Sunday, March 8, 2020


Demonstrably and irrefutably the Democrat Party became the 

party whose principle objective is to thoroughly transform the 

nature of the American electorate by means of open borders and 

the mass, unchecked importation of illiterate third world peasants 

who will vote in overwhelming numbers for Democrats and their 

La Raza welfare state. FRONTPAGE MAG

The Democrat party is now becoming near exclusive home of the ruling class, as can be borne out by recent Congressional elections.

The political lessons of Sanders’ Super Tuesday defeat

5 March 2020
The massive setback suffered by the Bernie Sanders campaign as a result of former Vice President Joe Biden’s victory in 10 of the 14 states casting votes on Super Tuesday contains harsh and inescapable lessons for all those who have been led to believe that the capitalist Democratic Party can be transformed into an instrument of socialist politics. The bankruptcy of this opportunist strategy—which has been the essential premise of the Sanders campaign and of his supporters in the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) and other pseudo-left organizations—has been totally exposed by the outcome of the primary elections.
In the week leading up to Super Tuesday, the same party that Sanders claims can be captured for socialism mobilized its party apparatus to resuscitate the right-wing campaign of the semi-senile ex-vice president, whose career as a corrupt Democratic Party politician spans more than four decades.
The Democratic Party is the oldest capitalist political party in the world. Its existence stretches back to 1828, and in the course of its long history, it has perfected the art of deflecting popular opposition to inequality through the skilled combination of demagogy and deceit.
Former Texas Rep. Beto O'Rourke endorses Democratic presidential candidate former Vice President Joe Biden at a campaign rally Monday, March 2, 2020 in Dallas. (AP Photo/Richard W. Rodriguez)
It is the party of Andrew Jackson, the forced removal of the Native Americans, southern secession, Jim Crow segregation, Chinese exclusion, the Palmer Raids and the atomic destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
The Democratic Party is the graveyard of social movements. It disarmed the Populist movement through William Jennings Bryan and suffocated the industrial rebellions of the 1930s through Franklin Delano Roosevelt, the popular front and the American Federation of Labor. It disarmed protests against inequality and the wars in Vietnam and Iraq and subsumed opposition into “left” primary campaigns only to select a nominee each more right-wing than the last for 40 years. This was repeated in 2016, when Sanders told his 13 million supporters to vote for Hillary Clinton. It is now being repeated again in 2020.
The second lesson from Super Tuesday is that the racial politics actively promoted by the pseudo-left for decades has far-reaching, right-wing consequences. Race was the principal weapon used by the Democratic Party against Sanders last week.
The Democratic Party mobilized the corrupt representatives of the African-American bourgeoisie and petty-bourgeoisie to proclaim that Joe Biden represents the genuine voice of “black America.” From James Clyburn to Al Sharpton, a litany of African-American politicians explicitly stated that racial solidarity—not class—is fundamental.
The Democratic Party is well practiced in the use of race to manipulate social discontentment and suppress class grievances behind its own reactionary aims. It is ironic that the contemporary Democratic Party boosted Biden as a defender of African-Americans in precisely the same states where it oversaw segregation some fifty years ago. It is doubly ironic that Biden just last year praised segregationist senators James Eastland and Herman Talmadge as examples of political “civility” and is responsible for supporting “tough-on-crime” laws that incarcerated hundreds of thousands of black people in the past quarter-century.
Biden won overwhelmingly among older African-Americans in the South, dominating areas with high proportions of regular churchgoers. In North Carolina, where 10 percent of the electorate were black voters over the age of 60, Biden won 66 percent to Sanders’ 11 percent. Younger black voters in the South, who are far less conservative than their parents and grandparents, however, were more likely to support Sanders, though youth turnout was down nationally compared with 2016.
Among all Super Tuesday states, Biden fared best among voters who said “race relations” was the most important issue, defeating Sanders 48 to 22 percent. Sanders dominated among voters who cited “social inequality,” leading Biden 35 to 28 percent.
A similar phenomenon took place among affluent women voters, demonstrating the impact of right-wing feminism. Outside of the South, Sanders received his lowest level of support from white women with college degrees, winning just 20 percent of the vote from this demographic in Massachusetts, 25 percent in California and 18 percent in Minnesota.
The results demonstrate the impossibility of combining identity politics with the struggle for socialism. The former is based on division and the struggle for privilege. The latter is rooted in the fight to unite the working class of the world across races, ethnicities and backgrounds.
The third lesson from Tuesday’s election is that Sanders’ Democratic Party politics produced a decline in youth voter turnout in 2020 versus 2016. This shows that contrary to Sanders’ self-proclaimed ability to mobilize young voters, many young people are looking for far more radical solutions than the Democratic Party has to offer.
Three-and-a-half months remain before the Democratic convention in July. It may be the case that the ruling class decides Sanders has a role to play in the 2020 election.
But even as these lines are read, readers can be sure Sanders is already in discussions with the Democratic Party to determine how he can best serve the party in November. Sanders has withheld serious criticism of Biden after Tuesday’s election and yesterday began running advertisements praising the right-wing Obama administration.
Sanders’ California campaign co-chair Ro Khanna announced that Sanders would be toning down calls for “political revolution.” Politico reported that Khanna said Sanders “would appeal more to older voters and mainstream Democrats.” Sanders has already pledged to support whichever right-wing candidate wins the nomination. Just as in 2016, this will only end in tears for Sanders’ supporters.
The Socialist Equality Party (SEP) is running Joseph Kishore and Norissa Santa Cruz for president and vice president. Our intervention is based on the fight to break the stranglehold of the capitalist parties on the working class in the US and internationally.
The experience of Super Tuesday has powerfully vindicated the analysis of the  . In a February 20, 2019 statement titled “Bernie Sanders announces 2020 presidential campaign,” the wrote:
The fundamental fraud promoted by

Sanders, along with individuals such as

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, is that the

Democratic Party can be pushed to the left

and made a force for progressive change.

Articulating this political

fiction, Jacobin editor and leading

Democratic Socialists of America (DSA)

member Bhaskar Sunkara proclaimed in a

column for the Guardian newspaper on

Tuesday that “Sanders started a revolution

in 2016. In 2020, he can finish it... "

The Democrats have relentlessly

promoted identity politics, including

through the #MeToo witch hunt, which

serves to divide the working class while

undermining basic democratic rights such

as due process and the presumption of

innocence. Sanders’ mere association

with opposition to economic inequality has

brought rebukes from within his own party,

which intends, as in 2016, to make racial,

gender and sexual politics the basis for a

right-wing campaign directed at mobilizing

privileged sections of the upper-middle

class behind Wall Street and the military.
Tuesday’s events confirm this analysis.



The Democrat party is now becoming near exclusive home of the ruling class, as can be borne out by recent Congressional elections. 

Democrats Don't Care About American Lives

My article about Pop Kern, an 89-year-old kind white gentleman and how Democrats seek to punish him for bogus “white privilege” received a tremendous amount of positive response. A young relative of Pop Kern wrote informing me that Pop Kern is a loyal Democrat. This is not surprising. My black dad who passed away at age 90 was also a lifelong Democrat. Dad drilled into my head that Democrats are for the working man and Republicans are for the rich.
Respectfully, I tried to gently convince an elderly family member that her Democratic Party has dramatically changed. It is now the party of all things amoral, anti-Christian, anti-freedom, and anti-American. Looking me firmly in the eye, she stubbornly spouted, “I'm votin' for Biden!”
The singular intention of the Democratic Party is to obtain power to control every aspect of our lives. ObamaCare gave them godlike power to decide who lives and who dies. If you refuse to give up your Second Amendment right to own a gun, no healthcare for you. If you hold firm to your biblical convictions, no healthcare for you.
Fake news media allowed Obama to lie to the American people 29 times that ObamaCare would allow them to keep health-care plans that they liked. This huge lie won Obama the Politifact “Lie of the Year” award. ObamaCare became law against the will of the American people and cancer patients lost their lifesaving doctors. ObamaCare was a major step in Democrats' mission to transform America into a totally government-controlled nation. The lives of cancer patients did not matter.
American lives do not matter either regarding the invasion of illegal aliens. In defiance of federal law, Democrats host sanctuary cities which protect illegal alien rapists, murders, drug dealers, and career criminals. Outrageously, illegals are gifted driver's licenses, healthcare, attorneys, allowed to vote and numerous handouts unavailable to U.S. citizens.
Democrats deem coddling illegals more important than American lives. Kate Steinle was shot and killed by an illegal alien while strolling with her dad on a lazy Sunday afternoon in San Francisco. Kate's murderer had been deported numerous times and repeatedly welcomed back to the sanctuary city. Democrats acquitted Kate's murderer and even voted down a law to punish deported illegals who keep coming back. 
Democrats' vision for the perfect America includes transforming her into a wild, wild west of sex, a society in which every perversion is legalized and citizens are forced to celebrate. A memo exposed Obama's DoJ plan to legalize 12 perversions including pedophilia and bestiality.  Colleges are laying the groundwork by scolding us about our bigoted intolerance of pedophiles.
Democrats are sexualizing children beginning in pre-k with a mandatory LGBTQ curriculum. I Am Jazz, a book about a boy whose parents began his so-called sex change at age three, is required reading. 
Once you realize that Democrats only care about furthering their agenda and American lives do-not- matter, you understand their behavior. U.S. students are sick with strange diseases due to untested illegal alien children being sent to public schools. 
Transsexuals who regret having sex change surgery are blocked from media. 
Pediatricians whose research confirms that transgender ideology is child abuse are persecuted, fired, and blocked from media.  Women who regret aborting their babies are blocked from media. Women and little girls assaulted by men posing as women in transgender-friendly restrooms are hidden from the public. Feminists who fight transgenders destroying women’s sports are blocked from media. Every truth that undercuts Democrats' lies and evil agenda is blocked by fake news media.
President Donald J. Trump is our only protection against Democrats and fake news media implementing their vision of a new America, removed from her position as leader of the free world. This is why they are repulsed by Trump's slogan, “Make America Great Again.”
Their only hope is to separate Trump from his supporters via a thousand cuts; lying about him 24/7; spinning everything good he does into a negative; a reason to impeach him.
By reducing many of Obama's over-reaching regulations, Trump has our economy at its strongest in 50 years. Black unemployment is at its lowest in U.S. history. Democrats hate that blacks are doing so well under Trump. Clearly, black lives matter to Trump, but not to their so-called advocates in the Democratic Party and fake news media.
Iranian terrorist Soleimani murdered and severely wounded hundreds of U.S troops using roadside bombs. Soleimani planned attacks on U.S. Embassies to murder thousands more Americans. Trump killed Soleimani. Remarkably, Democrats sought to spin Trump acting to save American lives into a crime, a reason to impeach him. The Democratic Party has become the home of pure hate and evil, obsessed with gaining power.
Elderly lifelong Democrats are unaware that their “working man” party has become an anti-American and anti-Christian mob of hate-filled activists at war with everyday Americans.
Straight white men like elderly Pop Kern are number one on Democrats' hit list, targeted for destruction.
I ran into Pop Kern at the post office. With his great smile, he said, “I want to thank you for what you wrote on that internet.” I asked, “Did you read it?” He replied, “No, but I heard about it from Florida to Pittsburgh. Thanks for what you wrote. I really appreciate it.”
Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American



The Democrat party is now becoming near exclusive home of the ruling class, as can be borne out by recent Congressional elections. 


Ruling Class Held Hostage by Trump’s Impeachment

Every year 3 million visitors make the pilgrimage to Ellis Island.  It is estimated nearly forty percent of all Americans can trace their ancestors to the 20 million immigrants that were processed through New York and Ellis Island from 1892 to 1954.  These prospective citizens were determined to escape authoritarianism, soul grinding poverty, war and its aftermath, immutable class structures as well as religious and ethnic persecution.  
Once here they would immerse themselves in learning English and the nation’s founding documents in preparation for the most gut wrenching (passing the oral citizenship test) and emotional (the swearing in ceremony) day in their lives.  Thanks to their life experience and their determination to be citizens of the only nation in the history of mankind to be founded on the principle that all men are created equal, these newly minted Americans were among the most loyal and most well-versed in the nation’s founding.
What would the vast majority of those that willingly left everything behind to travel for up to three weeks, oftentimes across a storm-tossed ocean and relegated to the unsanitary and wretched conditions in steerage, think of the impeachment of Donald Trump?
Nearly all of the nations whence these immigrants came were governed by an immutable class structure.  At the apex of this rigid class pyramid was either a monarchy and its attendant birthright nobility or a dictatorship and its coercive administrative hierarchy or a communist oligarchy and its implacable bureaucracy.   Class mobility was at the whim and discretion of the autocrat or the oligarchy.
These nameless and faceless masses had virtually no say in their nation’s governance and they were at the mercy of the economic and foreign policy of the ruling elites.   They were viewed as being grossly inferior, uneducable and deplorable -- thus mere pawns to be sacrificed in the country’s wars and were little more than indentured servants to the ruling class. 
On the other hand, thanks to a Constitution constructed to prevent the ascendancy of any one faction into a position of permanent power and the evolution of a rigid ruling class hierarchy, the United States possessed the framework and opportunity for anyone to succeed and live in peace and economic security thus attracting millions to its shores.
However, beginning in the 1960’s many of those that came through Ellis Island began to notice a change in the relatively benign and Constitution-oriented governing class.  With the exponential growth of government, a new and potentially destructive class structure began to evolve, one that was reminiscent of ruling class supremacy in those nations they had escaped. 
A mindset, alien to 170 years of American history, took root amid overwhelming peace and prosperity.   A growing faction in the country began to believe that they were pre-ordained to govern as they were superior to the unwashed masses, particularly racial and ethnic minorities as well as those steeped in religion and morality.  Over the years the proponents of this belief infiltrated the universities and the media-entertainment complex creating an ever-growing army of narcissists and authoritarians which mutated into today’s American Ruling Class.
Angelo Codevilla writing in the American Spectator identified the characteristics of the American Ruling Class as follows:
Today’s ruling class, from Boston to San Diego, was formed by an educational system that exposed them to the same ideas and gave them remarkably uniform guidance, as well as taste and habits.  Regardless of what business or profession they are in, their road up included government channels and government money because, as government has grown, its boundary with the rest of American life has become indistinct.  Many began their careers in government and leveraged their way into the private sector.
Its attitude is key to understanding our bipartisan ruling class.  Its first tenet is that “we” are the best and brightest while the rest of Americans are retrograde, racist, and dysfunctional unless properly constrained.
Our ruling class’s agenda is power for itself.  While it stakes its claims through intellectual-moral pretense, it holds power by one of the oldest and most prosaic of means: patronage and promises thereof.  Like left-wing parties always and everywhere, it is a “machine,” that is, based on providing tangible rewards to its members.  Hence our ruling class’s standard approach to any and all matters, its solution to any and all problems, is to increase the power of the government-- meaning of those who run it, meaning themselves.
By taxing and parceling out more than a third of what Americans produce through regulations that reach deep into American life, our ruling class is making itself the arbiter of wealth and poverty.
The ruling class is keener to reform the American people’s family and spiritual lives than their economic and civic ones. It believes that the Christian family (and the orthodox Jewish one too) is rooted in and perpetuates the ignorance commonly called religion that is the greatest barrier to human progress.  This dismissal of the American people’s intellectual, spiritual, and moral substance is the very heart of what our ruling class is about.
[Lastly,] America’s best and brightest believe themselves qualified and duty bound to direct the lives of not only Americans but of foreigners as well.  Its default solution to international threats has been to commit blood and treasure to long-term, twilight efforts to reform the world’s Vietnams, Somalias, Iraqs and Afghanistans.
Since the Reagan era, the American Ruling Class has succeeded in electing George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack Obama, all of whom were members in good standing.  Thus, by 2016 the ruling elites were thoroughly entrenched and dominant throughout the halls of power.  They were prepared to govern this nation for many years to come as one of the flaws in the magnificent governing blueprint set up by the founding fathers was the reality that this government can only function with just two major political parties.  Both political party hierarchies had and fully intended to continue nominating candidates for the presidency and Congress who were either beholden to or members of the ruling class.  The rank and file voters were left with only superficial differences in the choice of candidates.
The election of Donald Trump in 2016 was an act of defiance and a rebellion by the deplorables and a devastating blow to the ruling elites.   With his election, President Trump began the process of a Republican Party divorce from the establishment -- which is now well underway.   Thus, the ruling class’s political hegemony is severely threatened.   They cannot achieve their endgame without de facto control of both parties.  Which is why Donald Trump may well be the most influential President in modern American history.
The Democrat party is now becoming near exclusive home of the ruling class, as can be borne out by recent Congressional elections.  Before the 2018 mid-term elections, the richest 66 House districts were split 38 Democrats and 28 Republican.  After the election the Democrats held 56 and the Republicans 10 In the 15 districts where at least 50% of the population have a college degree, all are represented by Democrats as of 2018, whereas the Democrats controlled 13 of 15 in 2016. 
Being relegated exclusively to the Democrat party means that the ruling class must accommodate and adopt the radical tenets of the much larger Marxist/socialist wing of the Party if they wish to win the Party’s nominations for elective offices.   A self-defeating and ultimately destructive path as militant socialists will, in due course, consume them.  Alternatively, and in league with their propaganda arm, the mainstream media, the ruling elites have pulled out all the stops and abandoned any ethical, moral or legal restraints to get rid of Donald Trump and recapture their previous hierarchical influence in the Republican Party.
The abominably fabricated and unconstitutional impeachment farce is the culmination of three years of frustration and determination to rid the nation of the “threat” that is Donald Trump’s takeover of a major political party and transformation of it into a vehicle of populism.  Which would allow the citizenry and not the elites to determine the course of the nation’s future.   In reality, impeachment, endless investigations, fabrications and the constant vilification of Donald Trump are aimed at intimidating the nameless and unwashed masses who had the temerity and insolence to vote against the wishes of the ruling class. 
Out of 20 million immigrants there are perhaps less than 100,000 of us living today that have any memory of being processed through New York and Ellis Island during the 60+ years it was the gateway to America.  The determination to invalidate an election and destroy the Constitutional foundation of this country for the sake of achieving unfettered political supremacy is not the United States we have come to know and love.  Despite their protestations to the contrary, the ruling class and their public face, the Democratic Party, does not love this country and its people and are, in fact, little different than the ruling elites that caused so many to seek refuge in America.
Graphic credit: Blue Diamond Gallery

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