Sunday, August 28, 2016


HISPANIC FAMILY VALUES: Mexican flag wavers loot the stupid gringo for billions!
Mexico’s massive looting in our open borders:

Support the Center for Immigration Studies by donating on 

line here:

33. "Mexico Grooms DREAMER Fifth 

Column; 'Trump Must Be Stopped' Says 

Meddling Mexican Government Employee; 

ETC.," Allan Wall

1. "If Trump Loses Now, It’s Not Because He Was Too Tough on Immigration," Mark Krikorian
2. "Amnesty Is Not the ‘Core Dilemma’ in Immigration Policy," Mark Krikorian
3. "Trump's 'Softening' on Immigration: If it Looks Like a Duck and Quacks Like a Duck...," Dan Cadman
4. "More Nonsense About Aliens' Faux 'Privacy Rights'," Dan Cadman
5. "Transforming America, One Immigration Case at a Time," Dan Cadman
6. "No Plan To Stop Foreign-Born Terrorists," Jon Feere
7. "Media Misleads on Pew Poll about Border Wall," Jon Feere
8. "Does Hillary Support a Border Wall? Someone Should Ask," Jon Feere
9. "Felon Seeks to Sell EB-5-Like Benefits for $380,000 — and Maybe Succeeds," David North
10. "Interesting Policy Questions Raised Regarding Defrauded EB-5 Investors," David North
11. "Beyond Belief: Obama Seeks Illegal Immigration Assistance of Latin American Countries as Aliens Flood Into the U.S.," Michael Cutler
12. "Five Questions Pro-Amnesty Republicans Never Seem to Answer," John Hawkins
13. "Let's Hear More Detail on Trump's New Immigration Plan," Washington Examiner
14. "A Better Immigration Plan for Trump," National Review Online
15. "The 'Amnesty' Trap," Fred Bauer
16. "Military Intel Confirms JW Reporting: Muslim Terrorists Entering U.S. Via Mexico," Judicial Watch Corruption Chronicles
17. "Under Obama’s New Enforcement Program, Fewer Illegal Immigrants Being Captured for Deportation," Josh Siegel
18. "Trump: The Great Unifier," Ann Coulter
19. "Of Course There Should be an Ideological Test in Immigration," Andrew McCarthy
20. "Immigration is Not the ‘Top Problem,’ " Donald Lambro
21. "Why Latinos Should Vote for Trump," A.J. Delgado
22. "Will Trump's Immigration Reversal Kill His Presidential Hopes?," Investor's Business Daily
23. "Trojan Trump Leaves Stalwart Conservatives Treading Water on Immigration," Gaston Mooney
24. "Terrific: Federal Judges Have Blocked Hundreds of Thousands of Illegal Alien Deportation Orders," Dan Calabrese
25. "Maine 'Refugees' Who Died Fighting for ISIS," Tom McLaughlin
26. "Why Trump Has Been Right and Silicon Valley Wrong on H-1B Visas," Jim Thornton
27. "Obama is Still Transforming America," Phyllis Schlafly
28. "U.S. Southern Command: Extremists Crossing U.S. Mexico Border ‘With Ease.’ 30,000 From Terrorist Reg," Robert Laurie
29. "Washington Post: U.S. Needs Illegal Immigrants for 'Washing Dishes,' 'Mowing Lawns'," Eddie Scarry
30. "Ever Seen These Numbers? The Staggering Clip on Immigration Hannity Used to Open Trump Townhall," Carmine Sabia
31. "Can Trump Pull Off His ‘Softening’ on Expelling Illegals?," Thomas Lifson
32. "Hunting for the Root of Immigration Woes? Look to the Past.," Alicia A. Caldwell
33. "Mexico Grooms DREAMer Fifth 

Column; 'Trump Must Be Stopped' Says 

Meddling Mexican Government Employee;

ETC.," Allan Wall

34. "National Data: Trump is on to Something—Blacks HAVE Lost Ground in Obama’s Economy," Edwin S. Rubenstein
35. "Trump's Evolving Immigration Plan is No 'Flip-Flop'," Ruben Navarrette
36. "Trump Faces Immigration Reality," The Wall Street Journal
37. "Pro-Immigration Reform Republicans To Donald Trump: Told You So," Elise Foley
38. "Anti-Immigration Crowd Should Spare Us the Outrage," Jennifer Rubin
39. "Trump Prepares to Walk Back His Tough Talk on Immigration," The St. Louis Post-Dispatch
40. "Softening Rhetoric But No Immigration Policy Shift From Donald Trump," Walter Ewing
41. "Trump's 'Softening' on Immigration Could Be Fatal," Kenneth T. Walsh

If Trump Loses Now, It’s Not Because He Was Too Tough on Immigration
By Mark Krikorian
The Corner at National Review Online, August 25, 2016

I’ve been joking to reporters over the past couple of days that Trump’s supporters wouldn’t be likely to abandon him unless he embraced Chuck Schumer’s immigration policy.

Guess what!

Ann Coulter makes the same point in her new book, entitled (with unintended irony) In Trump We Trust: “[T]here’s nothing Trump can do that won’t be forgiven. Except change his immigration policies.”

Trump on Hannity Wednesday lamely repeated the lies of the anti-borders crowd: It’s not really amnesty! They won’t get citizenship! They’ll pay back taxes! (Schumer’s been running that con for 30 years.) Even his constant talk of a border wall seems to be his version of the Gang of Eight bill’s phony Corker-Hoeven amendment.

Trump didn’t need to “soften” his immigration position – he needed to define a coherent one and stick with it. His immigration platform has been on the campaign website for months and makes no mention of either mass deportation or amnesty. All he needed to have done was say that his freelance talk of deporting all the illegals was a gut reaction to the breakdown of our immigration enforcement system, but that further study and consultation showed that the more practical approach was to take the steps called for in his platform to shrink the illegal population over time. In response to the insistent “But what about the illegals?!” questions, he should simply have said that it is a secondary question that won’t even be discussed until the illegal flow is stopped and reversed.

That’s it. It’s not rocket science. He would have backed away from his Archie-Bunker-screaming-at-the-TV stuff about a “deportation force” rounding up people in the street, without proposing the Gang of One amnesty proposal.

That’s not what he did. And politically, this development must come as a disappointment to the GOP Establishment-in-Exile. They were hoping Trump’s loss would once and for all prove that opposing Comprehensive Immigration Reform® was a losing position, finally enabling them to force through the House of Representatives the amnesty and immigration increases their donors want and which they fancifully imagine would remove the only obstacle to Hispanic outreach.

But Trump probably just threw away his only remaining chance to win in November with Wednesday’s Jeb Bush impersonation. He won the primaries with immigration control as his marquee issue; had he stuck to his guns, and still lost, the GOP Brain Trust, not to mention the Democrats, would more plausibly have been able to argue that opposition to their agenda was the reason. It still would have been a silly claim, since had he not grabbed hold of the immigration issue, the very idea of President Trump would have remained a Simpsons joke – if he’d remained consistent and still lost, it would have been despite his immigration position, not because of it.

But now that he’s channeling Little Marco and Low-Energy Jeb on immigration, that story line has evaporated. Many of the voters who stuck with him through his various antics will start drifting away, so that in any state where the results are close in November could plausibly have been won if Trump hadn’t pulled a Schumer.

It’s liberating, in a sense. While Trump was still clearly seen as the voice of immigration skepticism, I was worried that his oafish shenanigans would taint the immigration issue, especially if he was defeated by Hillary. But now that he’s no longer that voice in any meaningful sense, I can watch the circus undisturbed. His defeat will be on his head alone.

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Amnesty Is Not the ‘Core Dilemma’ in Immigration Policy
By Mark Krikorian
The Corner at National Review Online, August 24, 2016

Since meeting with a group of Hispanic Republicans over the weekend, Trump’s been floundering on immigration, suggesting, for instance, that he may not be against amnesty after all. His embarrassing performance on O’Reilly Monday was followed by taping of a town hall with Hannity Tuesday where he made all kinds of Jeb-like comments (it’s not amnesty if they pay back taxes, etc. – you know the drill).

There are plenty of obvious reasons he’s in this pickle – saying whatever pops into his head, unwillingness to listen to his own knowledgeable advisors, utter lack of engagement even with a one-page fact sheet on this or any other policy issue.

But in a more basic sense Trump is simply stepping on the same rake that most Republican politicians do when asked about amnesty. This struck me Tuesday when I read Washington Post lefty blogger Greg Sargent’s comment that Trump “is still not taking a real position on the core dilemma we face” (my emphasis) – meaning what to do about the current illegal population.

But the disposition of the 12 million illegals already here is not the core dilemma we face. The core dilemma is how to we make sure we don’t end up with another 12 million illegal aliens. The very act of accepting the anti-borders crowd’s version of the “core dilemma” represents a surrender – once you’ve bought into their proposition, you’re left only to negotiate the price. (Fred Bauer makes a similar point about the “Amnesty Trap.”)

As NR’s editorial put it: “Once the illegal population has measurably diminished, then we can have a discussion about what to do with the balance of the illegal population.” In other words, this is a secondary question, not the “core dilemma.” Until Republican politicians – all of them, not just Trump – internalize that fact, they’re going to remain at a disadvantage, always in the defensive when discussing illegal immigration. “Enforcement First” isn’t just a slogan – it’s a strategy.

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Trump's 'Softening' on Immigration: If It Looks Like a Duck and Quacks Like a Duck...
By Dan Cadman
CIS Immigration Blog, August 25, 2016

Following Donald Trump's town hall appearance on the Fox News Channel's "Hannity" show, in which he "softened" his tone on immigration, The Hill has published an article, "Hardliners shrug off Trump's softer tone on immigration", that quotes a few individuals such as Joe Arpaio, Maricopa County, Ariz., sheriff, and Alabama Sen. Jeff Sessions, who persevere in their support of the Republican presidential candidate.

During the town hall, Trump said, "Let me go a step further: They'll pay back-taxes, they have to pay taxes. There's no amnesty, as such, there's no amnesty, but we work with them." A number of supporters have tried hard to suggest it isn't a flip-flop, but I lean more toward Mark Krikorian's view on this, as he expressed it in National Review Online. It is a turnabout, and a dramatic and disappointing one.

You can say it won't be an "amnesty"; you can say "they will have to pay back taxes", but we've heard all that before, and when you look at the details — as CIS did, exhaustively, with the notorious Gang of Eight bill — it all proves to be hokum. Come to think about it, isn't that precisely why Trump hammered Senator Marco Rubio so successfully early in the nomination season? Because he was a prevaricator and flip-flopper on the need for immigration enforcement?
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More Nonsense About Aliens' Faux "Privacy Rights"
By Dan Cadman
CIS Immigration Blog, August 23, 2016
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What could these "immigration, civil liberties, and other groups" be thinking? Apparently in their fantasy world 9/11 never happened and would-be jihadist martyrs have never used social media to declare their allegiance to various and sundry militant Islamic terror groups before carrying out horrific attacks. Never mind the Facebook posts of Tashfeen Malik, for example, which were not examined by U.S. officials before she was admitted to the country to marry her fellow jihadist; they then went on to kill 14 and seriously wound 22 more in San Bernardino, Calif.

Apparently we should all live in a cocoon of innocence and disregard the reality that some foreigners' hate toward the West (and, more specifically, toward America and its citizens) is so strong that they will do whatever they must to get here and perpetrate atrocities in the name of Allah.
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Transforming America, One Immigration Case at a Time
By Dan Cadman
CIS Immigration Blog, August 22, 2016
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How could this happen? In a word: asylum. People tend to think of the rules for who gets asylum as being pretty cut and dry, but that's not so. There is a squishy, tractor-trailer-wide loophole for people who are members of an ostensibly persecuted "particular social group" that has become a kind of one-size-fits-all tool for liberal-leaning immigration judges.

So even though generalized violence of the type faced by many Central Americans in their crime-ridden cities technically isn't a basis for claiming asylum, if the individuals at their court hearings can wedge themselves into a particular social class (often "I was being targeted by criminal gangs", which is a hard one to prove, but also hard to disprove) then it all turns on the judge's assessment of the individual's credibility — a subjective gauge if ever there was one. And there are migrant advocacy groups by the dozen who make it their specialty to assist aliens in preparing for their hearings to be sure that they avoid foolish mistakes in their testimony that would readily throw them into the deport basket as economic migrants. You can also bet your bottom dollar that almost none of these asylum grants have been opposed by the government, and that appeals of the grants are few and far between.
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No Plan To Stop Foreign-Born Terrorists
By Jon Feere
The Washington Times, August 23, 2016

Defeating ISIS — however you measure it — is not something Mrs. Clinton would be able to achieve within her first 100 days. Radical Islamic terrorism has been around a lot longer than ISIS. A new group of radicalized terrorists will pop up when ISIS ceases to be the threat it currently is. What then? Another pledge from politicians promising to defeat the latest group of terrorists?

Whatever we do in the long term, we also need an immediate plan to prevent people who wish to do us harm from entering the country. Thus far, Mr. Trump has proposed a temporary pause in immigration from regions fraught with problems and views that are hostile to American values until a more targeted plan can be crafted. Though she is perfectly free to offer an alternative, Hillary has offered only criticism.

Mrs. Clinton’s campaign website recently claimed that “Hillary will keep America safe and secure by defending our core values and leading with principle.” Is border security and an immigration policy that puts the interests of legal residents first a core value of the Clinton campaign? Seemingly, no.
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Media Misleads on Pew Poll about Border Wall
By Jon Feere
CIS Immigration Blog, August 26, 2016

All too often, immigration polls are not designed to get at what Americans really think about immigration, but instead are written to create a certain narrative. Many polls are financed by activist groups who simply want to create the appearance of widespread public support for amnesty. The advocates have two main goals: (1) provide lobbyists with polling data that they can use to browbeat politicians into supporting their cheap-labor, open-border agenda; and (2) encourage the media to write headlines that don't really reflect the findings, but nevertheless advance the notion that Americans love open borders.

The Pew Research Center has done just that with a new poll. The poll contains a few different questions, but the one getting all the press asks Americans about building a border wall.
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Of course, those who took the poll weren't responding to Trump's proposed wall. They were asked to respond to a proposal of a wall across the entire southern border, something no candidate has proposed. The media narrative is misleading, but Pew should have expected this result and planned against it with better, or additional, questions. If truth was the goal, Pew would be calling on the media to correct the headlines. If accurate reporting was the goal, the media wouldn't be writing these headlines in the first place.

A more accurate headline would be: "Americans Don't Support a Wall Across theEntire Southern Border and Still May Support Trump's 1,000-Mile Wall, but We Just Don't Know Because Pew Didn't Ask".
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Does Hillary Support a Border Wall? Someone Should Ask 
By Jon Feere
CIS Immigration Blog, August 24, 2016
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The Secure Fence Act would have created 700 miles of fencing along the U.S.-Mexico border and required that DHS "shall provide for least 2 layers of reinforced fencing, the installation of additional physical barriers, roads, lighting, cameras, and sensors" along a number of specific stretches. After it was signed into law, however, an amendment gave much more discretion to DHS to decide where and if it wanted to construct fencing, rendering the act much less effective.

It sure sounds like "she wanted a wall," to quote Trump.

But I gave PolitiFact more research. In October 2006, Clinton gave a speech before the Council on Foreign Relations in which she called for an amnesty, but also said the United States must "Secure our borders with technology, personnel, physical barriers if necessary in some places; and we need to have tougher employer sanctions." On illegal aliens, Clinton said: "If they've committed transgressions of whatever kind, they should be obviously deported."
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Felon Seeks to Sell EB-5-Like Benefits for $380,000 — and Maybe Succeeds
By David North
CIS Immigration Blog, August 22, 2016

This is not exactly EB-5 fraud, but like a knock-off of a Gucci handbag, the scheme plays off the attraction of the original, in this case the EB-5 program.

There is now (or at least was quite until recently) an offer on the Chinese part of the internet made by a convicted American felon that says that a $380,000 investment in Florida real estate (isn't this where we came in 90 years ago?) can produce not only a nice place to live, but, within two-to-six months, a U.S. passport and many other governmental benefits as well. I am told by our translator that the term "EB-5" does not appear in the pitch, but the investment-in-exchange for immigration benefits proposal tracks EB-5 quite closely and is aimed directly at rich and insecure Chinese investors, the principal alien users of this program.

In short, this is yet another indication that EB-5 — the immigrant investor program — directly, and here indirectly, breeds fraud.
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Interesting Policy Questions Raised Regarding Defrauded EB-5 Investors
By David North
CIS Immigration Blog, August 22, 2016
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Before I explore the pros and cons of the issue, it should be stated that Goldberg, the judge who appointed him trustee, and the Securities and Exchange Commission, whose investigation blew open this whole scheme, are among the few good guys on the scene. On the other side is the hopelessly sleepy Department of Homeland Security, the Vermont state government (until it changed sides a couple of months ago), the all-too tolerant U.S. Congress, which keeps renewing the EB-5 program despite its manifold failures, and, of course, the developers, Ariel Quiros and William Stenger.
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Beyond Belief: Obama Seeks Illegal Immigration Assistance of Latin American Countries as Aliens Flood Into the U.S.
The wolves helping to guard the hen house?
By Michael Cutler
Front Page Magazine, August 26, 2016
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It is stupefying to imagine that the United States would, as the Reuters report noted, send U.S. Border Patrol agents to the southern border of Mexico to seek to work with the Mexican government to address the illegal aliens flowing into Mexico, apparently destined to ultimately enter the United States.

Mexico's primary industries include petroleum and narcotics smuggling. Mexican Drug Trafficking Organizations essentially control the Mexican side of the U.S./Mexican border and Mexico has become addicted to the drug money flowing into Mexico from the United States as well as the remittances wired back to Mexico from their citizens working illegally in the United States.

Apparently the government of Mexico and the administration have now become “Partners in Crime” and the security of America and Americans hang in the balance.
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Five Questions Pro-Amnesty Republicans Never Seem to Answer
By John Hawkins, August 27, 2016
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Because the people who are pocketing this money can’t just say, “Look, Mark Zuckerberg is kicking in the max to my campaign; so of course I’m backing amnesty,” they spend most of their time fighting straw men and trying to distract people. None of these guys, not John McCain, Paul Ryan, Jeff Flake, Lindsey Graham or Jeb Bush can answer the most basic questions anyone has about this. In fact, when you raise the most obvious questions that should be the first things anyone asks on the issue, immediately they start shouting “nativist, xenophobe,” falsely claiming that a fence won’t work and sneering, “What, you can deport every last person who broke the law? That’s IMPOSSIBLE!”

Yet, they never seem to answer the basic questions like ...
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1) How do Republicans continue to get elected if we make millions of illegal aliens into citizens who will vote heavily against us?
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2) Why do you believe supporting amnesty will make Hispanic Americans vote for the GOP?
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3) Why would anyone believe that if we give illegals citizenship or legalized status that we’ll get any better security in return?
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Let's Hear More Detail on Trump's New Immigration Plan
Washington Exminer, August 25, 2016

If Trump intends to adopt a more reasonable position on immigration in general, that is welcome news. But if that's his intent, he needs to spell out a detailed and coherent policy for voters to judge. It would be appropriate, for one thing, to replace his campaign's old immigration white paper with a one that reflects his new position.Immigration is, after all, Trump's signature issue. His call to "build a wall" on the Mexican border almost instantly became the rallying cry of his campaign.

In an interview with the Washington Examiner in January, Trump expressed openness to the idea that his promise of mass deportations and a ban on Muslim immigration was merely an "opening position" for negotiations on a future immigration policy. That's fine as far as it goes, but now it appears Trump has done some negotiating with himself. If he is changing his mind, he needs to be crystal clear, with great detail, about what he would do as president on the issue that turned him into a contender in the first place.
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A Better Immigration Plan for Trump
National Review Online, August 23, 2016
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The way to cut through this morass is with a workable, politically sustainable enforcement-first policy of the sort that Mark Krikorian of the Center for Immigration Studies has set out in our pages repeatedly. It begins with enforcement at the border and other ports of entry and — significantly — at the place of employment with an e-verify system. If it is harder to work here illegally, fewer people will come, and people already here will be more likely to leave under their own power. An irony of the immigration debate is that the same doves who argue that mass migration is inevitable cite the recent net-zero immigration from Mexico to pooh-pooh concerns about the border. Mexicans haven’t stopped coming, but the entries have been matched by exits — showing that it is possible to get illegal immigrants to leave.
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The "Amnesty" Trap 
By Fred Bauer, August 23, 2016
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On many of these issues, the agenda of the far Left (and Hillary Clinton) is radically out of step with the American people, so the Trump campaign would benefit from framing the discussion about immigration on these terms.

The editors of National Review and others have suggested that Trump would be far better off arguing that the question of the status of long-term illegal immigrants would be better addressed once a reformed enforcement regime is up and running.

Of course, in order to make that alternative argument, the Trump campaign (including the candidate himself) will have to be willing to discuss policy details in depth. The shiny bright-red button of media polarization will have to give way to sober deliberation, which might be less explosive but is also often more politically beneficial.
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Military Intel Confirms JW Reporting: Muslim Terrorists Entering U.S. Via Mexico
Judicial Watch Corruption Chronicles, August 25, 2016
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The new SOUTHCOM report specifically mentions Sunni extremists, the news article states. The terrorists are using a known alien smuggling network in Latin America to reach the U.S. but the network has not been identified by military officials. “Networks that specialize in smuggling individuals from regions of terrorist concern, mainly from the Afghanistan-Pakistan region, the Middle East, and East Africa, are indeed a concern for SOUTHCOM and other interagency security partners who support our country’s national security,” a SOUTHCOM Army Colonel, Lisa A. Garcia, says in the story. “There are major hubs that serve as entry points into the region for migrants from those areas of concern attempting to enter the U.S. along our border with Mexico.”

Judicial Watch has reported for years on the critical national security threats created on the southern border by Islamic terrorists teaming up with Mexican drug cartels to infiltrate and attack the U.S. As part of an ongoing investigation Judicial Watch has interviewed local, state and federal law enforcement officials as well as military sources on both sides of the border. Our reporting confirmed that ISIS has a training cell just a few miles from El Paso, Texas in an area known as “Anapra” situated just west of Ciudad Juárez in the Mexican state of Chihuahua. We also verified that Mexican drug cartels are smuggling foreigners from countries with terrorist links to stash areas in a rural Texas town called Acala. Once in the U.S., the SIAs wait for pick-up in the area’s sand hills just across a state road several dozen miles from El Paso.
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Under Obama’s New Enforcement Program, Fewer Illegal Immigrants Being Captured for Deportation
By Josh Siegel
The Daily Signal, August 24, 2016
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An ICE official, who would not comment directly on the TRAC study, told The Daily Signal it’s not appropriate to conclude that just because the agency is receiving greater compliance from local jurisdictions, it should therefore be taking custody of more people who are referred to them for deportation.

That’s because, in instances where local agencies refuse to help facilitate the removal of illegal immigrants targeted by ICE, federal immigration officials often go off into communities on their own to find and take custody of those individuals.

These dispatched ICE officers, known as Fugitive Operations Teams, are usually tasked with finding and apprehending illegal immigrants who don’t show up for their deportation hearings, or those who have been ordered removed but escape before they’re deported.
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Trump: The Great Unifier
By Ann Coulter
Human Events Online, August 24, 2016
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Democrats must go home and laugh themselves silly at the GOP’s incompetence at sucking up to minorities. We buffaloed them out of talking about immigration once again!

Instead of cooing at immigrants and trying to lick their necks, Trump treats them like Americans.

They like America! They came here. And they’d like good-paying jobs without the endless competition of cheap foreign labor.

Trump’s plan to stop job-killing trade deals, H1-B workers replacing American workers, and the dump of millions of low-skilled workers on the country has made him the great unifier!

The media’s only move is to quadruple down on the phony “racism” charges. But to accuse Trump of “racism” because he wants to protect jobs for our own poor, working-class and native-born is like squeezing a balloon. His popularity with the employers of nannies and diversity coordinators may be in the dumps, but oh my gosh — look at what’s happening at the other end! It looks like Americans want jobs!
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Of Course There Should Be an Ideological Test in Immigration
By Andrew McCarthy
National Review Online, August 20, 2016
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“Oh, and Muslims who renounce Islam should be put to death ... as should homosexuals ... and blasphemers ... and adulterers — at least the ones we don’t let off with a mere scourging. The penalty for theft should be amputation of the right hand (for highway robbery, the left foot is also amputated); and for drinking alcohol, the offender is to be scourged with 40 stripes.”

“There are a few other odds and ends — you know, jihad and whatnot. But other than that, will I support the Constitution? Sure thing.”

U.S. official: “Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold on a second. That’s not supporting the Constitution. That would be destroying the Constitution.”

Syrian alien: “Yeah, maybe so. But it’s my religion.

U.S. official: “Oh, your religion. Why didn’t you say so? I thought you were spouting some anti-American political ideology. But as long as you say it’s your religion, no problem. C’mon in!”

This conversation is impossible to imagine because . . . it would be honest. In the decades-long onslaught of radical Islam against the United States, honesty went out with the benighted notions that we should “know thine enemy” and, God forbid, train our national-security agents in that enemy’s ideology, methods, and objectives.
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Immigration is Not the ‘Top Problem’
By Donald Lambro
The Washington Times, August 25, 2016

Since then, for the most part, the Gallup poll has shown that the economy, jobs and government still remain the big issues facing our country, with immigration further down on the list.

If anything, Mr. Trump’s focus on illegal immigration and his plan to deport an estimated 11 million illegal Hispanics has become a problem for his own campaign. Polls show that he’s losing the lion’s share of the Hispanic vote, the largest ethnic voting bloc in the U.S. electorate.

And it has become an issue for many American voters who think his proposed mass deportation of millions of Hispanics and their families who have lived and worked here for 10, 20, 30 years or more, have never committed a crime and contributed to our economy, is a bit extreme.
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Why Latinos Should Vote for Trump
By A.J. Delgado
The Washington Post, August 22, 2016

So if jobs and the economy are Latinos’ main concern, who’s the best candidate? Easy — Donald Trump.

He’s the only candidate serious about bringing back manufacturing jobs — 5 million manufacturing jobs were lost since the year 2000 — jobs that blue-collar workers of every demographic, including Latinos, counted on. Trump has also stood firm against trade deals that destroy those jobs. By contrast, on at least two occasions, in 2009 and 2012, Hillary Clinton spoke favorably about outsourcing in front of audiences abroad. As for the job-killing trade deals that Trump (and Sen. Bernie Sanders) rightly blasted, she was a longtime supporter of NAFTA and TPP until she curiously started distancing herself from them.

And it’s not just the job market. Last year, a study found that, of the millions of Latinos nationwide who hope to be homeowners, less than one in five has the ability to do so. Latinos can’t afford four more years of Democratic policies.
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Will Trump's Immigration Reversal Kill His Presidential Hopes?
Investor's Business Daily, August 25, 2016
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Ann Coulter has been one of his die-hard supporters. Indeed, her latest book, out just this week, is "In Trump We Trust." In it she wrote, "There's nothing Trump can do that won't be forgiven. Except change his immigration policies."

Now that's exactly what he's done.

Predictably, the Democrats and Hillary Clinton mocked Trump's shift, as did Sen. Ted Cruz, who issued a "told ya so" via Twitter. And the #NeverTrump people were likewise righteously indignant.

Trump has "duped his most loyal supporters on the issue they care about most, immigration," said Amanda Carpenter, a former spokesperson for Cruz. "Don't say we didn't warn them."

Not only does this take away his signature issue, but it's yet another distraction for Trump's campaign. Hillary Clinton may be the most ethically compromised candidate ever to run for the presidency with her email scandal — not to mention the Clinton Foundation being investigated by the FBI for possible influence-peddling while Hillary was secretary of state. A skilled opposition politician would be having a field day with this.

Instead, Trump must explain to his most ardent followers why he no longer believes what he once adamantly said he did.

It could be trouble. A Pew Research Poll released Thursday suggests Trump may have a tough time with his base on the immigration issue. Half of those who back Trump believe immigrants are more likely to commit crimes than those born here, the Pew data show, while a third say
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Trojan Trump Leaves Stalwart Conservatives Treading Water on Immigration
By Gaston Mooney
Conservative Review, August 26, 2016
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Reiterating the “no amnesty” pledge, the Donald said, in almost the same breath, that a sound policy might yet call for unlawful immigrants to pay taxes, “but we work with them.” Actual deportation, he conceded, would be a “very, very hard thing." As even the mega-Trump supporter Ann Coulter was quick to point out, this proposal is negligibly different from those of the very primary opponents Trump spent several debates deriding for weakness and an inability to follow through. Tweaking the amnesty may be a new trick to Trump’s still-young political eye, but for veterans of the issue, this one has been done before.

Yet this time, the response was different. Rather than stand up and call out a moderate, establishment position for what it is — a flip-flop and a betrayal — some lifelong conservatives aboard the Trump train have fallen in line behind the new talking point.

“If you enter the country unlawfully you're subject to being deported,” said Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.), one of the few unflinching champions of the rule of law to stand strong against the Gang of Eight’s comprehensive amnesty bill. “That’s just what the law has always been. But we have large number of people that have been here a very long time ... He’s saying, let’s fix this problem, let’s fix it and then we’ll wrestle with the people who have been here a long time."
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Terrific: Federal Judges Have Blocked Hundreds of Thousands of Illegal Alien Deportation Orders
By Dan Calabrese
Canada Free Press, August 22, 2016
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“It’s concerning to me that the immigration courts are becoming such a frequently used back-door route to green cards,” said Jessica Vaughan, director of Policy Studies for the Center for Immigration Studies, a Washington, DC-based research institute, noting these cases will be nearly 10 percent of the green cards approved in 2016.

“Many of them arrived illegally, and are being awarded legal status simply because they managed to stay a long time and have acquired family members here.”

These judges basically take the same philosphy as Obama toward the presence of illegals, including those who are known to be involved with criminal activity: It’s more egregious to uproot a family than it is to let 12 million illegal aliens overrun a nation, commit crimes, get on the public dole and undercut the cost of labor.

It’s funny: Left-wingers constantly complain that wages in this country haven’t kept up with productivity. What impact do they think it has when you let 12 million people into the country illegally, working for less than the market value of labor and driving down the overall wage average? People make higher wages when the can deliver more value to employers via their labor, and thus create demand for themselves. Flooding the labor market with millions of low-cost laborers makes it harder to maintain that high demand for labor, because you’ve introduced all kinds of new supply that can be had for cut rates.
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Maine "Refugees" Who Died Fighting For ISIS
By Tom McLaughlin
Family Security Matters, August 26, 2016
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Last week's Press Herald headline on Fazeli read: "Documents: Freeport man died fighting for Islamic State in Lebanon." Was he a "Freeport man"? By whose definition? He was an Iranian who professed, at one time at least, a desire to become American. To be a "Freeport man" one must be an American. Nowhere in the article does it say Fazeli was a citizen. It said he became radicalized in Maine by watching ISIS videos and converting to Wahhabism, which the PPH called an "austere" version of Islam. That's like calling the KKK an austere version of Christianity. Wahhabism is radical Islam. It's jihadism calling for the destruction of the west. Maine State Police Detective George Loder said: "Fazeli's change in behavior alienated him from many of his Shia and moderate Sunni friends in the area. However, there were a few local Sunnis who supported his [radical Islamist] fervor and treated him with a great deal of respect."

The article said Fazeli was a "refugee" brought to Portland by Catholic Charities in 2009. He was born in Iran and raised a Shia Muslim, but "self-identified" as Arab and not "Iranian." What a suspicious phrase that is. Was he born Persian, which is a different, majority-ethnic group in Iran? Faze also identified as a Sunni Muslim, a branch of Islam which comprises about 9% of Iran's population, but he was afraid of being arrested so he "fled" to Syria, a puppet state of Iran where a civil war was raging between Sunnis and Shiites. How does that make sense? Syria would be the last place to go for "refuge." Was he perhaps interested in joining Sunni terrorists like ISIS and al Qaida which were fighting the Shia in Syria?
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Why Trump Has Been Right and Silicon Valley Wrong on H-1B Visas
By Jim Thornton
American Thinker, August 26, 2016
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Silicon Valley executives and most mainstream Republicans criticize Donald Trump’s position on the current H-1B program. Yet both political parties over the last 16 years have left the Americans with a deeply flawed program, riddled with a multitude of loopholes and favoring larger multinational and outsourcing IT firms.

H-1Bs aren't for just any prospective employee; they are reserved for specialized talent filling a specialized position. The positions must also, according to the USCIS (United States Citizenship and Immigration Services), not be replacing jobs of U.S. citizens. However, if the annual salary being offered is greater than $60,000, all USCIS requirements are waived including that of replacing U.S. citizens. Where can you find a specialized PHD or Masters level skill in IT offering an annual salary of less than $60,000? Nowhere on either coast of the U.S. at any technology enclave.
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Mr. Trump has also used the current H-1B program to his advantage at his properties in Florida. The H-1B’s issued to the Trump properties were for non-technical service jobs, not for specialized critical technology development by specialized talent as many current program supporters would advocate. Mr. Trump has rightly pointed out that he possessed the right legal and financial resources to obtain the H-1B visa.

We have over 185 different visa programs. It’s time to reform the entire process and create programs to the advantage of Americans.
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Obama is Still Transforming America
By Phyllis Schlafly, Aug 23, 2016
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Don't assume that the Obama administration is merely responding to a genuine need for services by recent immigrants who have not yet learned English. In the name of multiculturalism, the administration is actively discouraging the transition to English by immigrants and their children, and promoting other languages instead.

The $9.2 billion federal Head Start program has published Multicultural Principles for Children Ages Birth to Five which says immigrant children have a right to be taught in their native languages. A 32-page policy statement from the Departments of Education and Health and Human Services promotes Dual Language Learning and even warns immigrant families not to "prioritize the learning of English" because "children may inadvertently lose their home language."

We should have a national policy requiring immigrants and their children to become proficient in English. Even if they "lose their home language," that's a small price to pay for the far greater benefit of English proficiency, and the importance of a common language for all Americans.
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U.S. Southern Command: Extremists Crossing U.S. Mexico Border ‘With Ease.’ 30,000 From Terrorist Reg
By Robert Laurie
Canada Free Press, August 22, 2016
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Sunni extremists are infiltrating the United States with the help of alien smugglers in South America and are crossing U.S. borders with ease, according to a U.S. South Command intelligence report.

The Command’s J-2 intelligence directorate reported recently in internal channels that “special interest aliens” are working with a known alien smuggling network in Latin America to reach the United States. The smuggling network was not identified.
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Washington Post: U.S. Needs Illegal Immigrants for 'Washing Dishes,' 'Mowing Lawns'
By Eddie Scarry
Washington Examiner, August 23, 2016
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The paper said Trump's call for a border wall and a "humane" solution to the millions of illegal immigrants in the U.S. are "politically and economically preposterous."

"Those include the fact that at least 8 million unauthorized immigrants are employed, most have been in this country for 15 years or longer, and typically they do jobs — tending crops, washing dishes, mowing lawns — that native-born Americans do not want," the Post said. "In basic economic terms, illegal immigrants meet the labor market's demand for lower-wage employees, for which there is a shortage of available legal workers."
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Ever Seen These Numbers? The Staggering Clip on Immigration Hannity Used to Open Trump Townhall
By Carmine Sabia, August 24, 2016
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Of the more than 11 million illegal immigrants in America more than 800,000 of them are felons and 55,000 are being held in federal prisons.

Shockingly 36.6 percent of federal sentences handed down in 2015 were to illegal immigrants for crimes ranging from drug trafficking and kidnapping to murder.

“You would think that federal, state (and) local governments would see all of this as overwhelming data and do everything they could to curb illegal immigration. That’s not the case,” Hannity told the studio audience. “There are, in America today, over 300 sanctuary jurisdictions which protect and shelter illegal immigrants from being deported.”
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Can Trump Pull Off His ‘Softening’ on Expelling Illegals?
There is a strategy, and a main chance.
By Thomas Lifson
American Thinker Blog, August 25, 2016
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It is an open question as to whether Trump can pull this off without alienating some of his base. Most observers believe that this change was a Kellyanne Conway move, part of a strategy to destigmatize Trump in the eyes of a swath of moderate voters who don’t trust Hillary but worry that Trump is a madman or a bigot. But with Ann Coulter, ever anxious for the spotlight, out there saying awful things, a revolt by part of his base is quite possible.
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Hunting for the Root of Immigration Woes? Look to the Past
By Alicia A. Caldwell
Investor's Business Daily, August 23, 2016
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Trump and Clinton have laid the blame for the current state of immigration — and the estimated 11 million people living and, in many cases, working illegally in the United States — on the other party.

But experts disagree.

"I think there's a lot of blame to go around and spread around for decades," said Mark Krikorian, executive director for Center For Immigration Studies, a Washington think tank describes itself as "low-immigration, pro-immigrant." ''There isn't one person responsible."

Instead, he said, the problem lies in how the Immigration Control and Reform Act of 1986 was implemented. He described the passage of the bill as something of a "con-job" that allowed millions of immigrants in the country illegally to have legal status with a promise of workplace enforcement and other measures to curb future illegal immigration.

But that didn't happen, he said. And there was little incentive to follow through on promises of strict workplace enforcement, he said, once millions of people were legalized.

"I definitely view this as the 30-year problem," said Doris Meissner, who headed the now-defunct Immigration and Naturalization Service under Bill Clinton and is now a senior fellow at the Migration Policy Institute in Washington.

Meissner said the 1986 bill was intended to "clear the decks" of most people living in the country illegally while curtailing future illegal immigration.

But thirty years after the amnesty bill became law the stringent workplace enforcement many expected, and mandated use of the government's E-Verify system for employers to check the legal work status of prospective hires, is still being debated by lawmakers and the business community. Multiple iterations of federal legislation to require employment verification have been defeated in Congress.
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SAID IN SPANISH: Mexico Grooms DREAMer Fifth Column; Puerto Rican Astrologer Picks Hillary; “Trump Must Be Stopped” Says Meddling Mexican Government Employee; ETC.
By Allan Wall, August 23, 2016
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One of the justifications for the whole DREAMer Amnesty is these poor kids were brought here so young they don’t even know their home country blah blah. In other words, these DREAMers are more American than Mexican (or whatever), so let’s legalize ‘em ASAP.

Oh yeah? So why were a group of DREAMERS taken to Mexico to get them back in touch with their roots? After getting in touch with said roots, they were whisked back here to the U.S. of A.
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Orozco is also currently the Associate Director of the Jaime Lucero Institute of Mexican Studies, which is part of the (American taxpayer-funded) City University of New York. (Email Chancellor James Milliken).

It’s yet another example of the arrogance of various elite Mexicans who meddle in the United States—men like Jorge Ramos, Vicente Fox and Jorge Castaneda. The Mexican elite treat the U.S. as a colony of Mexico.

But seeing how our own leaders allow and even facilitate this, you can understand why they think they can get away with it. After all, they are getting away with it.

And they fear a Trump triumph because it’s the first time their racket might be in jeopardy.
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National Data: Trump is on to Something—Blacks HAVE Lost Ground in Obama’s Economy
By Edwin S. Rubenstein, August 20, 2016
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Even more striking: Blacks were the only group whose median household income fell over this period. Hispanics saw a 1.2% rise (from $41,973 to $42,491), Asians went from $72,340 to $74,297 (up 2.8%), and even non-Hispanic Whites eked out a minimal 0.3% rise, going from $60,094 to $60,256.

But Black median income actually fell.

It is impossible to overstate the significance of median household income. It reflects the sum of all income and cash transfer payments coming into the median household. Unlike average income, median income is not influenced by the share of income going to the very wealthy or the very poor. It is the most representative income figure available.
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Trump's Evolving Immigration Plan Is No 'Flip-Flop'
By Ruben Navarrette
The Winston-Salem Journal, August 25, 2016
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Now Trump has reportedly told members of his national Hispanic advisory council that he regretted some of his more hurtful comments about Hispanics and that, if elected, he wants to find a “humane and efficient” manner to deal with immigrants who are in the country illegally.

According to BuzzFeed, which spoke to people at the meeting, Trump stressed that any such accommodation would have to take place in the context of increased border security and his much ballyhooed wall on the U.S.-Mexico border. And he still plans to carry out some deportations.

But the real estate developer did seem open to hearing ideas about how to deal with what he acknowledged was the toughest part of the debate — what to do with those who are in this country without the proper documents.

And in some cases, Trump seemed to admit, the proper remedy might include a pathway to earned legal status. According to Univision, at least one participant heard Trump say that mass deportations aren’t the answer and that a better idea might be to allow the undocumented to sort out their legal status on U.S. soil through “embassies or consulates of their countries.”

Those who characterize this as a flip-flop point to earlier comments, such as what Trump said during an interview last August on NBC’s “Meet the Press.” The businessman told host Chuck Todd that the undocumented “have to go.” In other interviews, he talked about creating a “deportation force.”

On Sunday, when CNN’s Dana Bash asked Trump’s new campaign manager, Kellyanne Conway, if the nominee’s immigration plan still included a deportation force that would remove illegal immigrants, Conway replied: “To be determined.”

The undocumented population in the United States is estimated at about 11 million people. Many conservatives think these people should all be sent home, while many liberals think they should all be allowed to stay.

Both camps are wrong. We can’t treat all these people the same. We need to sift through the population and deport, for instance, the bad actors who have criminal convictions for violent crimes, but not the housekeepers who mean no harm and simply want to provide for their children.
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Trump Faces Immigration Reality
The Wall Street Journal, August 25, 2016

Mr. Trump outflanked his GOP rivals on immigration with his willingness to say anything, and he proved that a restrictionist candidate could win the nomination. But his extreme position isn’t winning among the general public. A new Pew survey asked if voters prioritized better border security or a path to citizenship, or whether both approaches should be given equal priority. Some 45% said equal priority—in other words, the Bush-Rubio line and now maybe the Trump line. Legalization received 29% and border security 24%.

Forty-five percent of Republicans said equal priority, 12% legalization, and 41% border security first. Hostility to immigration isn’t all that popular even inside the GOP.

All of this must be disconcerting to the conservatives who want to make deportation a GOP litmus test. They define “amnesty” as any reform that lets any undocumented worker stay in the U.S., and now even their adopted political hero may be abandoning them. At some point he may even endorse something that looks a lot like, well, amnesty.
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Pro-Immigration Reform Republicans To Donald Trump: Told You So
The GOP nominee is adopting some talking points that sound surprisingly familiar.
By Elise Foley
The Huffington Post, August 25, 2016
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It was never a realistic policy offering, but it was one he made repeatedly. He now seems to be backing away from it. On Wednesday, Trump “polled” the audience by applause on whether an undocumented immigrant who had been in the U.S. for years should be allowed to go through some sort of process and stay in the country ― the broad strokes of immigration reform he criticized opponents including former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and Florida Sen. Marco Rubio for supporting.

But there’s a very important caveat: Trump hasn’t endorsed the type of immigration reform Bush or Rubio floated. Both of them had detailed policy proposals for undocumented immigrants; he does not. For all of the fanfare about his remarks, Trump hasn’t yet said whether he would allow undocumented immigrants to obtain legal status.
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Anti-Immigration Crowd Should Spare Us the Outrage
By Jennifer Rubin
The Washington Post, August 26, 2016

Donald Trump’s contortions over what was once his signature issue — mass deportation — is cause for grief among anti-immigration reform advocates. Rather than rant about Trump’s “betrayal” and moan that no politician can be trusted on this issue, they would do well to look in the mirror, where responsibility for this debacle originated.

It has been a great irony of this circus-like campaign that the guy who perched his campaign on unsustainable terrain on illegal immigration should be the one to realize that this is self-defeating nonsense. He now turns to the anti-reform pot stirrers to say, “I meet thousands and thousands of people on this subject, and I’ve had very strong people come up to me, really great, great people come up to me, and they’ve said, ‘Mr. Trump, I love you, but to take a person who’s been here for 15 or 20 years and throw them and their family out, it’s so tough, Mr. Trump,’ I have it all the time! It’s a very, very hard thing.” Despite the caterwauling from the right, this is not exactly a new thought.
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Trump Prepares to Walk Back His Tough Talk on Immigration
The St. Louis Post-Dispatch, August 24, 2016
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Perhaps Trump now recognizes the unaffordable cost of his plan to mass-deport an estimated 11 million undocumented immigrants. Perhaps he sees how unworkable it is, since there aren’t near enough federal agents to round them up, nor enough planes, trains, buses and ships to transport them back home. There aren’t enough immigration judges to handle the already extensive backlog of deportation cases, much less the millions more that Trump proposes.

These costs alone could range in the hundreds of billions of dollars. Building a wall could entail many billions more. Trump has yet to say where the funding will come from, but we can assure you, Mexico won’t pay a dime.

The U.S. business community recognizes what mainstream Americans have been slow to grasp: Cheap immigrant labor fuels our economy. Migrants roof our houses, pick our fruit and perform other barely minimum wage work American citizens won’t do.
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Softening Rhetoric But No Immigration Policy Shift From Donald Trump
By Walter Ewing, August 25, 2016
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What Trump is actually doing is using vague words tinged with kindness to sugar coat his hateful ideology. For instance, he told Hannity that “It’s a very, very hard thing” to “take a person that’s been here for 15 or 20 years and throw them and the family out, it’s so tough.” He then asks the audience, “Who does not want them thrown out?” Trump himself does not actually answer the question. Rather, the question is posed to prove that Trump has a heart and worries about the human consequences of his policies.

So, for whom are these political theatrics intended? It’s hard to believe that anyone born in another country or with parents born in another country would be won over by the softer, gentler Trump. It’s more likely that he’s directing his words at politically moderate whites who might support him if he just weren’t quite so extreme in his xenophobia. So he injects just enough humanity into his strident brand of nativism to make himself seem thoughtful and capable of emotions other than hate. In other words, this isn’t about public policy; it’s public relations.
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Trump's 'Softening' on Immigration Could Be Fatal
GOP nominee's position seems to be in flux.
By Kenneth T. Walsh
US News and World Report, August 26, 2016
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Trump's goal apparently is to test the limits of what his supporters will tolerate as he publicly courts moderates and centrist conservatives. His target audience appears to be in larg









Ten Immigration Questions for Hillary Clinton

WASHINGTON, DC (August 25, 2016) — During the presidential campaign the Center for Immigration Studies has been presenting facts, statistics, and questions to help the public and policymakers better understand immigration policies and their impact on the country.  Below are ten questions for presidential candidate Hillary Clinton on a variety of immigration-related issues which she has not adequately addressed.

More analysis of each question is available here:

1. Does Clinton still support construction of the 700 miles of double-border fencing required in the Secure Fence Act of 2006? What type of border security does she support, if any?

2. Does Clinton support increases in immigration, decreases in immigration, or does she think the current level of approximately 1 million permanent residents every year is about right?

3. Does Clinton believe there is any limit to what a president can do unilaterally on immigration, and if so, where is that line drawn?

4. Does Clinton believe that sanctuary cities should continue to release illegal immigrants with felony records instead of handing them over to federal authorities?

5. Does Clinton believe the State Department should deny visas to foreigners who believe homosexuals should be punished with death? What about foreigners who believe apostates should be executed? What about foreigners who support the practice of female genital mutilation?

6. Why does Clinton think visa-overstayers are entitled to citizenship? Doesn’t amnesty undermine the efforts of visa adjudicators in the State Department?

7. In 2006, Clinton said “we need to have tougher employer sanctions” to prevent employers from hiring illegal aliens. What type of sanctions does she support, and will she mandate E-Verify?

8. Why does Clinton support a 550% increase in Syrian refugees when the FBI and USCIS say there are gaps in the data necessary to do adequate screening?

9. Why has Clinton ignored federal law and allowed tens of thousands of criminal aliens to be released into our neighborhoods?

10. In light of the controversy surrounding the H-1B visa program, will Clinton end the program or dramatically increase the number of H-1B visas issued each year?

Contact: Marguerite Telford

A Clinton Presidency Would Be the Political Equivalent of an Extinction-Level Event

Forget the arrogance and corruption -- $153 million in Clinton family speaking fees from 2001, mainly bribes during her State Department years. Forget the lies, the lies about lies, and the perjury. Forget the security breaches. Forget enabling America’s most prominent sexual predator. Forget the trail of bodies stretching from Little Rock to Benghazi. Forget every scandal from Whitewater to deleted e-mails. Forget all of it.

Instead, focus on coming attractions -- what a Clinton presidency would mean for America. It would be the political equivalent of an extinction level event. Obama began the process of transforming America. Hillary will finish it -- and us too.

On the Supreme Court, Scalia’s replacement will be a judicial activist on steroids. This will give the left what it’s dreamed of since the Warren Court -- a 5-4 majority to rubber-stamp statism and Cultural Marxism. Hillary will replace decrepit justices, like Ginsberg (83) and Breyer (78), with their young and vigorous clones who’ll be there for decades.

The Second Amendment will be repealed, even the most modest restrictions on abortion ended, and a green light given to the assault on religious liberty. As early as 2014, Democrats had appointed a majority of federal appeals court judges. Hillary will expand the left’s domination of the second most powerful courts in the land.

Clinton will, of course, push amnesty (designated a “pathway to citizenship”). There may be a 10-foot-high wall around the Clintons’ Chappaqua estate, to keep out the great unwashed. But our Southern border will continue to be wide open to the influx of new Democratic voters.

Hillary will accelerate a trend that started the mid-1960s -- using immigration (legal and illegal) to change America’s demographics and national identity. Think California, which went from reliably red to true blue in a generation. The goal is to make it impossible to elect another Republican president -- like ever -- and change the composition of Congress in a few elections. With all three branches of government firmly in the left’s hands, voting will be irrelevant and they’ll be nothing to stop the unmaking of America.

Clinton will maintain the pretense of fighting ISIS while importing the poison. She’s called for increasing the number of Syrian refugees by 500% -- that’s on top of the 100,000 immigrants from the Middle East (overwhelmingly Muslim) admitted each year. The FBI and Homeland Security will be told not to do or say anything that might offend the jihad community.

The signals aren’t even subtle -- Huma Abedin with her family’s ties to the Muslim Brotherhood, Sharia advocate Khizr Kahn baiting Trump at the Democratic National Convention, and (in a Rod Serling-esque moment) the father of Orlando mass murderer Omar Mateen seated behind the candidate at a Florida rally, telling an interviewer Hillary is “good for America” -- i.e., good for the coming Caliphate.

Think Obama is skilled at playing the race card? Hillary will put him to shame. Speaking at the NAACP convention on July 18, Clinton confessed the sins of her race and lectured those of us who didn’t have adjusted gross incomes of $32 million last year to “recognize white privilege,” “practice humility” (at which she’s always been so good) and “do a better job of listening” to race hustlers. By the way, Chappaqua is less than 2% black.

This condemnation of her own race isn’t just election-year bloviating. To maintain its minority base, Democrats must keep blacks and Hispanics in a constant state of agitation, by demonizing Republicans, coddling the racial terrorists of Black Lives Matters and castigating cops for doing their job. Race relations reached a new low under our first black president. Expect them to drop through the floor under Hillary.

Under Clinton 2.0, government will be the only thing that grows. Last month, 41,000 were added to the already bloated federal workforce. In eight years, Obama almost doubled the National Debt. It will be over $20 trillion by the time he leaves office. Interest on the debt is over $251 billion, scheduled to rise to $880 billion by 2024. Imagine what the economy will look like as the debt approaches $40 trillion under President Hillary.

Mrs. Clinton has promised to impose a job-annihilating $15-an-hour federal minimum wage, maintain the present devastating level of corporate taxes (the highest in the industrialized world) and kill domestic energy production by closing coals mines and preventing fracking of America’s huge natural gas deposits. Anemic economic growth (an annualized rate of 0.7% in the first quarter of this year) will be the new normal.

The War on Christians and conservatives will continue full-throttle. Nobody does vicious like the former head of the Bimbo Eruption Squad.

The IRS will go back to targeting conservative foundations. Hillary will resurrect the old Janet Napolitano plan to use DHS to attack “right-wing extremists” (gun owners, right-to-lifers, veterans, and proponents of border security) as future terrorists. The Clinton administration will go even further in using the bureaucracy and judiciary to force Christians (including churches and Christian colleges) to comply with the left’s social agenda -- gender-neutral bathrooms and all that stuff.

Donald Trump is all that stands between us and the apocalypse. Forget your gripes about the Republican candidate -- his verbal missteps and campaign shakeups. He’s a decent guy who will make America if not great again, at least better. He knows how to create jobs. He’ll defend our borders. He understands the overriding threat of radical Islam.

Still, there are always doubts. But while I may not be 100% sure of what Trump will do, I’m sure as hell sure of Clinton. You don’t have to be Joe Friday to figure out her MO.

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The Three Most Important Issues For 2016: Immigration, 

Immigration, Immigration 

America's most underrated -- and consequential -- challenge. 

By Michael Cutler

August 19, 2016 
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It is clear that America's borders are its first line of defense and last line of defense. There was a good reason that the enforcement and administration of America's immigration laws was vested in the Department of Homeland Security. 

Yet the administration and many politicians 

blithely ignore the inherent risk that non-

secured borders and the presence of 

unknown millions of aliens who have evaded 

the inspections process represent to national 

security and the safety of our citizens. 

In point of fact, many politicians, including Hillary Clinton, have advocated for providing lawful status and a pathway to citizenship to millions – likely tens of millions of illegal aliens. In this scenario, there would be no way to conduct in-person interviews let alone field investigations of aliens who entered the United States without inspection 

Ms. Clinton would also greatly increase the number of Syrian refugees admitted into the United States even thought there is no way to vet them. She has been extremely critical of the Obama administration's supposed aggressive enforcement of our immigration laws. 

In reality Obama has failed to enforce the immigration laws both along our borders and from within the interior of the United States. 

Indeed, the administration has released tens of thousands of criminal aliens who, upon release, committed still more homicides and assaults. 

Clinton's Vice-Presidential nominee, Tim 

Kaine, has echoed her sentiments about 

immigration and even addressed the 

Democratic Convention in both English and 

Spanish and also amplified Hillary's promise 

(threat?) to provide all of the illegal aliens 

present in the United States with United 

States citizenship. 
. . . 


…. After the Clinton-Kaine and Speaker Paul Ryan’s AMNESTY and expanded open borders

Yes He Kaine! Hillary VP Pick Has Sordid History of Support for Illegal Aliens



PHILADELPHIA – A review of Sen. Timothy M. Kaine’s stewardship of Virginia as well as his Senate record finds that the politician seems to fit right in to Hillary Clinton’s agenda of comprehensive immigration reform and policies that favor illegal immigrants.

Speaking in Spanish on Sunday, Kaine promised a Telemundo interviewer that a Hillary Clinton administration will start work on comprehensive immigration reform “in the first 100 days.”
“Hillary is going to do that in the first 100 days of her administration,” Kaine stated. “She is going to make a big effort in Congress to get reform passed, and with my experience in the Senate, with bipartisan colleagues, I am going to work hard — especially in Congress — to help this effort, and other issues, too.”

Kaine is known to switch to Spanish when speaking about immigration reform. In 2013, he famously delivered a pro-immigration reform speech in Spanish on the Senate floor, a first for the Senate.
State Funds for Illegals
Kaine has been a fixture in Virginia Democratic politics since 1994, when he served on the Richmond City Council. He was mayor of Richmond from 1998 to 2001, was Virginia lieutenant governor from 2001 to 2005 and served as the state’s governor from 2006 until 2010. He was sworn in as a Virginia senator in 2013.
Back in 2005, the issue of illegal immigration took center stage in the campaign when he was lieutenant governor running for governor of Virginia. Kaine pushed back when Republican gubernatorial candidate Jerry W. Kilgore argued state funds should not be used to encourage illegal aliens.
At the time, Fairfax County was considering establishing a center at the cost of $170,000 where private businesses can find day laborers – including illegal immigrants.
Kaine dubbed Kilgore’s position against the publicly funded center “a mean-spirited effort to go after people who are trying to make a living and to go after local officials who are trying to deal with a tough problem.”
That year, there were an estimated 200,000 to 250,000 illegal immigrants living in Virginia, an increase of 50,000 from data collected one decade earlier.
That election season, the Washington 
Times summarized Kaine’s policies on illegal 
immigration thusly:
The Kaine campaign also accused Mr. Kilgore of attempting to penalize business owners “for the sake of political grandstanding,” and said that the enforcement of immigration laws should be left to the federal government. In essence, Mr. Kaine’s position seems to be that until President Bush and Congress can be roused to do something to prevent illegal immigration, a do-nothing enforcement policy in Virginia is fine with him.
Mr. Kilgore says he will mobilize the state police to work with federal authorities to apprehend and remove illegals. During his tenure as attorney general, Mr. Kilgore opposed driver’s licenses and lower in-state tuition rates for illegals; Mr. Kaine largely refrained from saying anything on the subject, while the administration headed by his political ally, Gov. Mark Warner, lobbied largely behind the scenes to kill or water down meaningful reform in both areas.
In sum, Jerry Kilgore can be counted on to do his best to oppose illegal immigration, while Tim Kaine will do his best to keep Virginia an illegal-alien-friendly state.
The crux of Kaine’s argument was that illegal immigration is the problem of the federal government and should not be settled at the state level.
Accepting unaccompanied illegal immigrant minors; sanctuary cities
The state of Virginia has had mixed policies regarding illegals. In 2014, Breitbartreported that more than 2,850 unaccompanied illegal immigrant minors were placed with sponsors in Virginia.
One small town that year pushed back against and ultimately scrapped a plan to house illegal children in Lawrenceville, Virginia, a town of 1,400.
In 2015, Roanoke joined the Welcoming Cities and Counties Initiative, also known asWelcoming America, a pro-illegal alien outfit that pushes for “inclusive communities across the nation” and aims to “build a different kind of community — one that embraces immigrants and fosters opportunity for all.”
Welcoming Cities & Counties was recognized as a 2013 Clinton Global Initiative America Commitment to Action organization.
In 2007, the Ohio Jobs & Justice PAC released a list of what it claimed were countrywide sanctuary cities for illegals, which included the following Virginia cities under Kaine’s governorship:
• Alexandria, VA, where “…the City and its various agencies will neither make inquirers about nor report on the citizenship of those who seek the protection of its laws or the use of its services.”
• Arlington, VA (Added 11-3-15. Source: Arlington, VA opts out of federal immigration program, 9-28-2010)
• Fairfax County, VA.
• Virginia Beach, VA (With his qualifying note: The city adopted an administrative directive on 8-1-08 allowing VBPD limited authority to inquire about immigration status. Based on this directive, the city disputes its sanctuary status. Despite the directive, the city has not provided statistical evidence of enforcement to date.)
In 2009, SanctuaryCities.Info listed Fairfax County and Virginia Beach among the state’s so-called sanctuaries for illegals, whereas the Center for Immigration Studies currently lists only Chesterfield County for Virginia on its map.
In 2007, the Associated Press reported that although Virginia Beach was not included in a 2006 Congressional Research Service report of 32 cities and counties having “sanctuary policies,” Virginia Beach still had illegal alien-friendly policies:
A 2005 Virginia Beach Police Department policy forbids officers from asking the immigration status of defendants charged with misdemeanors. Police Chief Jake Jacocks Jr. has said the policy is meant to encourage illegal aliens to report crimes without fear of retribution.
Criminal gangs
Virginia under Kaine has developed a serious 
problem with criminal street gangs consisting 
in significant part of illegal aliens, although 
law enforcement authorities have made 
headway in cracking down.
The Center for Immigration Studies in 2008 
collected the following statistics from 
criminal gang suppression efforts in Virginia:
•25-50% of all gangsters arrested in 
northern and western Virginia are

estimated to be deportable aliens. Gang

investigators estimate that 90% of the

members of MS-13, the most notorious

immigrant gang, are illegal aliens.
•More MS-13 members have been nabbed

in Virginia than any other ICE jurisdiction

in the country (261 arrests out of an

estimated population of 2,000 in the state). 

Nearly 80% of the 341 ICE gang arrests in

Virginia were members of MS-13. The

remainder belonged to 28 other gangs.
•Immigrant gangsters are responsible for

serious and often violent crimes in Virginia.

Nine of those arrested by ICE in the last

three years were murderers, and six were

sex offenders. Their most common crimes

were assault and robbery/larceny.
•62% of alien gangsters arrested in Virginia

by ICE were from El Salvador, 12 % were

from Mexico, and 10% from Honduras.
In May, the Richmond Times-Dispatch reported on the significant problem of illegal aliens and crime, documenting statistics of illegals in state jails:
The reported number of illegal immigrants housed in Virginia’s local and regional jails over the past eight years would easily fill 2½ towns with the population of Ashland, or well exceed the number of people living in Colonial Heights.
But the true figure assuredly is much higher — likely by many thousands.
The 19,882 illegal immigrants that the state’s local and regional jails reported were behind bars for various criminal offenses between 2008 and 2015 does not include tens of thousands of other inmates whose immigration or citizenship status could not be definitively established.
Nor does the tally include an undetermined number of additional inmates that some jailers failed to accurately report as required by Virginia law, a Richmond Times-Dispatch analysis has found. For example, a “clerical error” by one Northern Virginia jail resulted in more than 1,000 illegal immigrants not being reported to the state, records indicate.
Senate record
When running for the Senate in 2012, Kaine announced, “I’m a DREAM Act supporter,”
“We want youngsters who are in this country not to be locked into underachievement, but to be overachievers. They’ll create more opportunities for others if they can have that status,” he said.
He supported S.744, also known as the “Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act,” the last immigration reform bill to pass the Senate.
On his Senate website, Kaine outlined his stance on immigration reform, including his support for the expansion of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) and Deferred Action for Parental Accountability (DAPA) programs.
I also support efforts to expand the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) and Deferred Action for Parental Accountability (DAPA) programs. Since DACA was announced in 2012, the program has offered temporary relief from deportation to over 660,000 immigrants who arrived in the U.S. as young children, including nearly 10,000 who call Virginia home.
For far too long, our immigration system has placed undue burdens on legal immigrants and kept millions of others living in the shadows of our society. I support a bipartisan approach to immigration reform that will provide a better visa system to encourage growth of a talented workforce, enhance our border security, create a path to normalizing the legal status of those here unlawfully – following compliance with various requirements such as payment of taxes and a fine – and establish a better system for companies to verify the immigration status of their employees.
With research by Brenda J. Elliott.
Aaron Klein is Breitbart’s Jerusalem bureau chief and senior investigative reporter. He is a New York Times bestselling author and hosts the popular weekend talk radio program, “Aaron Klein Investigative Radio.” Follow him on Twitter @AaronKleinShow. Follow him on Facebook.


"Between 2009 and 2011, Kaine served as the

head of the Democratic National Committee, 

the leadership body of the Democratic Party. 

He is close to Wall Street, having recently 

backed measures to deregulate banks."

OPEN BORDERS KEEPS WAGES FOR  LEGALS DEPRESSED HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS PER YEAR, AND BUILD THE DEMOCRAT PARTY'S LA RAZA SUPREMACY BASE OF MEXICAN LOOTERS…. We also get the tax bills for Mexico’s welfare state on our backs and the LA RAZA crime tidal wave that comes with them!


Sen. Kaine: Immigration Is ‘Like Transfusion Of Fresh Blood Into The Bloodstream’

Sen. Kaine: Immigration Is ‘Like Transfusion Of Fresh Blood Into The Bloodstream’

By Penny Starr | July 22, 2016 | 2:52 PM EDT
Sen. Tim Kaine (D-Md.) 
( Starr)
( – Sen. Tim Kaine (D.-Va.) today compared immigration to a blood transfusion for the country.
“What immigration has done for Virginia is what it’s done for the nation since its very first days,” Kaine said. “It’s been like the transfusion of fresh blood into the bloodstream that has continued to revitalize us and make us stronger.”
Kaine said that since the Supreme Court’s decision not to uphold President Barack Obama’s executive action giving the parents of children born in the United States, or those of aliens given temporary protection from deportation by a separate executive action, meant that people are living in fear.
Noting that, when he was born in 1958, one in 100 Virginians were foreign-born and that number today is one in nine, Kaine praised immigrants for helping to improve the state’s economy and adding talented people to the population.
“Why is that the case that an increasing number of foreign-born Virginians has combined with an improving economy?” Kaine said. “It’s the case for two reasons: In today’s economy success is about talent.”
“And talent comes in all skin colors, all national origins, irregardless of gender, irregardless of religion, irregardless of sexual orientation--you want talent,” he said.
“And what immigration has done for Virginia is what it’s done for the nation since it’s very first days,” he said. “It’s been like the transfusion of fresh blood into the bloodstream that has continued to revitalize us and make us stronger.”
“Just as education is about growing talent, immigration is about growing talent,” Kaine said.
He added that the second reason is because the United States is part of a global economy.

She has promised amnesty for illegals already here and to speed up the influx of  tens of thousands of Syrian refugees for whom she will provide all necessary benefits at taxpayer expense.  A country $19 trillion in debt cannot possibly afford her agenda. 


She would make a terrible president and Bill an equally terrible “First Gentleman” for these thirty reasons.

Daily Caller: Joint FBI-US Attorney Probe of Clinton Foundation Is Underway


Richard Pollock reports in the Daily Caller:

Multiple FBI investigations are underway involving potential corruption charges against the Clinton Foundation, according to a former senior law enforcement official.
The investigation centers on New York City where the Clinton Foundation has its main offices, according to the former official who has direct knowledge of the activities.

Prosecutorial support will come from various U.S. Attorneys Offices — a major departure from other centralized FBI investigations.
The New York-based probe is being led by Preet Bharara, the U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York. Bharara’s prosecutorial aggressiveness has resulted in a large number of convictions of banks, hedge funds and Wall Street insiders.
The official said involvement of the U.S. Attorney’s Office in the Southern District of New York “would be seen by agents as a positive development as prosecutors there are generally thought to be more aggressive than the career lawyers within the DOJ.”
Read the rest here.

Don't cry for Hillary, America

Since the release of Peter Schweizer's book Clinton Cash in May 2015, the truth of the Clinton Foundation has been out there for all to read and know. The left can disavow it all they want but the truth of it has become clearer and clearer as more and more "missing" emails are released via hackers or FOIA.    

Only ten percent of the billions of dollars the "Foundation" takes in goes to charity.  The rest subsidizes the lavish lifestyles of the Clintons and their sycophants; those people who have sold their souls to rub shoulders with unadulterated power. Those who read the book, saw the film, or have just been paying attention over the past thirty years, know only too well the truth of the charges.  

The Clintons have been a criminal enterprise since they came to power in Arkansas.  The list of scandals they have generated is long and tawdry.  Their principal goal then and now has always been to enrich themselves.  They never once had a moral compunction about lying, cheating, selling, and stealing their way to wealth. They are the Perons of America.  They eventually set up a "foundation" and the money kept rolling in. 

Hillary's hands have "reached out and they've reached wide." (Evita, Andrew Lloyd Webber).  She and her husband have taken in those billions of dollars from a wide panoply of self-serving bad actors: Saudi Arabia, Dubai, Qatar, etc. as well as wealthy corporate masters from around the globe like George Soros for whom she did bidding while Secretary of State. Wall Street banks contributed  millions and paid her obscene  "stipends" for speeches - hers and Bill's - for access and privilege. She did requisite favors for many of these "donors":  Frank Guistra, Uranium One, ROSATOM, etc.  It's a long list.  Read the book and see the film. 

Hillary has modeled her agenda on Evita Peron's. Promising free college tuition, promising to waive the $1.3 trillion of outstanding college loan debt. She will make the taxpayers pay - even those who work, are successful, but never went to college. Fair?  No, theft. Her economic plan will further devastate an already stagnant economy; more companies will leave the US, more small businesses will fail.  More Americans will be without jobs.  She has promised amnesty for illegals already here and to speed up the influx of  tens of thousands of Syrian refugees for whom she will provide all necessary benefits at taxpayer expense.  A country $19 ytillion in debt cannot possibly afford her agenda. 

 In her economic speech yesterday, she promised all the same things Obama did in 2008 and 2012 - massive spending on infrastructure, millions of new jobs (no explanation of how those jobs will be created), numerous new agencies, more highly-paid bureaucrats - to further shepherd and control the populace. She does not explain why her plan will fix what Obama's has not. There are 95 million people no longer in the labor force now but she promises to continue Obama's policies, all of which have failed. Obamacare is tanking in every state.  And she is pledging more of the same.

The Clintons made sure that their "books" would never see the light of day.  She/they, destroyed thousands of emails that would prove their get-rich-quick schemes, their pay-to-play grand plans. Their lackeys went along to get along. One of them  pleaded the Fifth 125 times when questioned under oath. This is a depraved bunch of pols.

The Clintons did get rich. Corruptocrats from around the world paid to play and prospered.  And this is the woman who may well become the President of the United States!  She is, and has always been, an American Evita - grasping and petty, angry and duplicitous, thoroughly without an ethical bone in her body.  If the American electorate gives her the presidency, do cry for us.; it will be the undoing of America.   

The left will proclaim victory over the brilliance and values of the Founders and the Constitution. They will have succeeded in taking us down.  They will have finally abrogated the Constitution and committed its authors to the graveyard of history.  Evita, Eivta.....Argentina has yet to recover from the scourge of the Perons.  

Since the release of Peter Schweizer's book Clinton Cash in May 2015, the truth of the Clinton Foundation has been out there for all to read and know. The left can disavow it all they want but the truth of it has become clearer and clearer as more and more "missing" emails are released via hackers or FOIA.    

Only ten percent of the billions of dollars the "Foundation" takes in goes to charity.  The rest subsidizes the lavish lifestyles of the Clintons and their sycophants; those people who have sold their souls to rub shoulders with unadulterated power. Those who read the book, saw the film, or have just been paying attention over the past thirty years, know only too well the truth of the charges.  

The Clintons have been a criminal enterprise since they came to power in Arkansas.  The list of scandals they have generated is long and tawdry.  Their principal goal then and now has always been to enrich themselves.  They never once had a moral compunction about lying, cheating, selling, and stealing their way to wealth. They are the Perons of America.  They eventually set up a "foundation" and the money kept rolling in. 

Hillary's hands have "reached out and they've reached wide." (Evita, Andrew Lloyd Webber).  She and her husband have taken in those billions of dollars from a wide panoply of self-serving bad actors: Saudi Arabia, Dubai, Qatar, etc. as well as wealthy corporate masters from around the globe like George Soros for whom she did bidding while Secretary of State. Wall Street banks contributed  millions and paid her obscene  "stipends" for speeches - hers and Bill's - for access and privilege. She did requisite favors for many of these "donors":  Frank Guistra, Uranium One, ROSATOM, etc.  It's a long list.  Read the book and see the film. 

Hillary has modeled her agenda on Evita Peron's. Promising free college tuition, promising to waive the $1.3 trillion of outstanding college loan debt. She will make the taxpayers pay - even those who work, are successful, but never went to college. Fair?  No, theft. Her economic plan will further devastate an already stagnant economy; more companies will leave the US, more small businesses will fail.  More Americans will be without jobs.  She has promised amnesty for illegals already here and to speed up the influx of  tens of thousands of Syrian refugees for whom she will provide all necessary benefits at taxpayer expense.  A country $19 ytillion in debt cannot possibly afford her agenda. 

 In her economic speech yesterday, she promised all the same things Obama did in 2008 and 2012 - massive spending on infrastructure, millions of new jobs (no explanation of how those jobs will be created), numerous new agencies, more highly-paid bureaucrats - to further shepherd and control the populace. She does not explain why her plan will fix what Obama's has not. There are 95 million people no longer in the labor force now but she promises to continue Obama's policies, all of which have failed. Obamacare is tanking in every state.  And she is pledging more of the same.

The Clintons made sure that their "books" would never see the light of day.  She/they, destroyed thousands of emails that would prove their get-rich-quick schemes, their pay-to-play grand plans. Their lackeys went along to get along. One of them  pleaded the Fifth 125 times when questioned under oath. This is a depraved bunch of pols.

The Clintons did get rich. Corruptocrats from around the world paid to play and prospered.  And this is the woman who may well become the President of the United States!  She is, and has always been, an American Evita - grasping and petty, angry and duplicitous, thoroughly without an ethical bone in her body.  If the American electorate gives her the presidency, do cry for us.; it will be the undoing of America.   

The left will proclaim victory over the brilliance and values of the Founders and the Constitution. They will have succeeded in taking us down.  They will have finally abrogated the Constitution and committed its authors to the graveyard of history.  Evita, Eivta.....Argentina has yet to recover from the scourge of the Perons.  

Read more:




Hillary’s Russian connection

“Facilitating strategic technology transfer in return for money is an old Clinton game.  The Chinese bought their way to access of considerable space technology when Bill Clinton was president.  Remember Charlie Trie, Loral, and the rest of the crew?”


…..will pass right through Hillary Clinton’s 

Mansion door!

 “Our entire crony capitalist system, Democrat and Republican alike, has become a kleptocracy approaching par with third-world hell-holes.  This is the way a great country is raided by its elite.” ---- Karen McQuillan THE AMERICAN

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