Saturday, September 7, 2013

Barrasso warns of ObamaCare 'sticker shock' in GOP address - IS OBAMACARE REALLY ANOTHER WEFLARE PROGRAM FOR LA RAZA? The Hill's Healthwatch

Barrasso warns of ObamaCare 'sticker shock' in GOP address - The Hill's Healthwatch

Obama’s America… a few part time jobs with miserable wages… IMPORTING IMMIGRANTS TO FILL THE REAL JOBS CHEAP FOR BIGGER CORPORATE PROFITS.


"The Obama administration is directing this attack, encouraging wage cutting and the reduction of large sections of workers to the status of casual laborers. Obama’s so-called health care “reform,” the ACA, was designed to facilitate this process by encouraging employers to reduce the hours of employees so as to evade requirements that they provide health insurance to full-time workers".

more at this link – post on your Facebook and email broadcast

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