Sunday, August 21, 2016

THE INVADING HORDES: Barack Obama's "Silent Swell" from El Salvadore


"And the human cost is the continued flow 

northward of Central Americans — and even 

Haitians, Africans, Chinese and others who 

have begun launching their attempts to 

penetrate the United States' southern border 

via way-stations such as Ecuador or Costa 

Rica, and onward through Mexico."

August 21, 2016

Apprehension at the border of families from El Salvador has jumped 96%

A "silent swell" of family units from El Salvadore is creating another immigration crisis on our southern border.
Salvadorans are fleeing to the United States in massive numbers, and now they’re bringing the whole family along. Though the number of unaccompanied Salvadoran minors crossing the border has not returned to the surge numbers seen in 2014, the number of Salvadoran family units apprehended on the southern border has increased by a whopping 96% over the past year.
Undocumented Salvadoran families are arriving in the U.S. in greater numbers than immigrants from any other Latin American nation. Ten Salvadoran families are apprehended here for every one Mexican family, according to U.S. Customs and Border Patrol statistics.
There are now more Salvadorans in U.S. immigration deportation proceedings than any other nationality.
For those paying attention to the situation in El Salvador, the timing of the new surge might seem strange considering that the country’s murder rate, which was the highest in the world in 2015, has dropped significantly during the first half of this year. The country’s death toll has dropped from an average of 25 murders each day in January to around 11 murders per day over the past four months.
At first blush, that looks like good news. But behind the numbers there could be a gathering storm that’s hard to see from the outside, but one that Salvadorans can feel in the air. And that sense that the center cannot hold might explain why so many families are pulling up sticks and heading out now.
That last paragraph is a joke. The idea that the illegals can "feel in the air" that trouble is brewing is absurd and not an explanation for the surge in families coming to the US.
A more rational explanation is that they know they won't be deported by the Obama administration. Among people who are barely literate, word of mouth is a powerful recruiting tool. The Salvadorans crashing the border have been told once they enter the US, they will be taken care of.
This is a lot better life than scratching out a subsistence living in a hovel.

The Cost of Family Detention Centers and 

Failed American Immigration Policies 

By Dan Cadman 
CIS Immigration Blog, August 15, 2016 
. . . 
But the same critics who decry costs and deplore trauma do everything in their power to grind the government's removals system to a halt, thus virtually guaranteeing that detention will be for the maximum, rather than the minimum, amount of time needed. They do this knowing that they will then have multiple recourses in the courts to argue over detention conditions, relief from detention through habeas corpus, and legal arguments over what constitutes a refugee or asylee. Ultimately, the removals system breaks down, as it seems to have done under the Obama administration, which in many ways has been its own worst enemy. And the human cost is the continued flow 

northward of Central Americans — and even 

Haitians, Africans, Chinese and others who 

have begun launching their attempts to 

penetrate the United States' southern border 

via way-stations such as Ecuador or Costa 

Rica, and onward through Mexico. Many are victimized along the way. 

The nation's answer to every international crisis that results in dislocation of human beings, whether by war, terror, crime/drugs/violence, or acts of God and nature, cannot be to open our doors ever wider. We cannot expansively interpret away all restrictions built into international and domestic legal definitions of asylum and refuge and creatively imagine into being "executive action" programs that have no basis in statute, solely as a way to avoid expeditiously deporting the tidal wave of humans who seek to enter, or have entered, illegally. 
. . . 

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