Monday, November 20, 2017


The government attack on US college students

20 November 2017
The US House of Representatives passed a tax cut bill Thursday whose reactionary and anti-working class character has no modern precedent. An estimated $1.5 trillion in tax cuts are awarded to corporations and the super-rich, partly through increased federal deficits—which will undermine entitlement programs such as Social Security and Medicare—and partly through increased taxes on millions of working-class and middle-class people.
Among the most savage cuts are those targeting young people at the onset of their productive lives—those attending community colleges, universities and graduate schools. These young people are already facing a future of immense and likely unrepayable student loan debt. More than 44 million Americans hold a total of $1.4 trillion in student debt, a sum greater than total US credit card debt or automobile loans.
Student loan debt could soon rival the total debt for home mortgages. The average payoff time for a student loan is approaching 20 years, and more than 3,000 people default on federal student loans every day.
The tax plan of the House majority, should it pass the Senate and be signed into law by President Trump, would drastically worsen the conditions of life for millions of youth and young adults who are already struggling. The House bill would increase the cost of attending college by $65 billion over the next ten years, according to an estimate by the American Council on Education (ACE).
It repeals the tax deduction for interest payments on student loans, which provides a saving of up to $625 a year for student loan borrowers making less than $65,000 or married couples making less than $130,000. In 2015, more than 12 million people filed tax returns with deductions for interest on their student loans.
The House bill requires that tuition waivers, which 145,000 graduates receive in exchange for working at the university, frequently as teaching assistants, be taxed as income. At high-tuition schools, in particular, tuition may be two or three times the actual pay that a graduate student receives for work. The result will be a large number of graduate students seeing their taxes rise by a staggering 400 percent, according to the ACE.
This change will force large numbers of grad students to leave school and make it virtually impossible for students from a working-class or low-income background to receive a Masters degree or PhD, let alone attend medical or law school, which are even more costly. It will also affect staff and employees of colleges who receive discounts or free tuition if their children attend the college where they work. These workers will also have to pay income taxes on the tuition waiver, as though it was part of their take-home pay.
The House vote follows a series of administrative actions and budget proposals by the Trump administration that would seem to be motivated by particular vindictiveness toward college students and their families:
• The Public Service Loan Forgiveness program, established in 2006 to limit the debt burden of students who opt for lower-paying public service jobs, is being run into the ground, with half of all applicants disqualified from the program administratively, according to one report. Trump’s budget proposes eliminating the program entirely after July 2018.
• The Trump budget also includes a provision to eliminate entirely the federal Subsidized Stafford Loan, which has traditionally allowed students to defer payment while enrolled in a college or university, and had a somewhat lower interest rate upon graduation.
• Overall, the Trump administration proposes to cut $9 billion from education spending in the 2018 fiscal year, including $3.9 billion from Pell Grants and a reduction in subsidies for campus child care for students who have young children.
• Trump has named as the head of the Department of Education’s antifraud unit Julian Schmoke, former administrator of the for-profit DeVry University. Nearly 2,000 DeVry students applied for “borrower defense to repayment” claims with the Department of Education, claiming they had been defrauded by the for-profit school with false promises of good-paying jobs if they graduated. DeVry settled charges with the Federal Trade Commission last December for $100 million and changed its name to Adtalem.
These actions come as the conditions of life facing college students, frequently juggling jobs, debt repayment plans and classroom pressures, have dramatically worsened. According to the annual survey of the American College Health Association, the proportion of undergraduates reporting “overwhelming anxiety” rose from 50 percent in 2011 to 62 percent in 2016.
State governments are doing their part in what can be described only as a full-scale assault on college students by all levels of the capitalist state. Of the 50 US states, 44 have slashed spending for college and university education since the 2008 financial crash, according to one survey.
The New York Times reported Sunday a particularly brutal attack on students who fall behind in their debt payments. At least 20 US states suspend occupational licenses—and in one state, South Dakota, even driver’s licenses—for students who have defaulted on their loans.
Hundreds of nurses in states such as Louisiana and Tennessee, hundreds of teachers in Texas, and as many as 8,700 students overall in a wide range of professions have had their licenses suspended or even revoked. This measure is counterproductive in terms of its professed aim, since a nurse or teacher who cannot work without a license also can’t make debt payments.
The targeting of college and graduate students by the Trump administration and the congressional Republicans by no means indicates that congressional Democrats have a more socially enlightened agenda. The Democratic objections to the Republican tax bill are largely for show: the Democrats fully support the centerpiece of the legislation, a dramatic cut in the corporate tax rate, objecting only to certain specifics on how that is to be paid for.
Where Democrats have been in power at the state level, they have pursued budget cuts in education just as ruthlessly as their Republican counterparts. Under the Obama administration, more than 300,000 public education jobs were wiped out as part of the reckoning for the 2008 Wall Street crash, as Obama and the Democrats carried out the bailout of the banks at the expense of working people.
Both parties uphold the interests of the financial aristocracy and the capitalist system. They repeat endlessly that “there is no money” for schools, colleges or any other genuine social need, while showering money on the Pentagon and the police-state apparatus being established by the intelligence agencies and the Department of Homeland Security.
There is an instructive symmetry in the fact that the House tax bill offers $1.5 trillion in tax cuts to the wealthy while the US student loan debt now exceeds $1.4 trillion. The entire debt of a generation of students could be eliminated by simply not giving the super-rich this bonanza.
It is no accident that among the younger generation there is rising interest in and support for socialist policies. A recent survey found that more young people in America would choose to live under socialism or communism than under capitalism, if they had a choice.
And they will have that choice. The building of a mass movement of the working class and youth, based on a socialist and internationalist program, is the perspective of the Socialist Equality Party and our youth movement, the International Youth and Students for Social Equality.
The SEP and the IYSSE fight for the development of a political movement of the working class and youth in opposition to both big-business parties and the capitalist profit system. We demand the complete cancellation of student debt owed to the government and the banks, as part of a socialist program for the nationalization of the banks and major corporations and their transformation into public utilities under the democratic control of the working population.
Patrick Martin

"What mainly “worries” these economists is that

the growing economic crisis in the US will 

further fuel opposition of masses of workers to 

the profit system based on the rule by the 

corporate oligarchs and the banks."


Millions of workers in the US face a life of part-

time, precarious employment

By Jessica Goldstein
16 November 2017

The Bureau of Labor Statistics monthly job report for October 2017 released on November 3 revealed that a staggering 4.8 million American workers are stuck working in part-time, precarious positions when they would prefer full time work, referred to officially as “involuntary part-time workers.”
Involuntary part-time workers often must piece together two or more jobs just to make ends meet. Often, these jobs are low wage and do not offer benefits, or if they do, the benefits they offer are out of reach financially for many workers. This type of life leaves many workers mentally and physically exhausted. Rushing from one job to the next, often outside of normal hours, leaves little time for family life, leisure, education, or even the ability to look for a better job.
Data from the BLS report shows that the total number of workers in this category decreased by 1.1 million over the past year, to 3.4 percent However, this is still a high number for an advanced country, and far higher than the pre-2008 crisis level of 2.9 percent. A report in the Chicago Tribune noted that the failure to return to pre-crisis levels “worries” some economists.
What mainly “worries” these economists is that the growing economic crisis in the US will further fuel opposition of masses of workers to the profit system based on the rule by the corporate oligarchs and the banks. Indeed, the reliance of the profit system on the labor of part-time, low-wage workers has created a situation in which, after ten years of so-called “economic recovery,” the US economy has not returned to its pre-2008 employment levels.
A report by Lonnie Golden, a senior research analyst on the Project for Middle Class Renewal at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, found that the trend of underemployment is more pronounced in some Midwestern areas, with Illinois having nearly doubled in its number of underemployed since 2008. Golden also remarked that 40 percent of all workers nationally, including those who work full-time, are feeling starved for enough work to make ends meet due to declining wages and the rising cost of living.
Three other revealing aspects from the BLS report point to the reality of US economic decline. First, the labor force participation rate, which is the number of workers who are working or actively seeking a job aged 16 years and older, dropped 0.4 percent to 62.7 percent from September to October. This is a very low number for an advanced economy like the US, and significantly lower than pre-2008 labor force participation rate of about 66 percent.
Second, the number of long-term unemployed, those unemployed for 27 weeks or more, dropped from the previous month by just 0.7%, accounting for 24.8% of the total unemployed, compared to the pre-2008 level of about 18 percent. However, the number of discouraged workers, that is workers who have given up looking for work, rose by 25.5 percent from September, a rise that offers a different perspective on the official unemployment rate of 4.1 percent.
Although the official unemployment rate has reportedly fallen to a 17-year low, the reality is that the shrinking of the labor force, the growth of long-term unemployment and the fall in wages and high level of involuntary part-time employment, points to an overall employment crisis in the US.
In October, the US added a total of 261,000 jobs, higher than the 150,000 benchmark required for the US economy to be considered “expanding.” The report admits, however, that much of this “growth” came from the adding of jobs lost temporarily during the month of September after Hurricanes Harvey and Irma that ripped through the states of Florida and Texas. Had the addition of these jobs not been counted in, real job growth numbers would likely show that the US economy is stagnant, or even shrinking.
The food and drinking places sector, which tends to rely more heavily on part-time and low-wage jobs, added a total of 89,000 jobs in the month of October, the most of any of the section of industry. But if one factors in the loss of approximately 98,000 jobs from this sector in September, mostly due to the hurricanes, it amounts to a net loss of 9,000 jobs.
Other industries that netted the highest amounts of job growth were business and professional services and manufacturing, with 50,000 and 24,000 jobs, respectively. Healthcare was third with 22,000 jobs, with the majority coming from the growth in low-wage ambulatory services that pay workers an average of $9.80-$16.57 per hour, according to the website
In manufacturing, corporations and unions have worked together to implement second and third tiers of workers, most notably in the auto industry, where older, higher-paid workers are laid off or pushed into retirement and replaced with “Temporary Part-Time” (TPT) workers who sometimes start working at less than half the standard wage rate and must often work for years before being able to move into full-time positions. The brutal conditions of exploitation faced by these workers was highlighted by the apparent suicide of Jacoby Hennings, a 21-year-old TPT autoworker at the Ford Woodhaven stamping plant south of Detroit.
Overall US wages fell by about $0.01 to an average of $26.53 per hour. With the rising cost of healthcare, transportation, food, and housing, this amounts to a deep pay cut for the majority of workers in the US. Most of the jobs added in to the economy were in low-wage sectors, such as food service and hospitality, and the growth of low-wage jobs within previously higher-paying sectors, such as the manufacturing industry.
Despite the declarations by President Trump that the economy is “roaring,” and previous statements Obama who declared that the US economy was doing “great” after the recession, the figures presented by the BLS give a very different picture. The stock market has soared while millions of American workers remain stuck in low-wage, precarious jobs that offer little chance for advancement.


Corporations rely on the growth of the precarious, part-time, “gig” economy to keep labor costs low in order to boost stock prices and to pay back their enormous debts to the banks and Wall Street.
Unions like the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) promote campaigns to raise the minimum wage to $15 per hour as an answer to the crisis. These campaigns do not challenge the profit system, and are aimed at keeping mass opposition from the working class at bay. They have achieved little to nothing, as evidenced by the fact that wages are actually falling and underemployment remains high. Furthermore, a wage of $15 per hour does not guarantee benefits or full-time employment, and is still far from an adequate amount and well below the average US wage rate. Such a raise would still allow corporations to remain highly profitable, and in reality would ensure that $15 per hour becomes the new maximum wage.


JOBLESS AMERICA: Push 2 for English and go to the front of the line!


MARK ZUCKERBERG AND OTHER TECH BILLIONAIRES SAY HELL NO TO PAYING LEGALS LIVING WAGES… not when there’s boatloads of Chinese ready to take our tech jobs and work cheap!

Zuckerberg, U.S. Chamber 

Bring DACA Illegals to Capitol 

Hill to Push Year-End 


Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s open borders lobbying group and the United States Chamber of Commerce has teamed up to push an end-of-the-year plan to give amnesty to upwards of 3.3 million illegal aliens., Zuckerberg’s pro-immigration lobbying organization, has orchestrated efforts with the Chamber of Commerce to bring illegal aliens enrolled in the President Obama-created Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program to Capitol Hill to lobby members of Congress to pass an amnesty for the nearly 800,000 to 3.3 million illegal aliens.
Zuckerberg’s group and the Chamber of Commerce are working with IBM and the Microsft Corporation to get illegal aliens into meetings with lawmakers in order to promote an amnesty plan, as described in the statement.
In September, Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced on behalf of President Trump’s administration that the DACA program would be officially ended in March 2018. Since the announcement, big business leaders, the open borders lobby and both GOP and Democrat political establishments have been scrambling to craft and quickly pass an amnesty for the DACA illegal aliens.
Chamber of Commerce Senior Vice President Neil Bradley said it would be “unthinkable” to not give an amnesty to DACA recipients and illegal aliens who are eligible for DACA.
“The clock is ticking for hundreds of thousands of people who have become an integral part of our communities and economy,” Bradley said in a statement. “A failure to achieve a meaningful solution for DACA would have a negative impact on our economy and our society. It is unthinkable for a nation of immigrants to fail to address this crisis before these hardworking people are forced out their jobs, schools, and communities.”

Likewise, IBM Vice President Christopher Padilla touted in a statement the multinational corporation’s hiring of DACA illegal aliens.
“Every day Dreamers make positive contributions to our company and our economy,” Padilla said. “We have over 30 Dreamers who work at IBM, and I’ve had the chance to meet many of them over the past couple weeks when they’ve come to DC to share their stories directly with Members of Congress.”
“IBM stands by our Dreamers and we are encouraging Congress to pass legislation before the end of the year that would allow these young men and women to continue living and working in the only country many of them have ever known,” Padilla continued.

Padilla’s promoting of DACA illegal alien employees at IBM come just as the company employs more people in India, not the U.S. than any other country in the world, Breitbart Tech reported. In India, the average IBM salary is roughly $17,000 a year. In the U.S., the average IBM salary comes in at $100,000 for senior IT specialists.
At the same time, IBM has consistently lobbied for more foreign workers to be imported to the U.S. through the H-1B visa instead of hiring qualified Americans. Between 2014 and 2016 alone, IBM CEO Ginni Rometty attempted to import nearly 25,000 foreign workers to take U.S. jobs.
The DREAM Act is one of the largest amnesties for DACA illegal aliens that have been crafted thus far in Congress, allowing not just those on the DACA rolls to permanently remain in the U.S., but also those who are eligible for DACA.
The amnesty legislation would apply to roughly 3.3 million illegal aliens in the U.S., according to the Migration Policy Institute, and would set at least 1.7 million of those illegal aliens on a pathway to U.S. citizenship.
Once given U.S. citizenship, illegal aliens are then allowed to bring their foreign relatives to the U.S. in what is known as “chain migration.” As Breitbart News has reported, a DACA chain migration could range from a mass migration of 9.9 to 19 million foreign nationals entering the U.S. over the next few decades.

 delegation is out here fighting to !

Today, 100+  & business leaders from across America are in DC to meet with their Members of Congress & urge them to pass a bipartisan  this year. 

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Follow him on Twitter at @JxhnBinder.

Tens of thousands being dropped from US student loan relief program

By J. Cooper
15 November 2017
October marked 10 years since the George W. Bush administration enacted the Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) program as an incentive to young college graduates to pursue careers as teachers, in government, or at non-profit institutions. The program was advertised as a way for some recent graduates to see an exit sign on their student loan debt.
In 2006, average student loan debt for undergraduates was just under $20,000. For graduate students it was nearly $40,000. For the class of 2016, average undergraduate debt had climbed to $37,172. For graduate students, the average is considerably higher. In that same period, college tuition has increased 63 percent.
Over the past 10 years over half a million graduates have signed up for PSLF. However, according to a recent article in Rolling Stone, more than half of those have been disqualified for myriad bureaucratic reasons. Last month a total of only 137 individuals were deemed eligible to have the balance of their student loans wiped clean. Thousands are just finding out that their years of paying on time won’t count under the federal forgiveness plan because they took out the wrong type of loan, their employer has been disqualified, or their original lender sold the loan to an unqualified institution. President Trump’s budget proposes eliminating the program entirely for borrowers after July 2018.
As many of these borrowers are now discovering, if your employer hasn’t provided the correct proof of employment in a qualifying position, if the loan you are carrying is not through the sole federal direct-loan program, if you have missed even one of the 120 payments required within the 10-year span, or if you paid extra in one payment and skipped the next, you can be disqualified.
New York Times article from October 27 profiles a 46-year-old teacher who enrolled in the PSLF plan the year it was announced, thinking he had done everything according to the rules, only to discover in 2015 that he had been enrolled in a “particular type of ineligible payment plan and would need to start his decade of payments all over again.” One of the online comments from November 5 announces that several class action suits have been launched on behalf of borrowers who were not informed their loans were out of compliance.
Another commenter says: “By the time I’d learned that [one of the loans did not qualify], my loans had ballooned to $90k because I was only paying interest on them with 8.5 percent. … that nonsense impacted my career choices (deciding to stay in nonprofits to secure the forgiveness), my retirement funds, and my sanity. I will end up paying more than $55K in interest on my $60k loan. Truly criminal.”
Among the thousands disqualified or affected are teachers, doctors, lawyers, even police. A lawsuit by the American Bar Association was filed earlier this year after the Department of Education (DoE) announced it had “rescinded without explanation the association’s status as a qualified employer under PSLF and notified ABA employees and others who had previously been approved for participation in the program that they no longer qualified,” according to the DoE website.
Most of those applying for the PSLF program are those with postgraduate degrees. Currently there is no limit on the amount a graduate student can borrow, and it is not uncommon for a graduate student to embark on their first job out of school with $100,000 in debt. To discover, after 10 years working at a public service job, known for low salaries, that you don’t qualify for the program after all, not only impacts the financial wellbeing of the individual, but can have serious psychological effects.
Jason Delisle, a resident fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, a conservative think tank, revealed that when the PSLF program was first created, it was intended to be small and unattractive. “Washington policymakers did not foresee the program growing to its current size. After all, 10 years is a long time to work in a qualifying job, so many experts thought people wouldn’t sign up,” he wrote in Politico in July. “They also thought borrowers were averse to making loan payments linked to their incomes, as hardly anyone enrolled in an earlier version of the government’s income-based repayment plan.”
In fact, Delisle speaks for that section of the ruling elite who are determined that not even a small segment of students in debt will get any relief. Delisle argues that the PSLF program should be eliminated because it encourages graduate students to maximize their debt load, since the larger amount will be forgiven after 10 years. It’s easy for him to ignore the dire consequences for those who get the reality check that they don’t qualify after they have made their regular payments and then face decades of additional payments when they thought they might be able to buy a house or start a family.
As of July this year, the interest rates for Direct Loans increased to 7 percent for graduate students, and 4.45 percent for undergraduates. Trump’s budget proposal includes a provision to eliminate entirely the federal Subsidized Stafford Loan, which has traditionally allowed students to defer payment while enrolled in a college or university, and had a somewhat lower interest rate upon graduation. Another provision proposed in the House version of the next budget would require that all tuition waived, either through a federal program, employer benefit or university tuition waiver, be counted as taxable income.
The overwhelming burden of student debt for borrowers at all levels is becoming worse every year. This past spring, total student loan debt surpassed $1.45 trillion, about $620 billion more than all US credit card debt. Among the 44 million borrowers, the average monthly payment is $351. Trump is proposing to abolish subsidized federal loans and institute a single program for all federal student lending as a single income-based repayment plan at 12.5 percent of adjusted gross income. Today’s recent graduate can look forward to at least half a lifetime of penury as the cost of an undergraduate degree. And for those who can’t afford more than the interest every month, it’s a lifetime.
Currently, 11.2 percent of student loan dollars are in default and another 11 percent are in forbearance (a temporary payment suspension granted at the discretion of the lender while interest continues to accrue). According to the September 28 Washington Post, “millions of people had not made a payment on about $144 billion in federal student loans for at least nine months as of June, a 12 percent increase in defaults from a year earlier.”
Although the default rate has declined slightly from its 14.7 percent peak in fiscal year 2010, it is still well above rates prior to the 2007-2008 mortgage collapse and Wall Street crash—from 8.8 percent in 2009 and 7 percent in 2007. The total number of borrowers in default is at an all-time high, with 1.1 million new borrowers defaulting in 2016.
According to the Department of Education’s latest figures, the third quarter of 2017 saw a major increase in loans going into default for at least a second time. Thirty-thousand borrowers defaulted on $64 million. This was a jump of 7,100 unique loans in just three months. The previous record was set in the first quarter of 2016, with 24,500 borrowers re-defaulting on $57 million.
College graduates face an increasingly bleak future, despite being told that a college education is a necessity to get a “decent” job today. As has been widely reported, Americans between the ages of 18 and 34 are more likely to be living with their parents, rather than a spouse or partner. Employer-paid health care and pension plans are a relic of the past, forcing millions of college graduates to foot the bill for thousands of dollars in expenses in addition to the student loans. The average net worth of the 2016 college graduate is a negative $33,984.
This crushing debt provides fertile hunting grounds for rapacious debt collectors. For the fiscal quarter ending in March 2017, more than $2 billion had been “successfully” recouped for the lenders by 30 national collection agencies. Of this, $182 million was the result of wage garnishment. It should come as no surprise that feelings of despair and suicidal thoughts are so prevalent today.
As the teacher interviewed by Rolling Stone explained, the debt collectors “called day and night.” Calculating his “rehabilitated” debt at over $100,000, he said, “Not one dollar goes toward principal. I will never be able to pay it off. My only hope to escape from this crushing debt is to die.”
Significantly, a recent report by Experian, the consumer credit reporting agency, notes that of the generation of borrowers now making payments, aside from students currently enrolled and thus just beginning to accrue loans, millennials have the highest percentage of past due amounts on loans in repayment (not deferred). Millennials also have the highest number of loans, 4.4 on average. This is also the generation that indicated, by a majority (51 percent) in a recent poll, that they would rather live in a socialist or communist society than under capitalism.

New York Times outlines Democrats’ “compromise” tax windfall for the rich

By Barry Grey
15 November 2017
With the US House of Representatives set to vote this week on the Trump administration’s tax overhaul—a brazen handout to the rich worth trillions of dollars—the New York Times has spelled out its compromise plan to fleece the American people for the benefit of Wall Street and the corporate elite.

Titled “The Right Way to Cut Corporate Taxes,” the Times’ lead editorial on Monday outlines the Democratic Party’s position on the cynically named “Tax Cuts and Jobs Act,” which the Republicans are seeking to railroad through Congress on the basis of the Big Lie that the tax giveaway to corporations and wealthy individuals is a boon to “hard-working middle-class Americans.”
Under conditions where the country’s infrastructure has been so starved of resources for so many decades that a serious storm turns into a social catastrophe, where millions of workers and youth cannot find a decent-paying, full-time job, where social desperation and despair are registered in record rates of drug overdoses and suicides, declining life expectancy, rising infant and maternal mortality, and an epidemic of mass homicides, the two parties of big business are squabbling over how far to go in looting the federal Treasury.
Whatever the final shape of the larceny carried out in the name of tax “reform,” the federal government will lose trillions in tax revenues and the budget deficit and national debt will soar. This will provide the justification for the final dismantling of basic social programs such as Medicaid, Medicare and Social Security.
What is presented by the corporate media as a fierce conflict between the Republicans and Democrats is in reality a bipartisan conspiracy to increase the already stratospheric levels of social inequality in the United States.
The Times editorial begins by acknowledging that the “Republicans are right about the corporate tax system being broken.” The problem, however, is not the fact, as the newspaper admits, that despite a nominally higher federal-state rate of 39 percent, the real corporate tax rate in the US, at 19.4 percent, is lower than in Britain, Canada, France, Germany, Italy and Japan, due to copious loopholes. Or that corporate tax revenue in the US has fallen from 4 percent of the gross domestic product in 1967 to just 1.6 percent in 2016, with the tax burden shifted more directly to working people who pay income and payroll taxes.
The problem is that the official corporate rate is too high! “If Republicans worked with Democrats,” the Times writes, “they could reach a compromise to lower the top corporate tax rate to between 25 percent and 28 percent…”
Another part of the “plausible compromise” on offer from the Times and the Democrats is a special discounted rate of 15 to 16 percent as an inducement for transnational corporations such as Apple, Microsoft and General Electric that have stashed trillions in profits overseas in order to avoid US taxes to bring their cash hoards home, providing yet another windfall for corporate tax evaders.
With an eye toward the stock portfolios of those who run the Times and the privileged upper-middle class layers who comprise the main public constituency of the newspaper, the editorial notes, disapprovingly, that “under current law, interest is deductible for tax purposes while dividends are not.”
Absent from the statement is any reference to what is arguably the most outrageous tax loophole for the very rich—the so-called “carried interest” provision that allows hedge fund, private equity and real estate speculators to pay only 20 percent on their income instead of the normal rate, currently almost twice as high.
Nor does the Times mention that US corporations are raking in record profits at current tax rates, or that they are hoarding an estimated $1.84 trillion in cash—facts that belie the claims that “high taxes” are preventing companies from hiring workers and paying decent wages.
So what is the disagreement between the Republicans and the Democrats about the tax overhaul really about? It clearly has nothing to do with the interests of the vast majority of the American people. It is rather a conflict within the richest 10 or five percent over the division of the spoils to be obtained through the economic rape of the country.
The working class, which produces the wealth of society, has absolutely no interest in supporting either of these two right-wing parties of the ruling class. It should reject the entire fraudulent and reactionary framework of the so-called “debate” over taxes and advance a policy that speaks to its own needs and interests.
Workers need secure and decent-paying jobs. They need health care, education, housing, pensions and access to culture. The young generation needs an end to crushing student debt and the omnipresent threat of police repression and war.
The bipartisan conspiracy on taxes is one more demonstration of that fact that these basic social rights are incompatible with the capitalist profit system. The task then is to mobilize the working class in a struggle to put an end to this system and replace it with one that is organized to meet social needs and promote social equality, rather than enrich a parasitic financial aristocracy.
A component part of this fight for socialism is the fight for a radical, democratic revision of the tax system to break the stranglehold of the financial oligarchy, place the tax burden squarely on the corporate elite and free up vast resources to meet the vital social needs of the people. A tax policy to redistribute the wealth from the ruling elite to the working class would include a restoration of the top rate for both personal and corporate income to the levels that existed in the 1940s and 1950s, when the top personal income tax bracket peaked at 94 percent.
These are in themselves democratic demands. They cannot be achieved, however, without a frontal assault on the corporate and financial elite’s control of economic life, and with that, the entire political system. Democratic tax reform must be connected to the fight for workers’ power, the transformation of the corporations and banks into publicly owner utilities, and the socialist reorganization of society.

As Breitbart News reported, Nielsen’s 

nomination to head DHS has been praised by 

the cheap foreign labor lobby, open borders 

advocates, and the Washington, D.C. national 

security establishment – which allied itself 

with the failed “Never Trump” movement 

during the 2016 presidential election.

Trump’s DHS Nominee Will 

Tell ICE Agents: Focus on 

Illegals with Criminal Records

President Donald Trump’s nominee to lead the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Kirstjen Nielsen, says she will “clarify” to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents not to target illegal aliens who do not have a violent criminal background.

In a hearing last week, Nielsen repeatedly conceded to Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) that she would issue a directive to ICE agents to make sure that illegal aliens who have no other crime on their record besides entering the U.S. illegally are not targeted for priority deportation.
Nielsen told Harris:
HARRIS: And it has been widely reported that between January and September of this year, ICE arrested nearly three times the number of individuals with no criminal history, as compared to the same period last year. If DHS is, in fact, focused as you have indicated and, if confirmed, under your leadership, on true criminals, it is clear that the frontline officers have a different impression.
And so, if confirmed, will you issue a written directive to the agents that they prioritize enforcement activities in a way that targets criminals who pose a public safety threat and not DREAMers or DACA recipients?
NIELSEN: Yes, although I will say, understand that to be the current policy. But if there’s any question about it, we will clarify. [Emphasis added]
Nielsen’s statements directly contradict 

previous statements made by Attorney 

General Jeff Sessions, who has made clear 

that if individuals are illegally in the U.S., they

are subject to deportation.
“Everybody in the country illegally is subject to being deported, so people come here and they stay here a few years and somehow they think they are not subject to being deported – well, they are,” Sessions previously said in April.
Nielsen made the concession to Harris before also conceding that either she or ICE Acting Director Homan would issue a directive that made clear the policy not to target illegal aliens who are enrolled in the President Obama-created Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program or those who have no violent crime history.
HARRIS: OK, and in particular, will you agree to issuing a written directive to the agents, that that is the policy of the agency?

NIELSEN: Yes, I would. Or if appropriate, Acting-Director Homan would.
In her confirmation hearing, Nielsen confirmed her pro-amnesty, mass immigration views by saying that it is the United States’ responsibility to legalize DACA illegal aliens.

“I believe that we must and we owe it to them to find a permanent solution,” she said of passing a DACA amnesty that could potentially lead to a chain migration of 9.9 million to 19 million foreign nationals pouring into the U.S. legally. “It’s no way to expect anyone to live a month or two months at a time,” said Nielsen, even though the DACA work-permits each last for two years.
Nielsen was confirmed today in an 11-4 vote by the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Committee, with Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) saying he hopes Nielsen is approved by the full Senate “as quickly as possible.”
As Breitbart News reported, Nielsen’s nomination to head DHS has been praised by the cheap foreign labor lobby, open borders advocates, and the Washington, D.C. national security establishment – which allied itself with the failed “Never Trump” movement during the 2016 presidential election.
In a pre-hearing questionnaire obtained by Breitbart News, Nielsen explained how she would be “ready to work with Congress” on a plan to give amnesty to the nearly 800,000 DACA illegal aliens in the U.S.
Likewise, Nielsen chaired a committee at the World Economic Forum that promoted mass immigration to Europe and the U.S., claiming Western nations did not have a choice and needed to accept millions of migrants. That report, as Breitbart News reported, was co-authored by executives from multinational corporations and world banks.
Additionally, Breitbart News reported on Nielsen’s involvement with the Bush administration’s response to Hurricane Katrina in 2005, when more than 30,000 illegal aliens and foreign workers were able to come to the U.S. to take American blue-collar jobs which those devastated by the natural disaster had hoped to get.
Following Hurricane Katrina, 1.5 million Americans were displaced by the storm, and easing of labor laws by the Bush administration left many looking for work outside of the Gulf Coast because illegal aliens and foreign workers quickly dominated the clean-up effort.
John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Follow him on Twitter at @JxhnBinder

Swamp Keeper Trump is hiring 70 illegals at his Swamp Palace of Mar Lago. 

1) Mexico ended legal immigration 100 years

ago, except for Spanish blood.

2) Mexico is the 17th richest nation but pays 

the 220th lowest minimum wage to force their 

subjects to invade the USA. The expands 

territory for Mexicans, spreads the Spanish 

language, and culture and genotypes, while 

earning 17% of Mexico's gross GDP as 

Foreign Remittance Income.

Business Group Promises 

300,000 Job Openings If 

Trump Enforces Immigration 


A lobbying group for wealthy investors predicts that 300,000 new jobs will be opened for Americans and legal immigrants in the months up to the November 2018 election if Congress allows enforcement of existing immigration laws.

The group’s promise of 300,000 open jobs recognizes that employers must hire Americans and legal immigrants as Trump gradually ends the DACA amnesty created by former President Barack Obama. Roughly 300,000 of 690,000 illegals will lose their temporary work permits by November, and the remaining permits will expire in 2018
However, the investors’ group portrays the 300,000 job openings as a problem, in part, because it is trying to win a strategic victory in immigration policy.

NEW STUDY - 300,000 DACA recipients forced out of jobs & subject to immediate deportation by early November 2018. Total devastation.
Business groups, including the group — whose founders includes Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg — are using the DACA controversy to distract media and congressional attention from Trump’s popularpro-employee immigration principles. If Trump signs a congressional no-strings amnesty for the DACA recipients, he will have abandoned his immigration principles.


MARK ZUCKERBERG AND OTHER TECH BILLIONAIRES SAY HELL NO TO PAYING LEGALS LIVING WAGES… not when there’s boatloads of Chinese ready to take our tech jobs and work cheap!

That strategic defeat will allow lobbyists to push Congress to next raise the supply of young white-collar visa workers — such as H-1B workers, OPT graduates and L-1 visa workers — who can help lower salaries for middle-aged American tech workers and of legal immigrants. Any increase in the white-collar labor supply is likely to reduce labor costs, freeing up revenues to spike profits and investors’ returns.
Already, the various visa programs keep 1 million foreign white-collar workers employed in varied work-sites at universities, fashion companies, engineering firms, computer firms, pharmacies, and hospitals. director Todd Schulte described the group’s priorities in November 1 tweet.
This is restrictionist nonsense. CIR compromise is 1) create modern visa system 2) deal fairly with those here now 3 stop future illegal imm 
The job-openings report was released shortly before the group brought more than 40 business executives to lobby legislators on Wednesday for a greater supply of workers.

@FWD_us President @TheToddSchulte welcomes nearly 80 fly-in participants to DC. Tomorrow is a big day of advocacy on Capitol Hill for the urgent need to pass a 
The visit is expected to showcase a few of the successful DACA illegals, even though a new report by the pro-immigration Migration Policy Institute shows that the DACA illegals have a college graduation rate that is one-fourth that of similar-aged Americans. The broader group of 3 million young illegals, dubbed “dreamers” by Democrats and business groups, has a college graduation rate that is one-tenth of the same-age American graduation rate. The vast majority of DACA beneficiaries and “dreamers” work in jobs sought by blue-collar Americans, including whites, African Americans, and legal-immigrant Latinos.
The cheap white-collar labor policy is backed by many tech companies, including IBM.
The pace of good-news job openings was sketched out in the November 6 report by the investors’ group.
The report shows that an average of 30,383 jobs will be opened to Americans and to legal immigrants each month in the eight months before the November election.
The increasing pace of employment opportunities may even force employers to start competing with each other for employees, so creating the first wage-raising “tight labor market” since the last two years of President Bill Clinton’s tenure. Any shortage of workers will also pressure employers to find, recruit, and train the millions of American voters who have been sidelined or untrained since the 2008 crash.
When invited to comment about the 300,000 open jobs, Schulte responded:
There is not a single economist – not a single one – who thinks stripping work authorization from nearly 800,000 young people and seeing many of them deported is good for the economy. In fact its a disaster.
Amid the huge annual flow of legal and illegal workers — which add up to roughly 1.5 million each year even as 4 million young Americans enter the workforce — wages and salaries have remained flat since Richard Nixon’s reelection, according to the Census Bureau. A September 2016 report by the National Academy of Sciences showed how the extra supply of workers transfers roughly $500 billion a year from employees to employers and investors, which is equivalent to a 5.2 percent tax on wages.
The cheap-labor lobbying by business groups has met with little pushback GOP Senators, despite the shocking presidential victory in 2016 by a pro-American real-estate developer from New York. For example, Kansas GOP Sen. Jerry Moran recently told a pro-amnesty questioner that “I support a DACA fix … we’ll analyze the legislation when all the components are in place.”
Industry-funded “nation of immigrants” polls show that Americans want to welcome migrants. But “fairness” polls show that voters put a much higher priority on helping their families, neighbors, and fellow nationals get decent jobs in a high-tech, high-immigration, low-wage economy. That political power of that higher priority was made clear in November 2016 when Americans put Trump in the White House.
Several GOP Senators are developing an amnesty for the 690,000 DACA beneficiaries or an amnesty for some or all of the 3 million “dreamer” young illegals.
Some of those amnesty proposals are paired with offsets and safeguards that would end or shrink the huge inflow of chain-migration relatives and also end the visa lottery which has brought in 5 million immigrants from a variety of cultures and countries since 1990. This pro-American reform legislation is being pushed by Sen. David Perdue of Georgia, Sen. Tom Cotton of Arkansas and Sen. John Kennedy of Louisiana.
In the House, more than 14 GOP members recently called for a DACA amnesty, although none suggested any realistic plan for winning public approval. The group of pro-amnesty GOP legislators is led by Rep. Dan Newhouse, a fruit-grower in Washington state whose district is now one-quarter Latino.

Thank you @RepNewhouse for meeting w @wa_dreamers last week & leading 16 of your colleagues in calling on Speaker Ryan to bring forth legislation naturalizing Dreamers to a vote by December.  
A task force set up by House Speaker Paul Ryan is also debating whether and how to deal with demands for an amnesty.
In contrast, Democrats and their business allies are pushing for a “clean Dream Act,” which would provide a no-strings unconditional amnesty for 3 million young illegals, and also allow them to bring in millions of additional chain-migration relatives. That cost of that mass immigration would be very large because few of the migrants are not skilled enough to earn enough in wages to pay taxes exceeding their federal benefits, such as Obamacare.
Several GOP Senators, including Ron Johnson (R-WI), Thom Tillis (R-NC), and James Lankford (R-OK) are pushing amnesties or programs to import foreign workers to take the place of Americans. In September, for example, Lankford praised the arrival of illegal immigrants, saying:
The job issue is an interesting issue, because those individuals are already in the job market. Many of these DACA students are actually DACA young adults, they already have access to the job market right now because they’ve been given deferred action. So they are in higher education, they are in the job market, they are currently a part of our economy, currently. That continual competition in our economy doesn’t hurt us, that continues to help us. It actually hurts us to put those individuals out of the economy.
Four million Americans turn 18 each year and begin looking for good jobs in the free market.
But the federal government inflates the supply of new labor by annually accepting 1 million new legal immigrants, by providing almost 2 million work-permits to foreigners, by providing work-visas to roughly 500,000 temporary workers and doing little to block the employment of roughly 8 million illegal immigrants.
The Washington-imposed economic policy of mass-immigration floods the market with foreign labor and spikes profits and Wall Street values by cutting salaries for manual and skilled labor offered by blue-collar and white-collar employees. It also drives up real estate priceswidens wealth-gaps, reduces high-tech investment, increases state and local tax burdens, hurts kids’ schools and college education, pushes Americans away from high-tech careers, and sidelines at least 5 million marginalized Americans and their families, including many who are now struggling with opioid addictions.
The cheap-labor policy has also reduced investment and job creation in many interior states because the coastal cities have a surplus of imported labor. For example, almost 27 percent of zip codes in Missouri had fewer jobs or businesses in 2015 than in 2000, according to a new report by the Economic Innovation Group. In Kansas, almost 29 percent of zip codes had fewer jobs and businesses in 2015 compared to 2000, which was a two-decade period of massive cheap-labor immigration.

Billionaire Mexicans tell their poor to JUMP U.S. OPEN BORDERS and LOOT THE STUPID GRINGO… and loot they do!

Billions of dollars are sucked out of America from Mexico’s looting!

1) Mexico ended legal immigration 100 years ago, except for Spanish blood.
2) Mexico is the 17th richest nation but pays the 220th lowest minimum wage to force their subjects to invade the USA. The expands territory for Mexicans, spreads the Spanish language, and culture and genotypes, while earning 17% of Mexico's gross GDP as Foreign Remittance Income.

ZOGY POLL ON MEX RACISM AND VIOLENCE….. Half the murders in CA are by Mex gangs, and 93% of murders in La Raza-Occupied Los Angeles are by Mexicans.


“In Mexico, a recent Zogby poll declared that the vast majority of Mexican citizens hate Americans. [22.2] Mexico is a country  saturated with racism, yet in denial, having never endured the social development of a Civil Rights movement like in the US--Blacks are harshly treated while foreign Whites are often seen as the enemy. [22.3] In fact, racism as workplace discrimination can be seen across the US anywhere the illegal alien Latino works--the vast majority of the workforce is usually strictly Latino, excluding Blacks, Whites, Asians, and others.”





The Trump Secret Deal with Narcomex:  

NO E-VERIFY, NO ENFORCEMENT, NO (real) WALL and NO LEGAL NEED APPLY to keep wages depressed….. but isn’t that the Democrat Party’s amnesty plan in a nutshell???



Where does the jobs (for legals), housing crisis, homelessness and Mexican drug cartels’ expansion?





"Today, each of the top 5 billionaires owns as much as 750 million people, more than the total population of Latin America and double the population of the US."


JOBLESS AMERICA: Push 2 for English and go to the front of the line!

Adios, California           
A fifth-generation Californian laments his state’s ongoing economic collapse.
By Steve Baldwin
American Spectator, October 19, 2017
What’s clear is that the producers are leaving the state and the takers are coming in. Many of the takers are illegal aliens, now estimated to number over 2.6 million. 
The Federation for American Immigration Reform estimates that California spends $22 billion on government services for illegal aliens, including welfare, education, Medicaid, and criminal justice system costs. Liberals claim they more than make that up with taxes paid, but that’s simply not true. It’s not even close. FAIR estimates illegal aliens in California contribute only $1.21 billion in tax revenue, which means they cost California $20.6 billion, or at least $1,800 per household.
Nonetheless, open border advocates, such as Facebook Chairman Mark Zuckerberg, claim illegal aliens are a net benefit to California with little evidence to support such an assertion. As the Center for Immigration Studies has documented, the vast majority of illegals are poor, uneducated, and with few skills. How does accepting millions of illegal aliens and then granting them access to dozens of welfare programs benefit California’s economy? If illegal aliens were contributing to the economy in any meaningful way, California, with its 2.6 million illegal aliens, would be booming.

Furthermore, the complexion of illegal aliens has changed with far more on welfare and committing crimes than those who entered the country in the 1980s. 
Heather Mac Donald of the Manhattan Institute has testified before a Congressional committee that in 2004, 95% of all outstanding warrants for murder in Los Angeles were for illegal aliens; in 2000, 23% of all Los Angeles County jail inmates were illegal aliens and that in 1995, 60% of Los Angeles’s largest street gang, the 18th Street gang, were illegal aliens. Granted, those statistics are old, but if you talk to any California law enforcement officer, they will tell you it’s much worse today. The problem is that the Brown administration will not release any statewide data on illegal alien crimes. That would be insensitive. And now that California has declared itself a “sanctuary state,” there is little doubt this sends a message south of the border that will further escalate illegal immigration into the state.

Indeed, California goes out of its way to attract illegal aliens. The state has even created government programs that cater exclusively to illegal aliens. For example, the State Department of Motor Vehicles has offices that only process driver licenses for illegal aliens. With over a million illegal aliens now driving in California, the state felt compelled to help them avoid the long lines the rest of us must endure at the DMV. 
And just recently, the state-funded University of California system announced it will spend $27 million on financial aid for illegal aliens. They’ve even taken out radio spots on stations all along the border, just to make sure other potential illegal border crossers hear about this program. I can’t afford college education for all my four sons, but my taxes will pay for illegals to get a college education.


Illegal Immigration Costs U.S. Taxpayers a Stunning $134.9 Billion a Year

THE ENDLESSLY HISPANDERING DEMOCRAT PARTY funded by Wall Street’s biggest criminals says it is “ALL NEW”…. Meaning open borders to keep wages depressed and no regulation of plundering banks!
It’s Obama’s wet dream!



“Through love of having children we're going to take over." Augustin Cebada, Information Minister of Brown Berets, militant para-military soldiers of Aztlan shouting at U.S. citizens at an Independence Day rally in Los Angeles, 7/4/96

The cost of the Dream Act is far bigger than the Democrats or their media allies admit. Instead of covering 690,000 younger illegals now enrolled in former President Barack Obama’s 2012 “DACA” amnesty, the Dream Act would legalize at least 3.3 million illegals, according to a pro-immigration group, the Migration Policy Institute.”

“We have to make sure Jacoby Hennings didn’t die in vain”

Workers denounce scourge of suicides inside US auto plants

By Jerry White
15 November 2017
In the wake of the apparent suicide of 21-year-old Jacoby Hennings at the Woodhaven Stamping plant outside of Detroit on October 20, autoworkers from around the country have denounced the collusion of the United Auto Workers (UAW) union with management and the oppressive conditions in the auto factories which have literally driven workers to take their own lives.
Workers have contacted the World Socialist Web Site Autoworker Newsletter to report that suicides are tragically common occurrence at their factories. A worker at Fiat Chrysler’s Jeep factory in Toledo, Ohio reported that five workers at her plant had killed themselves over the last three years, including three temporary part-time employees (TPTs).
A worker at Ford’s Chicago Assembly Plant said four workers at his factory had committed suicide this year alone. Other TPTs who have written to the newsletter have said they have contemplated suicide after being denied full-time status for years, or after an abusive encounter with management or the UAW.
While exact figures still must be gathered for the auto industry, factory and production workers have the fourth highest suicide rate of the top 20 occupations in the US, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, with 35 deaths per 100,000 workers.
Only farmers, fishermen, lumberjacks and others in forestry or agriculture (85 per 100,000), carpenters, miners, electricians, construction trades (53) and mechanics and those who do installation, maintenance and repair (48), have a higher suicide rate.
Overall, the CDC reports suicide rates rose by a staggering 21 percent from 2000 to 2012.
This rise coincides with the ever-worsening social crisis, the growth of part-time and other precarious forms of employment in the so-called Gig Economy, and the complete abandonment of any semblance of opposition by the unions to the corporate offensive against workers’ jobs, living standards and working conditions.
Far from providing workers with a collective voice and means to oppose arbitrary firings and ever worsening conditions, unions like the UAW have become the chief enforcers of the corporate dictatorship over the working class. Far from uniting workers the UAW works relentlessly to undermine class solidarity, pit workers against each other and offer them up as raw material for exploitation.
During the eight years of the Obama administration, the unions all but abandoned strikes, which fell to historic lows, paving the way for the greatest transfer of wealth from the bottom to the top in American history. All of the growth in jobs over the last decade is attributable to the proliferation of part-time, temporary and contract jobs.
Nowhere is this more apparent than in the auto industry, which, due to previous struggles of autoworkers, once set the standard for job protections and so-called middle-class wages.
Since Obama’s 2009 bankruptcy restructuring of General Motors and Chrysler, labor costs have been drastically reduced as a result of UAW-backed labor agreements that pushed out older, higher-paid workers and replaced them with thousands of low-paid second- and third-tier workers. Due primarily to the increase in the number of temps allowed by the 2015 UAW contract, labor costs per vehicle have actually fallen for GM while remaining flat at Ford.
Although they pay union dues, TPTs have no job security and can be fired, without recourse, for being late or missing a day of work. Hennings was a TPT at Ford’s Woodhaven Stamping plant while holding down a second temp job at Fiat Chrysler’s Warren Truck Assembly Plant, 37 miles away. His coworkers said he was hardworking and wanted to get a full-time position but often looked exhausted. He also reportedly was worried he might lose his job when production of the Dodge Ram pickup was removed from Warren Truck next year.
While the exact details are not fully known, on the morning of October 20, Hennings was reportedly told by a supervisor to go to the UAW office in the Woodhaven plant after he came in late. After an hour in the union office, where his concerns were apparently left unaddressed, the young worker reportedly took out a gun to threaten the union officials. Afterwards, police say, Hennings shot himself when confronted by the cops.
Except for a perfunctory statement the day of the incident, the UAW has not issued any further explanation of the tragic incident. A police report obtained by the WSWS through a Freedom of Information request does not include statements by the three UAW Local 387 officials who were with Hennings that morning. The Wayne County Medical Examiner has still not released an autopsy report.
The Autoworker Newsletter urges workers to form rank-and-file committees to unite and demand the truth about this tragedy, and to collectively defend themselves against the abuses of the auto bosses and their paid-off henchmen in the UAW. Such committees must take up the grievances and concerns of all workers and revive the principle that an injury to one is an injury to all and take up the methods of class struggle to abolish the two-tier system, demand the hiring of all TPTs as full-time workers, and restore all UAW-backed concessions.
An FCA worker with more than two decades in the plant told the Autoworker Newsletter, “I’ve seen things happen to TPTs but I am afraid due to retaliation to help them. I am glad the newsletter is taking up this issue. It is very unfortunate that this young man had to pass away and this had to come about. I’m very concerned about how the second and third tier workers are being treated.
“I’ve seen the interaction between the union and management and a lot of things are being done behind closed doors. There have been times when employees have spoken up and were retaliated against, and we haven’t even seen them anymore. I want to fight. The treatment of the TPTs is deplorable. Sometimes people think that the older workers don’t care because we have our retirement in place, our positions and seniority, but that is not true. When we came in, it was the elders who are all gone now that warned us and tried to educate us about what would happen when they were gone, and we have to do the same now for the younger generation.
“It is hard to educate the TPTs and the new hires because you’re fearful of the retaliation. But we need unity and a lot of people coming together to make sure that this young man’s passing is not in vain. There are a lot of us out here willing to come forward, but we can’t do it as individuals because we have families to feed. We need the WSWS Autoworker Newsletter to educate us on how to unify and fight to do better.”
“We have to do this for Jacoby, for future TPTs, so we can drive down this suicide rate, and definitely make a change,” another worker added.
A worker at Fiat Chrysler’s Jeep plant in Toledo, where more than 1,200 TPTs are employed, told the newsletter, “The TPTs are bossed around and bullied by the supervisors and the union stewards. If a TPT has an issue on the line, they tell him ‘You are here to do as you are told or you can leave.’ You hear it every day, they tell the TPT’s they have no rights and if they don’t like it they can walk.
“The TPTs pay union dues and are union members but they are not treated that way. One TPT felt what he was being told to do was unsafe. The team leader and the union rep told the TPT he better do it or he would lose his job. That worker was paying for his kids to go to school and he felt he had no choice.
“With the holidays approaching, the company is hiring 50 TPTs every week until the end of the year. That gives management more leverage to tell these workers, ‘You do what you’re told or we’ve got a lot of workers willing to take your job.’
“We are all under stress to pay our bills. At the Jeep plant, they have hundreds of workers from Detroit who were employed under what most people think was a kickback scheme for former UAW Vice President General Holiefield. A lot of these workers were on welfare and are too poor to have a car to come to work. There is a service called ‘V-Ride’ that drives about 700 workers in vans from Detroit to the Toledo plant each day. On top of the stress of working here, and the poverty many of these workers face, they have to come an hour and a half to work each day.
“If a TPT is a half hour from work or just about to get there, the company can call them and tell them they aren’t needed for the day, and they won’t get paid. If they’ve already stepped in the plant when they get a call, they are supposed to get paid for four hours. There are problems with the new Jeep launch and they called off a lot of TPTs coming in for a shift. One worker said she lost $50 that day after paying for gas and a babysitter.
“They try to get you before you come through the gates, and, if you do, they hope you’ll just get upset and leave instead of sticking around. A lot of TPTs don’t know the company has to pay them for four hours if they stay there for four hours. Some just get sick of waiting and leave but others wait or try to find someplace to sleep. If they are found sleeping they can get fired.
“We just had a TPT fired for being sick for three days. It’s better to be off sick for five days and hope that Human Resources will excuse you with a doctor’s note. If you are out three days you have to rely on a supervisor who has the power to accept or decline a doctor’s note. We’ve had TPTs who get pregnant and have to be off for doctor’s visits. If they don’t have a good relationship with their supervisors, they will let you go. You can’t qualify for FMLA (Family and Medical Leave Act) protections unless you’ve worked 1,250 hours.
“A lot of times, the company will screw up the hours you worked or mark a TPT late even though they were on time. They can be called into work to replace someone who went home early. That might mean a TPT arrives, let’s say at 7:30 or later in the morning, instead of the regular start time for the shift. They could be given an ‘occurrence’ for coming in late even though they came in on time. I don’t know what the policy is at Ford but we should look to see if that happened to Jacoby. After three ‘occurrences,’ which include latenesses or absences, they will fire you.”

Homeless Crisis in Los Angeles Worst Since Great Depression

The number of homeless people living on Los Angeles’s Skid Row is the worst the city has seen since the Great Depression.

This year, nearly 2,500 homeless and near-homeless men, women and children were served Thanksgiving lunch on Skid Row and in Pasadena and Canoga Park. “We haven’t seen numbers like this since the Great Depression,” Georgia Berkovich, the director of The Midnight Mission’s public affairs department, told the Los Angeles Times.
In 2014, Breitbart News went to Skid Row to help deliver Thanksgiving meals to nearly 300 people. The meals were provided by My Friends House Foundation and Fair Game food truck.
The Fred Jordan Mission, which is located nearby, reportedly served over a ton of turkey drumsticks, 500 pounds of mashed potatoes, 80 gallons of gravy, 560 pounds of candied yams, 585 pounds of green beans, glazed carrots, and 400 pumpkin pies.
The Los Angeles Times also notes that over 2,000 people were served a sit-down meal of turkey with trimmings at the 30th annual Community Thanksgiving Day Dinner for San Fernando Valley homeless and low-income families at the Guadalupe Community Center in Canoga Park.
The homeless epidemic that has swept Los Angeles has become so bad that in August, the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors approved a program to pay homeowners up to $75,000 to house homeless people on their own properties.
In January, the Times noted that although New York City remains the number one city for homelessness in America, Los Angeles leads the nation in the number of “unsheltered” homeless people.
Meanwhile, in Northern California, Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf called on her constituents to open their doors and residences to the city’s homeless during her annual State of the City address earlier this month.
“Give up that Airbnb. Fix up that back unit,” Schaff said according to the San Francisco Chronicle.
Adelle Nazarian is a politics and national security reporter for Breitbart News. Follow her on Facebook and Twitter.

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