Saturday, November 10, 2018



Congressional Democrats are apparently fine with catch-and-release policies because they see the likely electoral benefits. According to Customs and Border Protection (CPB), of the 94,285 Central American family units apprehended last year, 99 percent of them remain in the country today. CPB also reports that 98 percent of the 31,754 unaccompanied minors from the Northern Triangle of Central America remain in the country. CAL THOMAS

10 Questions About the Compatibility of Islam with America

Wikipedia defines Islamophobia as the fear, hatred of or prejudice against the Islamic religion or Muslims, especially when seen as a geopolitical force or the source of terrorism. Yes, many people around the globe who identify with Islam are good, hard working, loving people. But that’s a separate issue from Islam itself.  Here are 10 questions about the compatibility of Islam in America. Depending on your answers, does that make you an Islamophobe?
10) Are Islam and Sharia Law compatible with American culture? The generally accepted values of modern America stress a wide range of freedoms involving speech, sexuality and life styles as well as equal rights for women, minorities and a long list of others.  None of thisfits with the program of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) that affirmed Sharia law as supreme, with the death penalty for those leaving Islam, punishing women who are victims of rape, allowing men to be polygamous, permitting wife beating and censoring speech that insults Islam.
9) Does Islam threaten to destroy our system of law and our Constitution? Islam is not merely a religion. It is an entire societal and quasi-governmental structure with its own legal edifice called Sharia. The holy Qu’ran calls for subjugation of infidels or non-believers, if necessary, through armed jihad. Dr. Irwin Lutzer in his book “The Cross in the Shadow of the Crescent,” describes a Muslim demonstrator in Dearborn, Michigan, holding a sign stating: “We will use the freedoms of the Constitution to destroy the Constitution!” That’s the game plan. You see, Sharia law is in direct conflict with the Bill or Rights. The First Amendment, for instance, states Congress shall make no law prohibiting the “free exercise” of religion. Yet Mohammad said, “Whoever changes his Islamic religion, kill him. Those who reject Islam must be killed.” Islamic law enforces dhimmi status on non-Muslims, prohibiting them from observing their religious practices publicly, raising their voices during prayer, ringing church bells or saying anything considered “insulting to Islam.” Islamic law relegates non-Muslims to “dhimmi” status, where they are forbidden to propagate their customs among Muslims and cannot display a cross, Christmas decorations or the Star of David. There’s a lot more, but you get the idea.
8) Are Islam and Sharia Law tolerant of other religions?   Tolerance is a fundamental American value. That is the polar opposite of Islam. When Muslims are not in a position of authority, they naturally call for tolerance and cooperation. But one only has to look at Muslim societies to understand how far that goes. How many Christian churches are there in Saudi Arabia? Zero. Non-Muslims (infidels) are not permitted to visit Mecca? Christians are routinely attacked or murdered in Pakistan. More than 600 Christians have been arbitrarily arrested and detained in Iran in the past year.  Iranian authorities routinely raid church services, threaten church members and arrest and imprison worshipers and church leaders, particularly Evangelical Christian converts. Christian church leaders have been explicitly been targeted by the Iranian authorities charged with ‘unfounded national-security-related crimes.’ 
7) “When Muslims claim Islam is a religion of peace and love, are they lying to the non-Muslim world?”  Ask Hicham Nostik, a former Muslim who now lives in Germany. He understands the prophet Muhammad’s famous quote, 'War is deceit.'  Lying is permitted to deceive an "enemy."  The Qu’ran defines the 'enemy' as "disbelievers."  There is no way to cover up the meaning of that.    In fact, apostates who leave Islam are subject to the death penalty. Apostasy is a crime in 16 out 49 Muslim majority countries; in other Muslim nations such as Morocco, apostasy is not legal but proselytizing towards Muslims is illegal. It is subject in some countries, such as Iran and Saudi Arabia, to the death penalty.
6) Has there ever been a period in history fully characterized by peaceful co-existence between Muslims and non-Muslims?  Apparently not, based on details in Robert Spencer’s new book, ‘The History of Jihad from Muhammad to ISIS” as well as Raymond Ibrahim’s Sword and Scimitar: Fourteen centuries of war between Islam and the West,” Pamela Geller’s Stop the Islamization of America: A Practical Guide to the Resistance” and similar books written by Jamie Glazov, David Horowitz, Brigitte Gabriel and Amil Imani. 
5) Is Islam in the process of swallowing Europe? If any more proof of the danger of Islam to our society and culture is needed, look no further than the downward spiral of Europe. Growing problems caused by Muslims in France, Italy, Belgium, Holland, Germany, Sweden and Britain continue to be well documented. The Muslim takeover of Britain is so far along I fear only a bloody civil war could reverse the tide. Douglas Murray has spelled this out in detail in his bookThe Strange Death of Europe. After 25 years of intense Muslim immigration, Islam features 3,000 mosques, 130 Sharia courts, 50 Muslim Sharia Councils and dozens of ‘no go zones’ where Moslem ‘Sharia’ patrols ensure no one disobeys Sharia Law. Britain has recently released from prison Anjem Choudary, described as the most dangerous Islamic preacher in the UK. Among other pronouncements, he says, “When Sharia law is implemented, maybe in 10 or 15 years’ time, (the Queen] would be expected like all women in Britain to be covered from head to toe, only revealing her face and hands.” Or how about this? “There will be no more pubs, no more gambling houses, no more national lottery. All women would have to be covered up appropriately and wear the niqab or veil and so there will be no prostitution. By 2050, Britain will be a majority Muslim country if demographic trends continue. It will be the end of freedom of democracy and submission to God. We don’t believe in democracy, as soon as they have authority, Muslims should implement Sharia. This is what we’re trying to teach people.” Is there anything about this you don’t understand? Could we get any Muslim leaders to denounce this? The Brits are afraid to.
4) Will Muslim immigrants assimilate? In 1991, James Walsh, former Associate General Counsel of the United States Immigration and Naturalization Service said,
“Immigrants devoted to their own cultures and religions are not influenced by the secular politically correct façade that dominates academia, news-media, entertainment, education, religious and political thinking today. They claim the right not to assimilate . . . Such immigrants say their traditions trump the U.S. legal system.” 
But please, let the Muslims speak for themselves.  Linda Sarsour, a leading Muslim activist, told the North American Islamic Society last year,
“I hope that when we stand up to those who oppress our community struggling against tyrants and rulers that Allah will accept this as a form of jihad not only in the Middle East but here against the fascists, white supremacists and Islamophobes here and reigning in the White House.  Our top priority is to protect and defend our community and not to assimilate and please any other people or authority. Our top priority is to please Allah and only Allah.”
3) What is the record of radical Islamic killings since 9/11? The Religion of Peace website counts 34,034 Islamic terrorist attacks worldwide since September 11, 2001. Mosques financed by Saudi Arabia and Iran are primary sources of Jihadist activity. Israel has foiled at least 40 ISIS attacks in Western countries in just the last three years. Since 9/11, an additional 158 Americans have been killed in 53 separate acts of deadly Islamic terror or Islam-related honor killing in the United States.  Hundreds of mass murder plots have been thwarted or botched.  Between 5 - 25% of Muslims in America believe that violence in defense of Islam is justified.
2) Can there ever be a Muslim Martin Luther? Can Islam be reformed? A titular reform Islam movement in the US led by Zuhdi Jasser, a second-generation Syrian doctor who practices in Phoenix, says yes. But others do not believe that Islam is reformable.  Muslims have attempted to reform Islam for 1400 years and have always failed.  In Indonesia last month, a rally to promote moderate Islam was cancelled after threats of violence from hardliners. Leaders of such movements have been beheaded for apostasy. Jihad and Sharia are foundational principles of Islam. No mincing of words will change that. Lying, deception and terror as basic Islamic tools to maintain control provide a platform no reformer could possibly build on.
1) Does Islam belong in America? The companion question is, are Americans willing to take steps to neutralize the threat of Islam? In its current form, with the explicit goal of a global caliphate under Sharia, Islam must be regarded as an existential threat. Specific ways are needed to deal with an ideology that openly seeks to destroy Western Civilization. What could be done to deal with this threat? Before it is too late, consider these steps:
• Our political leaders should openly acknowledge the threat of traditional Islam to a pluralistic democracy and insist that Islamic institutions formally and in practice reject violent jihad as a condition for tax exempt status.
• Our schools should teach the violent history and core beliefs of Islam including the strict rules and requirements of Sharia law while contrasting that with the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
• Muslim leaders who preach violence should be aggressively prosecuted for incitement.
• Congress should pass laws outlawing foreign financing of mosques or at a minimum require full reciprocity with Muslim countries granting complete religious freedom for Christian, Jewish or other groups to establish houses of worship and to openly proselytize their faiths.
•Conspiracy and accessory before- and after-the-fact laws targeting anyone, including family members of terrorists, failing to report illegal activities of which they had knowledge should be strictly enforced.   We can’t afford for America to become another Muslim-dominated nation.
Frank Hawkins is a former U.S. Army intelligence officer, Associated Press foreign correspondent, international businessman, senior newspaper company executive, founder and owner of several marketing companies and published novelist.  He currently lives in retirement in North Carolina.

Mass Migration: Majority of Germans Feel Like ‘Stranger in Their Own Country’

Andreas Gebert/Getty Images

A majority of Germans say the level of mass migration has left them feeling “like a stranger in their own country”, according to a new study.

Presented as part of this year’s Leipzig University research into “authoritarian” attitudes in the country, the figure showed a rise of 12 points since the Competence Center for Right-Wing Extremism and Democracy Research tested Germans on the same questions in 2014, with 56 per cent of Germans expressing the sentiment in 2018.
Other findings from the 328-page study, for which 2,416 Germans were interviewed between May and July this year, were that 44 per cent would support a ban on Muslim immigration — a rise of 7.5 per cent from 2014 — with agreement higher in the nation’s east (51 per cent) than west (42 per cent).
Citing figures which showed that 36 per cent of respondents believe Germany has been “dangerously watered down” by mass migration, researchers at Leipzig warned in a press release: “We are seeing high levels of approval for the attitude that has been considered an ‘entry-level drug’ into right-wing extremism.”

Germany’s international public broadcaster, Deutsche Welle, reported on the study with some alarm, claiming figures showing 60 per cent of respondents agreed that Romani Gypsies were more prone to commit crime — 5 per cent more than in 2014 — and that this signalled rising “hatred” in the German population.
While more than 90 per cent of Germans said they were a fan of democracy, the rise in ‘xenophobic’ attitudes poses a threat to the democratic system, according to the study’s lead author, Oliver Decker.
Asserting that the majority of the public has the concept of democracy all wrong, he said that “only about half of respondents are satisfied with democracy in practice”, pointing to the figure which showed 47 per cent of Germans disapproving of “open society” principles as evidence that, as the broadcaster phrased it, “democracy itself could be threatened by democratically elected politicians”.
“This discrepancy between values is a problem in representative democracy,” according to the Leipzig press release, which noted that the public feels powerless in terms of their ability to exert influence on Germany’s politics.
A study by think tank the Bertelsmann Foundation reported last month showed the so-called political centre in the country was in danger of hollowing out, with fewer voters identifying as centrist while populist attitudes such as the desire for more “sovereignty” rose on both the left and right.

“Through love of having children we're going to take over."  Augustin Cebada, Information Minister of Brown Berets, militant para-military soldiers of Aztlan shouting at U.S. citizens at an Independence Day rally in Los Angeles, 7/4/96
“The children of illegal aliens are commonly known as “anchor babies,” as they anchor their illegal alien and noncitizen parents in the U.S. There are at least 4.5 million anchor babies in the country, a population that exceeds the total number of annual American births.”   JOHN BINDER

“As Breitbart News recently reported, there are more anchor baby births in the Los Angeles, California metro area than the total U.S. births in 14 states and the District of Colombia. Every year, American taxpayers are billed about $2.4 billion to pay for the births of illegal aliens.” JOHN BINDER

‘Unbridled Immigration, Legal and Illegal, Is Taking the Country Down’
“Through love of having children we're going to take over."  Augustin Cebada, Information Minister of Brown Berets, militant para-military soldiers of Aztlan shouting at U.S. citizens at an Independence Day rally in Los Angeles, 7/4/96
This annual income for an impoverished American family is $10,000 less than the more than $34,500 in federal funds which are spent on each unaccompanied minor border crosser.
study by Tom Wong of the University of California at San Diego discovered that more than 25 percent of DACA-enrolled illegal aliens in the program have anchor babies. That totals about 200,000 anchor babies who are the children of DACA-enrolled illegal aliens. This does not include the anchor babies of DACA-qualified illegal aliens. JOHN BINDER

Every Legal is one paycheck and One Hundred Illegals away from homelessness….  a rape, murder or molestation!

"Most Californians, who have seen their taxes increase while public services deteriorate, already know the impact that mass illegal immigration is having on their communities, but even they may be shocked when they learn just how much of a drain illegal immigration has become." FAIR President Dan Stein

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