Monday, November 6, 2017


Intrigue in the House of Saud

The son of a potential rival to legitimacy for Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman was killed in a helicopter crash yesterday.  It may be a coincidence, but this incident came soon after the arrest of 11 Saudi princes and dozens of other officials in what I called a coup within the royal family.
Summer Said reports in the Wall Street Journal:
Saudi Prince Mansour bin Muqrin and a number of government officials were killed Sunday in a helicopter crash some 70 miles from the kingdom's southern border with war-torn Yemen, Saudi officials and state television said.
The helicopter went down while the group was touring an area near the coast in Asir province, of which Prince Mansour is governor, according to a statement from the interior ministry's security spokesman. The cause of the crash wasn't immediately known.
"While returning in the evening, contact with the helicopter was lost…authorities are currently searching for survivors where the wreckage was found," the statement said.
Eight people died, two Saudi officials said, though they didn't specify how many were in Prince Mansour's party and how many were crew.
Prince Mansour is the son of prince Muqrin bin Abdulaziz, who resigned from his position as Saudi Arabia's crown prince in April 2015 to make room for King Salman's son Mohammed bin Salman.
A knowledgeable source emails:
Crown Prince Muqrin is the son of Ibn Saud and a Yemeni concubine, and most thought he was pushed out of the job due to potential succession problems since he was of mixed blood.  His son, Mansour, was deputy governor of Asir province which borders Yemen.
Mansour being the deputy governor of the southern province was at face value a pretty common sense move because of his Yemeni background.  I can't say the crash was another instance of the purge.  It could have been in an accident, or maybe the Houthis shot it down, or maybe a mechanical failure.  It's also possible Muqrin and Mansour may have had loyalties to Yemen rather than to Salman and/or were taking advantage of the current conflict to get back at King Salman and his son since Muqrin was unceremoniously dumped after three months.  OTOH, maybe I'm getting a little too Machiavellian.
I don't think it is possible to be too Machiavellian when dealing with succession issues in feudal states.  I studied Japanese feudal history, where they played for keeps when it came to one bloodline versus another.  When a society is organized in clans, along bloodlines, revenge can last for generations.

Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.
I suspect we are in for a lot of surprises from Saudi Arabia.  I don't know if the reformers will carry the day.  The stakes couldn't be higher.


Willful blindness sixteen years after 9/11.

Bruce Thornton is a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center.
After a Muslim immigrant from Uzbekistan murdered eight people on a bike path in New York, the usual “expert” pundits and commentators began recycling the same clichés they always use to avoid a hard, uncomfortable fact: these killings are perpetrated by Muslims who are faithfully following fourteen centuries of Islamic precept and practice.
Sixteen years after 9/11 we still don’t get the reality of Islamic jihad.
Indeed, we can’t even get simple facts straight. The NYC terrorist’s cry of Allahu Akbar, the traditional Muslim battle-cry, is consistently mistranslated. As Robert Spencer has repeatedly pointed out, the phrase does not mean “God is great,” an equivalent, as Senator John McCain has claimed, of “Thank God.” Rather, it means “Allah is greater.” Using the mistranslation obscures the triumphalist intolerance at the heart of Islam. Since the 7th century, Muslims have gone to war for the same reason Mohammed did: “I was ordered to fight all men until they say, ‘There is no god but Allah.’”  Allah is “greater” because all other gods are “idols” or, as with Christians and Jews, distortions of Allah and his revelation to Mohammed. Hence jihad, the effort to “slay the infidels wherever you find them” until Islam and sharia law––practiced by the “best of nations,” as the Koran says, “raised for [the benefit of] men” –– comprise the sole legitimate political-social order for all of humanity.
Having misinterpreted the jihadist war-cry, these same commentators then try to separate the jihadist from the vanguards of modern jihadism such as ISIS. Despite his frank boasts of allegiance to ISIS, or the thousands of videos and photos on his cell phone including beheadings, or his request for an ISIS flag in his hospital room, we continue to hear that he is a “lone wolf,” a “self-radicalized” anomaly much like the Las Vegas mass murderer. Hence the progressive apologists retreat into the psychological analyses that have replaced philosophy and religion in the secular West. Rather than sacred scripture and doctrine, rather than glorious Muslim history and Koranic injunctions, now social conditions and mental derangement must account for this act.
So according to The New York Times, the Uzbek jihadist is the product of a “rootless life,” a neurotic with a “monster inside.” How could he be a Puritanical fundamentalist? He cursed, liked fancy clothes, and showed up late to mosque services. The Wall Street Journal reports that he was a homesick momma’s boy. As The New Republic put it, he is just a “desperate soul” vulnerable to the propaganda of ISIS, the latest in a string of mass murderers who suffer from a mental disorder, one weaponized by mass gun ownership, violent jingoism, and the “politics of fear.”
Hence after the attacks the widespread false analogy with the Las Vegas shooter. Mostly this trope was an excuse to bash Trump for his different responses to the attacks. But beyond that is the same assumption that only psychological dysfunction could explain why someone would brutally run-down bikers and pedestrians. Yet the falseness of the analogy is obvious: The Las Vegas shooter did not have a worldwide virtual community of like-minded believers inspiring and counseling Muslims to inflict murder and mayhem on unbelievers. He did not have a historical precedent in the long record of Islamic violence and aggression. He did not have several models for his crimes like the Muslims using vehicles for murder in London, Nice, Barcelona, Stockholm, Berlin, and Israel. He did not have a belief system in which such violence is enjoined as a command of God and a mark of righteousness. He did not shout “Thank God” as he mowed down his victims. He did not believe that his acts would turn him into a martyr destined for a life of eternal pleasure. He had no global organization eager to take credit for his deeds.
The two killers are utterly different. But making them similar is a way to avoid confronting the Islamic roots of the NYC killer’s murders by depicting them as motivated by psychological or social disorders. This psychological approach to Muslim jihadists, however, is a stale cliché, a useless analytic tool that obscures more than it illuminates. The fact is, history offers numerous examples of Muslim violence predicated on doctrine. As Ibn Warraq documents in his indispensable book The Islam in Islamic Terrorism, fourteen centuries of Muslim conflict both internal and external consistently show a recourse to brutal violence based on and justified by Islamic doctrine. Moreover, rather than socio-economic losers finding a compensatory meaning in violence, members of the various Islamic revival movements over the centuries have been pious Muslims who come not from the poor or ignorant, but from the learned and, in modern times, the professional and educated classes.
Take, for example, the Ayatollah Khomeini, one of the most significant and revered of modern jihadist leaders, who overthrew a modernizing regime in Iran and created an Islamic theocracy. He was no fringe figure, but a highly trained Islamic scholar, a “grand sign of Allah,” his knowledge of the faith so prodigious that he could be consulted on any question related to the application of Islamic law to all dimensions of human life.
Yet during the Iranian revolution, he was depicted in the West as a medieval throwback, a “beard from the fringe” empowered by Cold War neo-imperialism. His sermons, recorded on audiocassettes and circulated in Iran, and his two books were unknown or ignored by our foreign policy establishment. So too his long record of jihadist exhortations, based on orthodox Islamic scripture, and filled with statements like “Islam is a religion of blood for the infidels” and “kill the unbelievers.”
So rather than understanding Khomeini in terms of orthodox Islamic belief, Time magazine, like the State Department and others, could see only “a fanatic whose judgments are harsh, reasoning bizarre, and conclusions surreal,” a “frightening lesson in the shattering power of irrationalism,” a “ghost from the Middle Ages,” an Iranian version of psychopaths Jim Jones or Charles Manson, or simply “nutty,” as Jimmy Carter wrote of an interview with Khomeini in Le Monde. We are still paying the price for that foreign policy malfeasance predicated on an abysmal failure of imagination, as Khomeini’s theocracy relentlessly moves closer to possessing nuclear weapons and the possibility of nuclear terror.
So far the “nothing to do with Islam” apologists from both parties have been successful at minimizing the jihadist threat, and thus mitigating as well their failure to address it honestly. So too with smears of “Islamophobia” and “bigotry,” preemptive strikes against anyone challenging that false, self-serving narrative. Better to regard jihadist terror as a “nuisance,” as John Kerry said during the 2004 presidential campaign. After all, we lose over 30 thousand dead a year from traffic fatalities. That’s the price we pay for the convenience of mechanized transportation. Jihadist terror is the “new normal,” a price we pay for a globalized economy in which labor must be free to migrate to an aging West committing demographic suicide.
Such attitudes are deadly. Today’s jihadists are fighting a war of morale. They know they cannot militarily defeat the West, nor is achieving such a goal in their lifetimes that important. Spiritual struggles cannot be measured by clocks. As the Taliban have told us, “You have the watches, we have the time.” What matters is continuing the struggle against what jihadists see on their satellite televisions and the internet: a morally corrupt, godless, aging culture that does not believe there is anything worth fighting and dying for, and that will bargain away its civilizational beliefs for one more day of life and its pleasures. No matter that the jihadist view is a caricature of a partial truth. Enough Westerners behave as if the jihadists are right, and appease and flatter an ancient enemy that most definitely thinks it knows what is worth killing and dying for. That civilizational failure of nerve is what jihadists from Hassan al Banna to the Ayatollah Khomeini to Osama bin Laden to ISIS have told us gives them strength and hope for eventual victory, no matter how many setbacks.
Thus every terrorist attack in our public spaces; every unvetted jihadist enemy invited into the E.U. and, in the case of the New York terrorist, the U.S. through a lunatic “diversity lottery”; every governmental act of self-censorship of factual statements of Islamic history and practice; every Orwellian redefinition of a doctrine like “jihad”; every concession to bullying complaints by jihadist and sharia fronts like CAIR; every use of the smear “Islamophobia”; every church in Europe that is torn down even as more and bigger mosques are multiplying; every plea after a jihadist attack not to “start casting dispersions” [sic], as Bill de Blasio said, on Islam; every octogenarian and child wanded and patted down by airport security––all these are little Munichs. And as we mask our fear and self-doubt behind protestations of “tolerance” and “respect for diversity,” we hearten and embolden the jihadist foe, and convince him that he is right about our loss of morale and his own righteousness. For he loves death and Allah as we love life and pleasure, and so in the fullness of time he will be victorious.
In the Thirties, George Orwell, witnessing the myopic pacifism of the British in the face of growing Nazi barbarism, wrote, “Creatures out of the Dark Ages have come marching into the present, and if they are ghosts, they are at any rate ghosts which need a strong magic to lay them.” We may believe that the jihadists are fanatical throw backs from the benighted premodern past, warped by unjust social, political, and economic conditions, and attracted to beliefs that we think our secular, scientific world has rendered obsolete. But ecumenical bromides and multicultural slogans will not end the jihadist threat, and in fact make it more potent. We need the “strong magic” of truth, and the belief in our civilization’s principles and goods like freedom and human rights in order to fight for them. The alternative is the slow-motion Islamization that we see unfolding in Europe, one bloody attack, one unvetted immigrant, and one cultural concession at a time.                                            
JUST FOLLOW THE MONEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Twenty-eight pages of heavily redacted documents released in 2016 after being concealed from the public for 13 years established that Saudi intelligence officers funneled substantial amounts of money to the hijackers in the run-up to the 9/11 attacks, while assisting them with finding housing as well as flight schools to attend.
Sixteen years after 9/11: lies, hypocrisy and militarism
12 September 2017
The sixteenth anniversary of the September 11, 2001 attacks that killed more than 2,900 people in the United States were marked once again on Monday with ceremonies at the site of the World Trade Center’s demolished Twin Towers, the Pentagon and a field in Pennsylvania where one of four hijacked planes crashed as passengers fought to regain control of the aircraft.
Thousands gathered in New York City for the solemn reading of the names of those who lost their lives to a criminal and reactionary terrorist attack that served only the interests of US and world imperialism, which ever since have exploited the events to justify wars of aggression and attacks on democratic rights the world over.
The genuine emotions of sorrow and remembrance shared by those who lost loved ones on 9/11 once again stood in sharp contrast to the banality and hypocrisy of the official commemorations staged by US officials.
This longstanding dichotomy reached a new level with the main speech of the day delivered by the fascistic billionaire con-man President Donald Trump at the Pentagon Monday. Trump, whose first reaction on the day of the attacks was to brag—falsely—that the toppling of the Twin Towers had made his own property at 40 Wall Street the tallest building in lower Manhattan, delivered remarks that consisted of barely warmed-over platitudes from previous addresses, repeated tributes to the American flag and a vow to “defend our country against barbaric forces of evil and destruction.”
Trump repeated the well-worn cliché that on September 11 “our whole world changed.” The phrase is meant to suggest that the unending wars, police state measures and sweeping changes in American political life over the past 16 years have all been carried out in response to the supposedly unforeseen and unforeseeable events of September 11, having nothing to do with anything that came before.
That this is a cynical and self-serving lie becomes clearer with every passing year.
On the eve of the anniversary, new revelations emerged linking Saudi Arabia, Washington’s closest ally in the Arab world, to the preparation of the September 11 attacks, in which 15 of the 19 hijackers were Saudi citizens. The corporate media, which published nothing of any significance on the anniversary, largely blacked out this new evidence. The New York Times marked the anniversary with an editorial detailing efforts by the New York City medical examiner to identify human remains.
A federal lawsuit on behalf of the families of some 1,400 of the 9/11 victims has presented evidence that the Saudi embassy in Washington financed what was apparently a “dry run” for the 9/11 attacks in 1999. Two Saudi agents posing as students boarded an America West flight from Phoenix to Washington, D.C. with tickets paid for by the Saudi embassy. The lawsuit states that both men had trained in Al Qaeda camps in Afghanistan with some of the 9/11 hijackers. While on the flight, the two asked flight attendants technical questions about the plane that raised suspicions and twice attempted to enter the cockpit, leading the pilot to carry out an emergency landing in Ohio. Both men were detained and questioned by the FBI, which decided not to pursue any prosecution.
This is only the latest in a long series of revelations that have made it abundantly clear that the events of 9/11 could never have taken place without substantial logistical support from high places. Despite the repeated claims that the attacks “changed everything,” there has never been an independent and objective investigations into how they were carried out. And, despite being what is ostensibly the most catastrophic intelligence failure in American history, no one was ever held accountable with so much as a firing or a demotion.
What evidence has emerged makes it clear that the 9/11 hijackers were able to freely enter the country and attend flight schools despite the fact that a number of those involved had been subjects of surveillance by the CIA and FBI for as long as two years before the attack. Two of them actually lived in the home of an FBI informant.
Twenty-eight pages of heavily redacted documents released in 2016 after being concealed from the public for 13 years established that Saudi intelligence officers funneled substantial amounts of money to the hijackers in the run-up to the 9/11 attacks, while assisting them with finding housing as well as flight schools to attend.
While Saudi Arabia was the government most active in carrying out the September 11 attacks, the involvement of Saudi intelligence really means the involvement of a section of the American state apparatus. This is not a matter of conspiracy theories, but established fact. It is bound up with very real conspiracies involving the CIA, Afghanistan and Al Qaeda going back to the Islamist group’s founding as an arm of Washington’s dirty war against the Soviet-backed government of Afghanistan in the 1980s.
Far from the attacks having “changed everything,” they provided the pretext for acts of military aggression long in preparation. In the wake of the dissolution of the Soviet Union a decade earlier, the ruling class initiated a policy developed to use US military might to offset the decline of American capitalism on the world arena. Afghanistan and Iraq were targeted to secure military dominance over two major oil- and gas-producing regions on the planet, the Caspian Basin and the Middle East.
This thoroughly criminal enterprise, justified in the name of 9/11’s victims, has claimed the lives of over 1 million Iraqis and hundreds of thousands of Afghans and unleashed the greatest refugee crisis since the Second World War.
The invocation of a “war on terror”—passed down from Bush to Obama and now to Trump—to justify these crimes has become not only threadbare, but patently absurd. The results of 16 years of uninterrupted US wars of aggression have included an unprecedented growth of Al Qaeda and related Islamist militias, largely as a result of US imperialism’s utilization of these elements as proxy ground forces in wars for regime change in Libya and Syria.
Moreover, the multiple wars and interventions conducted by the Pentagon and the CIA, from North Africa to Central Asia, can quickly metastasize into a global conflagration, with Washington simultaneously threatening nuclear war against North Korea and pursuing increasingly dangerous confrontations with its principal geo-strategic rivals, Russia and China.
September 11 did not “change everything,” but it did mark the beginning of an escalation of what George W. Bush called the “wars of the twenty-first century,” that is, escalating imperialist aggression that is leading mankind toward a third world war.
Bill Van Auken

September 11, 2017

Were the Saudis Behind 9/11?

1. On September 9, 2017, Paul Sperry of the New York Post dropped the biggest headline hint so far that, Yes, the Saudis plotted, trained, funded, ordered, and covered up the assault on America on 9/11. 
The headline does not come out and actually say that the Saudis committed the greatest anti-American civilian atrocity 16 years ago. It just says that "the Saudis allegedly funded a "dry run" of the 9/11/01 attack two years before it was actually executed. But by now we know so much supportive evidence that we might as well tell the whole truth.
Two years before the airliner attacks, the Saudi Embassy paid for two Saudi nationals, living undercover in the US as students, to fly from Phoenix to Washington “in a dry run for the 9/11 attacks,” alleges the amended complaint filed on behalf of the families of some 1,400 victims who died in the terrorist attacks 16 years ago."
Well, if you're a bank robber, and you go through a "dry run" of the robbery two years before actually committing it, and "somebody" then carries out the outrageous crime, chances are that the dry runners and the perps are the same. 
We have plenty of evidence of Saudi guilt for 9/11. We know that the 17 Wahhabi (Saudi-indoctrinated) terrorists killed civilian cabin personnel and pilots in those four "American" and "United" airplanes, slitting their throats with utility knives, according to the ancient Koranic war command, "you shall cut them at the neck." 
We have seen plenty of actual beheadings on ISIS videos, and we know that the Wahhabi priesthood in Saudi Arabia has endorsed ISIS for its Nazilike murders, rapes, kidnappings, and sadistic treatment of innocent children, women, and men wherever ISIS operate. It is vital for Americans to understand that the war theology of "ISIS," "Al Qaida," "Al Nusrah", "Al Qaida in the Maghreb," on and on, are all the same. The hierarchy that runs it from the Sunni Gulf States is the same, the methodology is the same, the utter inhuman cruelty of killing innocents is the same, the religious rationale is the same, on and on and on. 
However, it should be understood that the Shi'ites of Iran run a separate chain of command, with separate murderers, etc. We have two fanatical enemies, both based in the war verses of the Koran,  but they hate each other to death. Donald Trump has just exploited that split between mass murderers hailing from Sunni Islam, and the mass murderers coming from Shi'te Islam. Trump is now in a formal alliance with the Saudis (and Israelis, and other Sunni Gulf States) against Iran, the Shiite head of the monster. 
During WW I the British brought the Saudis to power in order to drive out the Ottoman Turks. British agent "Lawrence of Arabia" (T.E. Lawrence) convinced the Arab speakers of the Arabia desert to rebel against the Turks, supplying them with British arms and advice. of Arabia described the exact tribal war activities we see today in ISIS, including male rape. The Brits then brought the Saudi tribe to power.
Saudi Arabia is always on the edge of collapse, because it is not a modern nation, but a desert tribal federation. 
The war theology of desert Islam has been well-described by now, in excellent, scholarly sources freely available on the web.
In human tribal history, war theologies are not unusual. Japanese State Shinto, which led to WW II, was based on Bushido a debased version of the Samurai code. The Teutonic Knights were a similar war cult that eventually led to Bismarck's Prussia, which then forced the unification of the German-speaking provinces in the 19th century in a single, top-down controlled Reich. Hitler's war started as a revenge for losing World War I. Hitler came to power by peddling the "stab-in-the-back" myth to explain Austro-Hungarian defeat in WWI. 
Human tribal warfare is very common, as shown by anthropologist Napoleon Chagnon, based on his field work with the Yanamamo of South America. In human tribal history, up to 30% of adult males die in intergroup violence. So war cults and martyrdom cults are part of human history. The Kim dynasty in North Korea has always prepared for and encouraged war. Today, the Iranian Muslims (Shi'a) constantly chant, "Death to America! Death to Israel!" Terrorist groups like Hamas and Hizb’allah also raise their children to kill any designated enemy, preferably through martyrdom. Successful killer-martyrs are promised life eternal in Heaven, with all the virgins and all that. 
American liberals keep telling the world that such things could not exist, because people are fundamentally good. They are utterly ignorant, and "none so blind as will not see." 
What happened on 9/11?
The attackers commandeered civilian passenger planes, and suicidally flew them into the Twin Towers in Manhattan; a third passenger plane was flown into the Pentagon in Washington, D.C., and a fourth airplane crashed when its passengers heroically rebelled against the throat-cutting murderers and crashed in Pennsylvania. These assaults count as the biggest enemy attack on American civilians in history. In the Geneva Conventions, the politically motivated murder of civilians is treated even more seriously than surprise attacks on members of the military  in uniform. 
​These are the most likely hypotheses based on the evidence. But we will not know the full truth until the 28 censored pages from the 9/11 Report are published. The U.S. media, which evidently colluded in the greatest national security coverup, must now tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. If any media outlet fails to cover this, American patriots must simply boycott them and their owners and sponsors. This is a question of national life or death. 
​2. Who did the coverup?
When the 9/11 attacks took place, none of our presidents, nor our enormous Deep Government, nor any major news outlets told the truth. 
As a result, even today, most Americans know little, except that fake "Islamophobia" is a terrible thing. Americans need to learn the truth and we must know the truth to understand that Jihad War that was launched against us on that second Day of Infamy. No nation can protect itself against future dangers if it only learns lies about previous acts of national aggression.  
​3. Who ran the coverup and why? 
The 9/11 attack was covered up. 
a. 9/11/ was not the first attack by Al Qaida and its militant networks against the Twin Towers. There was an amazingly similar truck bomb attack in 1993 by the same network, and some of the perps were caught and sentenced to jail terms. 
Andrew McCarthy of the National Review was the federal prosecutor in that case, and has written extensively about it. McCarthy has been one of the truth-tellers in a time of shameful lies and coverups. 
Bill and Hillary Clinton knew about the failed truck-bomb attack on the Twin Towers in 1993. We know that Bill was offered Bin Laden's head on a platter by four different Arab regimes, in secret, and that he refused four times. There is no question that the Clintons knew about the danger ahead of time, and utterly failed to pursue Bin Laden's AQ network when there was still time to knock them out. That abject cowardice is interpreted in war theologies like desert Islam as a plain and obvious sign of weakness, and it always increases the chance of more attacks. This is elementary logic about hyperaggressive regimes. 
​Instead of revealing and mobilizing American public opinion against a clear and obvious danger, the Clintons made money off it. The fact that Huma Abedin has become Hillary's closest friend and assistant over the last 20 years, and that Huma comes from a Muslim Brotherhood family that runs a "charity" in the UK to promote Jihad​, makes Huma, Hillary, and Bill criminally liable. They owe the American People an explanation, and instead, they have been taking tens of millions of dollars from known Jihad sources. 
We do not know whether Bush-Cheney knew about the danger of attack ahead of time, but it seems unlikely. The assault happened early in the Bush II administration, possibly before they were warned. 
We have to understand that after 9/11, every major intelligence agency in the world must have known who the perps were.
Former UCMC Commandant Jim Mattis has often said "There is always treachery." It is a basic rule of war in his lifelong teachings. The fact that Mattis is now SecDec shows where Trump is moving -- against Jihad, finally, after decades of Democrat and RINO betrayal of the American people in their greatest danger. 
If you do not believe we are in very great danger today, consider that Kim III now has ICBMs and nuclear weapons, and that Kim always works in collusion with Iranian Jihad. North Korea is thought to have gotten its latest mass murdering toy with cooperation from Tehran. Although Pakistan, which also follows a Jihadist war theology, is another candidate. 
On the honorable side, Admiral James Lyon (USN, Ret) has been publicly warning against the Jihad being obviously waged against the U.S. (and other "Christian" countries) by Jihad, both the Sunni and Shi'ite imperial aggressors. I believe Adm. Lyons risked his life to expose the truth, the last time at the Press Club in Washington, DC. 
I believe that Donald Trump guessed or knew the truth, as an international businessman, with his own intelligence sources. When Trump ran for office, the Deep State freaked out, in fear of exposure, along with the mass media, which also understood what was going on. The Democrats, the mass media, and the Deep State are basically one.
The Obama Administration was clearly penetrated by pro-Jihad, anti-American forces from the beginning. Obama all but publicly endorsed the Jihad against America. The flagrant use of an Arabic name, instead of his given name Barry Soetoro, is only one little sign. Another is the "disguised" Shahada ring he has worn ever since his trip to Pakistan as a college student with his Pakistani roommate. The Shahada is the oath of loyalty to Islam. Deception is a major war tactic in Islam. Yet a third sign of Obama's Jihad loyalties is his symbolically vital visit to a Muslim Mosque in the waning days of his presidency; the mosque had a prominent sign (shown in the New York Times) that "nothing is achieved without struggle." (The Arabic word for "struggle" is Jihad.) The Obama years constantly played in Muslim Jihadist hints, knowing that most Americans are utterly ignorant about all that. It is part of Obama's personality disorders.
Valerie Jarrett (Obama's "alter ego") was brought up in Iranian-style Islam (Shi'ite). She sold out U.S. and Western safety to Iran in the infamous nuclear agreement. 
The Saudis controlled OPEC, the oil cartel. That gave them worldwide price control, a sword hanging over the heads of all modern nations. Jimmy Carter's Arab oil embargo showed how much power the desert tribes of Arabia had. That is probably why they took the risk of assaulting the United States, and then serially Britain, France, Spain, on and on. 
Please note a few bottom lines: 
1. The U.S. was betrayed over and over and over again by our political class, by our Deep State, and by our media oligopoly. 
I think the Bushes are patriots, but they also have major oil connections. 
2. Donald Trump has been brilliant, and he certainly comes across as a genuine patriot. That is why the corrupt Deep State, and the even more corrupt Democrats and media, hate Trump. But slowly, slowly, the truth has been emerging in the Trump campaign, and then in the first Trump year. Without American leadership against evil, the world is full of cowards and traitors. 
3. Saudi Arabia has now lost control of the price of oil. Trump's vigorous opening up of U.S. energy has made a huge difference, because now we have the biggest clout over the world price. That was a very deliberate move, previously sabotaged by environmental fanatics who were probably bought off by both kinds of Muslim oil regimes. 
So yes, oil was a big part of the picture, but with the advent of shale exploitation around the world, plus the American resurgence in domestic energy production, we now have the upper hand. 

September 11, 2017

Who are our Real Enemies?

A good novel allows readers to learn and question, a gateway to world events. Such is the case with Vince Flynn’s Enemy Of The State by Kyle Mills. Flynn warned Americans on the dangers of Islamic terrorism in his first CIA operative Mitch Rapp book, Transfer of Power, published in 1999. This was two years before 9/11. Fast-forward eighteen years and Rapp books still discuss the dangers of jihadists. Mills took the torch from the late Vince Flynn, and has written a gripping novel about the Saudi involvement with terrorism. This is where fiction blends with reality.
Mills noted, “I thought about the redacted section from the 9/11 report that possibly showed the Saudi involvement. After reading the book people will understand I am not a big fan of the Saudis. Historically we have overlooked a lot of what they do in order to keep alive our strategic relationship. They not only support terrorism, but the schools that teach it. There is not much civil liberties and human rights there. I always wanted to see them slapped down and I enjoyed watching Mitch do it.”
It is rumored that this portion of the report details contacts between Saudi officials and some of the September 11 hijackers, checks from Saudi royals to operatives in contact with the hijackers, and the discovery of a telephone number in an Al Qaeda militant’s phone book that was traced to a corporation managing an Aspen Colorado, home of Prince Bandar bin Sultan, then the Saudi ambassador to Washington. The document is harsh in its criticism of Saudi efforts to undermine American attempts to dismantle Al Qaeda in the years before the September 11 attacks. Moreover, it portrays the F.B.I as generally in the dark about the maneuverings of Saudi officials inside the United States during that period.
In Enemy of The State, the CIA operative Mitch Rapp is quoted, “How many times are we going to have to go through this with them? We let them off the hook for the most deadly terrorist attack in US history and now here we go again.” It sure seemed that way when President Obama bowed before the Saudi King Abdullah at the opening of the G20 meeting in London in 2009.
Even President Trump seemed to be softening on his view of the Saudis. His speech in Saudi Arabia this May called them friends and allowed them to buy a $110-million-dollar defense purchase. This is a far cry when during the 2016 campaign he called on them to provide troops and funds to fight ISIS.
A powerful quote in the book shows the two sides of the Saudi regime, “It was a country with sufficient resources to provide prosperous lives for its citizens and to be a force of good throughout the region. Instead, these resources had been used to enrich a handful of monarchs and to promote the cycle of violence and misery that the Middle East was currently mired in.”
On the one hand it appears that they are now committed to fighting terrorism. Isobel Coleman, a Saudi expert for the Council on Foreign Relations, felt they had a change of heart. She noted, “For a long time the Saudi state encouraged Saudi men to fight Jihad. It was a heroic thing to do.  The Saudis had a profound change after they had to deal with internal terrorism.” the May speech, President Trump announced Saudi cooperation to fight terrorism, “Muslim nations must be willing to take on the burden if we are going to defeat terrorism and send its wicked ideology into oblivion. The first task in this joint effort is for your nations to deny all territory to the foot soldiers of evil. Every country in the region has an absolute duty to ensure that terrorists find no sanctuary on their soil… I am proud to announce that the nations here today will be signing an agreement to prevent the financing of terrorism called the Terrorist Financing Targeting Center, co-chaired by the United States and Saudi Arabia, and joined by every member of the Gulf Cooperation Council.”
Yet, on the other hand, Saudi Arabia is still denying any involvement in the September 11th attacks even though fifteen of the nineteen hijackers were Saudis. They even threatened to sell off $750 billion in U.S. assets if Congress passes legislation allowing them to be sued for the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, a move that could destabilize the U.S. dollar.
Bob Graham, a former Democratic senator from Florida, says ISIS "is a product of Saudi ideals, Saudi money, and Saudi organizational support." Graham went on to say that ISIS represents a form of Wahhabi ideology, in which the monarchy has lost control. He believes it is a cancer that now threatens the kingdom, and that in order to stop ISIS the ideology must be dried up at the source.
Nina Shea, director of the Hudson Institute's Center for Religious Freedom, wrote, ”The Saudi government has given over its textbooks to the clerical Wahhabi extremists that it partners with to maintain control of the country.” She explained, each year, these textbooks speak of direct religious hatred, violence and indoctrinate a war mentality. Yet, their role in advancing Islamist extremist ideology has not been taken seriously as a U.S. national security concern. Since 9/11, regardless of which party is in power, the State Department has barely raised the issue and at times has even worked to cover up their toxic content.
As President Trump stated, "Muslim nations must be willing to take on terrorism and send its wicked ideology into oblivion… Terrorists do not worship God, they worship death.” Enemy Of The State shows how important it is for the U.S. to make sure the Saudis continue to hold up their end of the relationship by not promoting hatred against the West and stamping out the supporters of terrorism. In a sense the book is a reminder to Americans that September 11th should never be forgotten.
The author writes for American Thinker. She has done book reviews, author interviews, and has written a number of national security, political, and foreign policy articles.



Responsibility for the attack?

Sayfullo Saipov, the 29-year-old Uzbekistan-born ISIS operative who killed eight people after driving a truck down a crowded bicycle path in New York City, worshipped at a mosque around the corner from his and his family’s Paterson, New Jersey residence, Masjid Omar bin al-Khattab. The mosque has been associated with a website that advocates committing violence against others. Because of this fact, the mosque itself should be considered a party to Saipov’s horrific crime.
On October 31st, Halloween, Sayfullo Habibullaevic Saipov, an Uber driver with known residences in Tampa, Florida and Paterson, New Jersey, drove a pickup truck he had recently rented to New York City’s Riverfront, on the West Side of Manhattan, and proceeded to plow into pedestrians and bicyclists along a stretch of one mile, before being shot and apprehended by police. Saipov had with him knives and a stun gun as additional weapons. A note found near the truck contained a claim that the act was done in the name of ISIS.
In court, the following night, Saipov was charged with one count of material support to a terrorist organization and one count of violence and destruction of a motor vehicle.
According to the federal complaint against him, Saipov told investigators he had become radicalized by watching ISIS videos on his phone and was inspired by ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi’s call for revenge on the United States. He said he had been planning the attack for the past year and that he chose the occasion of Halloween because he thought the streets would be more crowded then. He said he had considered placing ISIS flags on the truck but thought it would draw too much attention.
According to law enforcement, Saipov’s name may have come up, during previous investigations into other known terrorists or persons of interest, as an acquaintance of those being investigated. Question: Was Saipov self-radicalized and acting on his own or did he have help?
Saipov and his family attended Paterson’s Masjid Omar bin al-Khattab, aka Omar Mosque. In 2006, the NYPD ordered surveillance on the mosque, and according to a 2006 NYPD document, the mosque was “believed to have been the subject of federal investigations.” The surveillance program, which included a number of New York Metro Area mosques, was conducted in order to identify “budding terrorist conspiracies.”
The Omar Mosque was founded in 1994. Its corporation starting date is listed as July 1994.
The group’s website domain,, was purchased in July 2010. The first and what appears to be the only version of the website was uploaded in November 2010.
During its entire existence, before it was removed (The site is no longer up), the website’s top navigation bar contained a button, titled ‘ASK THE IMAM’ and linked to a mirror site of the controversial website Islam Q&A, giving off the impression that Islam Q&A was a function of the mosque. In fact, the mirror address itself was an actual page off the mosque website (
Islam Q&A or Islam Question & Answer ( is run by Islamic scholar Muhammad Saalih al-Munajjid. The site is said to be the most popular Salafist (ultra-fundamentalist Islamic) website in the Arab speaking world. Al-Munajjid created the site to answer people’s questions from an Islamic viewpoint. Many of the answers provided by the site are unspeakably bigoted and violent in nature.
Regarding jihad or holy war, Islam Q&A states the following: “There is no doubt that it is prescribed to engage in jihad against the enemies of Allaah, Jews and others, with our lives and our wealth… The Muslims in general should… help the Muslims in all places in ways that will lead them to prevail and strengthen them and enable them to… practice the teachings of Islam and to implement the rulings of sharee’ah and carry out hudood punishments [amputation of hands for theft, stoning for illicit sex, death for apostasy, lashes for drinking alcohol, etc.], and whatever will lead to their victory over the kuffaar, Jews, Christians and others. They should strive their hardest in jihad against the enemies of Allaah with all the means at their disposal.”
While Islam Q&A publicly regards both Jews and Christians as “enemies of Islam,” al-Munajjid and his site save their greatest ire solely for Jews. The site openly states that Jews need to be destroyed, declaring, “We ask Allaah to… curse and destroy the Jews and their helpers, and to send punishment upon them…”
Al-Munajjid further states on his site, “[T]he Jews are people of treachery and betrayal; it is not possible to trust them at all… As the Muslims and Jews are enemies residing in opposing religious and doctrinal camps, it is not possible for them to be brought together unless one is made to submit to the other by force. [T]he Prophet… said: ‘The Hour [the Day of Judgement] will not begin until the Muslims fight the Jews and kill them.’”
Concerning homosexuals, Islam Q&A is 100% clear, they are to be put to death. The only question the site poses is: By what method? The site states, “The Sahaabah were unanimously agreed on the execution of homosexuals, but they differed as to how they were to be executed. Some of them were of the view that they should be burned with fire… And some of them thought that they should be thrown down from a high place then have stones thrown at them. Because the evil consequences of homosexuality are among the worst of evil consequences, so its punishment is one of the most severe of punishments in this world and in the Hereafter.”
Islam Q&A sees women as little more than the property of men and sanctions domestic violence against them. The site states, “Wives in general have to understand that obedience to their husbands is an Islamic duty that is required of them… The husband has to look for the causes of his wife’s willful defiance… If the cause has to do with her… then he should remind her of Allaah and play a role in strengthening her faith and teaching her what she does not know about the rights that her husband has over her. If that does not work, then he may hit her in a way that is not severe and that does not cause injury…”
Islam Q&A says that women should not leave their homes, declaring, “[I]t is better for women to stay at home… Women should not go out unless it is necessary, and when it is necessary for a woman to go out, it should be with her husband’s permission. She should be careful to avoid that which Allaah has forbidden, and she should wear full hijaab, covering her face, etc.” According to al-Munajjid, “[I]f the woman’s niqaab or burqa’ does not show anything but the eyes, and the opening is only as big as the left eye… then that is permissible, otherwise she should wear something which covers her face entirely.”
Saipov’s wife and fellow Uzbek, Nozima Odilova, whom Saipov married in Ohio in April 2013, resembles the Muslim woman discussed in Islam Q&A. Hilmi Hammad, a local knife supplier who lived across the street from Saipov’s home, said he “would often see Saipov come out with his wife, in full burqa - just the slits for eyes…” As well, Mirrakhmat Muminov, an acquaintance of Saipov from Ohio, told CNN that he had never met Saipov’s wife, due to what CNN referred to as “gender-separation customs."
Investigators working on the NY truck terror attack are exploring whether anyone else had any knowledge of or aided in the plot. The FBI sought and found a second individual in relation to the attack, Uzbek national Mukhammadzoir Kadirov, labeling him a ‘person of interest.’ The FBI should, as well, label Masjid Omar bin al-Khattab a ‘mosque of interest.’
In April 2014, the NYPD’s mosque surveillance program, known as the Demographics Unit, was shut down following complaints and legal challenges from left wing civil liberties groups and radical elements within the Muslim community. New York City Mayor Bill De Blasio vocally supported the program’s termination.
Law enforcement was keeping tabs on Saipov’s mosque, because of its embrace and propagation of the toxic ideology associated with ISIS, which inspired Saipov to carry out his attack. ISIS certainly claims to adhere to the same brand of Salafism as the Omar Mosque pushes. It can be argued that, had the program not been terminated, authorities may have uncovered Saipov’s plot and prevented it.
Saipov came to America via a ‘diversity visa.’ His victims were also diverse: five Argentinians, two Americans and one Belgian. His mission was ended after he crashed his truck into a school bus and was shot by an NYPD officer. If given the chance, he would have killed more innocents. It is a travesty that a mosque like Masjid Omar is being allowed to operate on American soil unchecked, after rightly being identified by authorities as a hub for extremist activity.
Sayfullo Saipov may be the first individual to commit an ISIS-style vehicular rampage in America, but if the police and FBI are forced to continue to operate under the constraints of political correctness instead of using proactive profiling, he may very well not be the last.
Beila Rabinowitz, Director of Militant Islam Monitor, contributed to this report.


Koran 2:191 "slay the unbelievers wherever you find them"
Koran 3:21 "Muslims must not take the infidels as friends"
Koran 5:33 "Maim and crucify the infidels if they criticize Islam"
Koran 8:12 "Terrorize and behead those who believe in scriptures other than the Koran"
Koran 8:60 " Muslims must muster all weapons to terrorize the infidels"
Koran 8:65 "The unbelievers are stupid, urge all Muslims to fight them"
Koran 9:5 "When the opportunity arises, kill the infidels wherever you find them"
Koran 9:123 "Make war on the infidels living in your neighborhood"
Koran 22:19 "Punish the unbelievers with garments of fire, hooked iron rods, boiling water, melt their skin and bellies"
Koran 47:4 "Do not hanker for peace with the infidels, behead them when you catch them".

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