Friday, February 22, 2019


The fake media in America runs stories like the Jussie Smollett hoax while concealing the thousands of Americans killed each year by illegal aliens due to our open-borders and unenforced immigration laws.

This is allowed to happen because not enough American citizens are informed, organized, or willing to stand up against the invasion.

(Please watch, Like, Comment, and Share this video with more information..

VIDEO: Fake Hate Crimes Site Censored Day Jussie Smollett Hoax Exposed While US Media Conceals War Crimes + Mass Casualties on US Soil

Statement in video "The true magnitude of suffering and crime caused by America's open-borders and unenforced immigration laws at this time is astronomical.. and to be honest with you... it's on the scale of war crimes!" --

William Gheen of during Feb 18, 2019 interview on War Room.

At ALIPAC we are so thankful for each and every one of you who is willing to do your best to become informed, organize with others, and fight to save every Americans job, tax resources, and life we can.

Stand with us and remember that the life you save may be your own.


Ann Coulter: Trump’s Failing. Don’t Ask Me to Lie About it


For decades, voters have been lied to by politicians promising to crack down on immigration. We vote and we vote and we vote, and nothing ever changes. Wage-lowering, culture-destroying policies manage to appear in every bill Congress passes. 

We finally got sick of it and voted for Trump. He promised to build a wall, deport illegal aliens and end the anchor baby scam. No matter how much the establishment screamed at him, he never backed down. 
To call Trump’s promise to build a wall his “central campaign promise” routinizes it. That promise was indispensable to his election in a way that no other president’s campaign promises ever were. 
Trump had none of the qualities voters typically look for in a president. He hadn’t been vice president, a U.S. senator or governor of California. There was little about his character to inspire a nation. 
Trump’s mandate on immigration was the loudest bell ever to be rung in American politics. 
While I admire people’s loyalty to the first presidential candidate to speak honestly about America’s problems, what if they’re being loyal to a false front? 
The bill President Trump signed last Friday is worse than anything Hillary could ever have gotten through Congress. 
To mention the two most shocking examples, the bill prohibits Trump from using any Homeland Security funds to build a wall anywhere along the border. Only bollard fencing is permitted — and even that is allowed in only one small section of the border with the approval of local authorities. 
Inasmuch as the “local authorities” in that particular sector are liberal Democrats and/or beholden to Mexican cartels, the bill Trump just signed effectively prohibits any barrier whatsoever from being built on the border. 
The bill also expressly prohibits the deportation of any illegal aliens who are part of a household, or thinking of becoming part of a household, that contains an “unaccompanied minor” — i.e. any illegal alien who claims to be under 18 years old with no parent in the country.
This is why the bill is being referred to as the Pedophiles-Go-Free Act. 
Trump — and those hoping to be invited to the next White House Christmas party — refers to this as a “deal.” Gen. Custer struck a similar “deal” at Little Bighorn. 
The 3-D chess crowd has heaped obloquy on me for pointing out these facts. He’s doing his best! He’s fighting! No one has ever come under such sustained attack as our president! It’s not his fault! It’s Paul Ryan’s fault! It’s Mitch McConnell’s fault! It’s Robert Mueller’s fault! It’s the media’s fault! 
I have a different yardstick, which is a harsh yardstick, but the only objective one: The only thing I’m interested in is results. 
So far, Trump has spent 25 months not building the wall, capped last Friday by his signing a bill that will make it monumentally more difficult to do so. 
Today, the Hail Mary presidency is down to a Hail Mary pass. Trump has declared a national emergency and stated his intent to use military funds to build the wall. 
This is absolutely the right thing to do. Now that all other opportunities have been egregiously squandered over the past two years, it is, in fact, the only hope left. 
There is an ever so slight cause for concern, however, that the person issuing these orders is Donald J. Trump. 
— Right before the midterm elections, Trump also promised an executive order on anchor babies. As with the wall, we’re still waiting. 
— Trump still hasn’t hired Kris Kobach — probably the only guy in the country who could make the Hail Mary pass work. 
— Since Trump signed the bill, Vice President Pence has re-hired Koch brothers’ shill Marc Short, whose main mission seems to be blocking a wall and passing an amnesty bill — just as the Koch brothers would want. 
— And Jared is readying his big amnesty plan! 
From the looks of things, I’m not worried that Putin has kompromat on Trump. I’m worried that the Koch brothers have kompromat on Trump. 
Trump’s other top advisers just turned away the Angel Moms from the White House. 
The Angel Moms — Americans with children killed by illegal aliens — supported Trump back when his White House staff was calling him a boor, a joke, a fraud. But when these devoted Trump supporters showed up at the White House last week to lobby Trump against the open-borders bill, there was no room at the inn — as the Washington Examiner’s Ryan Girdusky has extensively reported. 
Acting White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney told the Angel Moms to go away, saying Trump wouldn’t sign this wonderful bill if he saw pictures of dead kids. Next, White House advisers Mercedes Schlapp and Kellyanne Conway called a representative of the Angel Moms to scream at the group for planning to protest the bill outside the White House. 
Schlapp’s husband is another Koch brothers alumnus. 
I’d love for the 3-D chess crowd to explain to me how it’s Paul Ryan’s fault that Trump filled up his White House with staffers actively opposed to his agenda and — until he won the nomination –- actively opposed to Trump. 
It’s not as if Trump doesn’t fire people over issues he cares about. Annoyed with the (idiotic) Russia investigation, he’s deep-sixed James Comey, Andrew McCabe and Jeff Sessions. To promote Jared, he’s fired Corey Lewandowski and Steve Bannon. 
The obvious conclusion is that immigration isn’t one of the issues Trump cares about. 
Those are the facts. I know there are people who are tired of hearing it. I’m tired of writing it. But we can’t shrink from uncomfortable truths any more than Trump did in 2016. 



“Our entire crony capitalist system, Democrat and Republican alike, has become a kleptocracy approaching par with third-world hell-holes.  This is the way a great country is raided by its elite.” ---- Karen McQuillan AMERICAN THINKER


It will more likely come on the heels of economic dislocation and dwindling wealth to redistribute.”

 “Our entire crony capitalist system, Democrat and Republican alike, has become a kleptocracy approaching par with third-world hell-holes.  This is the way a great country is raided by its elite.” -- Karen McQuillan  THEAMERICAN

"The kind of people needed for violent change these days are living in off-the-grid rural compounds, or the “gangster paradise” where the businesses of drugs, guns, and prostitution are much more lucrative than “transforming” America along Cuban lines." BRUCE THORNTON

There can be no resolution to any social problem confronting the population in the United States and internationally outside of a frontal assault on the wealth of the financial elite. 

 The political system is controlled by this social layer, which uses a portion of its economic plunder to bribe politicians and government officials, whether Democratic or Republican.

Why do all global billionaires want wider open  borders, amnesty and no E-VERIFY?
The American middle class gets the tax bills for Wall Street’s crimes and bottomeless bailouts!

Wealth concentration increases in US.

The latest research on wealth inequality by University of California economics professor Gabriel Zucman underscores one of the key social and economic trends since the global financial crisis of 2008. Those at the very top of society, who benefited directly from the orgy of speculation that led to the crash, have seen their wealth accumulate at an even faster rate, while the mass of the population has suffered a major decline.

The past 40 years have seen the consolidation of a plutocratic elite, which has subordinated every aspect of American society to a single goal: amassing ever more colossal amounts of personal wealth. The top one percent have captured all of the increase in national income over the past two decades, and all of the increase in national wealth since the 2008 crash.

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