Sunday, June 14, 2015

THE CRIME WAVE OF HILLARY CLINTON - Here’s how Bernie Sanders could win: The one issue where Hillary’s vulnerable, and where the Tea Party might be right

Here’s how Bernie Sanders could win: The one issue where Hillary’s vulnerable, and where the Tea Party might be right

Sen. Bernie Sanders – America’s answer to
Wall Street’s looting, the war on the American
middle-class and jobs for legals!



Hillary Clinton’s Global Greed

How many times did she sellout America to fill her bottomless pockets?

Another possible explanation is that the Clintons don't believe voters will really care that much. The renting of the Lincoln Bedroom to people who gave $5.4 million to the Democratic National Committee in 1995 and 1996 did no lasting damage to Bill's approval ratings. Neither did the 1996 fundraising scandal involving illegal foreign donations, which the Los Angeles Times reported on just before the president easily won a second term.


On America’s First Family of Crime….. NO! Not the Bushes again!

Clinton global hucksterism – Selling out America like they sold out the Lincoln Bedroom.

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