to illegal aliens? What gives Utah the right to issue guest worker cards not only to the workers, but the whole family? What gives Utah the right to fine illegal aliens?

What Utah is doing is aiding and abetting illegal aliens. This is a felony! What Utah is doing is protecting illegal aliens, those who have NO RIGHT to be in this Country.

Illegal immigration is a cancer, it has to be eradicated not tolerated.


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George2 at 11:17 AM March 6, 2011

It is remarkable that businessmen are against many of the immigration reform laws mentioned--maybe because they like the illegal labor and like to sell products to illegal families. Business was pro slavery too in the South. Business needs to be more responsible in the US.


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michael g at 11:12 AM March 6, 2011

Another Liberal spin piece by the L.A. Times. The fact is, most states are desperate for immigration reforms-- deportations, immigration sweeps, cutting their welfare rolls, etc. To say states are "skittish" about reforms is just plain dishonest... Mr. Obama's Dept. of Justice has declared war on any state - or Governor - who dares to defend their own safety and sovereignty! Shameful...


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Melvin Painter at 11:47 AM March 6, 2011

There is a common theme in everything odumba does, it is:

odumba vs the United States

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areeda at 11:02 AM March 6, 2011

I wonder if it's just me but this sure seems to be one of those Times pieces that say "public perception is more important than reality".

One big thing the piece ignores is the Obama Administrations attempt to bury Arizona in legal bills to discourage States doing anything about the problem, legal or not.

The last thing the Times and the rest of the sanctuary movement want to see is illegal immigration become an issue in the 2012 elections.

I'd really like to know the position on immigration of Mr. Obama's challengers.


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HernyTeoxonBarnes at 10:33 AM March 6, 2011

Why not remove business licenses and criminally prosecute the employers that hire illegal workers? We all know that these worker end up costing tax payer Billions of dollars anually here in California. Funny you would think with Unemployment here in Calfornia over 12% you would want more legal worker paying their taxes, to help grow our State's economy. Utah state law of granting guest worker cards will end up being overturn due to our Constitition requiring Congress to be in controll of our Immigration laws. Why does L.A. Times continue to advocate for open borders? Most Legal Immigrates and American citzens do not want open borders. Why do we have Immigration laws? Do you think that anyone in the world can just show up in USA and just be granted permanente resident or a guest worker? Immigration requires criminal, medical background checks on these indivials prior to entering our country. It is a privilage to be a American citizen not a world right. No other Country in the world allows citzenship by just giving by giving birth on its soil. Of Course the U.S. Sumpreme court needs to interpret the 14 amendement . Since the @ the time this amendement was passed our Country did not even know what a illegal immigrate,alien or worker was.


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ian1205 at 11:58 AM March 6, 2011

Dear HernyTeoxonBarnes: Your grammar is as deficient as your facts. Most countries allow citizenship by "giving birth on its soil" . You've proven that you can get on the internet with your extensive postings. Now get on google and do some research so you don't take up so much space exposing your ignorance.

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lanceman at 12:35 PM March 6, 2011

Ian, you are mistaken. Yes there are countries that allow jus soli (less than 20%). When you look at the list, they are mostly third world cesspools. The only exceptions to this are USA and Canada.

Another Liberal lying and hoping nobody will check his "facts."

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ancestralman at 10:27 AM March 6, 2011

"Give me your tired, your poor"--except now the tired and poor are draining the financial safety-net for US citizens and Residents? Except back at the time of an active Ellis Island there was no welfare and their was no need for immigration restrictions. Hey! But Utah is open to occupation as they have just passed a law, to bring in Guest Workers from another corrupt province south of the border. So all those illegal aliens that are dismayed with the State of Arizona policing laws, are leaving and going elsewhere? MANY STATES THAT HAS NO EFFECTIVE POLICING LAWS will also become an unaware target. Conversely, those States who are mandating the federal E-Verify computer data-bases operated by the Social Security and (ICE) Immigration and Custom Services to qualify true US workers will not be swamped with foreigners.


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ancestralman at 10:27 AM March 6, 2011

Most States never hear the truth of the illegal alien importation, as the politicians are in collusion with businesses and other special interest. The Leftist press never reveals any of the facts about the assault on our traditions and society, using the race card if we make waves. If we offer negative dialogues about the invasion we are labeled bigots. While all the time "tired and poor" Americans are being crippled by higher taxes, to pay for the education, medical care and a other public programs. Now foreign nationals can skedaddle over to Utah as the Legislators are welcoming them. If they don't fancy Utah, the Sanctuary State of California still has a wide open welfare system, so they can start feeding off the taxpayers there. All these people need is a bogus Social Security number and Drivers license to collect hand-full’s of money and Democrat Governor Jerry Brown will leach that extra money from taxes or cut spending to legal residents. Some States are even thinking of rescinding the use of displaying drivers licenses, government ID, passports and other verification documents, to vote. This will be a major error for citizen voters, as this will become a loophole for illegal immigrants--intentional or not--to use fraudulent absentee ballots and in polling stations.


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ancestralman at 10:26 AM March 6, 2011

In soft States the politicians will give out Section 8 housing, taken away from Senior Citizens who have worked all their lives. Never mind that these persons come to American penniless and the females have a 14th Amendment citizenship infant, requiring no insurance and burdening the emergency rooms—because the Liberal Court system mandated it. Guaranteeing the State taxpayers will subsidize the low income housing and all public services. The more children they conceive, the more cash payments they can accumulate. Texas lawmakers are suddenly feeling guilty of these reoccurring financial circumstances, because they too have been flooded for decades with a part of the 20 million foreigners from all parts of the world. California is the perfect place to inhabit, even though they a facing massive cutbacks in their economy, as they have a 24 billion dollars deficit.


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ancestralman at 10:26 AM March 6, 2011

Nevada is hurting economically as well, as that State is overpopulated by illegal aliens with their families. The majority of other regions are painfully aware, that they too maybe visited by illegal squatters. Billions of dollars are going overseas and into Latin America from illegal labor here, to their families. The majority of phone books have a government listing of both federal and State lawmakers, who you can contact. This country is in deep trouble from public entitlements, especially from the free handouts nationwide to illegal persons. Take a few minutes from the pizza and football, to call your Representatives or join a local TEA PARTY. Your voice is a powerful ally in this unceasing issue and you need to understand future consequences. NumbersUSA is a formidable advocate against any anti-sovereignty, pro-illegal immigration and overpopulation. It also has clickable links to many resources and a free faxing buffet, to communicate your frustration and opinion to those in Washington.


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ancestralman at 10:26 AM March 6, 2011

Utah's in for a traumatic shock, when the word gets out they are welcoming Guest workers from some Mexican province. Hundreds of thousands will pour in from not just South of the border, but thousands from Arizona and other illegal alien policing enforcement states. Thousands more economic illegal nations, will start flooding your schools, hospitals and looking for free welfare handouts.


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smiller27us at 10:47 AM March 6, 2011

New Mexico is suffering the exact scenario since AZ has passed it's new laws.

1,000's of Illegal Immigrants (and their families) have swamped NM.

BUT - the "problem" is that NM has 10% unemployment, so there is basically no jobs for their new ILLEGAL residents.

In 2010/2011 Crime has shot up in NM, and the police are undermanned due to reduced budgets...

Good luck Utah ;-)

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EveDiallo at 11:40 AM March 6, 2011

And once Utah becomes overwhelmed, they will ask for federal assistance - reimbursement for incarceration costs, costs to cover overwhelmed schools, hospitals, medicaid, etc. Then we ALL will end up paying for people here illegally. Don't just think that the taxpayers of Utah will be the only ones burdoned by this move!

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rgood4881 at 10:16 AM March 6, 2011

"The mere fact that Arizona law has sprung up in over 24 other states within a few months of passage, I believe, is historic," said William Gheen, president and spokesman of Americans for Legal Immigration, a group that supports stricter immigration laws.

"We are going to pass more immigration enforcement legislation in the states in 2011 than any year prior. And what we don't get done in 2011 we will get done in 2012," he vowed.

States enacted a record number of bills and resolutions on immigration issues during the 2010 sessions, and every state that met in regular session in 2010 considered laws related to immigrants, according to a National Conference of State Legislatures report. Forty-six state legislatures and the District of Columbia passed 208 laws and adopted 138 resolutions for a total of 346.

***If THIS is fizzeling, then I can't wait to see full steam ahead.***


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Nebraska Chicana at 10:10 AM March 6, 2011

Mr. Janssen had more to do with the failure of his anti-immigrant bill to lost momentum while testifying in front of the Judiciary Committee who needed to approve LB 48 before the legislative bill could make the floor of the State's Unicameral. His poorly written bill along with his inability to answer key questions poised to him by Judiciary Committee members did more harm towards the passage of LB 48 than any testimony that came from proponents or opponents to this bill. Mr. Janssen's statement that his opponents to an end around on his tactics is typical of a politician who has lost touch with a segment of those he is sworn to represent. Latinos in Nebraska according to the most recent census figures have grown 77 % in ten years. Five cities in the State now have majority Spanish surname Spanish speaking inhabitants! Now that Conservative Right Wing State politicians trying to do the job the Federal government shouldbe doing are floundering in their efforts, maybe now the Feds will take action before an Arizona style sessessionist movement erupts elsewhere in the United States.

Here is a photo album of those proceedings witnessing this hearing that took place the 2nd of March, 2011.


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lanceman at 12:37 PM March 6, 2011

RazaTimes? I don't think so!

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smiller27us at 10:06 AM March 6, 2011

Wait until the day after Tax Day - April 16th ;-)


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Sunshine Connie at 9:19 AM March 6, 2011

There are 24 more states entertaining ILLEGAL restrictions now. Remember they have only been in session a few weeks with the newly elected.


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you said it would be crunchy at 9:14 AM March 6, 2011

There is no supply without demand...who is it that hires the 'illegals' anyway?


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California Girl at 9:09 AM March 6, 2011

Hey Utah - these folks didn't bother following the law the first time. Why do you think they will conform now? As for AZ, the "anti immigrant sentiment" might have something to do with Phoenix being the kidnapping center of the US. Or it might have to do with AZ residents facing a budget shortfall while illegals pay no taxes on their various employment activities. And use services with impunity. If CA would face the music and stop illegal immigration, our budget would be in a lot better shape. Watch for more and more violent, senseless crime here because its building.


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ian1205 at 12:18 PM March 6, 2011

Hey California Girl: I thought it was pampered unionized public employees that were causing the budget shortfalls! Wasn't it easier when we had "welfare queens" to blame? You didn't have to tax your brain so much.

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buddha8 at 9:06 AM March 6, 2011

Nicholas, shame on you!

You Do Not talk about the merits of AZ law which merely seeks to Defend AZ from waves of drug-dealers and migrant invaders from Mexico. No, you yap about how popular or unpopular this might be in other states.

The issue is simple: America has a Right to Choose who does and does not cross its borders, enter this country, work here, reside her, become naturalized citizens. WE CHOOSE, not we are Forced to Accept whoever comes--"in your face, man, deal with it "syndrome.

Here's a Proposal : make all invader illegal migrants Register, & make their employer do the same. Place all these people of a list:NEVER ELIGIBLE to Vote or become US Citizen; never eligible to be Permanent Alien Residents. The same prohibition will apply to any child or relative they brought into America!! These kids would pay out-of-state CA university tuition.

That would end the debate:no more cheap labor, no more automatic Democrat voters, no more "Catholics" for LA Archdiocese, no more use of USA as safety valve for corrupt Mexican politicians and their over-population problem. Now, that would be social justice: justice for the aggrieved/oppressed party:the American citizen/taxpayer.


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ian1205 at 12:20 PM March 6, 2011

Hey Buddha8: I am an American citizen/taxpayer, and I declare that you are full of crap!

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ian1205 at 12:20 PM March 6, 2011

Hey Buddha8: I am an American citizen/taxpayer, and I declare that you are full of crap!

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AZ left at 8:18 AM March 6, 2011

Arizona refuses to enforce it's employer sanctions laws making any "immigration" laws it passes moot.




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backlit at 8:04 AM March 6, 2011

Why can't the states have their own immigration laws ? States have different laws on how old you can be to by alcohol, drive cars, the fee for registering your car, sales tax, the list goes on. Arizona acted because they are on the front line with no support from "in the rear with the gear" federal goverment.


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Dave in NoHo at 7:54 AM March 6, 2011

1) Okay, if you're so concerned, FIRE all your undocumented workers, and don't hire any more. Oh, you can't because your costs wil go up? Hypocrite.

2) Don't Arizona and Texas have the same problems with their borders? Texas didn't pass any laws like this, and we know how hard-right Texas is. Why?

3) As for your ancestors, if they were white and they arrived before 1921, there was no legal or illegal. Don't be so smug.

Maybe momentum has shifted because the great mass of Americans aren't as flat out mean as the Arizona legislature of many of the commenters here, and maybe some of them have read the Bible on the treatment of strangers -- no legal or illegal there either.


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Billy the Kid at 8:16 AM March 6, 2011

Following up on your thread, Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed by God because they were mean to foreigners, not because of their loose ways as many right wingers, religious fanatics want us to believe.

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Tony Villar at 8:19 AM March 6, 2011

Amigos y hermanos, bienvenidos a West Hollywood. Por favor, entrada por la puerta trasera cuando desee

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ian1205 at 11:50 AM March 6, 2011

Hey Tony Villar: Your Spanish grammar is as bad as your made-up name.

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Tony Villar at 11:57 AM March 6, 2011

What do you expect from Google Language tools

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Ross2010 at 7:33 AM March 6, 2011

There are over 13 million "unauthorized immigrants" in the U.S. most have come through our southern border with Mexico.

Your politicians won't tackle this problem until it's too late. You need to understand the cost of this illicit intrusion of our soverignty. Your grand children will not get a second chance to keep our great country independent, safe with secure borders. No one is trying to stop legal immigration; it's the blatant illegal smuggling/humans/guns/drugs that will tear us down.

1st Secure our southern border STOP the INVASION. The money was appropriated for a fence. Put pressure on your congressman/woman to complete the fence and keep more soldiers at the border.

2nd come up with a plan to monitor and allow immigrants to come into the U.S. but those plans must include (finger prints/photo ID) (Healthrecord or bloodtest). Do you people not realize that a strain of tuberculosis was brought in by "illegals" do you not know that we have "whooping cough epidemic" brought in by "illegals" the swine flu was just a wake up call.

What is it going to take for you to act not just re-act?


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ian1205 at 11:51 AM March 6, 2011

You don't have to go to Ross2010 suggested link to read about health effects of immigrants on the health of the homeland. Simply read Mein Kampf.

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