Monday, September 11, 2017



There’s No Such Thing as Islamophobia

Critique of religion is a fundamental Western right, not an illness.
Summer 2017
The Social Order

In 1910, a French editor in the colonial ministry, Alain Quellien, published The Muslim Policy in West Africa. This work, addressed to specialists, is one of measured praise for the religion of the Koran, a “practical and indulgent” religion, better adapted to indigenous peoples, while Christianity is “too complicated, too abstract, too austere for the rudimentary and materialist mentality of the Negro.” Seeing Islam as a civilizing force that “removes peoples from fetishism and its degrading practices” and thus facilitates European penetration, the author calls for an end to prejudices that equate this confession with barbarism and fanaticism, castigating the “Islamophobia” prevalent among colonial personnel. What is needed, on the contrary, is to tolerate Islam and to treat it impartially. Quellien was writing as an administrator, concerned with order. Why demonize a religion that keeps peace in the empire, whatever may be the abuses, which he considers minor, of which it is guilty—that is, slavery and polygamy? Since Islam is the best ally of colonialism, believers must be protected from the nefarious influence of modern ideas; their way of life must be respected.
Maurice Delafosse, a colonial administrator living in Dakar, writes at about the same time: “Whatever may say those for whom Islamophobia is a principle of indigenous administration, France has nothing more to fear from Muslims in West Africa than from non-Muslims.” He adds: “Islamophobia therefore serves no purpose in West Africa.”
The term “Islamophobia” probably existed before these bureaucrats of the empire used it. Still, this language remained rare until the late 1980s, when the word was transformed little by little into a political tool, under the pressure of British Muslims reacting to the fatwa that the Ayatollah Khomeini had pronounced against novelist Salman Rushdie, following his publication of The Satanic Verses. With its fluid meaning, the word “Islamophobia” amalgamates two very different concepts: the persecution of believers, which is a crime; and the critique of religion, which is a right. A newcomer in the semantic field of antiracism, this term has the ambition of making Islam untouchable by placing it on the same level as anti-Semitism.

Muslims burn copies of Salman Rushdie’s "Satanic Verses" in Bradford, U.K., in 1988. (DEREK HUDSON/GETTY IMAGES)
Muslims burn copies of Salman Rushdie’s "Satanic Verses" in Bradford, U.K., in 1988. (DEREK HUDSON/GETTY IMAGES)

In Istanbul, in October 2013, the Organization of the Islamic Conference, financed by dozens of Muslim countries that themselves shamelessly persecute Jews, Christians, Buddhists, and Hindus, demanded that Western countries put an end to freedom of expression where Islam was concerned, charging that the religion had been represented too negatively as a faith that oppresses women and that proselytizes aggressively. The signatories’ intention was to make criticism of the religion of the Koran an international crime.
This demand arose at the United Nations World Conference Against Racism in Durban as early as 2001 and would be reaffirmed almost every year. UN special rapporteur for racism Doudou Diene, in a 2007 report to the organization’s Human Rights Council, decries Islamophobia as one of the “most serious forms of the defamation of religions.” In March of that year, the Human Rights Council had equated this type of defamation to racism, pure and simple, and demanded that all mockery of Islam and its religious symbols be banned. This was a double ultimatum. The first goal was to impose silence on Westerners, who were guilty of colonialism, secularism, and seeking equality between men and women. The second, even more important, aim was to forge a weapon of enforcement against liberal Muslims, who dared to criticize their faith and who called for reform of family laws and for equality between the sexes, for a right to apostatize and to convert, and for a right no longer to believe in God and not to observe Ramadan and other rites. Such renegades must face public condemnation, in this imperative, so as to block all hope of change.
The new thought crime seeks to stigmatize young women who wish to be free of the veil and to walk without shame, bareheaded in the street, and to marry whom they love and not who is imposed on them, as well as to strike down those citizens of France, Germany, and the United Kingdom of Turkish, Pakistani, or African origin who dare claim the right to religious indifference. Questions about Islam move from the intellectual, individual, or theological sphere to the penal, making any objection or reticence about the faith liable to sanction. The concept of Islamophobia masks the reality of the offensive, led by the Salafists, Wahhabis, and Muslim Brotherhood in Europe and North America, to re-Islamize Muslim communities—a prelude, they hope, to Islamizing the entire Western world. Sheik Yusuf al-Qaradawi of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood, a refugee in Qatar sought by Interpol for inciting murder and promoting terrorism, often deplored the fact that Islam failed twice in its conquest of Europe: in 732, when Charles Martel stopped the Saracens at Poitiers; and in 1689, with the aborted attempt of the Ottomans to take Vienna. Now the idea is to convert Europe to the true faith in part by transforming the law and the culture.
There remains the mystery of the transubstantiation of religion into race. The racialization of the world has to be the most unexpected result of the antidiscrimination battle of the last half-century; it has ensured that the battle continuously re-creates the curse from which it is trying to break free. A great universal religion like Islam includes a vast number of peoples and cannot be assimilated to a particular ethnic group. The term “Islamophobia,” however, invites confusion between a system of specific beliefs and the faithful who adhere to those beliefs. To contest a form of obedience, to reject dogmas that one considers absurd or false is the very basis of intellectual life, but belief in the existence of Islamophobia renders such contestation impossible. Should we speak, then, of anticapitalist, antiliberal, or anti-Marxist “racism” or phobia?

A universal religion like Islam includes a vast number of peoples and cannot be assimilated to a particular ethnic group.

But Islam benefits from a special protection. At the very time when Christian minorities in Islamic lands are persecuted, killed, and forced into exile—they are now threatened with extinction by the middle of this century—the word “Christianophobia,” despite UN officials proposing it, has not caught on, and it never will. We have difficulty seeing Christianity otherwise than as a religion of conquest and intolerance, even though today, at least from the Near East to Pakistan, it is a religion of martyrdom. In France, with its anticlerical tradition, we can make fun of Moses, Jesus, and the pope, and picture them in every posture, even the most obscene. But we must never laugh at Islam; if we do, we invite the wrath of the courts. Why this double standard? The Parisian daily Le Mondenotes that the satirical publication Charlie Hebdo had devoted only 4 percent of its covers to representations of the Prophet Mohammed, whereas it has been mocking Jesus, Moses, the Dalai Lama, and the pope for 40 years—but this 4 percent earned it a collective assassination by Islamist killers on January 7, 2015. And for criticizing two French Islamist groups with ideological complicity with the Charlie Hebdo murderers, I found myself dragged before a tribunal and charged with defamation. I won the trial—fortunately, since what I was saying was the simple truth.
And here is where the strangest factor in the whole Islamophobia controversy emerges: the enlistment of a part of the American and European Left in the defense of the most radical form of Islam—what one might call the neo-Bolshevik bigotry of the lost believers of Marxism. Having lost everything—the working class, the Third World—the Left clings to this illusion: Islam, rebaptized as the religion of the poor, becomes the last utopia, replacing those of Communism and decolonization for disenchanted militants. The Muslim takes the place of the proletarian.
The baton seems to have been passed at about the time of the fall of the Shah of Iran in 1979, with the resulting rise to power of Islamist revolutionaries, which was the occasion for enthusiastic commentary by Michel Foucault, among others on the left. God’s return on history’s stage had finally rendered Marxist and anticolonialist programs obsolete. The faith moved the masses better than the socialist hope. Now, it was the believer in the Koran who embodied the global hope for justice, who refused to conform to the order of things, who transcended borders and created a new international order, under the aegis of the Prophet: a green Comintern. Too bad for feminism, women’s equality, salvific doubt, the critical spirit; in short, too bad for everything traditionally associated with a progressive position.
This political attitude is manifest in progressives’ scrupulous idolatry of Muslim practices and rites, especially the Islamic veil: “modest fashion” is praised to the skies, so much so that, for certain leftist commentators, an unveiled Muslim woman who claims this right can only be a traitor, a turncoat, a woman for sale. The irony of this neocolonial solicitude for bearded men and veiled women—and for everything that suggests an oriental bazaar—is that Morocco itself, whose king is the “Commander of the Faithful,” recently forbade the wearing, sale, and manufacture of the burka in his country. Shall we call the Cherifian monarchy “Islamophobic”? Shall we be more royalist than the king?
It’s worth considering this Islamo-leftism more closely, this hope nourished by a revolutionary fringe that Islam might spearhead a new uprising, a “holy war” against global capitalism, exactly as in Baku in 1920, when Bolshevik leaders, including Zinoviev, published a joint appeal with the pan-Islamists to unleash jihad against Western imperialism. It was an English Trotskyite, Chris Harman, leader of the Socialist Workers Party, who, in 1994, provided a theory for this alliance between militant revolutionaries and radical Muslim associations, arguing for their unity, in certain circumstances, against the common enemy of capitalism and the bourgeoisie. Generations of leftists saw the working class as the messianic leaven of a radiant humanity; now, willing to flirt with the most obscurantist bigotry and to betray their own principles, they transferred their hopes to the Islamists.
In his 1978 book Orientalism, Edward Said observed that, after the 1973 Yom Kippur War, cartoons in the Western press sometimes depicted Arabs with hook noses and standing next to gas pumps—clearly Semites, he observed. Thus, Said maintained, the target of anti-Semitism passed from the Jew to the Arab. Did not Said call himself, in an interview in Haaretz in 2000, the last “Jew of the Middle East, a Palestinian Jew”? In short, for him, the Western Christian world’s hostility toward Islam represented the equivalent of anti-Semitism and flowed from the same source. The philosopher Enzo Traverso similarly contends that “Islamophobia plays the role for the new racism that was once played by anti-Semitism”: the rejection of the immigrant, perceived, since the colonial era, as the Other, the invader, the unassimilable foreign body in the national community; thus the specter of terrorism replaces that of Judeo-Bolshevism.
Already in 1994, in Grenoble, young Muslims, marching to protest the government ban of the Islamic headscarf, wore armbands featuring a yellow Islamic crescent—an allusion to the yellow star that French Jews were made to wear during the Occupation—against a black background and the line: “When will it be our turn?” And when Islamist militants, suspected of sympathy for the Algerian Islamic Salvation Front, were held in barracks in northern France that same year, they immediately displayed a banner: “Concentration Camp.” In Switzerland in 2011, the Islamic Central Council printed yellow stickers that associated Islamophobia with the Holocaust—a yellow star bearing the inscription “Muslim.” And it was the fundamentalist preacher Tarik Ramadan, for a time an advisor to British prime minister Tony Blair, who explained that the situation of Muslims in Europe was like that of Jews in the 1930s. The implication is clear: to criticize Islam is to prepare nothing less than a new Holocaust.
Why this Islamic desire to be considered Jewish? The answer is clear: to achieve pariah status. But the analogy is doubly false. First, anti-Semitism was never about the Jewish religion as such but rather the existence of Jews as a people. Even an unbelieving Jew was detested by anti-Semites, due to his family name and his group identity. And second, at the end of the 1940s, there were no groups of extremist Jews slitting the throats of priests in churches, as happened at Saint-Étienne-du-Rouvray in France in July 2016, the deed of two young jihadists; there were no Jews throwing bombs in train stations, shopping malls, or airports, or driving trucks into crowds. There is thus a third anti-Semitism that, since 1945, must be added to the classic forms, Christian and nationalist: the envy of the Jew as victim, the paragon of the disaster of the Shoah. This Jew thus becomes both model and obstacle for the Islamist; he is seen as usurping a position that by right belongs to Africans, Palestinians, and Muslims. To make oneself the object of a new Holocaust, however imaginary, is to grab hold of the maximal misfortune and to put oneself in the most desirable place—that of the victim who escapes all criticism.
It is well known how much of the Nazi legacy has passed, since the creation of Israel, to the Arab Middle East, where a classic of anti-Jewish propaganda like The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, forged by the czarist regime at the end of the nineteenth century, has been a best-seller for years. Was it not the late king of Morocco, Hassan II, who said: “Hatred of Israel is the most powerful aphrodisiac of the Arab world”?
For further evidence of this corrosive envy, consider the Muslim committees in Great Britain that, in 2005, urged then–prime minister Tony Blair to replace Holocaust Memorial Day (dedicated to the Shoah) with Genocide Day. “The very name Holocaust Memorial Day sounds too exclusive to many young Muslims,” one committee member argued. “It sends out the wrong signals: that the lives of [some] people are to be remembered more than others. It is a grievance that extremists are able to exploit.” Sir Iqbal Sacranie, general secretary of the Muslim Council of Great Britain until 2006, added: “The message of the Holocaust was ‘never again’ and for that message to have practical effect on the world community it has to be inclusive. We can never have double standards in terms of human life. Muslims feel hurt and excluded that their lives are not equally valuable to those lives lost in the Holocaust time.”
On the view of Islamic fundamentalists and many progressives, the Muslim should replace the Jew for another reason: the Jew has dishonored his status and become in turn a colonizer, with the creation of the State of Israel. The idealization of the Jew after the war prepared the subsequent smear campaign; in other words, the Judaizing of the Muslims entailed the Nazification of the Israelis. There is the good Jew of yesterday, eternally persecuted, and the bad Israeli who has taken hold in the Middle East, imperious and racist. Traverso makes the formulation candidly: in the past, he argues, Jews and blacks fought together as antifascists and anticolonialists; then the Jews broke through the color line and became “white”—that is, oppressors. Today’s true Jew wears the headdress and speaks Arabic; the other is an imposter and usurper. To quote one statement among thousands, here’s former French diplomat Stéphane Hessel, speaking to the Frankfurter Allgemeine newspaper in 2011: “If we compare the German occupation with the present occupation of Palestine by the Israelis, then it was relatively inoffensive, apart from exceptional elements such as incarcerations, executions, internments, and the theft of works of art.”
Once the equivalence between Judeophobia and Islamophobia is established, the next step is to put in place the principle of elimination—a subtle but effective process of symbolic expropriation. It is our turn, say the Islamic fundamentalists. In this way, Islam is able to present itself as the creditor of humanity as a whole: we are in its debt because of the wrongs inflicted since the Crusades, the wound of colonization, and the occupation of Palestine by the Zionists—and finally because of the bad image from which the religion of the Prophet suffers.
How should we react to this semantic racket? By affirming that we must not misunderstand our debts. Europe has an obligation where Judaism is concerned, since it has been part of Europe’s history from its origins. Islam is part of the contemporary French and European landscape, yes, and thus has the right to our sympathy, to freedom of worship, to police protection, to appropriate places for prayer, and to respect. But it must in turn respect republican and secular rules, not claim an extraterritorial status with special rights, such as exemption from swimming and gymnastics for girls, prayer places within businesses, separate instruction, and various favors and privileges in hospitals. Believers must be protected, but so must unbelievers, apostates, and skeptics. I proposed as early as 2006 the creation of a vast support system for dissidents from Islam, just as we helped Soviet dissidents. We must advocate freedom of doctrinal criticism, too, just as we do for Christianity, Judaism, and Buddhism. The point is not to make Europe Islamic but to make Islam European, so that it is one religion among others and might, someday, help spread tolerance and a renewal of critical thought to the rest of the umma.
This conception of a secular society that encompasses a large Muslim community—5 to 6 million individuals—distinguishes France from the Anglo-Saxon world, which tends to believe that it can protect itself from Islamist terrorist attacks through respect for cultural differences and noninterference in the internal affairs of communities. Yet this principle of noninterference didn’t prevent the terror attack in London that killed five in March 2017 or the Manchester massacre of May 2017 that killed 22. And British cities such as Bradford (where hundreds of copies of Rushdie’s Satanic Verses were burned in 1989, just as the Nazis burned “degenerate” books in Nuremberg in 1933) and Birmingham, ever more dominated by Muslim fundamentalists, have transformed into little emirates, stifling to friends of freedom. As for the United States, despite President Obama’s outreach to Islam in Cairo in 2009, the Muslim world still detests it, whatever it does, owing to the simple fact of its existence.
France is attacked not because it oppresses Muslims but because it liberates them from the hold of religion. It offers them a perspective that terrifies the devout—that of spiritual indifference, the right to believe or not to believe, as Jews and Christians are able to do. If France were this prison that some describe, how can one explain the fact that so many people from North Africa and the Middle East come to live there, day after day, as much for economic opportunities as for the freedoms they can enjoy, including the freedom finally to leave behind bigotry, rites, and the power of mosques and of imams? Let’s not forget that, for two centuries, since Bonaparte’s expedition to Egypt in 1798, France has maintained close ties with the Arab-Muslim world and has at least the potential to become the leader of an Islamic Enlightenment, as the great orientalist Jacques Berque has suggested.
The notion of Islamophobia is meant to give the religion of the Prophet a status of exemption denied to other spiritual systems. Thus, we have the reprehensible law enacted by the Canadian Parliament this March that prohibits criticism of Islam, while other confessions still can be denigrated without any problem. Such a law is a poisoned gift that risks producing the opposite of what it intends, since it can incite anger and resentment against the believers of the crescent. To regularize the presence of Islam in free societies means giving the faith exactly the same status as other confessions: neither moronic demonizing nor blind idealizing. Muslims in free societies must accept what Jews and Christians have accepted: that it is not a superior religion that should benefit from advantages refused to other confessions. We must beware when fanaticism borrows the language of human rights and dresses up as a victim in order better to impose its grip on power. There is an old saying: the devil also likes to quote scripture.
Walk through the streets of any big European or American city, and you will pass innumerable Baptist, Catholic, Lutheran, and evangelical churches, Hindu temples, synagogues, mosques, pagodas, and on and on. This peaceful cohabitation of diverse expressions of the divine is a wonder of the West. “When there is only one religion, tyranny rules; when there are two, religious war reigns; when there are many, liberty comes,” Voltaire observed. The best that we can wish for Islam is not “phobia” or “philia” but a benevolent indifference in a spiritual marketplace, open to all beliefs. But it is precisely this indifference that the fundamentalists want to eradicate. It cannot be the equal of other faiths, since it believes itself superior to them all. This is the core of the problem.

Europe falls to the Muslims as America did to the invading Mexicans!









Once a Muslim, ALWAYS a murderer!

Praise be to Allah the great fornicating dog!

"The Times also reported the story of one 13-year-old victim who was

collected from a children’s home, drugged with cocaine and mephedrone,

and raped by up to seven men at so-called “sessions”, or sex parties, held by

Sixteen years after 9/11: lies, hypocrisy and militarism
12 September 2017
The sixteenth anniversary of the September 11, 2001 attacks that killed more than 2,900 people in the United States were marked once again on Monday with ceremonies at the site of the World Trade Center’s demolished Twin Towers, the Pentagon and a field in Pennsylvania where one of four hijacked planes crashed as passengers fought to regain control of the aircraft.
Thousands gathered in New York City for the solemn reading of the names of those who lost their lives to a criminal and reactionary terrorist attack that served only the interests of US and world imperialism, which ever since have exploited the events to justify wars of aggression and attacks on democratic rights the world over.
The genuine emotions of sorrow and remembrance shared by those who lost loved ones on 9/11 once again stood in sharp contrast to the banality and hypocrisy of the official commemorations staged by US officials.
This longstanding dichotomy reached a new level with the main speech of the day delivered by the fascistic billionaire con-man President Donald Trump at the Pentagon Monday. Trump, whose first reaction on the day of the attacks was to brag—falsely—that the toppling of the Twin Towers had made his own property at 40 Wall Street the tallest building in lower Manhattan, delivered remarks that consisted of barely warmed-over platitudes from previous addresses, repeated tributes to the American flag and a vow to “defend our country against barbaric forces of evil and destruction.”
Trump repeated the well-worn cliché that on September 11 “our whole world changed.” The phrase is meant to suggest that the unending wars, police state measures and sweeping changes in American political life over the past 16 years have all been carried out in response to the supposedly unforeseen and unforeseeable events of September 11, having nothing to do with anything that came before.
That this is a cynical and self-serving lie becomes clearer with every passing year.
On the eve of the anniversary, new revelations emerged linking Saudi Arabia, Washington’s closest ally in the Arab world, to the preparation of the September 11 attacks, in which 15 of the 19 hijackers were Saudi citizens. The corporate media, which published nothing of any significance on the anniversary, largely blacked out this new evidence. The New York Times marked the anniversary with an editorial detailing efforts by the New York City medical examiner to identify human remains.
A federal lawsuit on behalf of the families of some 1,400 of the 9/11 victims has presented evidence that the Saudi embassy in Washington financed what was apparently a “dry run” for the 9/11 attacks in 1999. Two Saudi agents posing as students boarded an America West flight from Phoenix to Washington, D.C. with tickets paid for by the Saudi embassy. The lawsuit states that both men had trained in Al Qaeda camps in Afghanistan with some of the 9/11 hijackers. While on the flight, the two asked flight attendants technical questions about the plane that raised suspicions and twice attempted to enter the cockpit, leading the pilot to carry out an emergency landing in Ohio. Both men were detained and questioned by the FBI, which decided not to pursue any prosecution.
This is only the latest in a long series of revelations that have made it abundantly clear that the events of 9/11 could never have taken place without substantial logistical support from high places. Despite the repeated claims that the attacks “changed everything,” there has never been an independent and objective investigations into how they were carried out. And, despite being what is ostensibly the most catastrophic intelligence failure in American history, no one was ever held accountable with so much as a firing or a demotion.
What evidence has emerged makes it clear that the 9/11 hijackers were able to freely enter the country and attend flight schools despite the fact that a number of those involved had been subjects of surveillance by the CIA and FBI for as long as two years before the attack. Two of them actually lived in the home of an FBI informant.
Twenty-eight pages of heavily redacted documents released in 2016 after being concealed from the public for 13 years established that Saudi intelligence officers funneled substantial amounts of money to the hijackers in the run-up to the 9/11 attacks, while assisting them with finding housing as well as flight schools to attend.
While Saudi Arabia was the government most active in carrying out the September 11 attacks, the involvement of Saudi intelligence really means the involvement of a section of the American state apparatus. This is not a matter of conspiracy theories, but established fact. It is bound up with very real conspiracies involving the CIA, Afghanistan and Al Qaeda going back to the Islamist group’s founding as an arm of Washington’s dirty war against the Soviet-backed government of Afghanistan in the 1980s.
Far from the attacks having “changed everything,” they provided the pretext for acts of military aggression long in preparation. In the wake of the dissolution of the Soviet Union a decade earlier, the ruling class initiated a policy developed to use US military might to offset the decline of American capitalism on the world arena. Afghanistan and Iraq were targeted to secure military dominance over two major oil- and gas-producing regions on the planet, the Caspian Basin and the Middle East.
This thoroughly criminal enterprise, justified in the name of 9/11’s victims, has claimed the lives of over 1 million Iraqis and hundreds of thousands of Afghans and unleashed the greatest refugee crisis since the Second World War.
The invocation of a “war on terror”—passed down from Bush to Obama and now to Trump—to justify these crimes has become not only threadbare, but patently absurd. The results of 16 years of uninterrupted US wars of aggression have included an unprecedented growth of Al Qaeda and related Islamist militias, largely as a result of US imperialism’s utilization of these elements as proxy ground forces in wars for regime change in Libya and Syria.
Moreover, the multiple wars and interventions conducted by the Pentagon and the CIA, from North Africa to Central Asia, can quickly metastasize into a global conflagration, with Washington simultaneously threatening nuclear war against North Korea and pursuing increasingly dangerous confrontations with its principal geo-strategic rivals, Russia and China.
September 11 did not “change everything,” but it did mark the beginning of an escalation of what George W. Bush called the “wars of the twenty-first century,” that is, escalating imperialist aggression that is leading mankind toward a third world war.
Bill Van Auken

Pakistani Christian Beaten to Death by Muslim Classmates ‘Whilst Teacher Read Newspaper’

A teenager from a Christian family has been beaten to death by Muslim classmates at the MC Model Boys Government High School in Pakistan, allegedly for drinking from the same water cooler as them.

Sharoon Masih, described as “an incredibly bright student from an impoverished Christian family” by the British Pakistani Christian Association, was targeted from his first day at the school, where he was the only Christian in his year.
Classmates isolated Sharoon, telling him: “You’re a Christian, don’t dare sit with us if you want to live,” according to Christian Today.
They also attempted to convert him, slapped him, and verbally abused him as a ‘chura’ — a pejorative term for Christian — and refused to let him use a common drinking water cooler.
Muslims are discouraged from drinking from the same vessels as non-Muslims in Islam, and another Pakistani Christian — Asia Bibi — ended up languishing on death row for years following a dispute over her fitness to carry a water bowl.
Sharoon’s punishment when he drank from the cooler on his fourth day at the school was more immediate, with classmates subjecting him to a fatal beating.
Early reports suggested the teacher present at the time of the attack — named as Nazir Mol — turned a blind eye as Sharoon was pummelled to death, although he claimed he simply did not notice the beating as he was reading a newspaper.
The school’s headteacher suggested the attack actually took place between classes with no teacher present — but the teacher has since been dismissed from his post.

“My son was a kind-hearted, hard-working and affable boy. He has always been loved by teachers and pupils alike and shared great sorrow that he was being targeted by students at his new school because of his faith,” said Sharoon’s mother Razia Bibi.
“Sharoon and I cried every night as he described the daily torture he was subjected to. He only shared details about the violence he was facing. He did not want to upset his father because he had such a caring heart for others.
‘The evil boys that hated my child are now refusing to reveal who else was involved in his murder. Nevertheless one day God will have his judgment.”
“Christians are despised and detested in Pakistan. They are a constant target for persecution,” added British Pakistani Christian Association chairman Wilson Chowdhry.
“This killing of a young Christian teenager at school serves only to remind us that hatred towards religious minorities is bred into the majority population at a young age, through cultural norms and a biased national curriculum.
‘This devastated family will have to cope with the immense emotional pain of a totally avoidable incident. It is a poor indictment of MC Model Boys Government High School that a Christian could be targeted in this fashion.
“However by no means is such treatment an anomaly – it is an expectation that Christians will face abuse and violence during their years in the educational system.”
Follow Jack Montgomery on Twitter: @JackBMontgomery
Once a Muslim, ALWAYS a murderer!

Praise be to Allah the great fornicating dog!

"The Times also reported the story of one 13-year-old victim who was

collected from a children’s home, drugged with cocaine and mephedrone,

and raped by up to seven men at so-called “sessions”, or sex parties, held by

the groomers."

UK Imam Tells Congregation to ‘Spill Blood’ and ‘Establish Law of Allah’


An imam preaching in a West Midlands mosque acted as a recruiter for Islamic State and told Muslims to “be ready to spill blood” and “establish the law of Allah over the necks of the people” including the Queen, a court has heard.

Kamran Sabir Hussain, 40, allegedly told up to 15 children and about 25 adults at the mosque in Tunstall, Stoke-on-Trent, that martyrdom was the “supreme success”, greater than achievements at school or college, The Times reports.
He was caught after the mosque was infiltrated by an undercover police officer, who recorded 17 of the alleged hate preacher’s sermons, starting in June last year.
A jury at the Old Baily heard that Mr. Hussain told one congregation: “Stand up and be ready to sacrifice, be ready to stand in the face of the elements of shaytan [Satan], be ready to spill blood and have your blood spilt.”
“Much of the context of Mr. Hussain’s sermons was unobjectionable,” Sarah Whitehouse, QC, for the prosecution, said. “Some of the sermons, however… moved into support and encouragement to those carrying out acts of terrorism.”
The under cover officer was know as ‘Qassim’ and maintained his cover. “Nobody knew he was a law enforcement officer and nobody knew he was recording the sermons,” added Ms. Whitehouse.
The preacher also claimed in one of his sermons that right wing, anti-Muslim groups were controlled by the government. “The kuffar [derogatory term for unbelievers] will attack you and kill you,” he added according to the Daily Mail.
In March last year, before his mosque was infiltrated, Mr. Hussain posted a “chilling message” in which he said that the “Khilafah” – a clear reference to the Islamic State – was “knocking on your door”.
He made another clear reference to Islamic State terrorists on the 5th of August last year, when he is claimed to have told his congregation that the “mujahideen” [holy warriors] will “take over a land”.
Adding: “They stand a black flag, and establish the law of Allah over the necks of the people, whether they like it or don’t like it” and “nobody – not the Queen, not the Prime Minister – can say that you are not allowed to establish the law of Allah.”
The preacher denies two charges of encouraging support for Islamic State and six of encouraging acts of terrorism. The trial continues.



Responsibility for the attack?

Sayfullo Saipov, the 29-year-old Uzbekistan-born ISIS operative who killed eight people after driving a truck down a crowded bicycle path in New York City, worshipped at a mosque around the corner from his and his family’s Paterson, New Jersey residence, Masjid Omar bin al-Khattab. The mosque has been associated with a website that advocates committing violence against others. Because of this fact, the mosque itself should be considered a party to Saipov’s horrific crime.
On October 31st, Halloween, Sayfullo Habibullaevic Saipov, an Uber driver with known residences in Tampa, Florida and Paterson, New Jersey, drove a pickup truck he had recently rented to New York City’s Riverfront, on the West Side of Manhattan, and proceeded to plow into pedestrians and bicyclists along a stretch of one mile, before being shot and apprehended by police. Saipov had with him knives and a stun gun as additional weapons. A note found near the truck contained a claim that the act was done in the name of ISIS.
In court, the following night, Saipov was charged with one count of material support to a terrorist organization and one count of violence and destruction of a motor vehicle.
According to the federal complaint against him, Saipov told investigators he had become radicalized by watching ISIS videos on his phone and was inspired by ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi’s call for revenge on the United States. He said he had been planning the attack for the past year and that he chose the occasion of Halloween because he thought the streets would be more crowded then. He said he had considered placing ISIS flags on the truck but thought it would draw too much attention.
According to law enforcement, Saipov’s name may have come up, during previous investigations into other known terrorists or persons of interest, as an acquaintance of those being investigated. Question: Was Saipov self-radicalized and acting on his own or did he have help?
Saipov and his family attended Paterson’s Masjid Omar bin al-Khattab, aka Omar Mosque. In 2006, the NYPD ordered surveillance on the mosque, and according to a 2006 NYPD document, the mosque was “believed to have been the subject of federal investigations.” The surveillance program, which included a number of New York Metro Area mosques, was conducted in order to identify “budding terrorist conspiracies.”
The Omar Mosque was founded in 1994. Its corporation starting date is listed as July 1994.
The group’s website domain,, was purchased in July 2010. The first and what appears to be the only version of the website was uploaded in November 2010.
During its entire existence, before it was removed (The site is no longer up), the website’s top navigation bar contained a button, titled ‘ASK THE IMAM’ and linked to a mirror site of the controversial website Islam Q&A, giving off the impression that Islam Q&A was a function of the mosque. In fact, the mirror address itself was an actual page off the mosque website (
Islam Q&A or Islam Question & Answer ( is run by Islamic scholar Muhammad Saalih al-Munajjid. The site is said to be the most popular Salafist (ultra-fundamentalist Islamic) website in the Arab speaking world. Al-Munajjid created the site to answer people’s questions from an Islamic viewpoint. Many of the answers provided by the site are unspeakably bigoted and violent in nature.
Regarding jihad or holy war, Islam Q&A states the following: “There is no doubt that it is prescribed to engage in jihad against the enemies of Allaah, Jews and others, with our lives and our wealth… The Muslims in general should… help the Muslims in all places in ways that will lead them to prevail and strengthen them and enable them to… practice the teachings of Islam and to implement the rulings of sharee’ah and carry out hudood punishments [amputation of hands for theft, stoning for illicit sex, death for apostasy, lashes for drinking alcohol, etc.], and whatever will lead to their victory over the kuffaar, Jews, Christians and others. They should strive their hardest in jihad against the enemies of Allaah with all the means at their disposal.”
While Islam Q&A publicly regards both Jews and Christians as “enemies of Islam,” al-Munajjid and his site save their greatest ire solely for Jews. The site openly states that Jews need to be destroyed, declaring, “We ask Allaah to… curse and destroy the Jews and their helpers, and to send punishment upon them…”
Al-Munajjid further states on his site, “[T]he Jews are people of treachery and betrayal; it is not possible to trust them at all… As the Muslims and Jews are enemies residing in opposing religious and doctrinal camps, it is not possible for them to be brought together unless one is made to submit to the other by force. [T]he Prophet… said: ‘The Hour [the Day of Judgement] will not begin until the Muslims fight the Jews and kill them.’”
Concerning homosexuals, Islam Q&A is 100% clear, they are to be put to death. The only question the site poses is: By what method? The site states, “The Sahaabah were unanimously agreed on the execution of homosexuals, but they differed as to how they were to be executed. Some of them were of the view that they should be burned with fire… And some of them thought that they should be thrown down from a high place then have stones thrown at them. Because the evil consequences of homosexuality are among the worst of evil consequences, so its punishment is one of the most severe of punishments in this world and in the Hereafter.”
Islam Q&A sees women as little more than the property of men and sanctions domestic violence against them. The site states, “Wives in general have to understand that obedience to their husbands is an Islamic duty that is required of them… The husband has to look for the causes of his wife’s willful defiance… If the cause has to do with her… then he should remind her of Allaah and play a role in strengthening her faith and teaching her what she does not know about the rights that her husband has over her. If that does not work, then he may hit her in a way that is not severe and that does not cause injury…”
Islam Q&A says that women should not leave their homes, declaring, “[I]t is better for women to stay at home… Women should not go out unless it is necessary, and when it is necessary for a woman to go out, it should be with her husband’s permission. She should be careful to avoid that which Allaah has forbidden, and she should wear full hijaab, covering her face, etc.” According to al-Munajjid, “[I]f the woman’s niqaab or burqa’ does not show anything but the eyes, and the opening is only as big as the left eye… then that is permissible, otherwise she should wear something which covers her face entirely.”
Saipov’s wife and fellow Uzbek, Nozima Odilova, whom Saipov married in Ohio in April 2013, resembles the Muslim woman discussed in Islam Q&A. Hilmi Hammad, a local knife supplier who lived across the street from Saipov’s home, said he “would often see Saipov come out with his wife, in full burqa - just the slits for eyes…” As well, Mirrakhmat Muminov, an acquaintance of Saipov from Ohio, told CNN that he had never met Saipov’s wife, due to what CNN referred to as “gender-separation customs."
Investigators working on the NY truck terror attack are exploring whether anyone else had any knowledge of or aided in the plot. The FBI sought and found a second individual in relation to the attack, Uzbek national Mukhammadzoir Kadirov, labeling him a ‘person of interest.’ The FBI should, as well, label Masjid Omar bin al-Khattab a ‘mosque of interest.’
In April 2014, the NYPD’s mosque surveillance program, known as the Demographics Unit, was shut down following complaints and legal challenges from left wing civil liberties groups and radical elements within the Muslim community. New York City Mayor Bill De Blasio vocally supported the program’s termination.
Law enforcement was keeping tabs on Saipov’s mosque, because of its embrace and propagation of the toxic ideology associated with ISIS, which inspired Saipov to carry out his attack. ISIS certainly claims to adhere to the same brand of Salafism as the Omar Mosque pushes. It can be argued that, had the program not been terminated, authorities may have uncovered Saipov’s plot and prevented it.
Saipov came to America via a ‘diversity visa.’ His victims were also diverse: five Argentinians, two Americans and one Belgian. His mission was ended after he crashed his truck into a school bus and was shot by an NYPD officer. If given the chance, he would have killed more innocents. It is a travesty that a mosque like Masjid Omar is being allowed to operate on American soil unchecked, after rightly being identified by authorities as a hub for extremist activity.
Sayfullo Saipov may be the first individual to commit an ISIS-style vehicular rampage in America, but if the police and FBI are forced to continue to operate under the constraints of political correctness instead of using proactive profiling, he may very well not be the last.
Beila Rabinowitz, Director of Militant Islam Monitor, contributed to this report.


Koran 2:191 "slay the unbelievers wherever you find them"
Koran 3:21 "Muslims must not take the infidels as friends"
Koran 5:33 "Maim and crucify the infidels if they criticize Islam"
Koran 8:12 "Terrorize and behead those who believe in scriptures other than the Koran"
Koran 8:60 " Muslims must muster all weapons to terrorize the infidels"
Koran 8:65 "The unbelievers are stupid, urge all Muslims to fight them"
Koran 9:5 "When the opportunity arises, kill the infidels wherever you find them"
Koran 9:123 "Make war on the infidels living in your neighborhood"
Koran 22:19 "Punish the unbelievers with garments of fire, hooked iron rods, boiling water, melt their skin and bellies"
Koran 47:4 "Do not hanker for peace with the infidels, behead them when you catch them".

Europe falls to the Muslims as America did to the invading Mexicans!









Once a Muslim, ALWAYS a murderer!

Praise be to Allah the great fornicating dog!
"The Times also reported the story of one 13-year-old victim who was

collected from a children’s home, drugged with cocaine and mephedrone,

and raped by up to seven men at so-called “sessions”, or sex parties, held by

the groomers."


BARBARIANS…. They live to hate, kill and 



"The Times also reported the story of one 13-year-old victim 

who was collected from a children’s home, drugged with 

cocaine and mephedrone, and raped by up to seven men at 

so-called “sessions”, or sex parties, held by the groomers."

Praise to Allah, the great fornicating dog!

  • Habibur Rahim, 34: Convicted of two counts of conspiracy to incite prostitution for gain, human trafficking, and rape; two counts of trafficking for sexual exploitation; and six counts of supplying drugs.

  • Abdul Sabe, 40: Conspiracy to traffic for sexual exploitation, conspiracy to incite prostitution for gain, conspiracy to sexual assault, and four drug offences.

  • Eisa Mousavi, 42: Three counts of rape, one count of conspiracy to incite prostitution, and three drug offences.

  • Carolann Gallon, 22: Convicted of three counts of trafficking for sexual exploitation.

  • Nashir Uddin, 35: One count of “digital penetration”, one count of conspiracy to incite prostitution for gain, and eight drug offences.

  • Mohammed Azram, 35: Convicted of one count of sexual assault, one count of conspiracy to incite prostitution for gain, and five counts of supplying and offering to supply drugs.

  • Taherul Alom, 32: Two counts of supplying drugs, one count of conspiracy to incite prostitution, one count of attempted sexual assault, and one drug offence.

  • Abdulhamid Minoyee, 34: One count of rape, one count of sexual assault, one count of supplying drugs.

  • Monjur Choudhury, 33: Convicted of one count of conspiracy to incite prostitution and two drug offences.

  • Prabhat Nelli, 33: One count of conspiracy to incite prostitution and two counts of supplying drugs,

  • Jahanger Zaman, 45: Convicted of one count of rape, one count of conspiracy to incite prostitution for gain, and one drug offence.

  • Mohammed Hassan Ali, 34: Convicted of two counts of sexual activity with a child and two drug offences.

  • Saiful Islam, 35: Guilty of one count of rape.

  • Yasser Hussain, 28: One count of assault by beating, one count of intimidation, and one count of permitting his premises to be used for the supply of drugs.

  • Badrul Hussain, 37: Three counts of permitting premises to be used for the supply of class A and B drugs.

  • Nadeem Aslam, 43: Two counts of supplying drugs, two counts of possession of drugs, and one count of permitting premises to be used for the supply of drugs.

  • Mohibur Rahman, 44: Convicted of conspiracy to incite prostitution for gain and five drug offences.

  • Redwan Siddquee, 32: Guilty of one count of supplying drugs.

California Imam Prays for Allah to ‘Annihilate’ Jews in Public Sermon

Imam Ammar Shahin of the Islamic Center of Davis in California delivered a sermon on Friday in which he quoted an antisemitic hadith and prayed for Allah to “annihilate” Jews “down to the very last one.”

The video of Shahin’s sermon was posted to the Islamic Center of Davis’s YouTube channel on Friday (Update: the video has since been removed), and translated and excerpted by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI), though portions of the sermon were delivered in English.
The topic of the sermon was the ongoing controversy at the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, where the Israeli government installed metal detectors at access points to the Al-Aqsa Mosque after a terrorist shot and killed two Druze Israeli soldiers earlier this month.
Jewish visitors to the nearby Western Wall have had to pass through metal detectors for decades, due to the security threat of terrorism. Nevertheless, the new metal detectors for Muslim worshippers have been whipped into a source of outrage among Palestinians and throughout the Muslim world.
In his sermon at the Islamic Center, Shahin quoted, in Arabic, one of the most notorious antisemitic hadiths (teachings of Muhammad) — one quoted by the Hamas charter — in which Muslims are called upon to kill the Jews to bring about Judgment Day, and in which Muhammad is said to prophesy that the Jews will try to hide behind rocks and trees, which will call out to Muslims to kill them.
Shahin said (via MEMRI transcript):
The Prophet Muhammad said: ‘Judgment Day will not come until the Muslims fight the Jews, and the Jews hide behind stones and trees, and the stones and the trees say: Oh Muslim, oh servant of Allah…’ They will not say: Oh Egyptian, oh Palestinian, oh Jordanian, oh Syrian, oh Afghan, oh Pakistani. The Prophet Muhammad says that they time will come, the Last Hour will not take place until the Muslims fight the Jews. We don’t say if it is in Palestine or another place. Until they fight… When that war breaks out, they will run and hide behind every rock, and house, and wall, and trees. The house, the wall, and the tress will call upon the Muslims. It will say: Oh Muslim… It will not say: Oh Palestinian, oh Egyptian, oh Syrian, oh Afghan, oh Pakistani, oh Indian… No, it will say: Oh Muslim. Muslim. When Muslims come back… ‘Come, there is someone behind me – except for the Gharqad tree, which is the tree of the Jews. Except for a certain tree that they are growing today in Palestine, in that area, except this form of tree, which they are growing today… That’s the tree that will not speak to the Muslims.
Article 7 of the Hamas covenant reads:
The Day of Judgement will not come about until Moslems fight the Jews (killing the Jews), when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say O Moslems, O Abdulla, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him. Only the Gharkad tree, (evidently a certain kind of tree) would not do that because it is one of the trees of the Jews.” (related by al­Bukhari and Moslem).
Shahin also prayed (in Arabic):
Oh Allah, support the Al-Aqsa Mosque and the rest of the Muslim lands. Oh Allah, liberate the Al-Aqsa Mosque from the filth of the Jews. Oh Allah, destroy those who closed the Al-Aqsa Mosque. Oh Allah, show us the black day that You inflict upon them, and the wonders of Your ability. Oh Allah, count them one by one and annihilate them down to the very last one. Do not spare any of them.
It is not clear whether Shahin meant for Muslims to “annihilate” all Jews everywhere, or merely all of those responsible for the temporary closure of the Temple Mount and the installation of metal detectors in response to radical Islamic terror.
The full video of Shahin’s remarks place today’s controversy at the Temple Mount in the context of past Muslim grievances against the Crusaders for occupying the mosque and other indignities. In his remarks, his voice shaking with emotion, Shahin demanded that his audience take action to defend the mosque.
He described the fight with the “Yahood” (Jews) as a fight over faith, not over land. He said the Jews had won thus far because they were fighting for their faith. “It’s a war of faith. It’s either a belief or disbelief … They train their children to read the Torah … we do not have the parents who sits with their children and raise their awareness of what’s al Masjid Al-Aqsa.”
He praised Palestinians who face Israeli soldiers with rocks, and mocked those who merely watch events from afar. He urged congregants to pray, at the very least, for those resisting the Israelis.
At no point in his sermon did Shahin condemn the terror attack that provoked Israel to take additional security measures.
The mosque promoted the video on its YouTube channel with the comment: “Please share, implement, and make Dua for the victory of the Muslim Ummah.”
Friday is the holy day of the Islamic week, and Friday sermons are considered the most important.
Neither Shahin nor the president of the mosque returned requests for comment from Breitbart News by the time of publication.
Davis has been the site of other antisemitic incidents in the recent past, some evidently fueled by radical Islamic beliefs and affinity for the Hamas terrorist group.
In 2015, Muslims students taunted Jewish students at a student government meeting by chanting “Allahu Akbar!” at them, One of the Muslim students involved later boasted that “Hamas and Sharia law have taken over UC Davis.”
Joel B. Pollak is Senior Editor-at-Large at Breitbart News. He was named one of the “most influential” people in news media in 2016. He is the co-author of How Trump Won: The Inside Story of a Revolution, is available from Regnery. Follow him on Twitter at @joelpollak.

In which of the countries we have attacked or invaded in this century — Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen — are the people better off than they were before we came? And we wonder why they hate us.

Are America's Wars Just and Moral?

Patrick J. Buchanan
 By Patrick J. Buchanan | July 25, 2017 | 4:24 AM EDT

The bombed-out ruins Aleppo, Syria. (Photo: Voice of America)
"One knowledgeable official estimates that the CIA-backed fighters may have killed or wounded 100,000 Syrian soldiers and their allies," writes columnist David Ignatius.
Given that Syria's prewar population was not 10 percent of ours, this is the equivalent of a million dead and wounded Americans. What justifies America's participation in this slaughter?
Columnist Eric Margolis summarizes the successes of the six-year civil war to overthrow President Bashar Assad.
"The result of the western-engendered carnage in Syria was horrendous: at least 475,000 dead, 5 million Syrian refugees driven into exile in neighboring states (Turkey alone hosts three million), and another 6 million internally displaced. ... 11 million Syrians ... driven from their homes into wretched living conditions and near famine.
"Two of Syria's greatest and oldest cities, Damascus and Aleppo, have been pounded into ruins. Jihadist massacres and Russian and American air strikes have ravaged once beautiful, relatively prosperous Syria. Its ancient Christian peoples are fleeing for their lives before US and Saudi takfiri religious fanatics."
Realizing the futility of U.S. policy, President Trump is cutting aid to the rebels. And the War Party is beside itself. Says The Wall Street Journal:
"The only way to reach an acceptable diplomatic solution is if Iran and Russia feel they are paying too high a price for their Syria sojourn. This means more support for Mr. Assad's enemies, not cutting them off without notice. And it means building up a Middle East coalition willing to fight Islamic State and resist Iran. The U.S. should also consider enforcing 'safe zones' in Syria for anti-Assad forces."
Yet, fighting ISIS and al-Qaida in Syria, while bleeding the Assad-Iran-Russia-Hezbollah victors, is a formula for endless war and unending terrors visited upon the Syrian people.
What injury did the Assad regime, in power for half a century and having never attacked us, inflict to justify what we have helped to do to that country?
We overthrew Saddam Hussein in 2003 and Moammar Gadhafi in 2012. Yet, the fighting, killing and dying in both countries have not ceased. Estimates of the Iraq civilian and military dead run into the hundreds of thousands.
Still, the worst humanitarian disaster may be unfolding in Yemen.
After the Houthis overthrew the Saudi-backed regime and took over the country, the Saudis in 2015 persuaded the United States to support its air strikes, invasion and blockade.
By January 2016, the U.N. estimated a Yemeni civilian death toll of 10,000, with 40,000 wounded. However, the blockade of Yemen, which imports 90 percent of its food, has caused a crisis of malnutrition and impending famine that threatens millions of the poorest people in the Arab world with starvation.
No matter how objectionable we found these dictators, what vital interests of ours were so imperiled by the continued rule of Saddam, Assad, Gadhafi and the Houthis that they would justify what we have done to the peoples of those countries?
"They make a desert and call it peace," Calgacus said of the Romans he fought in the first century. Will that be our epitaph?
Among the principles for a just war, it must be waged as a last resort, to address a wrong suffered, and by a legitimate authority. Deaths of civilians are justified only if they are unavoidable victims of a deliberate attack on a military target.
The wars in Syria, Libya and Yemen were never authorized by Congress. The civilian dead, wounded and uprooted in Syria, and the malnourished millions in Yemen, represent a moral cost that seems far beyond any proportional moral gain from those conflicts.
In which of the countries we have attacked or invaded in this century — Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen — are the people better off than they were before we came?
And we wonder why they hate us.
"Those to whom evil is done/Do evil in return," wrote W. H. Auden in "September 1, 1939." As the peoples of Syria and the other broken and bleeding countries of the Middle East flee to Europe and America, will not some come with revenge on their minds and hatred in their hearts?
Meanwhile, as the Americans bomb across the Middle East, China rises. She began the century with a GDP smaller than Italy's and now has an economy that rivals our own.
She has become the world's first manufacturing power, laid claim to the islands of the East and South China seas, and told America to keep her warships out of the Taiwan Strait.
Xi Jinping has launched a "One Belt, One Road" policy to finance trade ports and depots alongside the military and naval bases being established in Central and South Asia.
Meanwhile, the Americans, $20 trillion in debt, running $800 billion trade deficits, unable to fix their health care system, reform their tax code, or fund an infrastructure program, prepare to fight new Middle East war.
Whom the Gods would destroy ...

Patrick J. Buchanan is the author of a new book, "Nixon's White House Wars: The Battles That Made and Broke a President and Divided America Forever."

Geller: Rep. Correa’s Hijab Statue of Liberty Painting Is Offensive to Every Immigrant Fleeing Sharia Oppression


Pamela Geller, editor-in-chief of The Geller Report and president of the American Freedom Defense Initiative spoke with Breitbart News Daily SiriusXM host Raheem Kassam on Wednesday regarding Rep. J. Luis Correa’s (D-CA) painting of the Statue of Liberty wearing a hijab, which he has displayed in his California office.

Geller said, “The art implies that we’re all subjugated, and we are not, and that we all accept it, and we are not. It’s offensive to every freedom-loving American and immigrant, by the way, who is yearning to be free, who escaped the most brutal and extreme ideology on the face of the earth, the sharia.”
Geller also pointed out that she used a similar image on the cover of a book as a warning, not a sign of acceptance, and that Raheem Kassam’s new book, No Go Zones: How Sharia Law Is Coming to a Neighborhood Near You, also uses a similar image on the cover.
“This congressman,” said Geller, “the message is that he’s standing in support of oppression, gender apartheid, female genital mutilation, and honor killing because that’s what that cloth coffin is. It’s a garment of oppression.”
Breitbart News Daily airs on SiriusXM Patriot 125 weekdays from 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. Eastern.

How many politicians got seven-figure jobs in the private sector after having pushed the project along? No one will ever know.
US squanders billions on new aircraft carrier
25 July 2017
In yet another massive squandering of public resources, the United States on Saturday commissioned the USS Gerald Ford, the country’s 11th supercarrier, at the cost of some $13 billion.
The combined price tag of the ship and its air wing of F-35c fighters, at $30 billion, is roughly equivalent to what the United Nations estimate for the annual cost of ending world hunger.
No doubt many defense contractor executives assembled to watch the ship’s christening had their private jets and country club memberships paid for with this monstrosity, which came in some $3 billion above budget. How many politicians got seven-figure jobs in the private sector after having pushed the project along? No one will ever know.
The Gerald Ford is just part of a major expansion of the US Navy, which was underway even before Trump announced his plans to increase US military spending by $54 billion each year and expand the size of the Navy by 75 ships. Over the next decade, the US military plans to field not only a new set of carriers, but a brand new class of ballistic missile submarines, destroyers, fighters, long-range bombers and nuclear missiles.
This expansion of military spending, under both Obama and Trump, has been met, on the part of the media, with either enthusiastic approval or silence.
By the time the carrier is operational in some three to four years, it will already be obsolete. When the United Kingdom commissioned its latest aircraft carrier, the HMS Queen Elizabeth, the Royal United Services Institute noted that the vast ship was largely defenseless against the current generation of anti-ship cruise missiles fielded by Russia, China and other countries.
“Missiles costing (much) less than half a million pounds a unit could at least disable a British aircraft carrier that costs more than £3 billion,” it said.
Commenting on the report, the Russian Defense Ministry joked that the British aircraft carrier was “merely a large convenient naval target.” The same epithet could be applied to the Gerald Ford. This steel bathtub, housing some 4,300 sailors, airmen and officers, could be sunk within minutes if it wandered within 400 miles of the coast of Kaliningrad, Syria or, for that matter, China.
And yet, America has eleven of these dinosaurs, together with eight helicopter carriers that are as big as the aircraft carriers of other countries. With 5 percent of the world’s population, the US fields three quarters of the world’s carrier tonnage.
At Saturday’s commissioning ceremony, US President Donald Trump delivered a blustering, delusional speech, full of wild threats, in which he presented a picture of the United States arming itself to the teeth. He called the ship a “message to the world” that “American might is second to none, and we’re getting bigger, and better, and stronger every day.”
“Our enemies will shake with fear because everyone will know that America is coming,” he declared. Who these enemies are (one assumes they are not Islamists armed with Kalashnikovs) was never specified.
Trump added, “This ship also ensures that if a fight does come, it will always end the same way: we will win, win, win. We will never lose. We will win.”
In a clear breach of the principle of civilian rule over the military, he appealed to the sailors and officers gathered at the event to demand that the government expand military spending.
Summing up, the former real estate speculator said, "When it comes to battle, we don’t want a fair fight. We want just the opposite. We demand victory, and we will have total victory.”
Trump’s speech, showing the influence of his fascist-minded advisors Stephen Bannon and Stephen Miller, did not invoke the word “democracy,” or even the principle of “self-defense,” within which the operations of US imperialism have traditionally been couched. All that was left was naked military force, threats and coercion.
While there exist significant differences between Trump and elements of the US military/intelligence apparatus, the US president, in his belief in violence as a solution to historical problems, exemplifies the thinking that pervades American policy circles, which seek to maintain US global dominance through the expansion of military power.
The USS Gerald Ford is the physical embodiment of the idea that the long-term historical decline of American capitalism can be offset by more guns, more ships, more wars and more deaths.
The “American Century” has been characterized by the overwhelming superiority of US air power. Despite the fact that the United States has been continuously at war since 1991, not a single US soldier has been attacked by enemy aircraft for over six decades.
And yet, as the US moves into increasingly sharp conflict with Russia, China and even its European allies, it is becoming increasingly clear that its most advanced weapons systems, including aircraft carriers and “stealth” aircraft such as the F-22, F-35 and B-2, would see substantial losses in the event of a shooting war with Russia, China or even some lesser, regional power such as Iran.
In recognition of this reality, Gen. Mark A. Milley noted that the US needs to prepare for conflicts in which “the levels of violence… would be immense and it would be the likes of what the world hasn’t seen since the Second World War.”
Despite the vast scale of US arms spending and the breathtaking scope of its military operations all over the world, it is increasingly undeniable that the period of US military, economic and geopolitical hegemony is coming to an end.
This was the conclusion of a study published by the US Army War College late last month, which asserts that American political hegemony is “not merely fraying,” but “collapsing.”
The report goes on to state that the order that “first emerged from World War II” was “transformed to a unipolar system with the collapse of the Soviet Union." It continues: "The 17-year period after the Cold War... was a unique time when American power was essentially unchallenged,” but “we have been moving into a new era.”
With the rise of “revisionist” powers like China and Russia, the United States has been so weakened that “it no longer can—as in the past—automatically generate consistent and sustained local military superiority at range.”
This is in line with an assessment by historian Alfred W. McCoy, who declares in a soon-to-be released book: “All available economic, educational, technological data indicate that when it comes to US global power, negative trends are likely to aggregate rapidly by 2020, and could reach a critical mass no later than 2030. The American Century, proclaimed so triumphantly at the start of World War II, may already be tattered and fading by 2025, and, except for the finger pointing, could be over by 2030.”
But the relative decline of the United States is, in some ways, the least of the US military’s worries. The Army War College report notes that, beyond the collapse of the US-dominated world order, “[A]ll states and traditional political authority structures are under increasing pressure.” It adds, “The fracturing of the post-Cold War global system is accompanied by the internal fraying in the political, social and economic fabric of practically all states.”
It cites an earlier report that warned of the "increasing chasm between governments and their governed over the basic right to rule.” It adds, “Today, all states are experiencing a precipitous decline in their authority, influence, reach and common attraction,” as populations are presented with “myriad alternative sources of political alignment or allegiance.”
It concludes that states “now all wrestle with one another over competing interests while standing on quicksand—threatened” not only by national rivals, but “the fragile and restive social order they themselves rest on.” In this case, the quicksand is a metaphor for the growth of popular opposition to war, social inequality and capitalism itself.
Confronting crisis at home and abroad, the US is lashing out everywhere simultaneously: against Russia, China, Iran, and now even its NATO allies. The same weekend that Trump commissioned his aircraft carrier, the House of Representatives reached a deal on a bill that would sanction European companies for economic dealings with Russia, a move that, according to a leaked EU memo, would bring retaliatory measures by the EU “within days.”
All of this presents a warning to the working class: The US ruling elite, faced with economic stagnation, geopolitical decline and a crisis of legitimacy at home, sees war, no matter how bloody and disastrous, as the solution to its problems. 

Andre Damon

Eighteen Convicted in Mostly Muslim Rape Gang, Police Paid Child Rapist Informant £10k


Seventeen South Asian men and one Caucasian woman have been convicted of involvement in a mostly Muslim sex grooming gang operating in Newcastle, in the largest case of its kind since Rotherham and Rochdale.

The gang was found guilty of nearly 100 offences, including the rape and human trafficking of vulnerable women and girls. They preyed upon teenage girls with drugs and alcohol at sex parties known as “sessions”, Chronicle Live reports.
The police have come under strong criticism for paying almost £10,000 to a convicted child rapist to work as an informant in the case.

Despite good intentions, the force's misguided actions ran against child protection procedures 

The victims were aged between 14 and 22 years old. They were passed around by their abusers and were sometimes said to be too intoxicated to even know what was happening to them.
One victim said she had been to 60 such “sessions”, the BBC reports. She spoke of seeing two older men at one of them with a woman who seemed “frightened and scared, like a slave”.
Jim Hope, from the Crown Prosecution Service, said: “These men systematically groomed and abused vulnerable teenage girls and young women over a number of years for their own sexual gratification.”
The police dubbed the investigation ‘Operation Shelter’, which formed part of the even larger ‘Operation Sanctuary’ into sexual exploitation in the North East. It involved 50 officers and spanned three and a half years.
Police handed out leaflets in the Newcastle area asking victims and witnesses to come forward. Such was the response, the operations have to be divided up and the number of defendants led to four separate trials, with the first commencing in September 2015.
‘Operation Shelter’ has so far resulted in 94 people being jailed for a total of 303 years and nine months.
“We have thrown the kitchen sink at this,” said Chief Cons Ashman. “A team of 50 officers have worked on this enquiry for almost three and a half years and continue to do so. We have not and will not stop.”
The force recruited the unnamed informant despite the fact he had been convicted in 2002 of drugging and raping a teenage schoolgirl and inviting another man to rape her. He infiltrated the rape gang and passed information to officers.
Chief Constable Steven Ashman defended the force’s actions, insisting dangerous men had been put behind bars.
He told the BBC: “In some cases, we have actually saved lives on the back of information that we have gained, and am I going to take that risk again? You’re damn right I’m going to.
“It’s inside the law, inside accepted policy and practice. I get that people might be quite shocked by it, but actually, this is the right thing to do.”
Andrew Norfolk, The Times journalist who is widely credited with breaking what has been described as a conspiracy of silence over the issue of Muslim grooming gangs, said:
“Here was a crime pattern that had existed for at least two decades from the very first day we ran our very first article, in January 2011, saying ‘here is this conspiracy of silence, in acknowledging this why are you not acknowledging that this pattern exists?’
“From that day one when we said is what is absolute, crucially, needed is research to understand why this pattern has put down such deep roots. That research is still not being carried out.”
Police said the defendants were of different backgrounds, including; Bangladeshi, Pakistani, Iranian, Iraqi, Kurdish, Turkish, Albanian, and Eastern European.
The men lived in various areas of Newcastle and were convicted of the following crimes, as reported by the Chronicle Live.
  • Habibur Rahim, 34: Convicted of two counts of conspiracy to incite prostitution for gain, human trafficking, and rape; two counts of trafficking for sexual exploitation; and six counts of supplying drugs.
  • Abdul Sabe, 40: Conspiracy to traffic for sexual exploitation, conspiracy to incite prostitution for gain, conspiracy to sexual assault, and four drug offences.
  • Eisa Mousavi, 42: Three counts of rape, one count of conspiracy to incite prostitution, and three drug offences.
  • Carolann Gallon, 22: Convicted of three counts of trafficking for sexual exploitation.
  • Nashir Uddin, 35: One count of “digital penetration”, one count of conspiracy to incite prostitution for gain, and eight drug offences.
  • Mohammed Azram, 35: Convicted of one count of sexual assault, one count of conspiracy to incite prostitution for gain, and five counts of supplying and offering to supply drugs.
  • Taherul Alom, 32: Two counts of supplying drugs, one count of conspiracy to incite prostitution, one count of attempted sexual assault, and one drug offence.
  • Abdulhamid Minoyee, 34: One count of rape, one count of sexual assault, one count of supplying drugs.
  • Monjur Choudhury, 33: Convicted of one count of conspiracy to incite prostitution and two drug offences.
  • Prabhat Nelli, 33: One count of conspiracy to incite prostitution and two counts of supplying drugs,
  • Jahanger Zaman, 45: Convicted of one count of rape, one count of conspiracy to incite prostitution for gain, and one drug offence.
  • Mohammed Hassan Ali, 34: Convicted of two counts of sexual activity with a child and two drug offences.
  • Saiful Islam, 35: Guilty of one count of rape.
  • Yasser Hussain, 28: One count of assault by beating, one count of intimidation, and one count of permitting his premises to be used for the supply of drugs.
  • Badrul Hussain, 37: Three counts of permitting premises to be used for the supply of class A and B drugs.
  • Nadeem Aslam, 43: Two counts of supplying drugs, two counts of possession of drugs, and one count of permitting premises to be used for the supply of drugs.
  • Mohibur Rahman, 44: Convicted of conspiracy to incite prostitution for gain and five drug offences.
  • Redwan Siddquee, 32: Guilty of one count of supplying drugs.





"Minnesota Somalis radicalize not only because 

they don't have a job or an after-school program. 

The biggest problem is recruiters who convince 

young adults that fighting the infidel (unbelievers) 

will bring them closer to Allah."

"The Center for the American Experiment explains that Minnesota spends more money per low-income individual on public welfare than any other state in the U.S.  Somalis choose Minnesota for the state assistance and the established Somali community."

An American immigrant is not someone supported by government funds in a "relocation" center; flown over here at government expense; given a cash allowance, free housing, and medical care; and then eased onto local public assistance: Section 8 rental grants, food stamps, WIC, AFDC, clothes from one government-sponsored charity or another, Medicaid, and public schooling, with free lunch and breakfasts and even help with furniture. That's not an immigrant.  That's a future Democrat voter.  ----- RICHARD F. MINITER – AMERICAN THINKER         COM

July 27, 2017
What Has Happened to Minneapolis?
When I lived in Minneapolis, it was a welcoming town filled with hardworking, honest people with family values.  Braving extreme heat, politicians attended the State Fair, shook hands, kissed babies, and ate walleyed pike.  We used to stroll around Lake Minnetonka and talk about the local news, how many mosquitos were biting, and how the Minnesota Twins baseball team fared that year.  Minnesotans made me feel like family and welcomed me for a home-cooked meal.  But according to former FBI agent John Guandolo, life in the Twin Cities is not what it used to be.
Terror struck Minneapolis following a 911 call by 
Justine Damond, an Australian bride-to-be who 
was trying to be a good Samaritan by reporting a 
possible sexual assault.  Apparently, the policeman
who responded, Somali-American Mohamed Noor,
shot Damond to death when she appeared at the 
window of his car.  The facts have yet to be explained by Minneapolis police, who are investigating the July 15 tragedy.  But it is evident that some citizens fear backlash against the Minnesota Somali community.  It seems that the police officer was not a terrorist, and he is said to be a good citizen who made a serious, tragic mistake.  The problem in many communities is an enduring fear of terrorism that unleashes frantic emotions, whether warranted or not.
Tensions are high all around the U.S. as terrorist attacks continue to consume the news.  Now Minneapolis is home to the largest number of Somalis in the U.S., with over 125,000 immigrants.  Some native Minnesotans are worried about the violence in their community, and emotions run high in some neighborhoods.
Somalis in Minnesota mosques were stirred up 
when al-Shabaab (affiliated with al-Qaeda) 
claimed responsibility for the Westgate Mall attack
in Nairobi, Kenya – perhaps creating an opening 
for Islamist recruiters.  The largest number of 
Islamic jihadi fighters in the U.S. left to fight for 
al-Shabaab in Somalia shortly thereafter.
"We Have a Terrorist Recruiting Problem."
The issue of terrorists in Minnesota has not gone unnoticed.  Andrew M. Luger, the U.S. attorney for Minneapolis, spoke about a case against al-Shabaab: "We have a terrorist recruiting problem.  We are willing to recognize it and we want to solve it."  Luger described the problem as "decentralized" and "widespread." He continued, "To be clear: This case demonstrates how difficult it is to put an end to recruiting here.  Parents and loved ones should know that there is not one master recruiter organizing in the Somali community locally.  What this case shows is that the person radicalizing your son, your brother, your friend, may not be a stranger.  It may be their best friend right here in town."
Since that time, the father of Yusef Jama, a man who left Minnesota to join ISIS in June of 2014, testified.  It was an emotional moment for all parents in the courtroom.  "He talked about having lost his son to al-Shabaab and now another to ISIS.  At the end of his testimony, he took the exhibit in his hand – a picture of his son, Yusef Jama, who is dead – and he asked the judge if he could take it with him.  He needed a picture of his son.  Neither I, nor the people who worked on this case at the FBI or my office, ever want a parent to go through that again."
One way to ensure that outcome is to educate the public.
"Terrorists Are Preying on the Youth in Minnesota."
The Center for the American Experiment explains 
that Minnesota spends more money per low-
income individual on public welfare than any other
state in the U.S.  The State Department contracts 
with charities in Minnesota such as Lutheran 
Social Services, Catholic Charities, and World 
Relief Minnesota to assist Somali refugees with 
housing and English training.  Somalis choose 
Minnesota for the state assistance and the 
established Somali community.
While there are many Somalis who choose to open restaurants, drive taxis, become entrepreneurs, and assimilate into Minnesota society, simultaneously, many are exposed to radical Islamic extremism.  This phenomenon is cause for concern for residents of Minnesota.
State Leaders Must Stop the Jihadi Network
Since my departure from the Twin Cities, the Cedar Riverside neighborhood has been nicknamed "Little Mogadishu" because of the enormous growth of Somalis.  Downtown Minneapolis has become home to at least 29 Islamic centers and mosques.
Little Mogadishu in Minneapolis
If I still lived in Minnesota, I would ask state 
leaders for help in stemming the Islamic jihadi 
network there.  Governor Mark Dayton publicly 
told Minnesota citizens at the Muslim 
Brotherhood's Muslim America Society (MAS) 
that "if they do not like the growing Muslim 
Somali population in Minnesota, they can leave 
[St. Cloud]."  Congressman Keith Ellison represents the 5th District and is the first Muslim congressman to be elected to the U.S. House of Representatives.  Ellison is known for his support of Hamas, the Muslim Brotherhood, and the leader of the Nation of Islam, Louis Farrakhan.  Known by some in Washington, D.C. as a man who tries to silence criticism of jihad and radical Islamism, does Ellison represent his constituency?
Do Americans understand the effects of radical Islamism in their neighborhoods?  Many Somali teens are struggling.  The U.S. attorney's office created outreach and mentorship programs, jobs, and community events.  Still, living in an unfamiliar place with barriers such as the language, climate, culture, goals, and belief system creates a climate of anxiety, frustration, loneliness, and anger – all prominent elements to radicalization.
Minnesota Somalis radicalize not only because 
they don't have a job or an after-school 
program.  The biggest problem is recruiters 
who convince young adults that fighting the 
infidel (unbelievers) will bring them closer to 
Teen Programs Are Not Enough: The Radical Ideology Must Be Addressed
Jihadi rappers sing, "Call on Allah and never retreat / Make our feet firm, Satan's plan is weak / Islam is our faith, jihad is the peak / The best of our end's to be a shahid."  Addressing this type of propaganda is the most important part of solving the terrorism problem in Minnesota.  No matter how many outreach programs, after-school events, and job fairs, without understanding and curtailing the root of terrorism, the radical ideology, and sharia law (Islamic law), the problem will continue to grow.
Minnesota recruits are growing steadily as communities, perhaps unknowingly welcoming organizations such as Hamas, the Council for American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), and Muslim Student Associations (MSA).  Up to 80% of national MSA chapters on college campuses are demonstrating radical beliefs, according to attorney David Yerushalmi.
Young adults under the jihadi influence are becoming more sophisticated at hiding their radical intentions from their families and local authorities.  Terrorists in the U.S. are hidden in plain sight.  Without a drastic change in policy, ideological jihadi battle zones will continue to grow on American soil.  The focus for government officials must shift to locating the terrorist cells forming insideour homeland and recognizing that Minnesota is not alone.
Valerie Greenfeld is the author of Backyard Caliphate: Radicalization in Your Neighborhood.  She can be reached on her blog at

Testimony on ISIS Genocide: Parents Shown Video of Daughters Raped, Tortured – Given Body Parts in Bags

Michael W. Chapman
 By Michael W. Chapman | September 1, 2016 | 4:30 PM EDT

Roads of Success Vice President
Jacqueline Isaac.  (ROS) 
As the Islamic State continues its genocide against Christians, Yazidis, and other religious minorities in Syria and Iraq, human rights activist and lawyer Jacqueline Isaac testified at the United Nations about some of the atrocities, including parents in Syria who were shown a video of their kidnapped daughters being raped and tortured by ISIS, and then given the dismembered body parts of their daughters in plastic bags.
Although Isaac, vice president of the humanitarian group Roads of Success, testified on April 28, her remarks – at the United Nations in New York City -- about the atrocities against women captured by ISIS were not covered by the national news networks in the United States, according to a search of the Nexis news database.
In March, the British government declared the actions by ISIS as genocide; the U.S. government said the same on April 20.
In her testimony at the U.N., Jacqueline Isaac said, “I stand here today not as a lawyer, but as a fellow human being. I stand with Sanja. I stand with the beautiful, brave, resilient survivors that I spent extensive time with in Iraq – those that saw their parents killed before them and then taken by ISIS and categorized like merchandise based on whether they thought they were beautiful or not, their age, and whether they were virgins. Like merchandise.”
“And as if that were not enough, they were raped, they were tortured, many committed suicide and died,” said Isaac. “And others may have attempted [suicide], but they survived, and they’re standing before us today.”
“They’re crying out and asking, ‘Where are you, world? Where are you, world?’”

Grooming Gang: ‘White 

Women Are Good for Only 

One Thing – for People Like 

Me to F*** and Use as Trash’

A member of the mostly-Muslim Newcastle sex grooming gang, which preyed on teenage girls, once told a female ticket inspector: “White women are good for only one thing – for people like me to f*** and use as trash.”

Badrul Hussain, 37, (pictured, right) was found guilty of four drug offences Wednesday as part of ‘Operation Sanctuary’, the UK’s largest investigation into grooming gangs since Rochdale and Rotherham.
Mr Hussain made the expletive-laden comment after being caught travelling without a ticket on the Tyne and Wear Metro in 2014 by a white female rail employee, The Timesreports, laying bare his contemptuous attitude to non-Muslim women.
Many other defendants claimed that their victims were liars and Habibur Rahim, 34, (pictured, left) who was convicted of human trafficking and rape, claimed, “the police were racist”.
However, the weight of evidence against the men in the massive investigation was strong. The court heard how gangs of groomers who were friends and relatives, mainly of Pakistani and Bangladeshi origin, raped, trafficked, and drugged white women from troubled backgrounds.

The Times also reported the story of one 13-year-old victim who was collected from a children’s home, drugged with cocaine and mephedrone, and raped by up to seven men at so-called “sessions”, or sex parties, held by the groomers.
During the investigation, a young adult with learning difficulties also made allegations of sex offences in Newcastle and described sex-grooming “parties” in the city.
After four trials over two years, 17 men of Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Indian, Iraqi, Iranian, and Turkish heritage were found guilty of 87 sex and drug offences.
Also convicted was a young white woman, Carolann Gallon, 22, who lured younger girls to the groomers and has admitted trafficking for sexual exploitation.
Jim Hope, from the Crown Prosecution Service, said Wednesday: “These men systematically groomed and abused vulnerable teenage girls and young women over a number of years for their own sexual gratification.”

Islamic State Photos Show 

Gay Man Being Thrown from 

Roof In Syria


TEL AVIV — Amidst what appears to be the death throes of the Islamic State in Syria, the group’s propagandists have released undated photos purportedly from the district of Damascus in Syria claiming to show everyday life in the quickly dwindling caliphate.

Police inspectors from the group can be seen in the photos patrolling the various markets in territories under the global terrorist group’s control. The inspectors are pictured checking the expiration dates of the products for sale and appearing to scold young men who dared to shave their beards in violation of IS regulations.
IS policemen can also be seen whipping a resident accused of smoking a cigarette, which is against the law in the caliphate, where the selling of cigarettes is strictly forbidden. These basic crimes normally meet with light punishment, but that’s where IS tolerance ends.
Heavier punishments begin with cases like the episode seen in the photos in which a young man is caught stealing. The man’s hand is cut off in front of an audience.
Lashes from a whip are meted out to another individual accused of having non-marital sex, according to IS descriptions of the photos.
The most severe of the punishments seen in the photos is the execution of a man accused of abandoning Islam and another picture of a man who supposedly performed homosexual acts being thrown off a roof.
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