For some years now the City of Los Angeles has been making admirable gains in terms of combatting gang violence. While nowhere near being eliminated entirely, gang activity and organized, violent crime are down considerably from the 80s and 90s when such problems reached epic proportions. One way the city clamped down on such organized crime was through the use of what are known as gang injunctions. These would target specific groups of individuals in particular communities who were known associates of organized gangs. Restrictions were placed on how and where they could gather, curfews were imposed and plenty of random searches were conducted.
Unfortunately, some of those practices were deemed to have gone too far and a federal judge recently told the city that they would need to either scrap the gang injunctions entirely or go back to the drawing board and start over. Complaints had been raised over rules regulating gathering places, the wearing of gang colors and other activities which, if performed by other, law-abiding citizens would be perfectly legal. It’s a complicated legal mess to be sure, but I was somewhat surprised to see that even the editorial board of the Los Angeles Times was urging the cops to fix the injunctions rather than abandoning them entirely.
The court did not bar gang injunctions, which can be crafted with sufficient care and creativity to respect the constitutional rights of innocent people while still protecting communities from thuggish gang behavior. The task is to see the injunctions as the useful tools they can be, and not as what they too often became — a policing shortcut and a weapon of oppression against individuals that restricted their behavior based not on what they did but on who they were.
Gang injunctions were pioneered by Los Angeles County officials but mushroomed under their L.A. city counterparts in the 1980s and 1990s during a historic increase in deadly youth violence.
There is no reason for the city not to keep its crime-fighting tools well honed and up to date.
There’s some sound advice there, but it might even go too far in sweating out the privacy rights and other concerns of people who have been identified as gang members but not yet convicted. Sometimes the police simply need to go with the obvious solution and follow the evidence.
If LA is seriously considering dumping the injunctions altogether, they should first look at the results achieved in New York City over the past few years. As has been widely reported, they’ve got their murder rate down to an astoundingly low level and their gang problems have been largely blunted. As this New York Times report from January of 2017revealed, that success story came largely from “targeted enforcement” methods which focused police resources on the worst gang areas.
Scores of gang takedowns this year, resulting in about 900 arrests, took violent people off the streets and made it more costly to engage in gang-related crimes, police officials said.
“Precision policing targets those people who are responsible for the violence, which in a significant amount of cases are gangs,” said Stephen P. Davis, the department’s chief spokesman. “By going after the gang members, arresting them, we recognize the resultant reduction in violence.”
There’s no avoiding the federal order handed down to the LAPD. Clearly, some of the rules which had been put in place failed to pass constitutional muster and need to be adjusted to satisfy the courts. But at the same time, Los Angeles risks losing all of the good progress they’ve made over the past couple of decades if they close up shop entirely when it comes to managing the gangs. New York City might provide an excellent example of how to properly craft their injunctions and focus their efforts to comply with the law but still make life too unpleasant for gang members to freely operate.

MEXIFORNIA under LA RAZA SUPREMACY RULE: CA has the largest and most expensive prison system in the nation. Half the inmates are Mexicans.  Half the murders in CA are by Mexican gangs.
In Mexico’s second largest city of Los Angeles, 93% of the murders are by Mexicans.

"The state of California and the sanctuary city laws that make it a safe-haven for criminal illegal aliens is likely responsible for at least 5,000 crimes that were committed by criminal illegal aliens released by local authorities rather than being handed over to federal immigration officials."

Mexican Gangs "Ethnic Cleansing" Blacks In L.A.
Latino thugs indiscriminately murder blacks regardless of gang membership, genocidal purge aligns with radical Aztlan theology

Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet
Monday, January 22, 2007

Racist Mexican gangs are indiscriminately targeting blacks who aren't even involved in gang culture, as part of an orchestrated ethnic cleansing program that is forcing black people to flee Los Angeles. The culprit of the carnage is the radical Neo-Nazi liberation theology known as La Raza, which calls for the extermination of all races in America besides Latinos, and is being bankrolled by some of the biggest Globalists in the U.S.A story carried on the liberal website Alternet, charts an explosion in brutal murders of blacks by Hispanic street gangs in L.A. Far from being gang on gang violence, the Latinos are targeting innocent blacks in accordance with a concerted ethnic cleansing campaign that seeks to eradicate all blacks from Hispanic neighborhoods.

In one instance, 21-year-old Anthony Prudhomme was shot in the face with a .25-caliber semi-automatic while lying on a futon inside his apartment, slain by a Latino gang known as the Avenues as part of a racist terror campaign in which gang members earn "stripes" for each black person they kill.
In one typical case," writes journalist Brentin Mock, "Three members of the Pomona 12 attacked an African-American teenager, Kareem Williams, in his front yard in 2002. When his uncle, Roy Williams, ran to help his nephew, gang member Richard Diaz told him, "Niggers have no business living in Pomona because this is 12th Street territory." According to witnesses, Diaz then told the other gang members, "Pull out the gun! Shoot the niggers! Shoot the niggers!"
The fatwah against blacks began in the mid-nineties, with a 1995 LAPD report concluding that Latinos had vowed to "Eradicate black citizens from the gang neighborhood." In a follow up report on the situation in east Los Angeles, the LAPD warned that "Local gangs will attack any black person that comes into the city."
The author notes that since 1990 the African-American population of Los Angeles has halved, partly as a result of rampant illegal immigration and that there are noticeably fewer blacks walking the streets because many have been forced to relocate in fear of the racist gangs.
"The LAPD estimates there are now 22,000 Latino gang members in the city of Los Angeles alone. That's not only more than all the Crips and the Bloods; it's more than all black, Asian, and white gang members combined. Almost all of those Latino gang members in L.A. -- let alone those in other California cities -- are loyal to the Mexican Mafia. Most have been thoroughly indoctrinated with the Mexican Mafia's violent racism during stints in prison, where most gangs are racially based," writes Mock.
Mock blames the "Mexican Mafia" for ordering the campaign of ethnic cleansing from prison, as part of a turf war with the Black Guerilla family, another prison gang, but fails to pinpoint the racist creed from which the Mexican kingpins draw their inspiration - the long standing Aztlan invasion agenda.

Aztlan's goal, known as La reconquista, is to cede and take over the entirety of the southern and western states by any means necessary and impose a Communist militant dictatorship. President Bush's blanket amnesty program goes a long way to helping the extremists achieve their aim.