Monday, September 18, 2017

BECOME INFORMED! Should America be a country of borders and laws for LEGALS or merely a place for "cheap labor" to jump our borders, jobs and welfare offices?

The Dregs of Higher Education Damage Our Immigration System
By David North

CIS Backgrounder, September 2017

Excerpt: This Backgrounder reports on these 55 institutions, the very dregs of higher education in this country, the Compromised Colleges. They rarely offer first- or even third-rate educations, but all still have the power to admit foreign students. The report's four parts cover: the admissions process for foreign students; the characteristics of the 55 institutions; the impact they have on various aspects of American life; and conclusions and recommendations.

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Congress's DACA Tango Is About to Begin
By Andrew Arthur
CIS Blog, September 14, 2017

Excerpt:The last major immigration legislation occurred in May 2005, with the passage of "The REAL ID Act", Pub. L. 109-13 (2005). It should be noted as an aside that "REAL ID" is not an acronym, and therefore it is not clear to me why it is in capital letters. Despite the fact that I drafted major portions of it as well as most of the conference report as it related to that bill, I did not get to name it.

That act should provide important insight into how the DACA dance will go.

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Fascinating Takeaways from California's DACA Lawsuit
By Andrew Arthur
CIS Blog, September 14, 2017

Excerpt: Much of this is political posturing, the weaponization of the legal process for purely partisan purposes. It cannot be gainsaid, however, that DACA was intended from its inception to have a "ratchet effect", so that once it was implemented, it would create its own constituency that would mass to oppose its "revocation", as this suit demonstrates.

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Foreign Student 'Visa Mill' Faces Shutdown by State Agency
By David North
CIS Blog, September 13, 2017

Excerpt: The fact that this visa mill is still alive reflects badly on the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, which has not lifted a finger in the case, leaving all the heavy lifting to an obscure arm of Virginia's state government, the State Council on Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV).

ACCT's president and, until now, part-owner, William Schipper, is said to have signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with an unknown party or parties, to sell the college. Such a sale might cause a postponement, perhaps a protracted one, of the scheduled decision of the state agency, on the apparent grounds that the change of ownership should cause the state agency to re-think any decision on its termination.

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DACA Fix vs. DREAM Act: Moving the Goalposts
By Mark Krikorian
CIS Blog, September 13, 2017

Excerpt: When the administration announced last week that it was winding down Obama's illegal Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program (that gives two-year renewable work permits to illegals who claim to have arrived before age 16), it threw the issue over to Congress, where it belongs.

But fixing the specific problem of 690,000 people who applied in good faith for Obama's illegal program, and whose work permits will start expiring after March 5, is very different from passing a DREAM Act amnesty from scratch. (Another roughly 100,000 received a DACA work permit at some point but no longer have one, either because they failed to renew, they were deported for criminal activity, or they finagled a permanent green card.)

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Mexico Is Ready to Welcome Dreamers ... or Is It?
By Dan Cadman
CIS Blog, September 13, 2017

Excerpt: So just how serious is Mexico about its willingness to reintegrate the percentage of the "Dreamer" population that is Mexican (about three-quarters of all DACA recipients) back into its society?

Is this just one of those games by politicians, Mexican politicians in this case, to play the "optics and atmospherics" of public opinion in order to appear sympathetic while at the same doing all they can to ensure that they don't, in fact, need to do anything to accommodate "Dreamers"?

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Why Expedite Citizenship for Refugees?
By Nayla Rush
CIS Blog, September 12, 2017

Excerpt: Humanitarian assistance is necessary, but granting the most advanced legal status to refugees in an expedited manner is not. It is best to allow for wounds to heal and desires to progress.

The U.S. resettlement program needs to be reformed in essence, not just by arbitrarily lowering the number of admissions. As the program is paused for reassessment, now is as good a time as ever.

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How Not to Plead a Case
By Andrew Arthur
CIS Blog, September 12, 2017

Excerpt: At no point does the University of California assert that there were no United States citizens or lawful permanent residents who were available to take the jobs described. Nor is there any suggestion that these jobs would remain unfilled except by the DACA recipients who filled them, or that only DACA applicants had the necessary qualifications those jobs required.

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Bill Would Move to Control Gang Violence
By Andrew R. Arthur and Jessica Vaughan
CIS Blog, September 11, 2017

Excerpt: Alien gang members in the United States illegally are especially vulnerable to law enforcement. Immigration authorities have been very effective in addressing this phenomenon in the past, taking tens of thousands of gang members off the streets and out of American communities over the past 10 years. But today, the transnational gangs are not only more violent than we have seen in the past, they are more sophisticated and more organized. For this reason, federal immigration agencies need updated tools in order to be successful in suppressing this phenomenon.

Fortunately, on September 7, 2017, Rep. Barbara Comstock (R-Va.) introduced H.R. 3697, the "Criminal Alien Gang Member Removal Act", with the support of powerful House Judiciary Chairman Bob Goodlatte. If passed, this crucial piece of legislation will provide the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) with additional weapons to address the growing issue of alien gang violence.

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Open-Borders Types Use Forked Tongues on Migration and Hurricanes
By David North
CIS Blog, September 11, 2017

Excerpt: The open-borders people would never agree that their position suggests that rebuilding Houston (a victim of Harvey with a largely white population) is more important than rebuilding Haiti (a victim of Irma with a completely black population), but that's a logical consequence of their posture. Their point about the Haitians is that forcing illegal entrants to return will be hard on the individuals, but that the forced departure of some illegals from Houston would not meet some community needs, two non-parallel notions

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The Truth About One-Sided DACA Reporting
By Jason Richwine
CIS Blog, September 10, 2017

Excerpt: Over at the Washington Post's Wonkblog, reporter Tracy Jan has a piece entitled, "White House claims 'dreamers' take jobs away from blacks and Hispanics. Here's the truth." The truth, according to the immigration advocates interviewed for the article, is that DACA has no undesirable effects whatsoever on the U.S. labor market.

Ms. Jan apparently did not reach out to any immigration skeptics for comment. Had she done so, they would have told her several things. First, DACA recipients are not a high-skill group. The 15 percent of DACA recipients over the age of 21 who have a four-year degree is far from the 34 percent among natives in the same age range. Furthermore, as Alan Tonelson points out, the occupations held by DACA recipients seem to be primarily working-class. The idea that they are not competing with less-educated natives, as the advocates in the Wonkblog article claim, is unlikely.

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How to Help Storm-Battered Islands Without Another Round of TPS
By David North
CIS Blog, September 10, 2017

Excerpt: These offers would be limited to people living in independent nations; they would not be offered to citizens of colonies like St. Martin, a Caribbean island divided between the Netherlands and France. In those cases, the colonial power is rich and the size of the colonial populations is tiny. At the most, we could buy one-way tickets from the United States to those colonial islands for their migrants in this country, whether here legally or illegally.

Let's not make yet another exception to our migration laws on behalf of people who are here illegally — let's make it easy for the same people to return home and be useful there

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The Compassion Behind Ending DACA
By Benjamin Dierker
CIS Blog, September 10, 2017

Excerpt: People think ending DACA was a policy made out of order, that we should stop the flow before dealing with those already here. What those people miss is that DACA is part of the flow. We must address long-term incentives.

Whether the blame lies with President Obama for making the false promise, with President Trump for revoking it, or with Congress for inaction is still up for discussion. But the parents who made the difficult choice to violate the law also bear considerable fault for the legal peril their children are in today. The compassionate decision may not feel great in the moment, but ending the incentive for more illegal and dangerous immigration is the only compassionate option currently on the table.

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DHS Allows F-1 Visas for Students Going to Ghost Colleges
By David North
CIS Blog, September 9, 2017

Excerpt: Here's the scenario: A U.S. consular official at an overseas location is facing an alien who wants a student (F-1) visa. The alien has a piece of paper from an American graduate school that says he has been admitted and is eligible for the visa. He also has documentation of his graduation from a local college.

The first problem: The officer has never heard of (as most people have not) the American College of Commerce and Technology (ACCT) in Falls Church, Va., the entity that has issued the Form I-20 needed by an F-1 applicant. ACCT is a for-profit entity with an almost completely alien student body, and last year its only shred of accreditation disappeared when its accreditor was de-recognized by the U.S. Department of Education.

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And, in the Fine Print ... EB-5 Gets Another Three Months
By David North
CIS Blog, September 9, 2017

Excerpt: Overlooked by the media — but not by Senator Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) — the immigrant investor (EB-5) program won another three-month extension as an element in the agreement between the president and the Democrats over the national funding package.

According to an excellent source on Capital Hill, the main part of EB-5, due to expire on September 30, will be extended through the life of the continuing resolution, which will fund the government at current spending levels.

It will be, in the odd language of the Hill, a "clean extension", meaning that all efforts to reform the corruption-ridden program will be ignored yet again.

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Equifax and the National Security Threat of Offshoring
By John Miano
CIS Blog, September 9, 2017

Excerpt: The big offshoring disaster I have warned about may have finally occurred. In July 2017, the credit bureau Equifax discovered that it had compromised the personal information of 143 million customers. Only now is the public finding out about the incompetence at Equifax — incompetence that affects nearly half of all Americans.

By now the first lawsuits seeking class action status have already been filed and there is a good chance that discovery will turn up that Equifax had all kinds of warning signs that something was amiss before the breach.

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