Monday, February 20, 2012

The La Raza Welfare State In Our Borders - MEXICO ANCHORS THEIR OCCUPATION

AMERICA UNDER LA RAZA OCCUPATION:Mexico and the LA RAZA DEMS Build a Mexican Welfare State In Our Borders & At Our Expense

“As you can imagine, thousands of readers respond to my commentaries because they witness this immigration onslaught affecting their own communities. They see its effects in their stores with shop lifting and homes with burglaries. They see their schools suffer dramatic flunk out rates and violence. Their tax dollars and hospitals pay for anchor babies by the tens of thousands. They see churches turning from English to Spanish language along with radio and television stations serving millions of Mexicans.”



By Frosty Wooldridge
February 20, 2012

Part 3: Results of Cassandra Syndrome, Elevator Metaphor, adding 100 million immigrants to America, harsh future realities

As you can imagine, thousands of readers respond to my commentaries because they witness this immigration onslaught affecting their own communities. They see its effects in their stores with shop lifting and homes with burglaries. They see their schools suffer dramatic flunk out rates and violence. Their tax dollars and hospitals pay for anchor babies by the tens of thousands. They see churches turning from English to Spanish language along with radio and television stations serving millions of Mexicans. We now have Arabic language TV stations in Islamic strongholds like Detroit.

Obviously, those millions upon millions of immigrants refuse to become Americans with English as their primary language. They live within America but fail to integrate into America.

Thus, we are becoming a nation of strangers.

“You’re wasting your time Wooldridge,” said one reader. “Southern California can’t be saved. It’s now a part of Mexico as to language, crime, corruption, illiteracy and culture. But don’t leave out Houston, Chicago, Miami and New York.”

Another said, “Please, please keep trying to wake up Americans. All what you state is true and so much more; it’s mind boggling to see it actually happening. If it doesn’t bother people today, they ignore it, soon to their and our demise. It’s unraveling so quickly.”

If we continue this immigration onslaught, here is what you can expect for your children. According to the PEW Hispanic Center report, 100 million immigrants will be added to America within 38 years. You can also verify that number with the Fogel/Martin “US Population Projections” report available at

Mexican legal and illegal migrants will become the dominate tribe and gain majority status by 2040. Muslims will add at least another 13 million to reach over 20 million at current immigration rates. The numbers of refugees coming from Africa will continue to rise into the millions. You can expect endless refugees from Ethiopia, Sudan, Somalia, Congo, Senegal, Angola and Niger. Why? Because as African numbers grow from 1 billion to 2 billion and on to 3 billion people in this century—their numbers will create mass starvation like today’s Somalia—and therefore, we will take millions of refugees into our country to save their lives. Today, we take 50,000 world refugees annually just because they are starving and dying to come to America—known as “Diversity Visas.”

But the caveat to this harsh reality remains: every year, all those third world countries around the globe produce a net gain of yet another 80 million starving and desperate people. So, no matter how many immigrants we inject into America, they reload themselves with another 80 million annually. You can see it in living color with this five minute video. This video should be seen by every American who cares about our future as a civilization.

In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, “Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of mass immigration. Take five minutes to see for yourself.

In other words, no matter how many people we “save”, we can expect endless millions more to replace them and the immigration onslaught never ends.

So, what happens to America? Within the next 38 years, we can expect 100 million immigrants added to this country and our own growth rate at 38 million to total a whopping 138 million people who need water, food, energy and resources to maintain the American way of life. Ironically, we continue on this epic immigration course—that will net another 300 million added to America by 2070. Anybody listening think we’re going survive this thing? Yet, you won’t hear a single word about it in the media or from our leaders. Again, Mark Twain’s “silent assertion lie.”

"Unlimited population growth cannot be sustained; you cannot sustain growth in the rates of consumption of resources. No species can overrun the carrying capacity of a finite land mass. This Law cannot be repealed and is not negotiable.” Dr. Albert Bartlett,, University of Colorado, USA.

If you think the American Dream is going to be there for your kids, you have got another think coming. I have traveled through China, India, Mexico and other overpopulated countries.

If we allow this to happen to our future generations, this is what they can expect. Again, Ph.D.s that study this growth phenomenon say it better than I can:


“Most Western elites continue urging the wealthy West not to stem the migrant tide [that adds 80 million net gain annually to the planet], but to absorb our global brothers and sisters until their horrid ordeal has been endured and shared by all—ten billion humans packed onto an ecologically devastated planet.” Dr. Otis Graham, Unguarded Gates

Can our current way of life survive? Can our republic survive?

Dear reader, and you’re probably a mother or father, so please understand that this “thing” is what’s coming at your kids and our civilization like a slow moving train. It will engulf your children. Once manifested, it will become irreversible and the problems will become unsolvable.

Chinese, Indian and Bangladeshi citizens live in unimaginable air, water and ground pollution. Mal-nourishment and starvation thrive. Over 10 million children die of starvation annually around the globe. Their quality of lives suck beyond anything you can imagine. But, we’re headed in the same direction. I cannot make it any more clear or abrupt.

I haven’t touched the environmental aspects of an added 138 million, but will give a few examples in the final part of this series.

The great writer Isaac Asimov said it best, “Civilization will be completely destroyed. I like to use what I call my bathroom metaphor: If two people live in an apartment, and there are two bathrooms, then both have freedom of the bathroom. You can go to the bathroom anytime you want to and stay as long as you want to for whatever you need. And everyone believes in the freedom of the bathroom; it should be right there in the Constitution.

 “But if you have twenty people in the apartment and two bathrooms, no matter how much every person believes in freedom of the bathroom, there is no such thing. You have to set up times for each person, you have to bang at the door: “Aren’t you through yet?” and so on.”

Democracy cannot survive endless immigration

Asimov added, “In the same way, democracy cannot survive overpopulation. Human dignity cannot survive it. Convenience and decency cannot survive it. As you put more and more people onto the world, the value of life not only declines, it disappears. It doesn’t matter if someone dies. The more people there are, the less one individual matters.”

The more extreme our immigration rates, the more extreme our children’s consequences.

Part 4: Environment and solutions on how you can act to change the course of this country and the future of your children.

Listen to Frosty Wooldridge on Wednesdays as he interviews top national leaders on his radio show "Connecting the Dots" at at 6:00 PM Mountain Time. Adjust tuning in to your time zone.


ON THE IMMORALITY OF ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION…. But hey, it’s not profitable for Wall Streeters to pay living wages! Hence, most of the FORTUNE 500 are generous donors to LA RAZA, “The Race”… the virulently racist political party for Mexican supremacy!






Editorial Reviews

Father Bascio presents a strikingly different perspective on illegal immigration from that of most Christian clergymen. He turns his spotlight on the harm of officially tolerated illegal immigration to America's own struggling workers in the form of joblessness, shrinking wages and poorer working conditions. African-American workers, already plagued by job discrimination, bear the heaviest burden of the illegal invasion, which locks them out of many workplaces or drives wages below acceptable levels. The chronic non-enforcement of immigration laws is no accident: Congress has little stomach for ending something so profitable for their most powerful donors and the voters they can muster. The author fears that many committed Christians are blinded to these abuses by their church leaders' preoccupation with charity toward illegal aliens, while ignoring the plight of millions of low-wage Americans. He deftly rebuts the self-serving myth of employers' and politicians' that illegals "do jobs Americans won't do." Bascio also sees the profit motive behind legal immigration policies that lure the third world's best and brightest to America, stripping poorer nations of their physicians, teachers and scientists. As a Catholic priest, the author admits the unpleasantness of taking a position not shared by his Church's hierarchy, which is driven by the prospect of rising membership. Bascio sees unchecked illegal immigration as having grave consequences for overall U.S. tranquility: disdain for the rule of law, street gangs, document fraud and identity theft, staggering welfare and education costs and creeping "Balkanization" that threatens the national principle of E Pluribus Unum. Father Bascio's book is a resounding appeal to Christians to re-examine their churches' conventional view of illegal immigration and consider the hardship it brings for fellow Americans and its dangers for the nation as a whole.

Product Details
·         Paperback: 228 pages
·         Publisher: AuthorHouse (September 9, 2009)
·         Language: English
·         ISBN-10: 1449001858
·         ISBN-13: 978-1449001858


from the May 28, 2009 edition -

What will America stand for in 2050?

The US should think long and hard about the high number of Latino immigrants.

By Lawrence Harrison

Palo Alto, Calif.

President Obama has encouraged Americans to start laying a new foundation for the country – on a number of fronts. He has stressed that we'll need to have the courage to make some hard choices. One of those hard choices is how to handle immigration. The US must get serious about the tide of legal and illegal immigrants, above all from Latin America.
It's not just a short-run issue of immigrants competing with citizens for jobs as unemployment approaches 10 percent or the number of uninsured straining the quality of healthcare. Heavy immigration from Latin America threatens our cohesiveness as a nation.

The political realities of the rapidly growing Latino population are such that Mr. Obama may be the last president who can avert the permanent, vast underclass implied by the current Census Bureau projection for 2050.

Do I sound like a right-wing "nativist"? I'm not. I'm a lifelong Democrat; an early and avid supporter of Obama. I'm gratified by his nomination of Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court. I'm also the grandson of Eastern European Jewish immigrants; and a member, along with several other Democrats, of the advisory boards of the Federation for American Immigration Reform and Pro English. Similar concerns preoccupied the distinguished Democrat Barbara Jordan when she chaired the congressionally mandated US Commission on Immigration Reform in the 1990s.

Congresswoman Jordan was worried about the adverse impact of high levels of legal and illegal immigration on poor citizens, disproportionately Latinos and African-Americans. The principal beneficiaries of our current immigration policy are affluent Americans who hire immigrants at substandard wages for low-end work. Harvard economist George Borjas estimates that American workers lose $190 billion annually in depressed wages caused by the constant flooding of the labor market at the low-wage end.
The healthcare cost of the illegal workforce is especially burdensome, and is subsidized by taxpayers. To claim Medicaid, you must be legal, but as the Health and Human Services inspector general found, 47 states allow self-declaration of status for Medicaid. Many hospitals and clinics are going broke because of the constant stream of uninsured, many of whom are the estimated 12 million to 15 million illegal immigrants. This translates into reduced services, particularly for lower-income citizens.

The US population totaled 281 million in 2000. About 35 million, or 12.5 percent, were Latino. The Census Bureau projects that our population will reach 439 million in 2050, a 56 percent increase over the 2000 census. The Hispanic population in 2050 is projected at 133 million – 30 percent of the total and almost quadruple the 2000 level. Population growth is the principal threat to the environment via natural resource use, sprawl, and pollution. And population growth is fueled chiefly by immigration.

Consider what this, combined with worrisome evidence that Latinos are not melting into our cultural mainstream, means for the US. Latinos have contributed some positive cultural attributes, such as multigenerational family bonds, to US society. But the same traditional values that lie behind Latin America's difficulties in achieving democratic stability, social justice, and prosperity are being substantially perpetuated among Hispanic-Americans.

Prominent Latin Americans have concluded that traditional values are at the root of the region's development problems. Among those expressing that opinion: Peruvian writer Mario Vargas Llosa; Nobelist author Octavio Paz, a Mexican; Teodoro Moscoso, a Puerto Rican politician and US ambassador to Venezuela; and Ecuador's former president, Osvaldo Hurtado.

Latin America's cultural problem is apparent in the persistent Latino high school dropout rate – 40 percent in California, according to a recent study – and the high incidence of teenage pregnancy, single mothers, and crime. The perpetuation of Latino culture is facilitated by the Spanish language's growing challenge to English as our national language. It makes it easier for Latinos to avoid the melting pot and for education to remain a low priority, as it is in Latin America – a problem highlighted in recent books by former New York City deputy mayor Herman Badillo, a Puerto Rican, and Mexican-Americans Lionel Sosa and Ernesto Caravantes.
Language is the conduit of culture. Consider: There is no word in Spanish for "compromise" (compromiso means "commitment") nor for "accountability," a problem that is compounded by a verb structure that converts "I dropped (broke, forgot) something" into "it got dropped" ("broken," "forgotten").

As the USAID mission director during the first two years of the Sandinista regime in Nicaragua, I had difficulty communicating "dissent" to a government minister at a crucial moment in our efforts to convince the US Congress to approve a special appropriation for Nicaragua.
I was later told by a bilingual, bicultural Nicaraguan educator that when I used "dissent" what my Nicaraguan counterparts understood was "heresy." "We are, after all, children of the Inquisition," he added.

In a letter to me in 1991, Mexican-American columnist Richard Estrada described the essence of the problem of immigration as one of numbers. We should really worry, he wrote, "when the numbers begin to favor not only the maintenance and replenishment of the immigrants' source culture, but also its overall growth, and in particular growth so large that the numbers not only impede assimilation but go beyond to pose a challenge to the traditional culture of the American nation."
Obama should confront the challenges by enforcing immigration laws on employment to help end illegal immigration. We should calibrate legal immigration annually to (1) the needs of the economy, as Ms. Jordan urged, and (2) past performance of immigrant groups with respect to acculturation.

We must declare our national language to be English and discourage the proliferation of Spanish- language media. We should limit citizenship by birth to the offspring of citizens. And we should provide immigrants with easy-to-access educational services that facilitate acculturation, including English language, citizenship, and American values.
Lawrence Harrison directs the Cultural Change Institute at the Fletcher School, Tufts University, in Medford, Mass. He is the author of "The Central Liberal Truth: How Politics Can Change A Culture And Save It From Itself."


One in two adult African-Americans in New York is unemployed. African-American children’s poverty grew by 50 percent since 1999. Why? Their dads can’t find work... AND YET OBAMA CAN'T HISPANDER ENOUGH!

LOS ANGELES GIVES AWAY 37 MILLION OF YOUR TAX DOLLARS TO ILLEGALS ON WELFARE.... like the ones that marched on us waving their Mexican flags!
Welfare and food stamp benefits soar $3 million higher than September payout. New statistics from the Department of Public Social Services reveal that illegal aliens and their families in Los Angeles County collected over $37 million in welfare and food stamp allocations in November 2007 – up $3 million dollars from September, announced Los Angeles County Supervisor Michael D. Antonovich. Twenty five percent of the all welfare and food stamps benefits is going directly to the children of illegal aliens. Illegals collected over $20 million in welfare assistance for November 2007 and over $16 million in monthly food stamp allocations for a projected annual cost of $444 million. “This new information shows an alarming increase in the devastating impact Illegal immigration continues to have on Los Angeles County taxpayers,” said Antonovich. “With $220 million for public safety, $400 million for healthcare, and $444 million in welfare allocations, the total cost for illegal immigrants to County taxpayers far exceeds $1 billion a year – not including the millions of dollars for education.”



“TBR News has received so many favorable comments on my illegal immigration article, comments mostly on the number of statistics instead of political rhetoric, that I am adding more material, much of it from law enforcement friends in Arizona: And to those who write complaining letters in foreign languages, why not try English? We speak English here, not some garbled Spanish patois. If that presents major problems, why not try migrating south like the birds? Our loss will be Mexico’s gain! Here, from various sources is more cheering information for the suffering American taxpayer and his family: In 2003, according to the Arizona Department of Motor Vehicles, 57,600 cars were stolen in Phoenix. It is now the car-jacking capital of the world. Most were SUV’s and pickup trucks. At a conservative average of $15,000.00 per vehicle, owner losses exceeded $864 million. Insurance companies in the state suffered incredible claims from policyholders. Arizona is the temporary home of 500,000 illegal aliens. They cost Arizona taxpayers over $1 billion annually in services for schools, medical care, welfare anchor babies, loss of tax base and prisons. Illegals use those vehicles for smuggling more people and drugs from around the world into our country. When the vehicles are recovered, they are smashed-up wrecks in the desert. If not found, they have new owners south of the border as thieves drive the cars through the desert and into Mexico as easily as you drive your kids to soccer practice. Illegal aliens displaced American workers at a cost in excess of $133 billion dollars last year according to Harvard Professor George Borjas. American citizens: College and high school kids cannot find a summer job in yard care, landscape, fast food or service jobs. Why? Illegal aliens work them at a third the wage and often, under the table ( THE TAX-FREE MEXICAN UNDERGROUND ECONOMY IN LOS ANGELES COUNTY IS CALCULATED TO BE IN EXCESS OF $2 BILLION PER YEAR!). Not only do young American not have jobs; their parents are paying taxes for illegal aliens who are not paying taxes. Annually, 75 percent of drugs arrive from Mexico at a net cost of $120 billion hard currency that leaves our country for good. In addition, our tax dollars pay $80 billion for the War on Drugs each year. It is a war that hasn’t been won in the past 30 years and drugs are as available today to your teenager as they were in 1970. (CA HAS THE LARGEST AND MOST EXPENSIVE PRISON SYSTEM IN THE NATION. HALF THE INMATES IN ARE MEXICANS. ACCORDING TO CA ATTORNEY GENERAL, HALF OF THE MURDERS IN CA ARE BY MEXICAN GANGS! – VIVA LA RAZA???) When an alien criminal gets caught for rape, murder or drug distribution, you pay $1.6 billion annually in prison costs to house, feed and clothe those filling 30 percent of our federal and state prisons—not to mention TV, movies, weight rooms and other entertainment—they enjoy while being incarcerated. Over 300,000 women annually arrive pregnant and drop them on U.S. soil. The American taxpayer pays for food, housing, medical and schooling for them to age 18 PLUS their mother. According to the Center for Immigration Studies, average annual cost per child K-12 is $7,161.00 and exceeds $109 billion annually per cycle of anchor babies. The average head of household illegal alien costs you $2,700.00 in welfare money over and above any taxes he or she pays in their meager paying jobs. With 15 to 20 million illegal aliens in the USA, that figures exceeds $20 billion of your tax dollars. (Source: Center for Immigration Studies, August 2004) How about the $56 billion in pure cash illegal migrants sent to their home countries last year and every year? That’s after their kids enjoyed free education, free lunches, and free medical care paid for by you. Mexico receives $15 billion annually from its worker drones. No wonder Vicente Fox sent us 9.2 million illegal alien Mexicans so far. The lifetime net fiscal drain—taxes paid minus services used—for an adult immigrant is $55,200.00 according to Carrying Capacity Network. (MOST SOURCES PUT THE NUMBER OF ILLEGALS AT 38 MILLION AND BREEDING LIKE BUNNIES! NOW DO THE MATH!) With a minimum of 15 million illegal aliens in our country, these figures are the tip of the iceberg. Average bilingual education is $1,200.00 per illegal alien student. Get this! We educate 1.1 million illegal alien children each year. The American public has paid $27 billion to provide forms, ballots, interpreters, and brochures for languages other than English in 2003. An estimated one-third to one-half illegal aliens work off the books. It costs $200 million to provide for emergency health care for illegal aliens in the Border States annually. California with over three million illegals paid $79 million, and four of their major LA hospitals bankrupted and shut their doors in 2004. Texas with 1.5 million illegal aliens paid $74 million in hospital care. Georgia ran a $63 million deficit for 64,000 unpaid doctor visits to their Grady Health Care system in 2002. Georgia taxpayers paid $27 million for 11,188 anchor baby hospital births. Georgia taxpayers paid a whopping $242 million for educating illegal alien kids in 2003. What are the consequences? One in two adult African-Americans in New York is unemployed. African-American children’s poverty grew by 50 percent since 1999. Why? Their dads can’t find work. It costs the taxpayer, $68 billion a year to pay for the resettlement of legal immigrants. (THERE ARE ONLY EIGHT (8) STATES WITH A POPULATION GREATER THAN LOS ANGELES COUNTY WHERE HALF OF ALL JOBS GO TO ILLEGALS USING STOLEN SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS! THE LA RAZA CONTROLLED STATE LEGISLATION JUST PASSED A LAW READILY SIGNED BY LA RAZA DEM GOV JERRY BROWN MAKING IT ILLEGAL FOR EMPLOYERS TO USE E-VERIFY! VIVA LA RAZA? THE DEMS DO ALL OVER THE NATION STARTING AT THE WHITE HOUSE. OBAMA’S DEPT. of LA RAZA JUSTICE HAS SUED THE STATE OF ARIZONA TO STOP E-VERIFY DESPITE THE STAGGERING UNEMPLOYMENT OF AMERICANS!) Only 22 companies in 2003 were taken to court for hiring illegal aliens. None went to jail. However, it’s a $10,000.00 fine per illegal alien hired and up to five years in prison. You would think that would deter corporations. Not when they’ve bought off enforcement! Who else figures in this grand scheme? Your governors and mayors who provide sanctuary laws for illegal aliens! Mayor Bloomberg of New York City, Governor Baldacci of Maine! Governor Bill Owens of Colorado! Mayor Hickenlooper of Denver! Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa of Los Angeles! The Mayor of San Francisco! The Mayor of Chicago! The Mayor of Miami! How do we know? All those cities and dozens more give sanctuary to illegal aliens with Special Order 40. Illegals remain in our country with exemption from arrest—yet, they are federal criminals! A national consensus on immigration is clear from the wide range of polls on the issue over the past several years: By overwhelming margins, Americans want to cut back drastically on immigration—not bring in new immigrants or legalize those who are already here illegally. Limiting immigration has the overwhelming support of most Americans, regardless of party affiliation or race. · 65% of voters favor stopping all immigration into the U.S. during the war on terrorism. · 92% of voters favor “imposing stricter immigration and border crossing polices.” · 84% of Americans support tighter restrictions on immigration. · 77% think the government is not doing enough “to control the border and to screen people allowed into the country”. · 85% strongly/somewhat agree “that enforcement of immigration laws and the border has been too lax and has made it easier for the terrorists to enter”. · 72% think that “a dramatic increase in resources devoted to border control and enforcement of immigration laws would help reduce the chances of future terrorist attacks”. · Six in ten Americans support reducing legal immigration levels. · 77% of respondents in a CNN poll opposed granting amnesty to illegal immigrants.  53% of Americans said the number of legal immigrants allowed into the U.S. should be decreased. Only 6% wanted to see it increased. · 41% of Republicans and 45% of Democrats support stopping legal immigration altogether. · 72% of Americans think immigration should be reduced, · A Roper poll in January found that 83% of Americans favor a lower immigration level. 70% favor restricting immigration to less than 300,000 new immigrants a year (including 70% of Republicans, 73% of African-Americans, and 52% of Hispanics). Most want even larger cuts: 54% favor an immigration level of below 100,000 a year. 20% support no immigration at all. The same Roper poll found that a large majority (75%) supports strong laws to identify and deport illegal immigrants. Only 10% disagree with strict laws against the removal of illegal immigrants. The strongest supporters of tough measures against illegal immigrants are self-styled political moderates (78%), strongly religious (76%), whites (77%), Protestants (82%), and Midwesterners (85%). 76% of Democrats, 76% of Republicans, 78% of self-described middle-of-the-roaders, and 60% of Hispanics (English-speaking) also support tough laws against illegal immigrants. · 52% of all Americans favor a five-year ban on all legal and illegal immigration to the U.S., including 54% of all Republicans and 48% of all Democrats. · 50% favor a law that would stop all legal immigration into the U.S. for the next five years. · 63% of Americans think immigration levels are too high, including 66% of Republicans and 60% of Democrats. · 62% of Americans think immigration levels should be decreased, 27% think the present levels should remain, and 12% say they should be increased. Some lawmakers are particularly concerned with the attitudes of Hispanics on the immigration issue. Polls show that Hispanic Americans, like all Americans, support cutbacks in immigration. · 89% of Hispanic Americans strongly support an immediate moratorium on immigration. 74% feel fewer immigrants should be allowed and stronger restrictions should be enforced. · Hispanics favor reducing immigration by a margin of 53% to 35% in Texas, 48% to 40% in New York, and 47% to 39% in Florida. Rudolfo de la Garza, a University of Texas at Austin professor and one of the directors of the study, said: “U.S born Mexican-Americans believe that they suffer a lower quality of services because of the excess demand on them generated by the immigrants.” · 43% of Hispanics nationwide think the government is not doing enough to stop illegal immigration. The more established Hispanics are in the United States, the more likely they are to think the government is not doing enough to curb illegal immigration. 37% of foreign-born Hispanics believe not enough is being done; that belief increases to 45% of first-generation Hispanics and half of second-generation Hispanics. A sampling of a number of states regarding illegal immigration. With the mid-term elections on the horizon, Congress should become very attentive or they run the risk of being very unemployed.
 CALIFORNIA · 82% of Californians believe that the projected population growth during the next 20 years will make the state a less desirable place to live. Over 80% of California’s growth is due to immigration. · 50% of California voters oppose granting amnesty to illegal immigrants, versus 34% who favor it. 35% of all people in prisons and jails are ILLEGALS FROM MEXICO. The county of Los Angeles spends millions jail housing illegals who are actively engaged in drug trafficking.
2,000 CALIFORNIANS have been murdered by illegals who fled back over the border to avoid prosecution. The Narco-mex government refused to return them.

COLORADO · 68% of Colorado voters say overpopulation is a major problem in Colorado. Only 2% of voters believe that the state needs to expand its population at all, yet the state is projected to increase its population by 67%, from 4.3 million today to 6.4 million in 25 years. 61% want the federal government to lower immigration levels to reduce the environmental impact and development pressures on communities across the nation.

FLORIDA · 58% of Florida voters favor making legal immigration more difficult. 71% favor the U.S. government spending more time and money to prevent illegal immigration into the U.S., including more than 40% of Hispanics. · 59% of Florida voters believe current immigration levels are too high. Almost two thirds (63%) of voters agree that “immigration levels are out of control and we need to reduce the number of immigrants we allow into the country”. A majority of voters (52%) said they would be more likely to endorse a candidate who supported immigration reduction as part of his or her campaign. 76% feel that "Continued population growth is a threat to Florida’s resource base, environmental health, and quality of life”.

GEORGIA · 69% believe that the quality of life in the state will deteriorate if current growth and population trends continue. 74% are concerned about the level of immigration to the U.S. 79% are specifically concerned about the level of immigration to Georgia. 61% oppose amnesty for illegal immigrants.
 IOWA · 62% of Iowans feel that the U.S. should lower its current level of immigration. 65% feel that a U.S. population of 400 million in 2050, as projected by the U.S. Census Bureau, is too large.

 KANSAS · 86% of Kansans say levels of immigration into the U.S. are a “serious” or “very serious” problem.
MARYLAND · 68% of Maryland voters are concerned about the current level of immigration to the state, and 58% want the federal government to lower immigration levels to reduce development pressures on the environment. 61% think overpopulation in Maryland is a major problem. · Two-thirds of adults in rural southern Maryland say the place where they live is growing too fast. Frustration with crowded roads is mounting, and nearly two-thirds want strict new limits on development.

MICHIGAN · 52% of Michigan voters say legal immigration levels should be decreased, 41% say they should remain at present levels, and 4% say they should increase.
NEW JERSEY · 82% of New Jersey residents say that illegal immigration is an important problem facing the country. 39% say it is one of the most important problems.

TEXAS · 82% of Texans see illegal immigration as a serious problem (including 86% of Caucasians and 69% of Hispanics), and 61% say the federal government is not doing enough to stop it. VIRGINIA · 73% consider the pace of population growth to be an urgent problem, with 60% saying it threatens quality of life in the state. 70% say they are concerned about the level of immigration to Virginia, and 57% say they would be more likely to support a candidate for Congress who supported a reduction in national immigration levels.
CFR’s Plan to Integrate the U.S., Mexico and Canada The Great Alien Invasion - What's Happening Now "Bush Secret Border Wars" Mayhem and terror in Southern states to protect government drug cartels Mexican/Bush Crime Families Expand in U.S. Wake up America!!! Illegal Immigration has to be stopped. Take a look at this website and see where all your tax dollars are going: 1. 1)

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