Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Obama's Crony Capitalism and the Decline of America into a Third World Dumpster

THE WAY OUR GOVERNMENT AVOID THE BELOW IS WITH OBAMA’S OPEN AND UNDEFENDED BORDERS TO PERMIT HORDES OF ILLEGALS TO JUMP OUR BORDERS AND JOBS… then the American middle class gets the tax bills for the staggering cost of Mexico’s looting.

There are ample resources to guarantee every worker and young person a job at decent pay, a high quality education, decent housing and nutrition, access to culture, and a secure retirement—the basic social rights which every person should enjoy.

The stock market bonanza
6 March 2013

Tuesday, four days after President Barack Obama signed the budget sequestration order unleashing brutal cuts in social programs, there was general jubilation in the media as the Dow Jones Industrial Average crashed through its previous high, dating from 2007.

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