Thursday, April 19, 2018


I’ll be short and direct, Judicial Watch

continues to be very effective on

critical issues important to every



And members of Judicial Watch standing with us this year send a very clear message: “Don’t stop exposing the Deep State!”

With your best tax-deductible gift now…you will help us continue to fight even harder in the months ahead as…
  • we carry forward our historic litigation exposing the arrogant corruption of the Deep State by pursuing over 2 dozen lawsuits to get to the truth about this unprecedented and unlawful conspiracy to spy on, discredit, prosecute and eventually remove from office the duly elected President of the United States, Donald Trump. 
  • we carry forward our fight in the courts for enforcement of our immigration laws and against illegal “sanctuary” policies…efforts that take on absolutely critical importance now as liberal mayors and governors thumb their collective noses at the Trump administration’s moves to cut off federal funds to their cities and states
  • we carry forward our commitment to pursuing justice and accountability in the many Obama administration scandals, including the Clinton email scandal and her corrupt "pay to play" scheme at the State Department.  Our litigation continues to move through the courts and force the release of more smoking gun documents the American people have a right to see. 
  • we carry forward our commitment to keeping our elections honest and reducing the incidence and likelihood of voter fraud.  We are currently in court against the states of California and Kentucky over their failure to clean their voter rolls as required by federal law…   
And as always, we are weighing carefully each of our investigations and lawsuits as we are being opposed in our litigation by bureaucrats in the “permanent government” who fight for government secrecy and against the American people’s right to know…no matter who is in the White House!

But as far as I’m concerned, we can’t do enough to fight for the rule of law and open government!  Because all too often, when it comes to using the courts to support the rule of law and government transparency, Judicial Watch is still the “only game in town.”

With your contribution support now, it will make it easier for us to commit to aggressive legal and investigative agendas right through the end of the year. 

I am grateful for your support of Judicial Watch and our mission.


Thomas Fitton
President Judicial Watch

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