Friday, December 6, 2019

PERV RANDY ANDY WINDSOR AND THE DOLE SUCKING ROYALS - HERE'S WHY THEY ALL MUST GO - "Prince Andrew 'was particularly fond of four-handed massages where two women work on you at the same time' says ex-girlfriend who also reveals how models sat in his lap at art dealer's dinner party"



And we can be sure that this come­down won’t hum­ble him. A man who has spent his en­tire life shout­ing at ser­vants and con­sort­ing with sheikhs, oli­garchs, and other sleazy char­ac­ters is un­likely to sud­denly “cease to be­have like an apex git.”


United King­dom: Prince An­drew to be hid­den away

The queen’s fa­vorite son is now barred from public du­ties.

Prince An­drew has been, to use a new verb, “de-royaled,” said Jamie Doward in The Ob­server. The queen’s sec­ond son was barred from all public du­ties last week fol­low­ing his car-crash in­ter­view with the BBC, in which he at­tempted to de­fend his friend­ship with con­victed sex of­fender Jef­frey Ep­stein. Re­veal­ing him­self to be “ar­ro­gant, aloof, and slow-witted,” the 59-year-old prince ex­pressed zero sym­pa­thy for the un­der­age girls Ep­stein kept as sex toys. An­drew claimed lamely that he had no rec­ol­lec­tion of Vir­ginia Roberts Gi­uf­fre, the Amer­i­can who says she was pimped out to the prince at age 17. And he had no good ex­pla­na­tion for the four days he spent par­ty­ing at the fi­nancier’s Man­hat­tan home in 2010, two years af­ter Ep­stein was con­victed of so­lic­it­ing a mi­nor for pros­ti­tu­tion. As soon as the in­ter­view aired, char­i­ties and busi­nesses be­gan racing to sever their ties with the prince. An overnight pariah, An­drew has now been stripped of all royal du­ties. His per­sonal royal flag no longer flies above the pala­tial home in Wind­sor Great Park, and the queen has even can­celed the big 60th birth­day bash she was to hold for him next Fe­bru­ary.
Prince An­drew has been, to use a new verb, “de-royaled,” said Jamie Doward in The Ob­server. The queen’s sec­ond son was barred from all public du­ties last week fol­low­ing his car-crash in­ter­view with the BBC, in which he at­tempted to de­fend his friend­ship with con­victed sex of­fender Jef­frey Ep­stein. Re­veal­ing him­self to be “ar­ro­gant, aloof, and slow-witted,” the 59-year-old prince ex­pressed zero sym­pa­thy for the un­der­age girls Ep­stein kept as sex toys. An­drew claimed lamely that he had no rec­ol­lec­tion of Vir­ginia Roberts Gi­uf­fre, the Amer­i­can who says she was pimped out to the prince at age 17. And he had no good ex­pla­na­tion for the four days he spent par­ty­ing at the fi­nancier’s Man­hat­tan home in 2010, two years af­ter Ep­stein was con­victed of so­lic­it­ing a mi­nor for pros­ti­tu­tion. As soon as the in­ter­view aired, char­i­ties and busi­nesses be­gan racing to sever their ties with the prince. An overnight pariah, An­drew has now been stripped of all royal du­ties. His per­sonal royal flag no longer flies above the pala­tial home in Wind­sor Great Park, and the queen has even can­celed the big 60th birth­day bash she was to hold for him next Fe­bru­ary.
It was Prince Charles, An­drew’s older brother, who or­dered this ban­ish­ment, said Si­mon Hef­fer in The Daily Tele­graph.
The Prince of Wales, 71, is pre­par­ing to take over from Queen El­iz­a­beth II, 93, and he knows the suc­ces­sion will be a “mo­ment of great vul­ner­a­bil­ity for the monar­chy.” The palace wants the whole na­tion to “pull to­gether be­hind the new king,” but An­drew’s mis­judg­ments have put the en­ter­prise at risk. Alarm bells went off at Buck­ing­ham Palace last week when, dur­ing a tele­vised lead­er­ship de­bate ahead of the Dec. 12 gen­eral elec­tion, a ques­tioner asked if the House of Wind­sor was still “fit for pur­pose.” Charles, who was in New Zealand, quickly phoned his mother and in­sisted her re­puted fa­vorite child be drummed out for the good of the Crown. “The queen agreed.”
The Prince of Wales, 71, is pre­par­ing to take over from Queen El­iz­a­beth II, 93, and he knows the suc­ces­sion will be a “mo­ment of great vul­ner­a­bil­ity for the monar­chy.” The palace wants the whole na­tion to “pull to­gether be­hind the new king,” but An­drew’s mis­judg­ments have put the en­ter­prise at risk. Alarm bells went off at Buck­ing­ham Palace last week when, dur­ing a tele­vised lead­er­ship de­bate ahead of the Dec. 12 gen­eral elec­tion, a ques­tioner asked if the House of Wind­sor was still “fit for pur­pose.” Charles, who was in New Zealand, quickly phoned his mother and in­sisted her re­puted fa­vorite child be drummed out for the good of the Crown. “The queen agreed.”
The Prince of Wales, 71, is pre­par­ing to take over from Queen El­iz­a­beth II, 93, and he knows the suc­ces­sion will be a “mo­ment of great vul­ner­a­bil­ity for the monar­chy.” The palace wants the whole na­tion to “pull to­gether be­hind the new king,” but An­drew’s mis­judg­ments have put the en­ter­prise at risk. Alarm bells went off at Buck­ing­ham Palace last week when, dur­ing a tele­vised lead­er­ship de­bate ahead of the Dec. 12 gen­eral elec­tion, a ques­tioner asked if the House of Wind­sor was still “fit for pur­pose.” Charles, who was in New Zealand, quickly phoned his mother and in­sisted her re­puted fa­vorite child be drummed out for the good of the Crown. “The queen agreed.”
Let’s not call this a pun­ish­ment, said Camilla Long in The Times. An­drew has been re­lieved of the most te­dious as­pects of royal life—“no more open­ing hos­pi­tals or tour­ing den­ture fac­to­ries”—and will con­tinue be­ing pam­pered at Mummy’s ex­pense. And we can be sure that this come­down won’t hum­ble him. A man who has spent his en­tire life shout­ing at ser­vants and con­sort­ing with sheikhs, oli­garchs, and other sleazy char­ac­ters is un­likely to sud­denly “cease to be­have like an apex git.” That’s why the royal fam­ily has to be re­struc­tured, said Gaby Hinsliff in The Guardian. Prince Charles is said to fa­vor “a slimmed-down fu­ture monar­chy, fo­cused on him­self, his wife, and his sons.” What ex­actly will hap­pen to the dozens of mi­nor roy­als isn’t clear—it’s dif­fi­cult to see An­drew “suc­ceed­ing in the work­ing world strictly on his own mer­its.” Yet some­thing has to change for this tar­nished in­sti­tu­tion to sur­vive. “If the monar­chy can­not put its house in or­der, it should not be sur­prised if the na­tion ul­ti­mately seeks to do it for them.”
Let’s not call this a pun­ish­ment, said Camilla Long in The Times. An­drew has been re­lieved of the most te­dious as­pects of royal life—“no more open­ing hos­pi­tals or tour­ing den­ture fac­to­ries”—and will con­tinue be­ing pam­pered at Mummy’s ex­pense. And we can be sure that this come­down won’t hum­ble him. A man who has spent his en­tire life shout­ing at ser­vants and con­sort­ing with sheikhs, oli­garchs, and other sleazy char­ac­ters is un­likely to sud­denly “cease to be­have like an apex git.” That’s why the royal fam­ily has to be re­struc­tured, said Gaby Hinsliff in The Guardian. Prince Charles is said to fa­vor “a slimmed-down fu­ture monar­chy, fo­cused on him­self, his wife, and his sons.” What ex­actly will hap­pen to the dozens of mi­nor roy­als isn’t clear—it’s dif­fi­cult to see An­drew “suc­ceed­ing in the work­ing world strictly on his own mer­its.” Yet some­thing has to change for this tar­nished in­sti­tu­tion to sur­vive. “If the monar­chy can­not put its house in or­der, it should not be sur­prised if the na­tion ul­ti­mately seeks to do it for them.”
Let’s not call this a pun­ish­ment, said Camilla Long in The Times. An­drew has been re­lieved of the most te­dious as­pects of royal life—“no more open­ing hos­pi­tals or tour­ing den­ture fac­to­ries”—and will con­tinue be­ing pam­pered at Mummy’s ex­pense. And we can be sure that this come­down won’t hum­ble him. A man who has spent his en­tire life shout­ing at ser­vants and con­sort­ing with sheikhs, oli­garchs, and other sleazy char­ac­ters is un­likely to sud­denly “cease to be­have like an apex git.” That’s why the royal fam­ily has to be re­struc­tured, said Gaby Hinsliff in The Guardian. Prince Charles is said to fa­vor “a slimmed-down fu­ture monar­chy, fo­cused on him­self, his wife, and his sons.” What ex­actly will hap­pen to the dozens of mi­nor roy­als isn’t clear—it’s dif­fi­cult to see An­drew “suc­ceed­ing in the work­ing world strictly on his own mer­its.” Yet some­thing has to change for this tar­nished in­sti­tu­tion to sur­vive. “If the monar­chy can­not put its house in or­der, it should not be sur­prised if the na­tion ul­ti­mately seeks to do it for them.”
Let’s not call this a pun­ish­ment, said Camilla Long in The Times. An­drew has been re­lieved of the most te­dious as­pects of royal life—“no more open­ing hos­pi­tals or tour­ing den­ture fac­to­ries”—and will con­tinue be­ing pam­pered at Mummy’s ex­pense. And we can be sure that this come­down won’t hum­ble him. A man who has spent his en­tire life shout­ing at ser­vants and con­sort­ing with sheikhs, oli­garchs, and other sleazy char­ac­ters is un­likely to sud­denly “cease to be­have like an apex git.” That’s why the royal fam­ily has to be re­struc­tured, said Gaby Hinsliff in The Guardian. Prince Charles is said to fa­vor “a slimmed-down fu­ture monar­chy, fo­cused on him­self, his wife, and his sons.” What ex­actly will hap­pen to the dozens of mi­nor roy­als isn’t clear—it’s dif­fi­cult to see An­drew “suc­ceed­ing in the work­ing world strictly on his own mer­its.” Yet some­thing has to change for this tar­nished in­sti­tu­tion to sur­vive. “If the monar­chy can­not put its house in or­der, it should not be sur­prised if the na­tion ul­ti­mately seeks to do it for them.”

Prince Andrew 'has kept in constant touch with Jeffrey Epstein 'pimp' Ghislaine Maxwell via phone and email'

·         Source claims the Duke of York, 59, is in regular contact with Maxwell, 57
·         He invited her to Buckingham Palace in June month before Epstein's arrest 
·         Prince told Newsnight they 'did not discuss' convicted paedophile mutual friend 

Prince Andrew has kept in constant contact with billionaire paedophile Jeffrey Epstein's ex-girlfriend Ghislaine Maxwell, it has been claimed today. 
The Duke of York, 59, invited Maxwell, 57, to Buckingham Palace in June, just a month before Epstein was arrested on sex trafficking charges. 
But a source has now claimed the pair have been in touch by phone and email throughout the scandal over the prince's links to the convicted sex offender. 
They claim there is an 'unswerving loyalty' between the pair, who both deny any wrongdoing despite their close relationships with Epstein. 

A source claims Prince Andrew is in 'constant contact' with Ghislaine Maxwell (pictured with him in 2000) amid the ongoing scandal surrounding Jeffrey Epstein  
Ms Maxwell, the 57-year-old daughter of late media tycoon Robert Maxwell, is accused of being Epstein's 'madam' who procured young girls for him to have sex with, a claim she denies  
The source told the Sun: 'They have remained constantly in touch by phone and email. The Duke has an unswerving loyalty to Ghislaine and she is also very loyal to him.
'Ghislaine will do anything to protect the Duke and the feeling is mutual. They both share the same view they have done nothing wrong.'
There is no indication of how the source knows about Andrew and Maxwell's communications. 
In his car crash Newsnight interview Andrew claimed he had not spoken about Epstein when he was last in contact with Maxwell because he 'wasn't in the news'. 
Pictured: Ghislaine Maxwell in 2014 in New York City  
He was arrested and later killed himself in his prison cell while still on sex trafficking charges. 
Andrew and Maxwell, daughter of the late media mogul Robert Maxwell, met each other while she was at university.
The Duke claims he met Epstein through Maxwell, who was in a romantic relationship with him, in 1999. 
She stayed silent after his death but newly released court papers reveal she admits recruiting women to 'massage' Epstein at least once a day. 
The socialite denies procuring young women for Epstein to have sex with. 
There has been mounting pressure on her and Andrew to come clean about their relationships with the paedophile and to assist US authorities in their investigations. 
Andrew's attempts to clear his name with an interview with the BBC backfired to such an extent he was forced to step down from royal duties.  
Maxwell has still not given any interviews but she gave a video statement to a New York court in a libel action brought by Virginia Roberts, who claims to have been Epstein's 'sex slave' and had sex with Prince Andrew three times.
In it she said: 'My job included hiring many people. There were six homes.
'I hired assistants, architects, decorators, cooks, cleaners, gardeners, pool people, pilots. I hired all sorts of people.'
Maxwell (pictured right in 2001) has still not given any interviews but she gave a video statement to a New York court in a libel action brought by Virginia Roberts (aged 17 centre), who claims to have been Epstein's 'sex slave' and had sex with Prince Andrew (left in 2001) three times 
'A very small part of my job was to find adult professional massage therapists for Jeffrey.
'From time to time I would visit professional spas. I would receive a massage and if it was good I would ask them if they did home visits.'
In her evidence, Maxwell admitted knowing Ms Roberts, who is now 36 and goes by her married name Guiffre, was just 17 years old when she began giving massages to Epstein at his mansion in Palm Beach, Florida. 
She also claims to have slept with Andrew, 59, three times, including once in London in 2001 when she was just 17. 
In his disastrous interview he denied ever meeting her and claimed a photo of them together was doctored. 
Ms Guiffre Roberts will give a tell-all interview to BBC Panorama tomorrow night in a programme that will also probe Maxwell's involvement in Epstein's criminal activity.  
Andrew said he would answer questions if asked to do so by the FBI in their investigation of Epstein and his estate. 
A Buckingham Palace spokesman did not wish to comment when approached by MailOnline.   


FBI Expands Probe into Prince Andrew’s Alleged Links to Epstein Sex Scandal

Prince Andrew faces the prospect of being more deeply engulfed in the Jeffrey Epstein scandal as the FBI seek to talk to 100 alleged victims of the late American billionaire.

The U.S. law enforcement agency’s investigation has been expanded to identify more alleged human trafficking victims of Epstein, who could provide information on the Queen’s son, the Sunday Times in London reports.
It has been reported the FBI expects to interview the victims — most of whom were aged between 14 and 15 when allegedly trafficked. This will take place over the next two months and Scotland Yard is ready to help.
Citing unidentified sources from the U.S. Department of Justice, the paper suggests the FBI are looking to “several” potential victims.
The report quotes former head of royal protection at Scotland Yard, Dai Davies, saying a full investigation would be in Prince Andrew’s best interests.
“I would have thought it’s in Prince Andrew’s interests to clear this matter up,” Mr Davies, who headed Prince Andrew’s protection in the late 1990s, told Times.
“Any residue of doubt or innuendo should be cleared up by a clear, unequivocal, structured investigation.”
Scotland Yard had previously held an investigation after one of the women caught up in the scandal, Virginia Giuffre, made allegations against the Duke of York, but that probe was dropped in 2015.
Her allegations, which Andrew strongly denies, were struck from U.S. civil court records in 2015 after a judge said they were “immaterial and impertinent”.
The new pressure comes as claims emerged a whistleblower told French police Prince Andrew was a regular visitor to a $10 million Paris property where Epstein abused young women.
The caretaker of the billionaire’s Paris property, who cannot be named for legal reasons, told the Sun: “I saw Prince Andrew there.”
Prince Andrew has always denied any and all allegations against him as “false” and “without foundation.”
The latest claims come just weeks after it was revealed deceased criminal Jeffrey Epstein attended the 18th birthday of Prince Andrew’s daughter Princess Beatrice just days before he was arrested and brought to face child-prostitution charges in 2006.
The Sun alleges the disgraced Epstein was in the fancy dress crowd at the bash at Windsor Castle with his then-girlfriend and accused accomplice Ghislane Maxwell.
Also claimed to be present was rape-accused movie mogul Harvey Weinstein, who is awaiting trial on two sexual assault charges, along with a host of other Hollywood A-listers including Demi Moore, her then husband Ashton Kutcher, Pixie Geldof, Kelly Osbourne and Sir David Frost.
The Queen was not in attendance.

What's the British royal family going to do about that Epstein problem?

The pedophilia scandal from President Clinton's Lolita Express buddy, Jeffrey Epstein, is like a sort of swamp-monster, dragging down the otherwise impervious elites into the deep.
As we await the news of how many Democrats that might mean, it's pretty obvious that one person caught in the Epstein goo is the British royal family's Prince Andrew.
According to Fox News:
A woman who claims Jeffrey Epstein paid her to have sex with Prince Andrew says in her first TV interview that the Duke of York thanked her after their first sexual encounter.
“He was an abuser. He was a participant,” Virginia Roberts Giuffre says of Andrew in an interview with NBC Dateline set to air Friday night. The interview with Giuffre includes five other Epstein accusers, including three who are speaking publicly for the first time.
Giuffre repeats accusations she has made in court papers that when she was 17 in 2001 she was forced to have sex with Andrew. A photo released by a New York appeals court in August shows Andrew with his arm around Giuffre’s bare waist. Giuffre says it was taken in the apartment of Epstein’s longtime girlfriend Ghislaine Maxwell in 2001.
“The first time in London I was so young,” Giuffre tells Dateline. “Ghislaine woke me up in the morning and said you’re going to meet a prince today."
“I didn’t know at that point I was going to be trafficked to that prince."
“Ghislaine said he’s coming back to the house and I want you do to for him what you do for Epstein,” she says in the interview. “I couldn’t believe it.”
Which is pretty disgusting if true. I've never had anything against Prince Andrew or the U.K. royals in general, but do I believe her? I do.
Which raises the unhappy specter of problems in the British royal family.
If the charges against Andrew are true, it pretty well meant he acted as royals in past centuries did - think Henry VIII - who did whatever they wanted with whoever they wanted, bourgeouis values be damned. 
That might be all right in one of those centuries and probably on the continent or in some Oriental satrapy beyond, but for the British royal family, that's problematic, since the country has evolved into a democracy, with the royals maintained largely as figureheads. The royals now earn their keep with the public by presenting a proudly middle class image, with middle-class values, as a means of identifying with a democratic people, which up until now has worked. They are, of course, the epitome of class.
Andrew's scandal suggests that maybe on the side, out of the limelights, things might just be different. He is a useless guy, after all, probably bored with charity work, and such setups in the middle class parlance, are the devil's workshop. The fact that his accused deeds were done in secret, and that he vehemently denies them rather suggests that the middle class picture was a facade. And he's trying to keep the status quo.
Combine this recrudescent divine right of kings, with additional broken conventions of woke global warming politics coming from Prince Harry and his Hollywood-values wife Duchess Megan, and the royal family has an exposed hypocrisy problem, a number of them acting as rich wastrels while pretending to hold middle class values.
This is not a good look for the royals, whose upkeep is increasingly subject to political debate in the U.K. Most of the British like having the royal family around, but only to have a fine standard for their own middle class values and and to have a standard of classiness. When the standard splits off into king's prerogatives and woke leftwingery, the rationale for keeping them starts to crumble. Which could indeed be a problem for them, and sadly, the deeds have been done.
One can only hope that Queen Elizabeth is strong enough to stage some kind of intervention. What's obvious enough so far is that she's kept herself on the throne for good reason.
Image credit: Photo illustration by Monica Showalter from public domain sources




Jeffrey Epstein 'tried to SUE Sarah Ferguson for calling him a paedophile' as she scrambled to cope with the fallout over £15K gift from ex-husband Prince Andrew's former friend to help clear her debts

·         The Duchess of York was threatened with legal action by Jeffrey Epstein
·         It came after she publicly called him a paedophile it has been claimed
·         She made the statement in an interview after it emerged she had accepted £15,000 from her ex-husband's former friend to help clear a personal debt 
PUBLISHED: 17:12 EDT, 16 September 2019 | UPDATED: 21:20 EDT, 16 September 2019
The Duchess of York was threatened with legal action by disgraced financier Jeffrey Epstein after she publicly called him a paedophile, it has been claimed.
Sarah Ferguson made the statement in a 2011 interview after it emerged she had accepted £15,000 from her ex-husband's former friend to help clear a personal debt.
Epstein had given the money to one of Fergie's assistants at the request of Prince Andrew.
But the payment, which came after Epstein's release from prison over child sex offences, caused a furore when it became public.
Sarah Ferguson (pictured) made the statement in a 2011 interview after it emerged she had accepted £15,000 from her ex-husband's former friend to help clear a personal debt
The duchess subsequently accepted she had made a 'gigantic error of judgement' and offered a 'heartfelt' apology.
Speaking to the Evening Standard she said: 'I deeply regret Jeffrey Epstein became involved in any way with me. I abhor paedophilia and any sexual abuse of children and know that this was a gigantic error of judgment on my behalf.
'I am just so contrite I cannot say. Whenever I can I will repay the money and will have nothing ever to do with Jeffrey Epstein ever again. What he did was wrong and for which he was rightly jailed.'
According to sources, Epstein – clearly in denial about the scale of his crimes – was incensed by her suggestion he was a paedophile.
The billionaire was convicted in 2008 of procuring an under-age girl for prostitution and served 13 months in jail. 

The billionaire (pictured) was convicted in 2008 of procuring an under-age girl for prostitution and served 13 months in jail
He was facing numerous further charges of sex-trafficking earlier this year when he killed himself in his cell in New York.
In 2011 it is understood Epstein hired an unnamed firm of lawyers to sue the duchess, unless she retracted her media statement. 
At the same time he took on the services of crisis management PR firm Sitrick & Co to deal with the scandal over his friendship with Andrew, who was infamously photographed with the shamed billionaire following his release from prison.
The firm, which confirms it provided 'consulting advice and public relations services concerning Epstein's relationship with Prince Andrew', advised him how to handle the media storm.
As a result of the outcry, the Queen's son was forced to publicly apologise and lost his job as a roving UK trade ambassador. In 2014 Sitrick sued Epstein for £65,000 in unpaid fees relating to their services.
In recently re-surfaced court papers, which meticulously chart what the PR firm did on Epstein's behalf, it includes a reference on March 15, 2011 to 'work on statement for Fergie'. Two days later, on March 17, 2011, it adds 'revise suggested statement for Fergie'.
A source close to the duchess said yesterday that the 'for Fergie' reference relates to a statement drafted for Epstein which he was trying to get her to release.
The source added: 'Epstein tried to force the duchess to release a statement retracting her suggestion that he was a paedophile which he had drafted by his PR firm.
'Epstein was very unpleasant and very aggressive. She stuck to her guns despite the pressure being put on her and refused to comply.'
Eventually Epstein halted his threat of legal action.
Virginia Roberts photographed with Prince Andrew and Ghislaine Maxwell in early 2001. Virginia Roberts has accused Andrew of having sexual relations with her when she was under-age, something Buckingham Palace and the prince have strenuously denied
Since his death, which led to all criminal charges being dropped, several of his alleged victims are now suing his estate for damages.
They include Virginia Roberts, who has also accused Andrew of having sexual relations with her when she was under-age, something Buckingham Palace and the prince have strenuously denied.
Andrew has also tried to distance himself from Epstein's activities, saying in a statement last month: 'At no stage during the limited time I spent with him did I see, witness or suspect any behaviour of the sort that subsequently led to (Epstein's) arrest and conviction.'

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Jeffrey Epstein 'tried to SUE Sarah Ferguson for calling him a paedophile'

Is that you, Bill Clinton? New book says Epstein blackmailed politicians

Jeffrey Epstein was a bizarre creep.  Not only was he a pedophile, but he seemed to be drawn to pulling in famous people to his pedophilery, in the interests of blackmail.
A new book lays out how strange it was, stating that Epstein got his entire spy operation from the media empire of the late Robert Maxwell, a sleazy tabloid-media character who was Epstein girlfriend Ghislane Maxwell's father, and who died under mysterious circumstances himself on his yacht, years ago.  Apparently, he was useful to the Mossad for blackmailing politicians, so they all had some kind of relationship, and Epstein, a pedophile, was brought in.  Here's an interesting review with excerpts from Medium:
According to the former spy, the ultimate order to embrace Epstein and involve him in the ongoing arms deals came from "the bosses" at Israeli intelligence headquarters.
"They were agents of the Israeli Intelligence Services," he told James Robertson.
"Later on [Ghislaine] got involved with Israeli intelligence together with him. But not in this arms deal with Iran business," Ben-Menashe also told Zev Shalev, former CBS News executive producer and investigative journalist for the website Narativ.
"These guys were seen as agents. They weren't really competent to do very much. And so they found a niche for themselves — blackmailing American and other political figures."
He told Robertson, "Mr. Epstein was the simple idiot who was going around providing girls to all kinds of politicians in the United States. See, f------ around is not a crime. It could be embarrassing, but it's not a crime. But f------ a fourteen-year-old girl is a crime. And he was taking photos of politicians f------ fourteen-year-old girls — if you want to get it straight. They would just blackmail people, they would just blackmail people like that."
This, if true, tells us two things: that Epstein was able to get away from the long arm of the law due to politics, but he also may have had some nefarious sway over a lot of politicians, what with his tabloid spy ties via House Maxwell and, apparently, the Israeli spy apparat, too.
So imagine a guy like Bubba Clinton strolling into this and indulging his enormous appetites, and not a clue as to the forces circling him.
If even a scintilla of this is what was going on, there may be forces out there with the wherewithal to rub out Epstein in his prison, as well as hold enormous sway over many gullible and immoral Western politicians.
It once again raises questions as to where Bill Clinton was in all this.  He's intersected the Epstein world all too often for something of this nature not to ensnare.  And with a compliant media establishment, he's still getting away with saying nothing was going on.
Image credit: Photo illustration by Monica Showalter from public domain sources.

Prince Andrew 'was particularly fond of four-handed massages where two women work on you at the same time' says ex-girlfriend who also reveals how models sat in his lap at art dealer's dinner party

  • Former friends of Prince Andrew have revealed more about their experiences  
  • An ex-girlfriend of the duke said he particularly enjoyed 'four-handed massages' 
  • While an anonymous friend witnessed 'young models sitting on his lap' at parties
  • The fresh revelations come three weeks after Andrew withdrew from public life after a car-crash interview where he discussed late paedophile Jeffrey Epstein 
Prince Andrew was 'particularly fond' of having two women massaging him at once according to former friends, who revealed how models would sit on his lap at high society dinner parties.
Fresh details of the Duke of York's sleazy behaviour have emerged three weeks after he denied having slept with 17-year-old Virginia Roberts at the Belgravia home of Ghislaine Maxwell - who is accused of trafficking in young women for Jeffrey Epstein.
An anonymous friend of Andrew's, who went to parties with him after his divorce from Sarah Ferguson in 1996, revealed how 'sexy young models' would fling their arms around him and call him 'Andy, Darling'.
An anonymous friend of Andrew's, who went to parties with him after his divorce from Sarah Ferguson in 1996, revealed how 'sexy young models' would fling their arms around him and call him 'Andy, Darling'. He is pictured at a Chinese New Year party the Reform Club on Pall Mall
An anonymous friend of Andrew's, who went to parties with him after his divorce from Sarah Ferguson in 1996, revealed how 'sexy young models' would fling their arms around him and call him 'Andy, Darling'. He is pictured at a Chinese New Year party the Reform Club on Pall Mall
The associate said the Prince's 'sexual appetite' was on full display at one party held in the late 90s - hosted by a British art dealer and his 'exotic foreign wife' - where he would reportedly lie back and allow the models to sit on his lap.
When one stood up another would quickly take her place, the friend told journalist Vassi Chamberlain, for online magazine Airmail.
It comes as statements made in court papers by Roberts in August have resurfaced, claiming Maxwell also had sex with underage girls 'virtually everyday'.
The daughter of media tycoon Robert has previously denied any impropriety.
A stylist named Lucy, who dated him for a short time, revealed how the Duke particularly enjoyed receiving four-handed massages - where two women rubbed their hands over him at once.
Describing her relationship with the prince, the woman said Andrew was: 'Respectful. Sexually, a little keen, but perfectly straightforward.
'There was a bit of chasing around the sofa, but not in an aggressive way,' she said.
Prince Andrew is seen chatting to German supermodel Heidi Klum at a Hookers and Pimps-themed Halloween party held in New York in October 2000
Prince Andrew is seen chatting to German supermodel Heidi Klum at a Hookers and Pimps-themed Halloween party held in New York in October 2000
When one stood up another would quickly take her place, the friend told journalist Vassi Chamberlain (pictured) for online magazine Airmail
When one stood up another would quickly take her place, the friend told journalist Vassi Chamberlain (pictured) for online magazine Airmail
Adding: '[Andrew] said he was particularly fond of four-handed [massages], where two women work on you at the same time,' said Lucy. 
'When mention of a foot massage came up in the [BBC] interview, I immediately thought, Yes, that's him.' 
Despite the behaviour, she insisted that Andrew was 'always gentlemanly' and that there was 'nothing awful or sneaky about him,' except when it came to paying the bill, which he usually avoided. 
'I suggested one evening that we go to the cinema. He said, "great, how many tickets have you bought?" I was slightly taken aback, so I said I would buy two, but he said we would need seven in total to include his security.' 
She also said his attraction to women went far beyond royal circles, with him once associated with a Californian lingerie model who was trying her luck in Hollywood.
Prince Philip reportedly told Andrew (both pictured) to step down after explosive claims made by Virginia Roberts
Prince Philip reportedly told Andrew to step down after explosive claims made by Virginia Roberts (pictured with Andrew)
Prince Philip reportedly told Andrew (both pictured, left) to step down after explosive claims made by Virginia Roberts (right with Andrew)
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The duke is facing continued backlash over his friendship with billionaire paedophile Jeffrey Epstein (pictured)
The duke is facing continued backlash over his friendship with billionaire paedophile Jeffrey Epstein (pictured)
Prince Andrew is seen alongside Ghislaine Maxwell at a Hookers and Pimps-themed Halloween party held in New York in October 2000
Prince Andrew is seen alongside Ghislaine Maxwell at a Hookers and Pimps-themed Halloween party held in New York in October 2000 
She said he was told not to hang around 'with people like her' only for the prince to reply: 'why not?'. He has a total lack of emotional intelligence,' said Lucy.     
Bizarrely, it was also revealed the duke's email address at the time was: invisibleman@—.com. 
Such was the damage caused by the bombshell accusations by Ms Roberts - now aged 35 and married with the surname Giuffre - that Andrew was reportedly ordered to step down for the sake of the monarchy by his father during a crunch Sandringham showdown with his brother, Charles.
Jeffrey Epstein and his girlfriend Ghislaine Maxwell are pictured in New York in March 2005
Jeffrey Epstein and his girlfriend Ghislaine Maxwell are pictured in New York in March 2005
The Duke of York attended Heidi Klum's party alongside British socialite Ghislaine Maxwell (center), who is accused of acting as procurer and sex abuser in Jeffrey Epstein's twisted underage sex ring. Klum and the Duke appear at ease together
The Duke of York attended Heidi Klum's party alongside British socialite Ghislaine Maxwell (center), who is accused of acting as procurer and sex abuser in Jeffrey Epstein's twisted underage sex ring. Klum and the Duke appear at ease together
Andrew can be seen holding a bottle of water as Klum, who is wearing what appears to be a black wig, red lipstick, black latex bodice and black skirt enjoys his company
Andrew can be seen holding a bottle of water as Klum, who is wearing what appears to be a black wig, red lipstick, black latex bodice and black skirt enjoys his company
The Duke of Edinburgh told the disgraced prince to cease royal duties amid a backlash over the Duke of York's friendship with the billionaire paedophile.
The Prince of Wales is said to have dragged his younger sibling to the royal estate for a crisis summit where he effectively retired the duke from his public duties.
Charles told his embattled brother there was 'no way back into the family in the near future' after the public outcry that followed his disastrous Newsnight interview last month. 
Prince Charles refuses to answer questions about Prince Andrew
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