Tuesday, July 3, 2018



Understanding LA RAZA / UNDIOSus: The U.S. tax dollar funded Mexican fascist party which is the fastest growing political party in America


The biggest losers in Mexico's election? The Democrats

Every election has winners and losers, and Mexico's is no exception.  While the press is making much of Mexico's centrist PRI and center-right PAN parties being the big losers in last night's election of socialist Andrés Manuel López-Obrador in Mexico, the real loser is actually up north, in the U.S. Democratic Party.
Sounds strange until you look at the details.
After all the ideological compatibility between AMLO's new lefty MORENA party and the increasingly socialist U.S. Democrats seems to be identical.
Both favor heavy social spending, forced unionization of workers, political patronage, Chicago-style political muscle, and fealty to the ideals of the Socialist International.  It's what most socialists do until they run out of Other People's Money.
Democrats have staked their future on uneducated, needy illegals forming the base of their party's fortunes.  In Mexico, AMLO has done the same thing.  The problem comes because the Mexicans in question are the same people.
AMLO's social spending policies are likely to draw Mexicans illegally here in the U.S. back to Mexico.  If you have a choice of taking welfare benefits here or welfare benefits there, it's likely you'll go for them in your home country, where the language is the same, the Migra isn't out looking for you, and you know your way around the culture. 

 That's bad news for the Democrats, who rely on 

illegals to lard up their electoral college votes in 

blue states, increase federal spending based on 

head counts here, and actually vote illegally in 

elections, particularly in districts where very few 

people are in the country legally.

It goes to show that even with ideological conformity, nations have interests, and interests most certainly can conflict.

For many years, I had wondered why what passes 
for Mexico's conservatives always seemed to be so
fiercely aligned to U.S. Democrats.  Why was 
former Mexican president Vicente Fox, Mexico's 
first elected conservative via the PAN party, 
always such a shill for Democrats?  Why was 
President Felipe Calderón, who came after him, 
almost as obnoxious?  Why did these people so 
advocate for an end to U.S. borders and denounce 
the American people as Nazis for opposing them, 
despite their being fairly conservative and 
ideologically recognizable on every other issue?
It turns out their political fortunes were built on getting as many indigent Mexicans out of the country as possible.  Their governments benefited from their absence, both from remittances and in the way they lowered social costs for the Mexican government in terms of housing them, educating them, and providing them with income and health care among other things.  For a conservative government focused on fiscal discipline, it was most certainly in their interest to drive as many of Mexico's poor to El Norte, the better to get the gringo to pay, an old Mexican custom dating from the war of 1848.
Democrats in the U.S., in turn, lapped up the new migrants, with California's Democratic gov. Jerry Brown announcing "you're all welcome here."  His party benefited, and the more, the better.  The Catholic bishops also benefited, hence Steve Bannon's admittedly harsh analysis that the Church was all in for illegals even as it claimed to believe in the rule of law, because of its interest in "filling the pews."
Now comes AMLO, whose big plan is to enact social welfare programs in Mexico, a move that is sure to draw many Mexicans back to their home country.  It makes sense from his point of view and the viewpoint of his national interest, given that Mexico can no longer afford to lose people.  Demographically, the median age is rising there, the population growth has gone flat, and incomes have passed the $7,000-a-year threshold, below which is said to trigger illegal immigration.
Nations always have interests, and this one conflicts with the U.S. Democratic Party's interest, which, up until now, aligned with the interests of Mexico's conservatives.
AMLO, if you look carefully at his words, seems cognizant of Democrats recognizing this and maybe getting angry about it, thus he has offered up to his ideological coevals in the States the "human right" of illegal immigration to the U.S. as a sop, using other people's countries instead of his own.  Here are his words:
Mexican presidential candidate Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) declared mass immigration to the United States a "human right" for all North Americans during a speech Tuesday.
"And soon, very soon – after the victory of our movement – we will defend all the migrants in the American continent and all the migrants in the world," Obrador said, adding that immigrants "must leave their towns and find a life in the United States."
He then declared migration "a human right we will defend," eluniversal.com reports.
What we are looking at here is a bid to ship illegals from other countries through Mexico to the U.S. (to keep Democrats happy), while implicitly discouraging Mexican illegal immigration, which has drained the country of talent.  There is no other explanation for such a policy.  Turning Mexico into a road stop for illegals from Central America and elsewhere by calling it a "human right" is frankly toxic for Mexico, because it will empower cartels and give Mexico's government nothing, not even remittances, and plenty of enmity with the U.S.  What's more, it should serve as an electoral mobilizer for Republicans, who will be angry at the move.
Net effect: another loss for Democrats, in terms of lost people it intended to build its party fortunes on and in energizing Republicans.  They're not going to like this.

Census: Population to 420 million in 2060, 2/3rds immigrants, 79 million

An immigrant woman from Honduras carries her baby inside the Catholic Charities of the Rio Grande Valley on Saturday, June 23, 2018, in McAllen, Texas. Families, who have been processed and released by U.S. Customs and Border Protection, wait inside the facility before continuing their journey to cities across the United States.
A new analysis of the impact on unrestricted immigration into the United States shows that the nation’s population will jump to 420 million by 2060, driven by an explosion in immigrants and their offspring.

Using Census Bureau data, the group Negative Population Growth said that current policies suggest that 79 million immigrants will boost the population during the period.
“Under current immigration policy U.S. population will rise to 420 million in 2060, versus 341 million if no immigration was allowed over the 2012 to 2060 period. This implies that immigrants arriving over the next 45 years, and their U.S. born children and grandchildren, will add 79 million to U.S. population by 2060. More than two-thirds of U.S. population growth over this period will be due to immigration,” said the new analysis.
The report reviews some of the costs of legal and illegal immigration on the country and taxpayers and makes the case for a national population policy that considers that impact.
It highlights, for example, the 1965 reforms to the Immigration and Nationality Act which were to limit immigration but actually fed it through so-called “chain migration,” where one new immigrant, in an example shown, could bring in some 19 relatives.
The report also puts a spotlight on the children of illegal immigrants born in the United States who automatically become citizens. It describes those babies as “deportation insurance.” The report said:
The U.S.-born baby is, of course, a U.S. citizen, whose illegal alien parents are eligible to receive, on the baby’s behalf, food stamps, nutrition from the Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) program, and numerous tax benefits, including the EITC.

Most importantly, the newborn is deportation insurance for its parents. Illegal aliens facing deportation can argue that to deport one or more parents would create an “extreme hardship” for the new baby. If an immigration officer agrees, we’ve added a new adult to the nation’s population. At age 21 the former birthright citizen baby can formally apply for green cards for parents and siblings, and they, in turn, can start their own immigration chains.


What will America stand for in 2050?

The US should think long and hard about the high number of Latino immigrants.
By Lawrence Harrison

It's not just a short-run issue of immigrants competing with citizens for jobs as unemployment approaches 10 percent or the number of uninsured straining the quality of healthcare. Heavy immigration from Latin America threatens our cohesiveness as a nation.

Mexican Invasion By Invitation of the Democrat Party
By Tom Barrett 
At the current rate of invasion (mostly through Mexico, but also through Canada) the United States will be completely over run with illegal aliens by the year 2025. I’m not talking about legal immigrants who follow US law to become citizens. In less than 20 years, if we do not stop the invasion, ILLEGAL aliens and their offspring will be the dominant population in the United States. 


The Washington-imposed economic policy of economic growth via mass-immigration floods the market with foreign laborspikes profits and Wall Street values by cutting salaries for manual and skilled labor offered by blue-collar and white-collar employees. It also drives up real estate priceswidens wealth-gaps, reduces high-tech investment, increases state and local tax burdens, hurts kids’ schools and college education, pushes Americans away from high-tech careers, and sidelines at least 5 million marginalized Americans and their families, including many who are now struggling with opioid addictions.   NEIL MUNRO

"Mexican presidential candidate Andrés Manuel López Obrador 

(AMLO) called for mass immigration to the United States[,] 

...declaring it a "human right" for all North Americans."

"[W]e will defend all the migrants in the American continent and 

all the migrants in the world," Obrador said, adding that 

immigrants "must leave their towns and find a life in the United 


"Fox’s Tucker Carlson noted Thursday that Obrador has previously proposed granting amnesty to Mexican drug cartels. “America is now Mexico’s social safety net, and that’s a very good deal for the Mexican ruling class,” Carlson added."

One in every eleven persons born in Mexico has 

gone to the U.S. The National Review reported 

that in 2014 $1.87 billion was spent on 

incarcerating illegal immigrant criminals….Now 

add hundreds of billions for welfare and 

remittances!  MICHAEL BARGO, Jr…… for 


This means that the crimes of the past six years, 

including the disappearance and presumed murder 

of the 43 Ayotzinapa teaching students, along with 

countless other massacres by state security forces, 

not to mention the wholesale corruption which 

AMLO has made the centerpiece of his campaign, 

will go unpunished.

Mark Levin:

‘Unbridled Immigration, Legal and Illegal, Is Taking the Country Down’

This annual income for an impoverished American family is $10,000 less than the more than $34,500 in federal funds which are spent on each unaccompanied minor border crosser.

study by Tom Wong of the University of California at San 

Diego discovered that more than 25 percent of DACA-

enrolled illegal aliens in the program have anchor babies. 

That totals about 200,000 anchor babies who are the 

children of DACA-enrolled illegal aliens. This does not 

include the anchor babies of DACA-qualified illegal aliens. 


January 25, 2018

Note to Dems: High immigration population equals lower GDP

Back in 2010, when the investing community was still eager about the emerging economies, there was the BRIC ETF you could buy (still can), which represented a basket of investible companies in Brazil, Russia, India, and China.  The theory was that with the former two, natural resources would be pillaged in low-regulation environments, and the latter two had to do with an economic growth model being inextricably linked to booming populations. 
The theory was that the two production economies of Brazil and Russia, mainly oil, would be balanced out by two emerging consumption economies.  The problem was that shortly thereafter, the government of Brazil took possession of Petrobras in a thuggish move, and investors got scared of these economies of socialist and oligarchic fiat (read: Venezuela).  In addition, the price of oil eventually dropped as U.S. production ramped up and an oil glut kept prices eternally low.  
So all the ETF had at that point was India and China, the two behemoth nations in terms of robust breeding and the emerging consumer story.  But that theory has not born out.  What we are instead seeing is that human population growth stories are not automatically investible winners.  Not anymore.  Technology and automation are increasingly making dense population countries unstable, as low-skilled manual jobs are not as necessary as they once were.  China is more worried about pacifying an open revolt if its 1.4 billion people ever get hungry enough to engage in another Tiananmen Square demonstration, where easily over 10,000 people were slaughtered.  And India can't seem to get out of its own clumsy way long enough to make any traction with its GDP – partially because it is addicted to smothering regulations, but also, it has so much exposure to cultural poverty due to its inundated population zones without concomitant employment.  
Population growth stories are supposedly consumption-based economic models but instead are saddled with relatively higher welfare demands placed on the subject countries in order to pacify the poverty.  Consumption does not produce prosperity any more than eating a dozen Krispy Kremes produces a handsome physique.  Effort is required for that.  Production is required for wealth creation.  Consumption means only that subsistence is reached.  Nothing more.  And no real wealth accrued beyond subsistence.  
And yet, here at home, we have Democrats who preach that we need more immigrants and refugees for our economic growth.  What planet are they living on?  Okay: We know they are being their usual disingenuous selves and that they want foreign mercenaries hired by welfare to vote for them, but their base buys the low-information agit-prop as if it were something that should be taught in college.
No, wait – maybe it actually is.
Consumption-based economies are all the rage in Democrat circles.  "Supply-siders," aka production economies, that require investment (read: tax cuts) are all about those evil Republicans.  To the left, you don't need capital accumulation or savings to produce growth.  All you need is government handouts.  
What we are seeing is that further immigration into the U.S. from Mexico is creating greater drains on our welfare rolls as well as infrastructure, our schools, and our emergency rooms and hospitals.  It also removes low-skilled jobs from American citizens.  Citizens then go out and apply for unemployment insurance because they can't find employment due to illegals occupying those low-skilled spaces, a double-whammy, and all of it just to help Democrats get elected.  
No, immigration does not automatically convert to a nation's wealth.  It can do quite the opposite, in fact, and drain it that much faster and liquidate the treasury, a treasury that the Democrats are all too eager to pillage in order to buy votes from other foreign nationals who walk across our border and give them the vote as fast as possible.


Immigration Brief: Steven Camarota Details the Immigrant Population
CIS Video, January 9, 2018



Anchor Baby Population in 

U.S. Exceeds One Year of 

American Births

newborn-babies in US
Associated Press

The number of United States-born children who were given birthright citizenship despite at least one of their parents being an illegal alien living in the country now outnumbers one year of all American births.

A new Congressional Budget Office (CBO) report reveals the booming number of U.S.-born children to illegal aliens who are given automatic citizenship, forever anchoring their families in the U.S.

These children are commonly known as “anchor babies,” as they are able to eventually bring an unlimited number of foreign relatives to the U.S. through the process known as “chain migration.” Every two new immigrants to the U.S. brings an estimated seven foreign relatives with them.



“Mexico prefers to export its poor, not uplift them.”


The following is a partial list of politicians that are La Raza members working for open borders, amnesty (illegal Mexicans are not interested in citizenship) and no wall. The ultimate goal of Mexico is to continue successfully using the United States as their welfare system, cut a deal whereby the illegals can hop the border, give birth, pillage, make their pesos and then return home.  DAVID SIROTA.com


What will America stand for in 2050?

The US should think long and hard about the high number of Latino immigrants.
By Lawrence Harrison

It's not just a short-run issue of immigrants competing with citizens for jobs as unemployment approaches 10 percent or the number of uninsured straining the quality of healthcare. Heavy immigration from Latin America threatens our cohesiveness as a nation.

“Do we really need a House Speaker whose every action is calculated to enhance her own financial interests, instead of focusing on how porous borders will affect the security of everyday American citizens?”

One in every eleven persons born in Mexico has gone to the U.S. The National Review reported that in 2014 $1.87 billion was spent on incarcerating illegal immigrant criminals….Now add hundreds of billions for welfare and remittances!  MICHAEL BARGO, Jr…… for the AMERICAN THINKER.COM







Lies, Damned Lies, and Immigration Policy 

The falsehoods that protect a political interest. 

By Bruce Thornton 


No policy debate is more filled with dishonesty and duplicity than immigration. The whine of political axes being ground is continually drowned out by Emma Lazarus sentimentalism, “we’re a nation of immigrants” clichés, promiscuous virtue-signaling, and the current weepy melodramas of children “ripped from their mother’s arms.” The whole sordid business exists, of course, to perfume some simple truths: Leviathan Dems want more voters and more dependents of the entitlement-industrial complex; Wall Street Republicans want plentiful cheap labor. The only thing missing are the facts about the reality of immigration both illegal and legal. 

Start with imprecise numbers. We are told that there are currently 11 million illegal aliens in the U.S. Others say it’s closer to 20 to 25 million. The point is, nobody knows. We do know that close to a third of federal inmates are illegals. But we don’t know much about the rest, except for those illegal alien “dreamers” on television lamenting how they have to “live in the shadows.” We don’t know the extent of the costs to taxpayers of illegal immigration, even as we are told by amnesty supporters that they are net contributors to the economy through payroll and sales taxes. But they don’t tell us if that sum subtracts the $26 billion sent back to Mexico. We do know that taxpayers spend $2 billion a year to provide medical services to illegal aliens just in emergency room visits. According to Christopher Conover, state and local circumventions of federal prohibitions against health care for illegals are indirectly costing taxpayers $17 billion a year in care for illegal aliens. And that’s just health care. Some estimates put the total cost of illegal aliens at $89 billion, while others go as high $135 billion. 


This annual income for an impoverished American family is $10,000 less than the more than $34,500 in federal funds which are spent on each unaccompanied minor border crosser.

study by Tom Wong of the University of California at San Diego discovered that more than 25 percent of DACA-enrolled illegal aliens in the program have anchor babies. That totals about 200,000 anchor babies who are the children of DACA-enrolled illegal aliens. This does not include the anchor babies of DACA-qualified illegal aliens. JOHN BINDER

The Chicago Model: Population Replacement and the Transformation of the USA

Speaking at the University of Missouri in Columbia during a 2008 speech, then-Senator Obama said, "We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America."
Many believe that this fundamental transformation was pursued for the eight years Obama was in office.  
Few would say that at the time that a fundamental transformation was already going on in Chicago.  For more than fifty years, the Chicago Democrats were using population removal to get votes and guarantee the outcome of elections.  Just as an iron curtain once fell across Europe, a red curtain had already fallen across Chicago's 50 wards.
The roots of transformation
What are the origins of this program to transform the nation?  The roots of Obama's politics are to be found in the uni-party politics of Chicago.  It has been the aim of the national Democratic Party to use Chicago as a model and then impose that political model on the United States.
The Chicago model requires, first of all, population replacement.  Population replacement leads to voter replacement and then cultural replacement.  Once population replacement is accomplished, voting will eventually reach a point where it becomes irrelevant.
After population replacement, any opposition party to the Democrats can never get enough votes to stop the fundamental transformation of the United States from a constitutional republic to a socialist democracy.  Democrats will always have a guaranteed majority once population is replaced.  Today, uncontrolled immigration and redefining citizenship are the keystone to unlocking that guaranteed majority.
The ongoing debate over Obama's natural-born citizenship status is an example of how the subject of voting and citizenship is viewed by the Democrats.  What should have been a discussion about constitutional qualifications became one about racism.
This accusation of racism nullified the issue in the minds of many, who had a foggy idea about citizenship to begin with.  The debate also showed that Democrats want votes no matter where they can get them.  They want votes up to the point where votes become irrelevant, as is now the case in most Chicago elections.
Englewood and Daley College
What we intend to show here in summary form is how the accumulation of individual lives and the political decisions made by men produce social changes that some may not desire and others maliciously intend.  Just like the accumulation of individual coccolithophores over time made the white cliffs of Dover, so population replacement has altered forever Englewood and Daley College.
If we take as examples a Chicago neighborhood and an educational institution in the city, we see how a plan for fundamental transformation was carried out.  Both of these examples show how population replacement eventually led to voter and cultural replacement.  Population replacement and voter replacement became cogs in the uni-party state that continues to run Chicago, making the city the most segregated in the nation.
The destruction and transformation of Chicago's Englewood community was perhaps the first and best example of how population removal led to voter removal and the transformation of values.  What happened over the course of about 50 years was that a viable community, often rivaling Chicago's Loop in terms of wealth, shopping, and cultural attractions, was transformed into a wasteland that encouraged broken families, poverty, and drug addiction.
The ruling Democrats in Chicago could see this transformation happening before their eyes and did nothing to stop it.  They did little to stop redlining, the exodus of the white working class to the suburbs, or the influx of poor blacks from the South.
In short, Chicago's ruling elites built a plantation where blacks migrating from the Southern states would be housed in projects and made to vote Democrat.  In many ways, black leaders became the capos of a plantation that assured that Democrats would win election after election in Chicago.  Can anyone point to an example of how Jesse Jackson improved, over the long run, the lives of many blacks living in Chicago?
Local urban election victories would be in turn translated to victories on the national level by other segregated U.S. cities.  Chicago became the model for Democratic victories at the polls.  By the time Barack Obama ran for office, the formula for victory by controlling urban minorities with the help of progressive whites was well in place.
If we move from the example of how a neighborhood experienced population replacement for the sake of voter and cultural replacement, the transformation of Daley College on the southwest side of Chicago becomes a good example of how and institution can also be fundamentally transformed by removing one population and replacing it with another.
Daley College, originally named Bogan Junior College, was established to serve the white ethnic communities on the southwest side of the city.  As Latino immigration increased in the '70s and '80s, a political decision was made to turn what was now Daley College into an all Latino school.  That meant replacing the faculty and forcing out the white ethnic students.  After an all Latino administration was put in place, little by little, Daley College was transformed into an all Latino institution.  Population replacement also led to value and cultural replacement.
Where once there were students speaking Polish and 
Lithuanian, students fleeing communism, there are now 
Mexican students speaking Spanish and demonstrating in favor
of illegal immigration and socialism.

Ethnic cleansing in the U.S.
What happened at Daley College and Englewood was nothing short of ethnic cleansing, yet few in Chicago would recognize it as that today.  Most Chicagoans know little of the history of Englewood or Daley College.
Liberalism and ignorance may be in the water they drink.  Yet to participate today in that structure set up by the Democrats is to participate in its evil, the same way the Germans of the 1930s participated in the growing evil of their politics.
Across the nation, controversy over illegal immigration, the watering down of citizenship, and the relentless attack on U.S. history seems to many to be unending.  Unfortunately, even those with a good heart and a desire for justice are attracted, perhaps in their innocence, to the illusions of the Democratic Party.  Sometimes, we imagine that these misguided citizens outnumber those who are in politics not for patriotism, but for power.  The structure of evil that is the Democratic Party is oblivious to them.
For the Democrats, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob must be replaced with the ideals of the progressive state.  If the Democrats have to use Islam or the wisdom of the great theologian Nancy Pelosi for that removal, they will.  In many cases, the ruling Democratic Party in large U.S. cities distorted the values of freedom and justice to the point where they became the false values of multiculturalism and diversity.
There are some who may argue that Chicago politics is just ordinary urban politics found in a U.S. city that has undergone wave after wave of European immigration.  Furthermore, the fundamental transformation of Chicago has brought prosperity to some.  Walking along the lakefront, it may be hard to argue against that point of view.  To make a counter-argument, you must go to Englewood and Daley College to see the spiritual and physical devastation the Democratic Party's quest for power has wrought.
Beyond that, there is the religious question, which may be at the heart of U.S. political history.  How did Catholic immigrants end up supporting a progressive politics that was opposed to their faith?  Even when some Catholics resisted the transformation of their neighborhoods, as in the case of Father Lawlor, they were betrayed by Catholic politicians.
"Undocumented immigrants" will become undocumented Democrats
It is obvious to many who call themselves deplorables and those living in the heartland that the election of Donald Trump help saved the nation.  The Chicago model of fundamental transformation could no longer proceed unstopped.  Nevertheless, the Democratic Party is still focused on its goal.
As always, the world goes on.  Yesterday's topless towers of Ilium give way to today's Magnificent Mile.  The uni-party, headed by the Democrats, still runs Chicago.  Chicago politicians are not yet done with their hope for a fundamental transformation.
The Democrats still plan to have the same power structure for the nation that we see in Chicago.  Illegal immigration is the first step toward population and voter replacement, just like in Englewood and at Daley College.  Illegal aliens will become undocumented Democrats.
Nevertheless, in many small towns across the heartland, citizens are becoming aware that population and cultural replacement is in store for them.  They want nothing to do with it.  In 2016, they took matters into their own hands.  Donald Trump and the deplorables have frustrated the plan for national, uni-party control.  It remains to be seen for how long.
Further reading from the author: A Winter of Words and What We Found When We Came Home.

OPEN BORDERS: The Democrat Party’s Weapon of Mass Destruction on the American Worker


"Los Angeles saw all crime rise in 2015: violent crime up 19.9 percent, homicides up 10.2 percent, shooting victims up 12.6 percent, rapes up 8.6 percent, robberies up 12.3 percent, and aggravated assault up 27.5 percent,"Landry said.”


The disintegration of California, a Mexican satellite welfare state of poverty, crime and high taxes


"Chairman of the DNC Keith Ellison was even spotted wearing a shirt stating, "I don't believe in borders" written in Spanish.

According to a new CBS news poll, 63 percent of Americans in competitive congressional districts think those crossing illegally should be immediately deported or arrested.  This is undoubtedly contrary to the views expressed by the Democratic Party.

Their endgame is open borders, which has become evident over the last eight years.  Don't for one second let them convince you otherwise." Evan Berryhill Twitter @EvBerryhill.



$1.3 billion: The annual cost of illegal immigration to Pennsylvania’s taxpayers;
·         $5,003: The annual cost per illegal alien to the state of Pennsylvania;
·         $273: The annual cost of illegal immigration to each U.S. citizen household in Pennsylvania;
·         203,000: The estimated number of illegal aliens living in Pennsylvania.
·         30 percent: The percent of the federal prison population comprised of immigrants – most of whom are here illegally.






We spent eight months and did over a hundred interviews to try to bypass the usual rhetoric and get to the bottom of what really happened when undocumented workers showed up in one Alabama town. Pictured: Albertville “Miss Chick” 1954.

“Open border advocates, such as Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg, claim illegal aliens are a net benefit to California with little evidence to support such an assertion. As the CIS has documented, the vast majority of illegals are poor, uneducated, and with few skills. How does accepting millions of illegal aliens and then granting them access to dozens of welfare programs benefit California’s economy? If illegals were contributing to the economy in any meaningful way, CA, with its 2.6 million illegals, would be booming.” STEVE BALDWIN – AMERICAN SPECTATOR

CALIFORNIA: AMERICA’S FIRST MEX WELFARE STATE…. 49 more to go…. but nearly there!


"Over the past decade, the traditional base of the Republican party — homeowners and small business owners — has been migrating to states with lower taxes and fewer regulations. Meanwhile, California continues to attract immigrants — both legal and illegal — as well as a disproportionate share of the state’s welfare recipients."

NANCY PELOSI, and her LA RAZA SISTERS, SEN. DIANNE FEINSTEIN, FORMER SEN. BARBARA BOXER and NOW SEN. KAMALA HARRIS are a pantheon of staggering self-serving corruption.

They and their families have all gotten filthy rich off of these women’s elected office.

Their endless hispandering for the illegals’ votes has turned California into Mexifornia, a drug, gang and anchor baby welfare third-world dumpster!


“Liberal governing has transformed beautiful California into the poverty capital of America with the worst quality of life.  Crazy taxes, crazy high cost of living, and crazy overreaching regulations have crushed the middle class, forcing the middle class to exit the Sunshine State.  All that is left in California are illegals feeding at the breast of the state, rapidly growing massive homeless tent cities, and the mega-rich.” LLOYD MARCUS


What will America stand for in 2050?

The US should think long and hard about the high number of Latino immigrants.

By Lawrence Harrison

It's not just a short-run issue of immigrants competing with citizens for jobs as unemployment approaches 10 percent or the number of uninsured straining the quality of healthcare. Heavy immigration from Latin America threatens our cohesiveness as a nation.

The political realities of the rapidly growing 

Latino population are such that Mr. Obama 

may be the last president who can avert the 

permanent, vast underclass implied by the 

current Census Bureau projection for 2050. 

Billionaire Mexicans tell their poor to JUMP U.S. OPEN BORDERS and LOOT THE STUPID GRINGO… and loot they do!
Billions of dollars are sucked out of America from Mexico’s looting!

1) Mexico ended legal immigration 100 years ago, except for Spanish blood.
2) Mexico is the 17th richest nation but pays the 220th lowest minimum wage to force their subjects to invade the USA. The expands territory for Mexicans, spreads the Spanish language, and culture and genotypes, while earning 17% of Mexico's gross GDP as Foreign Remittance Income.


Mucho gringo welfare just over the border!

ONE AMERICAN COUNTY….under Mex occupation





“Do we really need a House Speaker whose every action is calculated to enhance her own financial interests, instead of focusing on how porous borders will affect the security of everyday American citizens?”

Pelosi's Stake in Illegal Immigration


The Minuteman Project, founded by Jim Gilchrist (who is also the co-author of the book Minutemen: The Battle to Secure America’s Borders), is made up of citizen volunteers who watch our border with Mexico and report illegal entry to the border patrol. For performing that thankless task in full compliance with the law, Gilchrist and his colleagues have been falsely maligned as fascists, racists, and even murderers. They have been driven off the speaker’s platform at Columbia University and vilified by Leftist politicians and their handmaidens in the liberal press.

So it was no surprise that the mainstream media chose to ignore a recent press release, issued by his publisher, in which Gilchrist asked the question about Nancy Pelosi’s ethics that should be on the minds of every law-abiding American – including those immigrants who are following the law to become citizens here the proper way: “Do we really need a House Speaker whose every action is calculated to enhance her own financial interests, instead of focusing on how porous borders will affect the security of everyday American citizens?”

Gilchrist did not stop there. He demanded an investigation into Pelosi’s “economic stake in just the kind of illegal alien exploitation that we deplore in Minutemen.” But you would never know it from the liberal media, who - while ignoring this demand - have had no compunctions in calling for Speaker Hastert’s head in the wake of the Foley page controversy.

Gilchrist was reacting to my report several weeks ago in FrontPage Magazine that Pelosi – who owns non-union vineyards in Napa Valley where grape-picking depends chiefly on the availability of cheap foreign labor – is doing everything she can to help open the floodgates to more illegal immigration. And she wants the American taxpayers to pay their way. As even more proof of this than I previously reported, Pelosi does not want employers like her to be required to pay the cost of illegal aliens’ hospital care. She voted against a bill that would make employers liable for the reimbursements if an undocumented employee seeks medical attention. And she voted in favor of rewarding illegal aliens from Mexico with Social Security benefits.

At the same time, Pelosi has led the Democratic opposition to any effective border controls or documentation requirements. She opposed the Secure Fence Act of 2006, signed into law by President Bush, and voted against final passage of a border security and enforcement bill in 2005 which required that all businesses must use an electronic system to check if all new hires have the legal right to work in this country. She voted against a bill to bar drivers' licenses for illegal aliens in 2005. This year she opposed legislation requiring presentation of a legitimate government-issued photo ID to prove eligibility to vote, claiming that “there is little evidence anywhere in the country of a significant problem with non-citizen voters.” She is dead wrong. For example, an accused terrorist by the name of Nuradin Abdi was just recently reported to have illegally registered to vote at the Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles. Nuradin Abdi was indicted earlier this year as part of a conspiracy to blow up the Columbus Mall.

How many other terrorist suspects may have slipped through the system because Leftists like Pelosi oppose any meaningful screens? Instead she continues to advocate our recognition of the flimsy, non-validated ID card that the Mexican consulates provide to illegal aliens before they cross over our border, called the “matricula consular”, which gives them phony documentation to set up bank accounts, apply for jobs, obtain social benefits, board airplanes, identify themselves to police, enter buildings that require IDs, obtain drivers’ licenses and then perhaps use those drivers’ licenses to try to illegally register to vote in our elections.

Pelosi also believes in giving sanctuary to illegal aliens. She opposed legislation to deny federal homeland security funding to state and local governments who refuse to share information they learn about an individual's immigration status with Federal immigration authorities. Pelosi’s hometown of San Francisco is one of the sanctuary cities she voted to protect for the benefit of illegal aliens. Pelosi even voted against strengthening our immigration law with regard to the deportability of alien terrorists.
Jim Gilchrist cut to the chase with this devastating observation that the mainstream media does not want you to read:
"As we’ve shown again and again in ‘Minutemen,’ the Democrats aren’t just hypocrites, but are working actively to subvert our legislative system to their own ends. Their only goal is votes, votes and more votes, no matter where they come from, no matter if they’re cast legally, no matter whether the person casting them is dead, alive, a citizen or an illegal alien."

Pelosi sees Jim Gilchrist’s Minutemen Project as a threat to her pro-illegal alien agenda. More illegal aliens mean more votes for the Democrats and more grape-pickers for Napa Valley vineyards like hers. So she even voted against a measure that would have cut off the use of U.S. taxpayers’ funds to tip off illegal aliens as to where the Minutemen citizen patrols may be located! She obviously wants to see the Minutemen put out of business – permanently. She can count on the liberal press to distort the work of the Minutemen and to keep out of the public eye Gilchrist’s pointed questions about her motivations for helping illegal aliens during the run-up to the mid-term elections that may make her the next Speaker of the House.

Gilchrist, of course, is accustomed to being vilified and prevented by the Left from getting his message out. In early October, he was prevented from finishing his speech at the "Minutemen Forum" sponsored by the Columbia College Republicans. Gilchrist had spoken for just a few minutes and managed to utter the words “I love the First Amendment” when a group of radical protestors took the stage and interrupted him, displaying a big banner saying "There are no illegals." More protestors then stormed the stage. Chaos erupted and the audience members who had come to hear Gilchrist speak never got the chance, which was precisely the protestors’ objective. As reported online by the staff of Columbia’s undergraduate newspaper, “a mosh pit of triumphal students and community members danced and chanted outside, "Asian, Black, Brown and White, we smashed the Minutemen tonight!" They also put out a statement declaring:

“The Minutemen are not a legitimate voice in the debate on immigration. They are a racist, armed militia who have declared open hunting season on immigrants, causing countless hate crimes and over 3000 deaths on the border. Why should exploitative corporations have free passes between nations, but individual people not? No human being is illegal.” (Emphasis added)

We have come to the point in this country where a bunch of radical protestors get to decide who is and who is not a legitimate voice in the debate on as critical a public policy issue as immigration. Such Leftists think that migration in a borderless world is a basic human right. They want no barriers, no guards, and no proof of lawful residency. They certainly do not want the Minutemen watching the border and reporting illegal entry to the authorities.

Leftist slogans like “no human being is illegal” are red herrings. It is not the human being who is illegal; it is what the human being does that may be illegal. One’s conduct is the test, not simply who one is. Immigrants who follow our rules are welcome here. Those who do not abide by our laws have no right to be here. A person who breaks into your house without your permission does not deserve room, board and a job as a reward, even if the intruder may be much poorer than you. He has broken the law and deserves to be punished for what he has done. Our country’s boundaries and rules for entry and residency similarly define who is permitted to be here and how we choose to protect ourselves. We are a land of immigrants, but we are also a land of laws with certain core values. Those seeking to enter our country and remain here must learn to accommodate to our laws and values, not the other way around. That is the way prior generations of immigrants did it, including those who passed through Ellis Island. Why should the law be thrown aside now?

What we are witnessing is a frontal challenge to our nation’s sovereignty. Mexico’s Foreign Secretary wants to drag us before the United Nations for intending to build a fence on our side of the border with our money to keep out aliens who seek to enter our country illegally. They will probably get a sympathetic ear as some UN bureaucrats believe there should be no such thing as “illegal” immigrants in the first place. For the first time in our history, Americans are being asked to cede the right to decide how we define ourselves as a nation and protect our own borders to a globalist governance body. Will Pelosi lead her liberal loyalists as House Speaker to support the UN against America’s right to control its own borders? Do we really want to risk finding out?

It is high time, as Jim Gilchrist demanded in the press release ignored by the mainstream media, that Pelosi come clean under oath as to her personal stake in the illegal immigration issue before she can do even more damage as House Speaker.

CALL NANCY PELOSI...ask her how many illegals she hires and how many voted for her!

Washington , DC - (202) 225-4965 San Francisco , CA - (415) 556-4862


EMAIL NANCY PELOSI sf.nancy@mail.house.gov

EMAIL FORM FOR NANCY PELOSI www.house.gov/pelosi/contact/contact.html

If you are out of her district, you can still make your feelings heard: 


Steinle’s murderer, Jose Zarate and been deported 5xs!

Everyday there are 12 Americans murdered and 8 children molested by Mexicans!
Steinle’s murderer, Jose Zarate and been deported 5xs!
"While walking with her father on a pier in San Francisco in 2015, Steinle was shot by the illegal alien. Steinle pleaded with her father to not let her die, but she soon passed in her father’s arms."


Nancy Pelosi triples her loot since the banksters nearly destroyed America’s economy and demands endless hordes of illegals to keep wages depressed!

MAKES YOU WONDER HOW MANY ILLEGALS SHE EMPLOYS AT HER ST. HELENA, NAPA WINERY …. The same county where an ILLEGAL started a fire that killed dozens and did millions of dollars in property damage!


“Senator Dianne Feinstein warned, at the time, they had to solve this crisis now—of immigrants coming in illegally and getting these jobs.”






 “Liberal governing has transformed beautiful California into the poverty capital of America with the worst quality of life.  Crazy taxes, crazy high cost of living, and crazy overreaching regulations have crushed the middle class, forcing the middle class to exit the Sunshine State.  All that is left in California are illegals feeding at the breast of the state, rapidly growing massive homeless tent cities, and the mega-rich.” LLOYD MARCUS 


Pelosi - Illegals - Sunkist - Her investments!


Pelosi's corrupt insider passing of bills that make her rich.

 Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi's home House District includes San Francisco.

Star-Kist Tuna's headquarters are in San Francisco, Pelosi's home district.

Star-Kist is owned by Del Monte Foods and is a major contributor to Pelosi.

Star-Kist is the major employer in American Samoa employing 75% of the Samoan workforce.

Paul Pelosi, Nancy's husband, owns $17 million dollars of Star-Kist stock.

In January, 2007 when the minimum wage was increased from $5.15 to $7.25, Pelosi had American Samoa exempted from the increase so Del Monte would not have to pay the higher wage. This would make Del Monte products less expensive than their competition's.

Last week when the huge bailout bill was passed, Pelosi added an earmark to the final bill adding $33 million dollars for an "economic development credit in American Samoa".

Pelosi has called the Bush Administration "corrupt".

Check some more for yourself

What do they bring to the table?

Critical to the contentious and ongoing immigration debate is the undeniable fact that low-skilled jobs, requiring little to no formal education, are disappearing or being phased out of almost every industry in America.  In the age of a rapidly changing work force, the Democrat initiative to flood the country with people who can't compete in today's job market is myopic, not to mention fiscally irresponsible.
Unlike in the United States, the process of legal immigration in Australia is strict.  It's highly regulated and involves a lengthy process for anyone wishing to relocate permanently to the land down under.  In fact, part of the Australian immigration application process is proof of employment – prior to arriving – in addition to a proven ability of every applicant to financially support himself.  Preference is given to potential new citizens who have a college degree or skill set in engineering, medicine, and technology.  Work visas are granted, but the number is abysmally small compared to the number the government receives each year.  Furthermore, the official language of Australia is English.  In order to be employed in almost every sector of industry, applicants must speak, read, and write English fluently.
Australia is just one example of a handful of countries that require immigrants to bring something to the table.  In other words, the immigrant must first prove that he will not be a financial drain on society and will contribute positively to the community.  
First and foremost, people crossing the U.S. southern border are uneducated, illiterate, and lacking any real-world skill set.  Strike one: They are, for the most part, shut out of the highly competitive, educated American work force, consigned to manual labor in the service, restaurant, agriculture, or hospitality industry.  With that in mind, there is a finite number of low-skilled labor jobs available – there are only so many lawns to mow, toilets to clean, restaurant dishes to wash, and hotel rooms to be vacuumed.
Despite the Democrat canard about immigrants doing the jobs that Americans refuse to do, even some of those jobs are disappearing – for example, taking fast food orders at the counter.  The CEO of McDonald's recently announced that all McDonald's restaurants in the U.S. will be outfitted with computer order kiosks over the next few years.  No doubt, other fast food restaurants will follow the lead of McDonald's.  That alone equates to a sharp reduction in employees, many of whom are low-skilled, barely educated immigrants, young and middle-aged.
The same kind of technology innovations are also occurring in the agriculture industry; automated harvesting machines are replacing human hands.  Ever see a machine shake a pecan tree and catch falling pecans in a steel hopper?  I have.
Strike two: The vast majority of new arrivals, whether they be illegal aliens or refugees, don't speak English.  A first-generation immigrant will never bother learning to read or write English, either.  They don't have to.  If allowed to stay in the U.S., they gravitate toward predominantly minority neighborhoods, where everyone speaks some form of their native tongue.  Firsters may acquire enough English to get by, but for the most part, they will continue to speak their native languages at home, in their communities, and within their family circles, which severely limits their employment opportunities.  If they do seek work outside the home, they will be in the company of people much like themselves: uneducated, low-skilled manual laborers.
Unfortunately, this segment of American society has one of three paths of livelihood in the U.S.: destined to stagnate in a service industry job with little upward job mobility, government dependence, or a life of crime.
The correlation between chronically unemployed foreign entrants to the U.S. and every category of violent crime in the United States is no coincidence.  There's a good reason why President Trump, with the help of Attorney General Jeff Sessions, is chasing down, rounding up, arresting, and deporting MS-13 gang members.  The majority of foreign-born MS-13 gang members have taken advantage of the easily accessible southern border for the sole purpose of expanding the drug trade in the United States.  Strike three for America.
Until stricter, highly regulated, and closely monitored border access is achieved, hordes of people who bring nothing to the table will continue to plague America

Nancy Pelosi Demands Zero Border Enforcement: Detention of Illegal Aliens Is ‘Form of Child Abuse’

Nancy Pelosi and Donald Trump
AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite/AP Photo/Evan Vucci
     Washington, DC5,666

President Donald Trump’s executive order which modifies his “zero tolerance” policy at the United States-Mexico border has leftDemocrats and the open borders lobby fighting for an end to all border enforcement, inviting floods of illegal immigration and cheap foreign labor into the country.

The zero-tolerance policy mandates that all illegal border crossers — including illegal alien adults who cross the border with children — be prosecuted and eventually deported from the U.S. This policy results in border-crossing parents having their children taken into federal custody. This is a loophole known as the Flores Settlement Agreement.
In an effort to modify and strengthen his zero-tolerance policy, Trump signed an executive order on Wednesday that keeps border crossing family units in detention together while they are prosecuted. These border crossing families will be held in facilities run by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Department of Justice (DOJ) rather than being released into the interior of the U.S. through the “Catch and Release” program.



“The Democrats had abandoned their working class base to chase what they pretended was a racial group when what they were actually chasing was the momentum of unlimited migration”.  DANIEL GREENFIELD / FRONT PAGE MAGAZINE 


Viral ‘Walk Away’ Videos Highlight Growing Movement of Democrats Leaving the Party

News Analysis
When actor James Woods tweeted out the hashtag “#WalkAway” in late June, even the alt-right missed the enormity of what lay beneath it. The Democratic Party had, in fact, struck an iceberg.
Some 5 million people on Facebook and YouTube have seen the video by now. A very handsome gay man, who you just assume is about to scold you on progressive talking points, instead says this:
“Once upon a time, I was a liberal. Well, to be honest, less than a year ago, I was still a liberal.
“I reject a system which allows an ambitious, misinformed and dogmatic mob to suppress free speech, create false narratives, and apathetically steamroll over the truth.”
And then this devastating line—the Rosa Parks moment of the video:
“I reject hate.”
If Democratic strategists were still able to watch the rest of the video without suffering a nervous breakdown, they’d see that it quickly got worse.
“These are the reasons why I became a liberal. And these are the same reasons why I am now walking away.”

Tidal Wave

Meet Brandon Straka, the unlikely liberator and new face of the “silent minority” of Americans who’ve been cast out by family and friends, fired from jobs, and forced into silent social ghettos for their failure to “get it” about how hateful and dangerous Donald Trump is, and why he and all his supporters should be subjected to an ever-expanding social and professional fatwah.
Since Straka published his confessional video on May 26, his life as a New York City hairdresser and aspiring actor has been overtaken by a tidal wave.
While speaking to The Epoch Times about the explosion of his #WalkAway campaign, Straka had to occasionally stop to go style a client’s hair, all while fielding a constant barrage of newcomers’ testimonial letters, videos, and emails—over 1,000 a day.
They gather at his two Facebook groups, “The Unsilent Minority” and “WalkAway Campaign.” Those who have the courage post their own video testimonials about the moment when the abuse, rage, and ugliness of the Democrats caused them to finally leave the party and “walk away.”
“This is so much more than a hashtag on Twitter,” he said. “This is a testimonial campaign, a grassroots movement that is going to change the political landscape of this country.”
And that’s the astonishing twist here: If these people have been driven into the arms of Donald Trump, who’s left on the left?

Lifelong Democrats

Those who are walking away are not Hillary Clinton’s “basket of deplorables,” but rather, in many cases, lifelong Democrats who simply could not take it any longer and have longed for this very moment, when somebody like them would make it safe for them to come out of the closet and speak their minds.
From urban gay men to staunch liberal grandmothers, from a punk drag queen with black lips to a tattooed lesbian with a mohawk, those posting testimonials all had a breaking point, a moment when they decided to “walk away.”
Lea Anna Bright, in a mohawk, looks into the camera and says in a slow, simmering voice: “This is a Vice article I am reading right now. It says, ‘The activist left doesn’t give a shit about your calls for civility. Get ready for a summer of rage.’” She looks up. “This is where the party is going, and this is why I chose to walk away. Peace. Not for me. Bye.”

A screenshot from the video posted by Lee Anna Bright to the Walk Away Facebook group explaining why she left the Democratic Party. (Screenshot/Lee Anna Bright)

A man adjusts his video camera and sits back. The walls behind him are a tasteful grey-blue. He’s a gay, affluent, native New Yorker, and he’s coming out of the second closet of his life. For Ricky Roberts, the moment came after the Orlando nightclub shootings.
“Trump said he was going to protect gay men, and he did, [with] the travel ban. Hillary was telling Americans not to ‘pick on all Muslims because of this,’” and that did not feel like protection, Roberts says. “I swear to God, wanted to throw my shoe through the TV.
“At that point I was like, I can’t do it anymore. I really can’t.
“You know, listen, I’m a gay guy from New York City, but before that, I’m an American, I’m a patriot. I’m now an uncle.”
His assessment of the Democrats: “From immigration to everything, they are just a disaster.
“They’re anti-American, anti-common sense, rational—anything good, they’re against it.”

Manipulating Fear

Straka, who grew up in a small town in Nebraska, was on board with the fear and loathing campaign around Trump until he began asking people back home why they had voted for him. To his astonishment, they told him about Obama-era regulations that had crippled their small businesses.
He started to research media canards like the one about Trump supposedly mocking a disabled reporter. When he found that it was a total distortion, he kept going, his anger rising.
He eventually became “completely ‘red-pilled.'” And isolated. He told himself that he would have to give up his lifelong dream of becoming an actor if he hit the “publish” button on his video, but, encouraged by one conservative gay friend, he decided to go ahead.
“This was a matter of the media specifically using and manipulating people’s deepest fears, based on legitimate traumas,” he explained.
“Many gay people have experienced very serious homophobia and even physical violence. Can you imagine manipulating a domestic violence survivor’s fears just for political purposes? It’s insane.
“I was afraid of losing all my friends. As I began posting about these things on social media, people started attacking me and unfriending me.
“But I thought, ‘You know what, this is too important.’ Maybe it’s the fact that I’m a gay man and I’ve already been through this—people making up lies about what it means to be gay and trying to shame me. I was like, ‘I’m not doing it. I’m not doing this twice.’
“The more resentment I received, the stronger I got. Finally, I thought, ‘To hell with it. I’m just going to blow the lid off this whole thing and make this video.’”

A screenshot from a video uploaded by Ricky Roberts to the “Walk Away” Facebook group, explaining why he has left the Democratic Party. (Screenshot/Ricky Roberts)

The video has garnered 1.3 million views on his Facebook page and has been shared on many other popular pages. It is estimated to have reached some 5 million viewers so far.
There are some 27,000 followers of the Facebook group, with new people posting both video and text testimonials every day. Straka calls them “the patriots.”
“Initially, my focus was on the gay community because I was so angry at how they were [being terrorized],” Straka said. “Then I thought, why should I limit it to just us? They’re doing the same thing to black people. And Hispanic people. And frankly, they’re doing the same thing to everybody in one way or another.
“But it’s really the minorities in America who don’t feel like we have a choice. That’s what they keep telling us over and over: ‘You’re not safe on the right. They don’t want you on the right. They hate you on the right. You’re only safe with us. We are here to protect you.’
“Meanwhile, are you kidding me? You’re here to ‘protect’ me? All you are doing is use my fears to scare the [expletive] out of me—to terrify me and to try to manipulate the way that I vote.”
Libby Albert, one of the WalkAway Facebook group members, said “This is taking off,” citing the snowstorm of thousands of hashtags on Twitter. “It’s kind of incredible.”
Said another: “It’s kind of incredible. It’s OK. Walk away.”

Reuters Poll: Young White Americans Flee Democrat Party in Droves Since Trump’s Election

Young White American Voters
Evan Vucci/AP
 Washington, D.C.6,708

Young white Americans are fleeing the Democrat Party en masse following the election of President Donald Trump in 2016, a new poll reveals.

The latest Reuters/Ipsos Poll surveyed more than 16,000 registered voters between the ages 18 to 34 over the course of the last three months of 2018. This same poll was conducted in 2016 around the same time period.
Young white Americans, in 2016, favored Democrats over Republicans in 2016 by a 47 to 33 percent margin. Since Trump’s election — and his booming economy which has secured high-paying jobs and record job opportunities — young white Americans’ favoritism for Democrats has disappeared.
Today, 39 percent of young white Americans say they favor Republicans, while another 39 percent of young white Americans say they favor Democrats.

Reuters/Ipsos Poll
Overall, the poll revealed that Democrats are losing young Americans in general. For example, before Trump’s election, 55 percent of young Americans said they favored Democrats over Republicans. Today, that margin is down to only 46 percent of young Americans who are still loyal to Democrats.
Key to Trump’s election was the issue of mass illegal and legal immigration, wherein the United States admits more than 1.5 million immigrants every year. As Breitbart Newsreported, a majority of white Americans say immigration to the U.S. has made life in America “worse.”
The Reuters poll also comes as the Democratic Party is increasingly built on a platform of open borders in the hopes of diversifying the American electorate to dramatically change the direction of the country.
Overall, the U.S. is on track to bring in about 15 million new foreign born voters in the next 20 years, as the country continues admitting more than one million legal immigrants every year, as Breitbart News noted. This booming foreign born population is likely to handelectoral dominance over to Democrats.
John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Follow him on Twitter at @JxhnBinder


THE DEMOCRAT PARTY’S HISPANICAZATION of AMERICA… first ease millions of illegals over our borders and into our voting booths!

 How the Democrat party surrendered America to Mexico:

“The watchdogs at Judicial Watch discovered documents that reveal how the Obama administration's close coordination with the Mexican government entices Mexicans to hop over the fence and on to the American dole.”  Washington Times

"This is country belongs to Mexico" is said by the Mexican Militant. This is a common teaching that the U.S. is really AZTLAN, belonging to Mexicans, which is taught to Mexican kids in Arizona and California through a LA Raza educational program funded by American Tax Payers via President Obama, when he gave LA RAZA $800,000.00 in March of 2009!

The “zero tolerance” program was dismantled by Attorney General Erc Holder once it had successfully cut the transit of migrants by roughly 95 percent. Initially, officials made 140,000 arrests per year in the mid-2000s, but the northward flow dropped so much that officials only had to make 6,000 arrests in 2013, according to a 2014 letter by two pro-migration Senators, Sen. Jeff Flake and John McCain.

The cost of the Dream Act is far bigger than the Democrats or their media allies admit. Instead of covering 690,000 younger illegals now enrolled in former President Barack Obama’s 2012 “DACA” amnesty, the Dream Act would legalize at least 3.3 million illegals, according to a pro-immigration group, the Migration Policy Institute.”


“The watchdogs at Judicial Watch discovered documents that reveal how the Obama administration's close coordination with the Mexican government entices Mexicans to hop over the fence and on to the American dole.”  Washington Times

The “zero tolerance” program was dismantled by Attorney General Erc Holder once it had successfully cut the transit of migrants by roughly 95 percent. Initially, officials made 140,000 arrests per year in the mid-2000s, but the northward flow dropped so much that officials only had to make 6,000 arrests in 2013, according to a 2014 letter by two pro-migration Senators, Sen. Jeff Flake and John McCain.



“The watchdogs at Judicial Watch discovered documents that reveal how the Obama administration's close coordination with the Mexican government entices Mexicans to hop over the fence and on to the American dole.”  Washington Times

Obama Funds the Mexican Fascist Party of LA RAZA “The Race”… now calling itself UNIDOSus.

"This is country belongs to Mexico" is said by the Mexican Militant. This is a common teaching that the U.S. is really AZTLAN, belonging to Mexicans, which is taught to Mexican kids in Arizona and California through a LA Raza educational program funded by American Tax Payers via President Obama, when he gave LA RAZA $800,000.00 in March of 2009!

Previous generations of immigrants did not believe they were racially superior to Americans. That is the view of La Raza Cosmica, by Jose Vasconcelos, Mexico’s former education minister and a presidential candidate. According to this book, republished in 1979 by the Department of Chicano Studies at Cal State LA, students of Scandinavian, Dutch and English background are dullards, blacks are ugly and inferior, and those “Mongols” with the slanted eyes lack enterprise. The superior new “cosmic” race of Spaniards and Indians is replacing them, and all Yankee “Anglos.” LLOYD BILLINGSLEY/ FRONTPAGE mag


The “zero tolerance” program was dismantled by Attorney General Erc Holder once it had successfully cut the transit of migrants by roughly 95 percent. Initially, officials made 140,000 arrests per year in the mid-2000s, but the northward flow dropped so much that officials only had to make 6,000 arrests in 2013, according to a 2014 letter by two pro-migration Senators, Sen. Jeff Flake and John McCain.

Jose Angel Gutierrez, professor, University of Texas, Arlington and founder of La Raza Unida political party screams at rallies: "We have an aging white America. They are d ying. They are s hitting in their pants with fear! I love it! We have got to eliminate the g ringo, and what I mean by that is if the worst comes to the worst, we have got to k  ill him!"

Previous generations of immigrants did not believe they were racially superior to Americans. That is the view of La Raza Cosmica, by Jose Vasconcelos, Mexico’s former education minister and a presidential candidate. According to this book, republished in 1979 by the Department of Chicano Studies at Cal State LA, students of Scandinavian, Dutch and English background are dullards, blacks are ugly and inferior, and those “Mongols” with the slanted eyes lack enterprise. The superior new “cosmic” race of Spaniards and Indians is replacing them, and all Yankee “Anglos.” LLOYD BILLINGSLEY/ FRONTPAGE mag

Illegal Immigrants, Palestinian Refugees, and Their Liberal Cheerleaders: The Startling Similarities

The Democrat, left-wing media, and progressive activists’ current freak-out over what is at least a decade-long crisis on our southern border is not just hypocritical.  Yes, these same individuals taking to the streets in ugly mobs and threatening Trump administration officials and their families were silent when children entering the country illegally were detained under Obama.  In fact, in 2014, after visiting a detention center housing migrant children, Nancy Pelosi asserted that the issue should not be politicized, clearly fearing the poor optics.
But the progressive reaction to the migrant issue reflects much more than liberal hypocrisy.  It mirrors the liberal response to, and furthering of, inflammatory and intentionally misleading narratives regarding Palestinian refugees.  Both crises represent the politicization of cultural and ethnic tragedies that seek to blame a strong horse for the wrongs of the true perpetrators of crimes against humanity. And both crises serve as winning strategies for leftist political operatives seeking absolute power.
via Wikimedia Commons
via Flickr
Palestinians are portrayed as victims of an all-powerful government infringing on their human rights, notwithstanding their culpability and that of their “elected” leaders. Similarly, Democrats are using illegal immigrants as tools to demonize Republicans, intentionally fueling their ongoing war against conservatives with the specific goal of influencing the midterm elections. 
Arab governments have exploited Palestinians for decades in their never-ending quest to annihilate Israel.  That conflict could have ended decades ago, yet Palestinian representatives declined Israel’s numerous offers of a peaceful two-state solution.  Democrats similarly purposely avoided numerous opportunities for immigration reform including when they controlled both houses of Congress and the White House under Obama. 
Instead, Democrats nationalized one-sixth of the U.S. economy via Obamacare, while illegal immigrant children languished in prison-like camps.  They opted to “ink” a horrific agreement with Iran allowing that terrorist-sponsoring tyrannical regime to develop nuclear weapons while turning a blind eye to our porous border that permits the infiltration of Islamic terrorists and MS-13 gang members.
How to explain this irrationality?  Aside from political motivations, there are enormous economic benefits to using unwitting victims in both of these dishonest games. 
Since its formation in 1949, the United Nations Relief Works Agency (UNRWA), mandated with providing humanitarian aid to Palestinian refugees, has grown into a bureaucratic monstrosity that sucks money from donor nations to feed its 35,000 mostly Palestinian employees.  It supports Palestinian terrorism through coordination with Hamas, indoctrinates Palestinian children to commit jihad against Jews, and allows its facilities to serve as weapons depots.  But hey, tens of thousands of Arabs are employed because of it – so there’s that.
Palestinians are the only refugees with their own UN agency. That agency is the only refugee organization that does not work for integration, resettlement and assimilation of its refugees into host countries.  Furthermore, UNRWA permits descendants of refugees to inherit the refugee status, resulting in the number of refugees under its mandate and control increasing from 750,000 in 1950 to over 5,000,000 today.  With an annual budget exceeding $1.2 billion, this is what we call big business. 
Our own government is now feeding a similar conglomerate in states across the country.  Southwest Key Inc., a Texas not-for-profit, received half a billion dollars this year to house migrant children.  It has received $1.5 billion over the past decade for the “Unaccompanied Alien Children Program.” The CEO of Southwest earned almost $1.5 million in total compensation in 2016 while his wife earned almost $300,000 as its VP in 2015. This is how government bureaucracies form and welfare programs are established. Genies are not easily forced back into their bottles.
Bleeding hearts bemoan the migrant children, ignore their crimes and accompanying health issues, and champion the facilities in which the children are housed.  In Westchester County, the feds have set up migrant housing in which most Americans could only dream of living.  Gyms replete with weight rooms and indoor swimming pools, cell phones, medical care, and top-notch education are some of the amenities. 
Both of these crises are portrayed as atrocities with no end. Liberals perpetuate the narratives. Just as many Latin American countries do not wish to rectify their economic, social, and political calamities leaving citizens few choices but to attempt an escape, Arab countries and Palestinian leaders do not wish to address the struggles facing Palestinians.
Deported illegals return again and again until finally jailed for serious crimes; liberals form sanctuary cities to protect them.  Palestinian refugees seek a right of return while blowing up buses and restaurants; the UN passes resolutions condemning the Jews. Trump suggests building a wall; he is labeled a tyrant. Netanyahu builds a fence; he is accused of running an apartheid state. Both leaders strive to protect their citizens. Liberals wish to perpetuate victim classes as a means to attain power.
While there are hopes that the U.S. will defund UNRWA, European nations would surely make up the loss.  Similarly, if the government were to cut funding for immigrant welfare programs, liberals would fill the void. For instance, theRefugee and Immigrant Center for Education and Legal Services received $18 million in contributions from a Facebook campaign. The group plans to use the money “to staff up — hiring many more attorneys, social workers and legal assistants.”
Sounds a lot like the way UNRWA expanded.  Liberals feed the beast without any attempt to slay the dragon. 
The media and fake news also help inflame the public which keeps the money flowing and the issues front and center while continuing the demonization of both Israel and Republicans.   Pallywood has found great success as Arabs effectively feed a false narrative to a complicit media influencing public opinion.  The terrorists’ effectiveness in using #fakenews to portray the Palestinians as victims of unwarranted, “disproportionate” Israeli aggression is due in large part to liberals who care more about appeasing their own sense of fairness than they do about the truth.  The duplicitous media faithfully regurgitate the lies fed to them by the terrorists. 
Likewise, news outlets across the country consistently run photos and stories that fit their bleeding-heart, false narratives.  Time Magazine’s recent cover photo exemplifies the media’s deviousness as AT’s Rick Moran explains:
They called it a "photo illustration." But the montage was not marked as such, leading anyone who saw the cover to think that Trump was there and the little girl was crying because her mother was taken away by heartless ICE agents. "Photo illustrations" are reminiscent of propaganda tactics used by Joseph Goebbels. The Nazi propaganda whiz would marry two images - a Jew and a rat, for example - to impart an unmistakable message.
That too, was fake but accurate according to Nazi doctrine.
Which leads to another similarity between the two issues – the ludicrous use of Hitler and Nazi comparisons. Both Palestinians and their supporters and Democrats and leftists love comparing Netanyahu and Trump to Hitler, Israeli Jews and Republicans to Nazis.  This is not only immoral; it cheapens the memory of those who died in the Holocaust and WWII.  There is no sense of truth or decency for the extremists pushing these vile agendas.
I recently met a co-founder of Center Left Radio, which bills itself as “the progressive voice of hope, politics and jazz,” an internet station that is intended to appeal “to listeners’ hearts and minds.” We discussed the immigrant crisis and, when I shared with him that many of the heart-wrenching photos in the news were actually taken in 2014 under Obama, he would have none of it.  It did not fit his narrative; his listeners’ minds, just as his own, could not grasp the reality. 
It is disheartening that so many in the West cannot handle the truth.  When Trump asks why everyone screaming about the poor immigrant children ignores the children murdered by MS-13 gang members, liberals have no response.  When the UN, Arab nations, and Western progressives single out Israel for demonization while ignoring the untold numbers of innocent Israeli civilians murdered in terrorist attacks, they fail to recognize this as blatant anti-Semitism.  Unlike his predecessor, who never found an issue unworthy of an executive order (except this one), Trump signs an executive order halting the separation of children from parents and Democrats continue demonizing him while calling for the abolition of ICE. Netanyahu makes overtures for peace including halting settlement construction and Western media’s use of Pallywood propaganda continues its vilification of him. 
The Palestinians have their Nakba; the Democrats have their Resistance. For the Palestinians, 1967 was the beginning of a tale that they have successfully spun, a welfare state in the form of UNRWA that indirectly funds their terrorism, and an excuse to commit jihad on the Jewish people.  Palestinian leaders, with the help of UNRWA textbooks and educators, incite violence daily in the name of the Nakba.
For Democrats and leftists, 2016 was a death knell and an excuse to call for violence, uncivil disobedience, impeachment, and the usurpation of the laws of our Constitutional democracy.  Obama and his minions are leading the charge in the Resistance that is tearing our country apart.
For both, innocent people are used as pawns in order to further dangerous agendas intended to keep the bad guys in power.

Should We Invade Mexico?


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