Thursday, April 11, 2019

THE RECOVERY FROM THE BANKSTER-CAUSED ECONOMIC MELTDOWN - The rich got much richer, illegals got the jobs and billions in welfare and middle-america got the shaft.... again!

Economy Recovers, But Less-Educated Natives Left Out

Washington, D.C. (April 11, 2019) - A new Center for Immigration Studies analysis of government data shows that nationally the labor force participation rate — those working or looking for work — has not returned to pre-2007 recession levels. Data from the fourth quarter of 2018 are particularly bad for native-born people without a bachelor's degree. In nearly every state the labor force participation of non-college natives (ages 18 to 64) has not returned to 2007 levels, which in most cases was already lower than at the last peak in 2000.

View the full report:

Dr. Steven Camarota, the Center's director of research, said, "Business groups may point to the low unemployment rate as they lobby for more foreign workers, but unemployment statistics obscure the enormous number of people who are out of the labor market entirely and therefore do not show up as 'unemployed'. There is a large pool of potential workers in the country who could fill jobs that require modest education."

Among Native-Born Americans:
  • The low national unemployment rate (3.7 percent) for natives in the fourth quarter of 2018 obscures the low labor force participation rate, especially for those without a bachelor's degree.
  • There has been a long-term downward decline in the labor force participation rate of working-age (18 to 64) natives without a bachelor's degree. Only 70.7 were in the labor force — working or looking for work — in the fourth quarter of 2018; in 2007, before the recession, it was 74.3 percent, and in the fourth quarter of 2000 it was 76.4 percent.
  • The decline in the labor force participation rate of natives without a college degree shows little meaningful improvement in the last six years. There was no improvement between 2017 and 2018 and rate in 2012 was actually slightly higher than it was in 2018.
  • The decline in labor force participation of less-educated natives is even more profound relative to the more educated. In the fourth quarter of 2018, 70.7 percent of natives without a bachelor's degree were in the labor force, compared to 86.6 percent of those with a bachelor's degree — a 15.8 percentage-point difference. In the fourth quarter of 2007, the gap was 12.3 percentage points, and in the fourth quarter of 2000 the gap was 10.9 percentage points.
  • In only 3 states has the labor force participation of non-college natives (ages 18 to 64) returned to 2007 levels; and, there is not one state where the rate in 2018 was as high as it had been in 2000.
Among Immigrants:
  • Working-age immigrants without a college education also have struggled since the recession. However, unlike natives, immigrants without a college education did improve their situation between 2000 and 2007. Also unlike natives the labor force participation of immigrants improved in the last year, but it has still not returned to 2007 levels. In the fourth quarter of 2018, the labor force participation rate of immigrants (18 to 64) without a bachelor's degree was 73.5 percent, somewhat better than that of natives, but still below their rate of 74.5 percent in the fourth quarter of 2007.
Immigrants and Natives Not in the Labor Force:
  • In the fourth quarter of 2018, there were a total 47.6 million immigrants and natives ages 18 to 64 not in the labor force (all education levels), up from 42.1 million in 2007 and 36.6 million in 2000.
  • Of the 47.6 million currently not in the labor force, 37.7 million (79.4 percent) did not have a bachelor's degree.
  • The above figures do not include the unemployed, who are considered to be part of the labor force because, although they are not working, they are looking for work. There were 5.8 million unemployed immigrants and natives in the fourth quarter of this year; more than three-fourths of the unemployed do not have a bachelor's degree.



"JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon, who was known as Barack Obama’s favorite banker and who has been a major donor to
the Democratic Party, centered his annual letter to shareholders on a denunciation of socialism."


Dimon’s bank received tens of billions of dollars in government bailouts and many billions more from the Obama administration’s ultra-low interest rate and “quantitative easing” money-printing policies.  He told his shareholders that “socialism inevitably produces stagnation, corruption” and “authoritarian government,” and would be “a disaster for our country.”… UNLESS IT IS SOCIALISM FOR BANKSTERS AND WALL STREET!


"This paved the way for the elevation of Trump, the personification of the criminality and backwardness of the ruling oligarchy."

"The very fact that the US government officially acknowledges a growth of popular support for socialism, particularly among the nation’s youth, testifies to vast changes taking place in the political consciousness of the 
working class and the terror this is striking within the ruling elite. America is, after all, a country where anti-communism was for the greater part of a century a state-sponsored secular religion. No ruling class has so 
ruthlessly sought to exclude socialist politics from political discourse as the American ruling class."

Socialism haunts the American ruling class In the two months since Donald Trump vowed in his State of the Union Address that “America will never be a socialist country,” the right-wing demagogue president and the Republican Party have embraced anti-socialism as the defining theme of their campaign in the 2020 elections.

WALL STREET CRIMINALS and the ultimate death of America’s middle-class

Jim Carrey: America ‘Doomed’ If We Don’t Regulate Capitalism

"The American phenomenon of record stock values fueling an ever greater concentration of wealth at the very top of society, while the economy is starved of productive investment, the social infrastructure crumbles, and working class living standards are driven down by entrenched unemployment, wage-cutting and government austerity policies, is part of a broader global process."
"Hillary will do anything to distract you from her reckless record and the damage to the Democratic Party and the America she and The Obama's have created."
“Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people. To destroy this invisible government, to befoul the unholy alliance between corrupt business and corrupt politics is the first task of the statesmanship of today.” THEODORE ROOSEVELT

"But what the Clintons do is criminal because they do it wholly at the expense of the American people. And they feel thoroughly entitled to do it: gain power, use it to enrich themselves and their friends. They are amoral, immoral, and venal. Hillary has no core beliefs beyond power and money. That should be clear to every person on the planet by now."  ----  Patricia McCarthy -

It will more likely come on the heels of economic dislocation and dwindling wealth to redistribute.”
“Our entire crony capitalist system, Democrat and Republican alike, has become a kleptocracy approaching par with third-world hell-holes.  This is the way a great country is raided by its elite.” -- Karen McQuillan  THEAMERICAN
"The kind of people needed for violent change these days are living in off-the-grid rural compounds, or the “gangster paradise” where the businesses of drugs, guns, and prostitution are much more lucrative than “transforming” America along Cuban lines." BRUCE THORNTON
There can be no resolution to any social problem confronting the population in the United States and internationally outside of a frontal assault on the wealth of the financial elite. 
 The political system is controlled by this social layer, which uses a portion of its economic plunder to bribe politicians and government officials, whether Democratic or Republican.
“Our entire crony capitalist system, Democrat and Republican alike, has become a kleptocracy approaching par with third-world hell-holes.  This is the way a great country is raided by its elite.” – Karen McQuillan  AMERICAN
Amnesty is all about keeping wages depressed and passing the true cost along to what is left of the America middle-class.
The huge inflow of migrants and asylum seekers forced officials to issue 400,000 work permits in 2017. That is roughly one new migrant worker for every 10 Americans who entered the workforce that year. The huge inflow has also jammed the immigration courts, ensuring that new migrants can work for a few years before a judge decides their case.
The inflow of asylum-seeking migrants, nonetheless, is far smaller than the inflow of legal immigrants and temporary visa-workers, which added roughly 2 workers in 2017 for every four Americans who entered the workforce.
Nationwide, the U.S. establishment’s economic policy of using legal migration to boost economic growth shifts wealth from young people towards older people by flooding the market with cheap white collar and blue collar foreign labor. That flood of outside labor spikes profits and Wall Street values by cutting salaries for manual and skilled labor that blue collar and white collar employees.
The cheap labor policy widens wealth gaps, reduces high tech investment, increases state and local tax burdens, hurts kids’ schools and college education, pushes Americans away from high tech careers, and sidelines at least five million marginalized Americans and their families, including many who are now struggling with fentanyl addictions.
Immigration also steers investment and wealth away from towns in heartland states because coastal investors can more easily hire and supervise the large immigrant populations who prefer to live in coastal cities. In turn, that investment flow drives up coastal real-estate prices, pricing poor U.S. Latinos and blacks out of prosperous cities, such as Berkeley and Oakland. NEIL MUNRO

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