Monday, December 9, 2013

OBAMA'S BANKSTER-FUNDED CRONY CAPITALISM - When is inequality harmful? When it's caused by cronyism |

When is inequality harmful? When it's caused by cronyism |

HOPE and CHANGE and endless lies and con jobs as his WALL STREET DONORS’ LOOTING of AMERICA CONTINUES!

Having presided for the past five years over an unprecedented growth of social inequality, President Barack Obama, down in the polls because of popular indignation over his fraudulent health care “reform,” adopted the unlikely pose of tribune of egalitarian values in a speech on Wednesday at the pro-Democratic Party Center for American Progress in Washington DC.


In typical fashion, Obama decried the growth of inequality in America as though he were an innocent bystander and had absolutely no role in the process he was criticizing. The most remarkable aspect of the speech was the contempt for the intelligence of the American people it expressed.


'Incompetent' and 'liar' among most frequently used words to describe the president: Pew Research Center

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The larger fear is that Obama might be just another corporatist, punking voters much as the Republicans do when they claim to be all for the common guy.

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