Thursday, August 9, 2018



Check out Michael Baron’s work here and on Amazon, including Sons of Bitches.

An interview with writer and comics creator Mike Baron.

Recently I read a page-turner of a new novel with the eye-catching title Sons of Bitches, which centers on a young Jewish artist who releases a comic book boldly depicting the Islamic prophet Muhammad. This naturally makes her a target for outraged Muslim fundamentalists, and their death threats force her to hire former biker hoodlum-turned-private investigator Josh Pratt. Justice, revenge, and mayhem ensue.
This is obviously a reflection of the real-life experiences of such artists as Mollie Norris, who apparently still remains in hiding years after merely suggesting an Everybody Draw Muhammad Day, and frequent FrontPage Mag artist, former Muslim Bosch Fawstin, who was targeted by terrorists at the Draw Muhammad event in Texas a couple of years ago (a contest which Fawstin won). And then, of course, there was the massacre of twelve employees at the Charlie Hebdo offices in Paris in response to their “blasphemous” depiction of Muhammad on the magazine cover. Violating Islamic blasphemy laws comes with a high price – but so does submitting to them.
At the Freedom Center we understand that politics flows downstream from culture, so we want to begin highlighting the work of right-leaning creatives who often face ideological resistance within the entertainment industry. Today our spotlight is on comics creator, writer and novelist Michael A. Baron, the author of Sons of Bitches.
Mike Baron is the creator of the superhero comics Badger and (with artist Steve Rudd) Nexus. His other comic credits include FlashPunisherDeadman and Star Wars. He has written for Ellery Queen's Mystery MagazineCreemFusion, the Boston Phoenix, the Boston Globe, and numerous other publications. Baron’s latest work is a series of novels (four so far) called Bad Road Rising published by Liberty Island, a publisher whose offerings push back against political correctness and the left’s cultural dominance (its motto is “Let Your Right Brain Run Free”). Baron is the author of three horror novels as well, and a science fiction novel called Whack Job, all published by Wordfire Press and available from Amazon, as is the Bad Road Rising series.
I invited Baron, who – full disclosure – is a friend of mine, about his new novel and his thoughts on politics, art, and the comic industry.
Mark TapsonMike, how would you describe your conservatism, your political outlook? Have you always been a conservative?
Mike Baron: I think so. I grew up in Mitchell, South Dakota. I think the main reason I’m conservative is because I chose reason over emotionalism. I was an emotional kid and I didn’t like myself. I didn’t want to be that way. I refused to identify as a victim. It took me a long time to grow up, but my instincts were always to do what made the most sense. Attitude is everything, and a positive attitude made more sense to me than a negative one. Funny thing is, both my folks were pretty liberal, and my dad worked on George McGovern’s campaign. I remember riding to the airport with Senator McGovern. I read a lot of science fiction. In those days, authors like Robert Heinlein, A.E. Van Vogt and others rooted their stories in a strong sense of individual liberty and achievement. Carl Barks’ Uncle Scrooge McDuck had a profound effect on me.
MTHow do you express your conservatism in your work? Or is that even a consideration for you? Because unlike many artists who are leftist, conservatives are less inclined to put politics at the forefront of their art.
MB: Mark, my first three rules are, 1. Entertain. My first job is to entertain the readers. It has nothing to do with politics. 2. Show, don’t tell. 3. Be original. Every writer brings his own experiences to his fiction, and my writing naturally reflects my view of the world. I was a terrible cynic, and I hope that I’m becoming less cynical, but a healthy cynicism is part of my world view. I remember novelist John D. MacDonald’s character Travis McGee complaining how the airlines attempted to infantilize everyone back in the sixties! My fiction is heterodox because of my world view, but my characters express my world view through their actions, not through words. I think that’s very conservative. I don’t make politics the focus of my art but any careful reading of Nexus will reveal that both Steve and I are conservative, in that we accept that the world is messy and imperfect, and attempts by government and committees often make things worse.
MTWhat is it like being a conservative in the overwhelmingly left-leaning comics world? Has it ever been problematic for you in the industry? Or in the publishing world?
MB: Oh, yeah. Random people contact me through Facebook. Here’s one: “Fucking douche nazi fuck!!” Some guy I never heard of. Here’s another: “Who knew the writer/co-creator of the great Nexus would be a total right-wing nut job a-hole? ‘Trust the art, not the artist.’" INDEED.
Brett Smith asked me to write the graphic novel for Based Stickman [nickname for a California resident who broke a stick over the head of an Antifa protester at a Trump rally]. They announced it at San Diego Comic-Con two years ago. At the time, I asked if I could submit to [comics mag] Heavy Metal. The editor sent me this response: “Mike, I'll be frank, we cannot publish anything of yours. Someone came by the booth at SDCC with a flyer for Based Stickman, and that is 100% antithetical to what we are about, both as a publication and as human beings, and we do not wish to be associated with it in ANY fashion, even tangentially.” I soon concluded that Based Stickman was not a serious subject for a graphic novel and withdrew from the project. That made no difference.
There are many other examples which I won’t cite. I have struggled to hang on to my liberal friends in the comic industry with some success. I never post politics on my Facebook page. Why would I do that? I’m trying to attract readers. It astonishes me that so many successful creators compulsively post agit-prop day after day.
MTArtists and novelists who dare honestly address the threat of Islamic fundamentalism, as you did in Sons of Bitches, face the risk not only of being smeared as “Islamophobic” but even of incurring the violent wrath of jihadists and progressive activists. What made you take on this very politically incorrect theme in your novel?
MB: The situation cries out for a fictional treatment. I’m Jewish myself. I watch a lot of pop culture, and a lot of shows featuring terrorism, and in ninety per cent of those shows, the terrorists turn out to be some “right wing extremist” types who wear their racism on their sleeve. I know those people exist, but not in such numbers as to dominate fiction. Before 9/11, you could have Arab terrorists as bad guys.  But now, everybody has to pretend that huge portions of the globe don’t want us dead. Look at the outstanding HBO drama The Night Of, written by the great novelist Richard Price. I loved it, but it also carries an agenda.
MTYou also take jabs at social justice warriors and activists like Code Pink and the Socialist Workers Party, but without being heavy-handed about it. Speaking of heavy-handed messaging, what do you think about the identity politics and social justice activism that are now dominating and ruining the comics world?  
MB: I see what my friends post but I rarely read comics these days. What I see is breathtakingly bad and violates all rules of good storytelling, as the characters repeatedly lecture the audience. A lot of these writers live in a fantasy world where right-wing extremists and white supremacists are blown up to the level of an existential threat. Plus the constant depiction of Trump as some kind of monster. I’d be happy to show you the pictures, if you like. Writers must remember that their first job is to entertain, and the better they entertain, the better they are as writers. There’s something about virtue signaling that sets off my alarm bells, and I think that’s true for all my conservative friends in comics. Just like a Social Justice Warrior can spot a Nazi instantly by their American flag lapel pin, I can spot virtue signaling from a mile away. It’s how you conduct yourself that counts, not proud declarations of virtue.
MTThat sounds conservative to me. Thanks, Mike, and best of luck with your next project.
Check out Michael Baron’s work here and on Amazon, including Sons of Bitches.



Koran 2:191 "slay the unbelievers wherever you find them"
Koran 3:21 "Muslims must not take the infidels as friends"
Koran 5:33 "Maim and crucify the infidels if they criticize Islam"
Koran 8:12 "Terrorize and behead those who believe in scriptures other than the Koran"
Koran 8:60 " Muslims must muster all weapons to terrorize the infidels"
Koran 8:65 "The unbelievers are stupid, urge all Muslims to fight them"
Koran 9:5 "When the opportunity arises, kill the infidels wherever you find them"
Koran 9:123 "Make war on the infidels living in your neighborhood"
Koran 22:19 "Punish the unbelievers with garments of fire, hooked iron rods, boiling water, melt their skin and bellies"
Koran 47:4 "Do not hanker for peace with the infidels, behead them when you catch them".

And the silence from Pope Francis and other international elites.

Pope Francis, the Holy See of the church to which I’ve belonged my entire life and that I continue to regularly attend, has spent relatively little time during his tenure devoting much energy to underscoring the Church’s traditional, however Politically Incorrect, positions on such hotbed issues as abortion, same-sex marriage, and, say, Jesus’s unique standing in God’s economy of salvation. 
And even though it is the baptismal promise of every Roman Catholic to renounce Satan and all of his works, to unequivocally repudiate evil wherever it rears its hideous head, Francis scarcely speaks to the abominations of the world.  
He can, however, be counted upon to renounce capitalism, climate change, and the members of Western lands who lack enthusiasm for welcoming into their home countries untold numbers of Third World aliens who are not only demanding citizenship and material support, but who have created a number of other social problems (like criminality).  The Pope repeatedly informs us that this skepticism reflects a deficiency of Christian charity.
Francis has shed many tears and engaged in much handwringing over the legions of Muslims that have flooded Europe in recent years demanding support while claiming to be refugees.  However, for the millions of his fellow Christians who have been made to endure unimaginable suffering (not infrequently administered to them by Muslims) Francis has said relatively little. 
He has said nothing, for example, about the fact that Iran is ramping up its persecution of its Christian citizens. 
Nor has Pope Francis commented on the fact that in Burma as many as 1.6 million Christians are being targeted by what Open Doors refers to as “a genocidal war.”  The Kachin State, in Burma’s northern region, consists of Christians who once traded their natural resources in amber and jade for cash, food, and textiles. 
Today, they trade for guns.  
According to Open Doors:
“Representatives of the Kachin Independence Army told Sky News earlier this year that the Tamadaw, the Myanmar [Burmese] military, has been targeting the Kachin for years. And while the conflict is as complicated as it is violent, some believe that the government is trying to wipe them out because roughly 95 percent are Christian.
The Burmese soldiers “[have] burned more than 400 villages and 300 churches in Kachin, displacing an estimated 130,000 people over the past seven years.”  Moreover, since April, just a few months ago, “more than 7,000 people have fled their homes [.]”
To its eternal credit, The Guardian, of all outlets, has done its bit to call attention to what it characterizes as “Myanmar’s invisible war on the Kachin Christian minority.”  “Many” of the over 130,000 Christians to have been displaced over the years “are stranded in the jungle or trapped in conflict zones.” To compound this tragedy, “aid agencies say they are being blocked from providing food and other vitals supplies to civilians trapped in the forest”—which amounts to a violation of international law. 
The Guardian quotes both Stella Naw, a political analyst and writer, and San Htoi, joint secretary of Kachin Women’s Association Thailand. Naw states that although this is “a war where civilians are being systematically targeted by members of Burma army,” “the international community chooses to overlook it.” 
Htoi concurs. “It’s an invisible war,” she insists. To prove her point, Htoi alludes to the United Nations’ Security Council’s recent visit to Burma, a visit during which they didn’t come close to Kachin. “They left the country without knowing” a thing about the latter. 
In Mali, a predominantly Islamic country that, owing to its secularism, had been relatively tolerant of the Christian minority in its midst, a militant Islamic group has gained control of some regions. Consequently, life has not been kind to Christians.
The story of “Naomi” is not atypical.  Naomi hails from an Islamic family. Upon the death of her father which occurred when Naomi was eight, she and her siblings went to live with her uncle. He sent the girls to an international Christian school, the institution to which Muslim parents would send their children if they wanted for them to be able to land lucrative occupations. Naomi explains that, given her hatred of all things Christian at the time, there was never any concern on the part of anyone that she would ever convert to Christianity. 
But, when she was twelve, the unthinkable occurred and Naomi became a Christian. 
Her family disowned her, evicting her from her home. 
A missionary family, temporarily living in Mali, took in Naomi and, according to her, treated her like one of their own. “They loved me like their own daughter,” Naomi recalls. “From them, I learned more about Christ and grew in my faith.”
Yet when her adopted family returned to their home country, Naomi returned to her family, whose members would regularly and “cruelly” harass her for her faith.  They would spit at her and curse the blood that they shared with her. 
At 16, Naomi met a man from Belgium and married him. Together they had two children, Ibrahim and Youssouf. They remained, however, in Mali, where their Muslim neighbors would call Naomi a “kafir” (infidel) whenever she would walk through town or shop in the market place. 
Matters, though, would get worse.
Naomi’s family, “more than once,” sent jihadists to her home to intimidate and harm her and her own family.  When her husband was away on a business trip, he was murdered, gunned down in cold blood.  “He was killed for his faith, and for marrying an ex-Muslim,” Naomi says. To this day, she remains oblivious to the location of her remains. 
When the jihadists subsequently invaded her home, they abducted her one son, a young teenager, Youssouf, as she and the boy’s brother watched in horror. “Ibrahim, my second son, was terrified,” Naomi remembers. “He held on to me and kept whispering, ‘Jesus help us, Jesus help us.’”
As soon as the men left with her son, Naomi began praying. “I was on my knees all the time, pleading for the Lord to protect my son.” 
Thankfully, within two days, Youssouf returned home.  He was “whipped severely,” but because he pretended to be deaf and mute, his captors released him.  
Youssouf and his brother Ibrahim are both traumatized from this event. Open Doors managed to secure for Naomi and her sons a place to live, something for which she is thankful. Nevertheless, though life is better than what it had been, she remains the target of relentless pressure from her Islamic neighbors who “laugh at me when I sing and pray.” 
Pope Francis, who can’t resist issuing public denunciations of free enterprise, “climate change,” and “xenophobia” (when the latter is allegedly being committed by Western peoples toward Islamic and other immigrants), will say nothing about the Naomis of the world. 
In both of these respects, he proves himself to be a member in good standing of the international community of elites.   

Terrorist links of New Mexico child shooter-trainer somehow not news to press

The case of a New Mexico "man" arrested at a compound in the state's northern scrublands, allegedly for murdering his three-year-old handicapped son, was appalling enough all by itself.
It got worse as news emerged that he was holding eleven emaciated children prisoner, and worse still, that lawmen who busted him thought he was running some sort of school shooter training camp for the children, at least one of whom said he had been trained in the use of assault rifles.
Depraved.  It's the only word for such an unimaginable evil.  Who could do that to a child?  Who could spend that much time and resources wanting to see schoolchildren massacred?  The man, Siraj Ibn Wahhaj, would have to be consumed by some kind of diabolical hate if such charges were true.
Where have we seen that kind of depravity before?
September 11 is what comes to mind: the commandeering of jet airliners full of passengers to ram them into one of America's tallest skyscrapers full of people.  And sure enough, that same mentality – seriously, using children for school shootings and setting up an elaborate training camp to do it – is pretty evident.  The guy even looks evil, same way WTC ringleader Mohamed Atta looked evil.
This is why the press's reluctance to report that that's exactly the mental culture this maggot sprang from.
Sirraj was the son of the one of the "unindicted co-conspirators" in the 1993 World Trade Center attack, a Bed-Stuy imam involved with the other imams who went to jail for the antecedent to the bigger WTC attack that happened eight years later.  Being evil seemed to be the family culture.
Yet virtually all of the news coverage out there buries that relevant little piece of news pointing to motivation deep, if it mentions it at all.  I watched network news waiting for that 9-11 connection to be brought up, and in at least one report, it never was.  It was just a child abuse case.
What's more, there seems to be some actual self-censorship going on.  This Twitchy thread references an instance where CNN actually took out a bland sheriff statement about the arrested thug and his buddies being "extremists of the Muslim belief."  No explanation as to why that was taken out.
As you may imagine, nobody asked CAIR for comment.
Seriously, why would that not be relevant to the story?  Do we need the school shooting to happen first before anyone is supposed to recognize that radical Muslims are still out there and still cooking up elaborate and unimaginably sick-minded plots to kill us?
This bid to sanitize the reality is pretty much political correctness run amok.  If the pattern holds, it's likely the press simply wants not to offend an identity-politics group and therefore is turning a blind eye to the activities of its worst elements, trying to erase them from what should be headline news.  Yet there's no need to pretend.  Sick beliefs fuel sick motivations and lead to sick plots.
If preserving the fictitious upstanding citizens image of radical Muslims is that important to the press than the actual reality going on as this New Mexico story shows, why are they in the news business?  The press's affinity for political correctness is coming at the expense of news itself, and it needs to be called out.
Buried news can mean buried people.

Abdul El-Sayed and the Red-Green Axis

Michigan gubernatorial candidate Abdul El-Sayed may be American-born, but he is a living embodiment of what has been called the "red-green axis."
Since Sayed is a self-styled progressive, it is not surprising that he has been warmly embraced by far-left "democratic socialists" Sen. Bernie Sanders and the suddenly famous U.S. House candidate from New York, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.  They are comrades in the struggle, after all.
The American left (the "red" side of the axis) is allied out of convenience with Islamists and sharia-supremacists (the "green" side), who want to fundamentally transform the United States of America – for the worst.
Their primary tools are name-calling and intimidation.  Their wealthy foundations fund nonprofits and campaigns focused on making our culture Islam-friendly while weakening our resolve to fight Islamic supremacism and the terrorism it deploys against us.
In Islam, deceiving non-Muslims is perfectly acceptable.  Sayed uses misdirection and dissimulation to avoid discussing the ugly, anti-American beliefs of his fellow Islamists.
But regardless of what he may say, Sayed, whose parents came from Egypt, is part of this red-green axis.
Sayed's supporters point to a flattering Aug. 24, 2017 profile in the Guardian (U.K.) that paints his critics as paranoid conspiracy theorists.
Reporter Drew Philp asked El-Sayed, "Are you the spear tip of a vast Muslim conspiracy to bring [s]haria law to the U.S.?"
"No," he replied.
"Are you a front for the Muslim [B]rotherhood to pervert American politics towards terrorism?"
"No," he answered.
On their face, Sayed's responses may seem reasonable, but they mask uncomfortable truths.
Sayed was vice president of the Muslim Student Association while attending the University of Michigan.  MSA isn't some innocuous feel-good organization that Muslim students join for companionship and the occasional field trip.  No one joins MSA to peacefully promote Islam.  MSA is a campus-based haven for revolutionaries, Islamists, and sharia supremacists in America.
MSA was founded in 1963 at the University of Illinois by the al-Qaeda-affiliated Muslim World League.  The Saudi government has reportedly funneled more than $1.3 billion to the MWL to promote Wahhabism.  The League, warns former federal prosecutor Andrew C. McCarthy, is the Muslim Brotherhood's "principal vehicle for the international propagation of Islamic supremacist ideology."  Bahrain, Egypt, Russia, and the United Arab Emirates treat the Brotherhood as a terrorist organization.
Islamist and anti-American agendas predominate at MSA chapters at American colleges.  These chapters have been credibly accused of serving as "incubators" for Islamic terrorism.  Former FBI special agent John Guandolo called the group "a recruitment tool to bring Muslims into the Brotherhood" and the "focal point" for the Muslim Brotherhood in America.  "Their goal, both from their senior leaders, presidents of MSA's around the country, national leadership, is to implement Islamic government here in the United States," Guandolo explained.  "And they say that."
Sayed is disturbingly evasive when questioned about the brutal, totalitarian body of medieval Islamic law known as sharia that many Muslims would like to impose on Americans.
At a May 10 candidates' forum in East Lansing, Sayed refused to answer a question about sharia from Republican Patrick Colbeck and gave him a lecture about racism and "white supremacy."
What frustrates me more is not that you have blatant racism on the part of certain people, but what frustrates me more is, in the words of Dr. Martin Luther King, is not when bad people speak out but when good people fail to speak out, and what I have not heard is the Republicans on this panel, decisively and swiftly call out this kind of Islamophobia, this kind of racism, in the context that they are wanting to represent the state that has the highest per-capita number of Muslim Americans in the country.  Now you may not hate Muslims, but I'll tell you, Muslims definitely hate you!
This flash of Islamist anger from Sayed was telling.  It is typical of Islamists trying to hide the truth.  They lash out at their critics and smear them using abusive language.
Being worried that people who want to destroy America are trying to gnaw away at its foundations from within isn't a "phobia."
It's patriotism and common sense.
Matthew Vadum is an independent investigative reporter in Washington, D.C. and author of Team Jihad: How Sharia-Supremacists Collaborate with Leftists to Destroy the United States and Subversion Inc.: How Obama's ACORN Red Shirts Are Still Terrorizing and Ripping Off American Taxpayers.  Follow him on Twitter.  E-mail him at matthewvadum [at]

Extremist Muslim with a towel on his head appears with his family to plead not guilty to child abuse and training 11 children to carry out school shootings at their desert compound

·         Siraj Wahhaj, 39, was pictured in court on Wednesday alongside wife Jany Leveille and sisters Hujrah and Subhannah Wahhaj
·         Also in court was co-accused Lucas Morton, who is Subhannah's husband
·         All five pleaded not guilty to 11 counts of felony child abuse, while Wahhaj was charged with child abduction and Morton faces a charge of harboring a fugitive
·         Gang are accused of training 11 starving children to carry out school shootings 
An extremist Muslim father, his wife and two sisters, who were arrested at a compound in New Mexico along with 11 starving children, made their first court appearance Wednesday.
Siraj Wahhaj, 39, wife Jany Leveille, and Hujrah and Subhannah Wahhaj were pictured in the dock as prosecutors accused them of training the children to carry out mass school shootings.
Also in court was Lucas Morton, Wahhaj's brother-in-law and Subhanah's husband. Each pleaded not guilty to 11 counts of felony child abuse, while Morton was also charged with harboring a fugitive.
Morton appeared wearing a white towel folded on his head styled like a keffiyeh.
Siraj was also charged with abducting his 3-year-old son 'AG' from his home in Atlanta last December, sparking a manhunt which led police to the compound. 
Lucas Morton, the husband of Subhannah, also appeared in court with his head covered with a towel, apparently folded in a style resembling a plain white keffiyeh
Siraj Wahhaj, 39 (left and right), was pictured during his first court appearance on Wednesday when he was accused of training 11 children to carry out school shootings
Also in court was Wahhaj's wife, Jany Leveille, who is believed to be the mother of some of the children and was charged with 11 felony counts of child abuse
Hujrah Wahhaj also appeared in court on Wednesday and pleaded not guilty to child abuse
Subhannah Wahhaj (left and right), Hujrah's sister, appeared in court alongside her husband Lucas Morton (not pictured). She denied 11 counts of child abuse, while Morton was also charged with harboring a fugitive 
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Skeletal remains found at the compound are believed to belong to the boy, who was disabled and required daily medication, though tests are still confirming this.
In petitions seeking to detain all five suspects without bail, prosecutors said each was under investigation in the boy's death. 
Police earlier said that Siraj was heavily armed with an AR-15 rifle and four pistols when he was arrested, and that there was a shooting range inside the compound.
The children, aged between 1 and 15, were found in a filthy state, had likely not eaten in days, and had loaded firearms within their reach. 
In court documents filed on Wednesday, prosecutors claimed Wahhaj was using the weapons to train the children to perform mass school shootings.
Wahhaj was also charged with abducting his three-year-old son from his Atlanta home last December. It is thought the boy is dead
It is not yet clear if they had set out a specific plan targeting any one school or if the practice was general. The compound is close to the Colorado border. 
No weapons charges were filed in the case. 
The FBI had been watching the compound for months after being led to it in their hunt for three-year-old AG Wahhaj, Siraj's disabled son who vanished with in December. 
Their explanation for not raiding it is that they did not have a warrant because AG was never physically seen there. 
Aleksandar Kostich, a public defender representing the five adults, said the identical wording of the allegations about weapons training in each petition suggested that prosecutors were less than certain about the information they were given.
A man who identified himself to reporters as Gerard Jabril Abdulwali, 64, of Alexandria, Egypt, and the father of Morton, attended the court hearing, during which he shouted, "Allahu Akbar," Arabic for "God is great."
He told reporters afterward that was in the United States for medical reasons and had not heard from his son for over a year but then received a text message from Morton last Thursday that said "they were starving."
Weapons found at the compound in New Mexico where Wahhaj was training 11 children to carry out school shootings, according to the prosecution
Abdulwali said his son and the other suspects were "peaceful adult settlers."
"They were homesteading and were trying to establish a peaceful community, a peaceful life away from society," he said. "They just went about it the wrong way."
Neighbors have told how they heard shooting coming from within the compound over the last few months.   
Photographs taken on the compound on Tuesday show what looks like a make-shift target practice range 
The compound is in the desert in New Mexico. It was put together with trailers and the children had been there for months 
One man who lives nearby says the 11 children initially showed up near his plot of land to play with his kids but that they stopped coming several weeks ago. 
Tyler Anderson is a 41-year-old auto mechanic who lives near the site. 
He has told how the Wahhaj family arrived in the desert in December with enough money to buy groceries and construction tools to build their home. 
Anderson helped them set up solar panels and the children in the Wahhaj family played with his at first but he started seeing them less and less. 
 We just figured they were doing what we were doing, getting a piece of land and getting off the grid
Neighbor Tyler Anderson  
He was aware of a target practice area set up on the compound and said he often heard shots coming from the property but that it stopped recently. 
'We just figured they were doing what we were doing, getting a piece of land and getting off the grid,' he said. 
Lucas Morton, who is married to Subhanah Wahhaj, one of the sisters, owns the tract of land where the family was based and started building their compound. 
The man who owns the patch next to it, however, says they started encroaching on his acreage as the compound grew bigger. 
He appealed to the courts to have them convicted for the breach but nothing was done. 
'I started to try and kick them off about three months ago and everything I tried to do kept getting knocked down,' he said on Tuesday.   
Sisters Subhanah Wahhaj, 35, (left) and Hujrah Wahhaj, 38, (right) were arrested on Sunday 
Jany Leveille, who also goes by the name Maryam, was also arrested for child abuse on Sunday. Wahhaj's brother-in-law, Lucas Morton, (right) was also taken in to custody 
The children were aged between one and 15 and all are related. They were taken into government care on Friday after they were discovered. 
They had not eaten in days and were filthy. They escaped after a message from the inside, either written by them or one of their mothers, was intercepted by police. 
It said: 'We are starving and we need food and water.'  
The new details were shared on Wednesday as prosecutors pleaded with a judge not to grant Wahhaj bail. 
At present, he stands accused of child abduction and neglect.
Police are yet to file charges relating to the discovery of remains of a boy on the compound. 
They have also not yet confirmed whether the remains belong to Wahhaj's disabled three-year-old son AG who he vanished with in December. 
At a press conference on Tuesday, Taos County Sheriff Jeffrey Hogrefe fought back tears as he described the grim discovery. 
'We discovered the remains yesterday on Abdul's fourth birthday,' he said.
11 children found in filthy trailer compound in New Mexico
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The compound is near Amalia, in the desert of northern New Mexico, is close to the Colorado border
Another photgraph taken at the site on Tuesday as investigators continue working at the scene. Despite landowners' efforts to remove the family, they remained there for months 
The conditions inside the compound were described by police as the worst they had seen in 30 years after they found the children on Friday. There was no running water or food and the children all had terrible personal hygiene 
A board found at the compound that appears to have bullet holes in it
Wahhaj, who is the son of a prominent New York City imam Siraj Wahhaj reportedly planned to perform an exorcism on the toddler who he thought was 'possessed'. 
They went missing from Georgia, where the family lived, in December.
AG's mother has been pleading for his safe return ever since. 
Also arrested at the compound on Friday were the man's sisters, Hujrah and Subhanah Wahhaj, and his wife, Jany Leveille. 
All three women, who police described at first as being 'brainwashed and intimidated' by the man, were charged with child abuse on Sunday. 
Also charged was Lucas Morton, Subhanah's husband. He is charged with harboring a fugitive.   
Siraj Wahhaj senior was one of 170 people identified by US Attorney Mary Jo White in 1995 as 'unindicted persons who may be alleged as co-conspirators' in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing but was never charged and denies any involvement with the bombing.
Wahhaj was also a defense witness at the trial of the Blind Sheikh, Omar Abdel-Rahman, the former leader of the Egyptian terrorist organization, Gama'a al-Islamiyya.
In November 2009, he was one of many Muslim leaders who met with New York mayor Michael Bloomberg at City Hall. Wahhaj said that he hoped all Americans would eventually become Muslim and also referred to the FBI and CIA as the 'real terrorists'.
The children's grandfather is Imam Siraj Wahhaj, the leader of the Muslim Alliance of North America and the leader of a mosque in Brooklyn (left). Three-year-old AG (right), who has hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE) and requires daily medication, has been missing since December and was not found Friday. Remains found at the property are yet to be identified

UK: Judge Says Parents Linked to Terror Group Can Keep Kids

LONDON - FEBRUARY 03: Muslim demonstrators hold banners at the Danish Embassy on February 3, 2006 in London. British muslims have condemned newspaper cartoons which first appeared in a Danish newspaper, some of which depict the Prophet Mohammed wearing a turban shaped like a bomb. The cartoons have sparked worldwide …
Peter Macdiarmid/Getty Images

A London council has dropped an attempt to take the children of an alleged radical Islamic extremist into care after a judge said they could not prove the youngsters were being radicalised or harmed.

The move comes despite the father being a “leading figure” in the banned Al-Muhajiroun terror group and the mother calling for attacks on the West, the Telegraph claims.
Al-Muhajiroun was led by the infamous convicted Islamic State recruited Anjem Choudary.
After a seven-day High Court hearing judge Mrs Justice Knowles claimed there was no evidence the children had been harmed by their terror-sympathising parents.
The case is just one of a number where the children of parents with radical views have been allowed to stay with them.
In the recent case, the police say the father encouraged others to join Islamic State and discussed killing homosexuals by throwing them off high buildings.
Until recently, he was subject to a Terrorist Prevention and Investigation Measure (TPIM) and is facing trial later this year for breaches of the order, which is used against people who cannot be prosecuted but are at risk of involvement in terrorism.
Police have also discovered pro-Islamic State material on his computer and phone and say he had been in contact with the British Islamic State executioner known as Jihadi Sid, who took his own children to Syria.
The mother, meanwhile, was an active member of a women’s circle closely associated with Al-Muhajiroun and featured in the Channel 4 documentary ISIS: The British Women Supporters Unveiled, where she appeared to back people traveling to Syria to join Islamic State.
Last year, one of Britain’s top police officers said convicted terrorists should be treated like paedophiles and have their children removed.
Assistant Commissioner Mark Rowley, who was Britain’s leading counter-terror officer, said exposing children to extremist propaganda was “equally wicked” to keeping them in environments where there was sexual abuse.
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The open extremists operating in the Democratic Party's midst.

It turns out the man arrested for running a Muslim terrorist training compound in rural New Mexico is the son of an influential Democrat-connected jihadist imam who was close to the Blind Sheikh who orchestrated the bombing of the World Trade Center in 1993 that left six people dead.
Siraj Ibn Wahhaj Jr., who is 39 or 40, of Clayton County, Ga., was arrested after authorities found 11 hungry, filthy children living in squalid conditions in a remote part of New Mexico. Wahhaj, who has been charged with felony child abuse, had reportedly been training the children to commit school shootings. The remains of a three-year-old disabled boy, since identified as Wahhaj’s son, were discovered on the property which was filled with weapons. Two of Wahhaj’s sisters and two other adults were also arrested.
Investigative reporter Paul Sperry reports that Wahhaj "has been on the radar of federal counterterrorism officials for the past 13 years on suspicion of jihadist activity."
Despite abundant evidence of suspicious activities, timid FBI officials refused to raid the compound, instead sending a neighbor in wearing a hidden camera. The reluctance of the agents of the embattled law enforcement agency to act may be based on fear of being accused of so-called Islamophobia. Fortunately, local police did their duty and entered the property and discovered the children in what some described as Third World living conditions.
Wahhaj’s father, who shares his name, is deeply involved in Democrat politics. Wahhaj is the imam of Brooklyn, New York’s At-Taqwa Mosque and used to be a member of CAIR’s national board of advisers. 
Imam Wahhaj offered an opening prayer at an event called “Jumah at the DNC” at the Democratic National Convention in 2012, as blogger Israel Matzav and others reported at the time.
Wahhaj the elder has been called the spiritual adviser of jihad sympathizer and Bernie Sanders supporter Linda Sarsour. Sarsour co-chairs the Women’s March organization and openly admits being a member of America’s largest Marxist group, the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA).
Sarsour, who in 2017, urged Muslims to wage jihad against the Trump administration and refuse to assimilate into American society. She praised the imam effusively last year at the annual convention of the terrorism-linked Islamic Society of North America (ISNA):
And to my favorite person in this room, that’s mutual, is Imam Siraj Wahhaj, who has been a mentor, motivator, and encourager of mine. Someone who has taught me to speak truth to power, and not worry about the consequences. Someone who has taught me that we are on this earth to please Allah and only Allah, and that we are not here to please any man or woman on this earth. So I am grateful to you Imam Siraj, and you might think this is weird, but every once in a while, when I get into that deep dark place, Imam Siraj comes and talks to me. And he helps me to emerge out of those places, so I’m grateful to you Imam Siraj, and may Allah bless you and protect you for a long time for our community, because we need you now more than ever.
The elder Wahhaj has ties to Broward County, Fla., where Nikolas Cruz murdered 17 people on Feb. 14 at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. The response of county officials, especially of Sheriff Scott Israel (D) and his cowardly deputies who refused to confront the spree killer at the scene, has been heavily criticized.
Imam Wahhaj, 68, was a keynote speaker at two fundraising banquets held by the Florida chapter of the terrorist-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) at the end of 2016. He was invited to speak by Florida CAIR chief Nezar Hamze, who is also one of Israel’s deputies in Broward County.
Wahhaj Sr. was reportedly an honored guest at Hillary Clinton’s Department of State and the Obama White House. He is said to have been the first Muslim to lead prayer at the U.S. House of Representatives in 1991. Citing Islamic law, he has called for death for gays and lesbians. He previously predicted U.S. democracy would "crumble" and be supplanted by Islam, adding it is "our duty as Muslims to replace the U.S. Constitution with the Quran."
The Muslim cleric was previously named as an unindicted co-conspirator in the 1993 bomb attack on the World Trade Center that was carried out by Omar Abdel Rahman, also known as the Blind Sheikh, who died in a U.S. prison last year while serving a life sentence. Wahhaj Sr. was a character witness for the sheikh, who has been tied to several Muslim terrorist organizations, at his trial. In his testimony, he said Rahman was a “respected scholar ... bold ... [and] a strong preacher of Islam,” and that he felt honored to have hosted Rahman at his mosque. 
Not long after the trial, during a sermon Wahhaj said, “I’m not frightened by no list, by no government! I thank Allah. I’m honored that they thought enough of me to put me on a list.” Several congregants from his mosque were charged and convicted of providing material support for Muslim terrorists in the period leading up to the 1993 bombing.
According to Discover The Networks:
[Imam] Wahhaj has been a longtime supporter of Hizb ut-Tahrir, an organization that seeks to create a worldwide Islamic caliphate, or kingdom, governed by Sharia Law. In the summer of 1994, Wahhaj attended a Hizb ut-Tahrir conference in London, where Islamists openly called for jihad, denounced democracy, and declared that “the Islamic system is the only alternative for mankind.” Less than a week later, back in the U.S., Wahhaj lauded Hizb ut-Tahrir's "scholarly brothers" for their "good insight" and "their pushing for the Khilafah [Caliphate]."
The sordid activities of Siraj Ibn Wahhaj Sr. have already been well-documented.
The investigation into Siraj Ibn Wahhaj Jr. is only just beginning.

Britain Suffers 15 Acid Attacks a Week, With Three Quarters Taking Place in London


The United Kingdom’s surge of the previously unheard of phenomenon of acid attacks has seen an average of 15 a week over the past three years, with the vast majority taking place in the crime-struck capital, London.

There were 2,602 acid attacks in Britain between January 2015 and May 2018, the equivalent of 15 a week, according to government figures accessed by The Mirrornewspaper.
Comparing that figure — which will almost certainly be higher on average for 2018 crimes given the apparent surge in acid attacks in the past year — the newspaper notes between 2007 and 2011 there were just 100 such attacks, or just one a fortnight over the period.
Of the attacks, the majority took place in London — 73 per cent — despite just 12 per cent of people in the United Kingdom living in the capital.
The paper also reports instances of particular attacks that have taken place in recent years, some of which child victims and even child perpetrators — one as young as six years old.
Breitbart London has reported on the rising prominence of acid attacks in the United Kingdom and in London in particular, with the city being crowned the world acid attack capital in 2017, with incidents reaching “epidemic” levels, according to medics working on acid victim care.
While the attacks are often severely debilitating and leave victims with what are euphemistically called “life-changing injuries”, Britain saw its first prosecution for an acid attack killing in 2018.
Xeneral Webster, 19, was sentenced to 17 years in prison after he chucked a bottle of high strength acid over a nurse during a botched robbery. The victim, who had just come from the grave of her daughter, died 11 days later.
In another attack which saw particularly strong media attention, a three-year-old boy was splashed with acid during a “deliberate” attack which police attributed to “community violence”. The extent to which the boy’s injuries will impact him in the long run is not yet known. Five were subsequently arrested, with the case soon going to court.

The Martyrs of Otranto: Lessons from Christian Victims of Jihad

A little remembered event that occurred 538 years ago today – the ritual decapitation of 800 Christians who refused Islam – sheds much light on modern questions concerning the ongoing conflict between Islam and the West.
Context: Though primarily remembered for sacking Constantinople in 1453, because Ottoman sultan Mehmed II was only twenty-one years old then, he still had many good decades of jihading before him.  He continued expanding into the Balkans, and, in his bid to feed his horses on the altar of Saint Peter's basilica – Muslim prophecies held that "we will conquer Constantinople before we conquer Rome" – he invaded Italy and captured Otranto in 1480.  More than half of its twenty-two thousand inhabitants were massacred, five thousand led away in chains.
To demonstrate his magnanimity, Mehmed offered freedom and security to 800 chained Christian captives.  All they had to do was embrace Islam.  Instead, they unanimously chose to act on the words of one of their numbers: "My brothers, we have fought to save our city; now it is time to battle for our souls!"
Outraged that his invitation was spurned, on August 14, on a hilltop (subsequently named "Martyr's Hill"), Mehmed ordered the ritual decapitation of these 800 unfortunates.  Their archbishop was slowly sawed in half to jeers and triumphant cries of "Allah akbar!"  (The skulls and bones of some of these defiant Christians were preserved and can still be seen in the Cathedral of Otranto.)
Now consider what this event says about current realities.
First, whenever Islamic individuals or organizations engage in violence against non-Muslims – and cite Islam as the reason for their behavior – we are instantly told the exact opposite: that they are mere criminals and psychopaths, that their actions have "nothing to do with the reality of Islam," to quote John McCain.
Yet it was not just run-of-the-mill "Muslims" who committed atrocities atop Martyr's Hill, but the official leader of Sunni Islam – the sultan himself, who always had a pack of Muslim ulema – clerics, scholars, and muftis – to guide and confirm his decisions vis-à-vis infidels (including massacring those who reject Islam).
Nor was Otranto an aberration.  As documented in my new book, Sword and Scimitar: Fourteen Centuries of War between Islam and the West, Islam's official leaders and spokesmen – from sultans and caliphs to ulema and sheikhs – have always spoken and acted just like the Islamic State (or rather vice versa).
Also interesting to reflect on is how even then, over half a millennium ago, Western nations preferred to engage in denial and wishful thinking over coming to grips with reality or aiding their beleaguered coreligionists.  Soon after the Otranto massacre, Pope Sixtus IV chided an indifferent West accordingly:
Let them not think that they are protected against invasion, those who are at a distance from the theatre of war!  They, too, will bow the neck beneath the yoke, and be mowed down by the sword, unless they come forward to meet the invader.  The Turks have sworn the extinction of Christianity.  A truce to sophistries!  It is the moment not to talk, but to act and fight!
Such laments were not uncommon; nearly a century later, in 1565, as a massive Islamic armament was sailing over to besiege the tiny island of Malta, Pope Pius IV complained that the king of Spain "has withdrawn into the woods and France, England and Scotland [are] ruled by women and boys."
Finally, and not unlike today, whereas the mass of Western people were ignorant of Islam's doings, a minority were always keenly aware, including from a historical perspective.  Consider Sebastian Brant (b. 1457)'s "Ship of Fools," a satirical poem on the gradual nature of Islam's advances against a "sleeping" Christendom:
Our faith was strong in the Orient
It ruled in all of Asia in Moorish lands and Africa
But now [and since the seventh century] for us these lands are gone...
We perish sleeping one and all
The wolf has come into the stall
And steals the Holy Church's sheep
The while the shepherd lies asleep
Four sisters of our Church you find
They're of the patriarchic kind
Constantinople, Alexandria, Jerusalem, Antioch
But they've been forfeited and sacked
And soon the head [Rome] will be attacked.
As the poem's continuity suggests, learned Europeans saw the Ottoman scourge as the latest in a continuum of Islamic terror, for whereas the Arabs were "the first troops of locusts" that appeared "about the year 630," to quote a contemporary English clergyman, "the Turks, a brood of vipers, [are] worse than their parent ... the Saracens, their mother."
The same observations of continuity can be made about the Islamic State and every other jihadi organization.
Editor's note: A portion of this article is excerpted from the author's new book, Sword and Scimitar: Fourteen Centuries of War between Islam and the West.  All quotes are sourced there.


"If good Muslim women are seen and treated as possessions, how are


infidel women seen and treated?" RAYMOND IBRAHIM

"Fight and kill the disbelievers wherever you find them, take them captive, harass them, lie in wait and ambush them using every stratagem of war." –Qur'an 9:5

Once a Muslim, ALWAYS a murderer!

Praise be to Allah the great fornicating dog!

"The Times also reported the story of one 13-year-old victim who was

collected from a children’s home, drugged with cocaine and mephedrone,

and raped by up to seven men at so-called “sessions”, or sex parties, held by

the groomers."


…. They live to hate, kill, r ape, molest and mutilate according to their perverted s ex practices perpetrated on women.

"If good Muslim women are seen and treated as possessions, how are 

infidel women seen and treated?" RAYMOND IBRAHIM

Muslim Man Sentenced to Death for 'Honor Killings' in Texas

Michael W. Chapman
 By Michael W. Chapman | August 16, 2018 | 1:18 PM EDT

Ali Mahwood-Awad Irsan.
A Muslim man who immigrated from Jordan to the United States was found guilty of participating in an "honor killing" plot -- including a plan to kill his own daughter for converting to Christianity -- and was sentenced to death by a jury in Houston on Tuesday.
Although the "honor killings" were to include five victims, the Muslim father, Ali Mahwood-Awad Irsan, was also found guilty of murdering his daughter Nesreen's new husband, Coty Beavers, 28, and her best friend, Gelareh Bagherzadeh, 30, reported the Houston Chronicle
Ali Mahwood-Awad Irsan apparently was enraged over his daughter's conversion from Islam to Christianity, her marriage to a Christian, and for her leaving home. He apparently wanted to "wash his honor in blood," the jury was told. 
At the sentencing, Coty Beavers' mother read a victim impact statement, reported the Chronicle, in which she said, “On November 12, 2012, Ali Irsan and his family destroyed life as we knew it forever. That was the day they ambushed and murdered Coty, to restore honor to someone who never had any.”
A friend of victim Gelarah Bagherzadeh told the court, "By taking Gelareh away from us, they took away a true human being who would have helped anyone in any way that crossed her path throughout her life. They took something good from our society.”

"Honor Killing" victim Gelarah Bagherzadeh. (YouTube.)
During the trial, Prosecutor Jon Stephenson said of Irsan, "He wanted to kill her [Nesreen]. But he wanted to kill all those she loved first, so that she would suffer that much more before she died."
The Chronicle also reported that, during the trial, "One of Irsan’s daughters also testified that he cheered the 9/11 attacks on America and praised Osama bin Laden, and told his children they should volunteer to become suicide bombers."
Although the trial took more than 5 weeks, the jury deliberated less than an hour to determine Irsan's fate. 

"Honor Killing" victim Coty Beavers.  (YouTube.)
In Texas, a death penalty sentence is decided by the jury, not the judge, and the death sentence must be unanimous. The death is executed by lethal injection. Since 1976, Texas has executed 553 criminals. 
Because of his death penalty sentence, Irsan is allowed to appeal to the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals.

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The Do-Gooders Who Got a Hard Lesson in the Existence of Evil

In 2001, believing he was Superman and could fly, a third-grade boy namedJulian Roman attempted to jump rooftops in the Bronx.  Julian died after slipping and smashing into an air conditioner protruding from an apartment window below.  At the time of Julian's death, in Manalapan, New Jersey, a boy named Jay Austin was cultivating a Superman mentality similar to the one that cost Julian his life.  
Born in New York, Jay grew up in Monmouth County, attended the University of Delaware, and earned a master's degree from Georgetown University.  It was at Georgetown that Jay met fellow unicorn-chaser Lauren Geoghegan.  Austin, a vegan, spent his days advocating for sustainable living, worked for the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) during the Obama administration, and owned a trendy micro-house he parked in Washington, D.C.
In 2017, Jay decided to follow in Julian Roman's footsteps and tempt fate.  At the time, Austin wrote on his bicycle blog that "[t]here's magic out there, in this great big beautiful world."  Apparently, Jay believed that "wishing for kind human beings" supernaturally creates kind human beings.  So, to prove that his brand of "magic" had power, he and girlfriend Lauren gave two weeks' notice andembarked on a cycling journey
In the second year of the couple's intercontinental bike trek, on a quest to prove that those perceived to be evil for beheading enemies with hunting knives, drowning cages full of helpless men, and burning people alive just "hold values and beliefs and perspectives different than our own," Jay and Lauren pedaled into ISIS recruitment territory.
In the midst of virtue-signaling, the bicycle enthusiasts delivered warm hugs andsunflower sentiments to the "astoundingly generous" people living in the central Asian Muslim republic of Tajikistan.  The problem is that the area borders Afghanistan and is also known for recruiting ISIS J.V. team members, lacks religious freedom, and is guilty of widespread human rights violations.
About the mode of transportation the couple preferred, Jay wrote this: 
Bikes are a clean and quiet and simple way to get around, and a cheap one, too.  They may make you more vulnerable, sure, but also more approachable.  Humans can be an astoundingly generous species, and whether out of amazement or pity or a mix of both, one is likely to be offered more smiles, more encouraging waves, more curious conversations and genuine offers of a bed or a place to camp when biking than by perhaps any other mode of transport.
Sadly, instead of  "curious conversations" and posting pictures on Instagram of the liberals sharing steamy bowls of plov with villagers, Jay, Lauren, and five other bicyclists were run off the Pamir Highway by a band of ISIS soldiers, who hacked four of the seven happy-go-lucky cyclists to death.
Before being murdered, on a blog that doubled as a travelogue, Jay expressed the following sentiments:
You watch the news and you read the papers, and you're led to believe that the world is a big, scary place.  People, the narrative goes, are not to be trusted.  People are bad.  People are evil.  People are axe murderers and monsters and worse.
I don't buy it.  Evil is a make-believe concept we've invented to deal with the complexities of fellow humans holding values and beliefs and perspectives different than [sic] our own – it's easier to dismiss an opinion as abhorrent than strive to understand it.  Badness exists, sure, but even that's quite rare.  By and large, humans are kind.  Self-interested sometimes, myopic sometimes, but kind.  Generous and wonderful and kind.  No greater revelation has come from our journey than this.
The blogger's final revelation was never posted to his website because, just as Julian thought he could defy gravity, Jay's belief that "evil is a make-believe concept" led to his demise.
With that in mind, Jay Austin and his girlfriend, Lauren Geoghegan, were either profoundly brainwashed into believing that American conservatives are more dangerous than ISIS or, despite being educated at Georgetown University, unaware that history and Scripture both chronicle the reality that, since the dawn of creation, humankind has struggled with evil.    
Regrettably, whether on a roof in the Bronx or a dusty road in Central Asia, in a violent, disastrous way, despite good intentions, bad things happen.  Julian Roman believed he was Superman and could fly.  He was wrong.  Either Jay and Lauren were making a symbolic statement or both honestly thought human beings are inherently good.  They too were wrong and ended up as dead as the wannabe superhero from the Bronx.
There is a life lesson here concerning the progressive mindset to be gleaned from these sad events.  For instance, let's apply Jay's and Lauren's attitude to another unicorn fantasy falsely perceived by leftists to be something that it's not: socialism.
No disrespect for the dead, but Jay and Lauren were deluded, naïve, and imprudent travelers who believed that entering ISIS territory would be different if they were the ones doing the venturing.  In like manner, socialist-minded advocates think that although socialism has failed miserably wherever it's been tried, if American progressives like Sanders and Ocasio-Cortez get to divvy up the wealth, for the first time, capitalist naysayers will be proven wrong.
Simply put, the result of biking through ISIS territory to prove that evil doesn't exist can be likened to biking through Venezuela to establish socialism as a force for good or jumping off a roof believing you're Superman.
Much like Jay and Lauren, both of whom falsely believed that "pedaling the planet" would prove to skeptics the innate goodness within all human beings, Marx and Engels preached that socialism and communism would usher in Heaven on Earth.  If, prior to being murdered while conveying good vibes to ISIS on the Pamir Highway, Jay and Lauren had decided to take a trip throughCaracas, Venezuela, there's a good chance the reckless romantics would have met a similar end.
Jeannie hosts a blog at

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