Sunday, April 19, 2020


We Will Never Live as Dhimmis: Stealth Cultural Jihad in America

I recently came across the title of an Arabic book, We will never live as Dhimmis (lan naish  zimieen), written by a Lebanese Christian, Amin Naji, in 1979.
A Dhimmi is a Christian or Jew living in a region overrun by Muslim conquest who was accorded a protected status in exchange of a poll tax (Jizya), and allowed to retain his or her original faith.
Lebanon is an example. It was established after the collapse of the Ottoman Empire and the end of World War I in 1923. Since the majority there were Christians, unlike any other Middle Eastern land, the French mandated a Christian president and commander in chief. Then, on in April 13, 1975, a civil war broke out over the political privileges of Christians and the rights of Lebanese Muslims who had become the majority of the country.
In his book, Naji discusses the destruction of pre-civil war Lebanon by a coalition of Muslim militias and their Palestinian allies. He wrote of violence and annihilation. He also listed one of the tools that had been used, before the war, by Muslim “conquerors.” It is “the Arabization via distorting history, changing the national identity, and destroying culture.” This cultural jihad gets too little attention and is too little understood.
Some U.S. Muslims are applying this basic scheme here. They do not have adequate political control in the U.S. to simply impose a new Islamic culture on our society. But they are infiltrating the culture by claiming that Muslims and Islam have long been central contributors to American governance and culture.
Western audiences often hear these Muslim declarations as an appeal to the wider society to allow Muslims to be real participants in the E Pluribus Unum experiment that is America. We would do well to remind ourselves of the old Arabic proverb about the camel’s nose under the tent.

One egregious example of this groundwork for cultural Jihad appears in the 
PBS program “History Detectives. It claims, “When the first Muslims came to the land that would become the United States is unclear. Many historians claim that the earliest Muslims came from the Senegambian region of Africa in the early 14th century. It is believed they were Moors, expelled from Spain, who made their way to the Caribbean and possibly to the Gulf of Mexico.
PBS claims that when Columbus made his journey to the United States, he carried a book written by Portuguese Muslims who had navigated their way to the New World in the 12th century.
Others -- most notably a man named Istafan -- claim there were Muslims who accompanied the Spanish as a guide to the New World in their early 16th century conquest of what became Arizona and New Mexico.
The make-up of the first real wave of Muslims in the United States is clear. They were African slaves of whom ten to fifteen percent were said to be Muslims. It was difficult for them to maintain their religion and many were forcibly converted to Christianity. Any effort to practice Islam and keep the traditional clothing and names alive had to be done in secret.
Edwin's Gaustad, in his nearly encyclopedic book, “A Documentary History of Religion in America to the Civil War” (Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company; 2nd edition (April 1993), does not mention any social, cultural, or intellectual contribution from Muslims to early America. Could the absence prove the point?
There are farcical claims that Thomas Jefferson relied on the Quran as a source of inspiration and insight regarding the writing of the American Constitution. One might well find Denise Spellberg’s book Jefferson’s Quran interesting -- though not insightful -- on the matter. However, nowhere in Jefferson's Constitution is there any overt quotation of or allusion to the Quran.
In his book, Jefferson’s War, Joseph Wheelan noted that after Jefferson created an American Navy to combat Muslim pirates in North Africa, and American forces had their first major victory under Lieutenant Andrew Sterett, there was celebration in the United States at the defeat of the Muslim pirates. President Jefferson used the navy and marines to make real progress in defeating what was commonly called “The Terror.” (Wheelan, Joseph, Jefferson’s War, Carroll and Graf Publishing, NY 2003, p. 119)
Nothing in Jefferson’s combat against the Muslim corsairs of North Africa indicates any appreciation of Muslim culture or Islamic approach to governance.
In December 2019, the Muslim American Society (MAS)-Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) held a convention in Chicago - the largest in the nation. At the convention, guest speaker Dalia Moghahed, gave a speech titled “Muslims that Shaped America,” captured on videoShe began by responding to a plaintive cry from a Muslim American mother who asked, “What can we do to help our children who face constant verbal attacks, name-calling, insults and micro aggressions at their schools against their identity; only because they are Muslims?’”
Ms. Mogahed said that Muslims need to be given the intellectual tools to confront “the flawed and crooked framework that make up the ideas of Islamophobia.” They are to teach that “their roots as Muslims in this country run deep” and “This is their country, and no one has the right to tell them otherwise” and “no one should be waiting for a welcome to their own house.” Ms. Mogahed also said, “So if someone has a problem with our children being here, then they can go back to where they came from … This is not mere rhetoric, but historical fact.”   
There were Muslims with Christopher Columbus when he landed in the Americas” and “It is important to note that the first country to recognize the United States as an independent nation was Morocco.” She also said, “This is just to lay a framework to challenge the myth that there is an inherent and inevitable conflict between the values of the United States and the values of Muslim societies, civilizations or communities. It is simply not supported by logic or history.” Furthermore, she said, “Estimates range from 10 % to 30% of enslaved Africans brought to the United States were Muslims.”
Ms. Mogahed’s efforts are not sophisticated, but exemplify, at the popular level, the clash between Western open society and Muslim ideology today.
More eloquent and polished Islamist apologists and speakers are preparing their own versions of this Islamic claim. We cannot only worry about violent Jihad, we must recognize and confront the academic effort to lay claim to the United States as a legitimate possession of the House of Islam that is now temporarily controlled by the Kuffar (infidels).
Social and political theorist and philosopher Isaiah Berlin said in his lectures, “the German poet Heine warned the French not to underestimate the power of ideas: philosophical concepts nurtured in the stillness of a professor's study could destroy a civilization.” (“Two Concepts of Liberty,” “Four Essays on Liberty,” Oxford, England: Oxford University Press, 1969, p. 120)
To this thought about a professor’s power we must add “or an imam.” Distorting history by inserting Muslim memes into the nation’s historical ethos and shoving pre-Islamic society aside has worked before in Islamic history.
Now, they are applying this ideological approach as an initial blow for the Islamization of our society and to supplant our open society ideals.
Darrell Pack is an Arabist and a Member of the Islamic Reform Forum   

Answer: endless legal and illegal immigration of third world people and their cultures and religions.  Few understand the long-term ramifications of making America a quagmire of dozens of foreign cultures, languages, violent religions and world views.

The End of America As We Knew Her

By Frosty Wooldridge

The End of America As We Knew Her

By Frosty Wooldridge
While we keep our social distance, and, while we watch Covid 19 rage across America, few appreciate a greater ‘virus’ that’s creating the ‘death’ of America as we knew her in 1965.
As quickly as the Coronavirus races across the American landscape killing thousands of people, another virus, self-imposed by our own elected representatives in Washington DC, races across our country at a rate of over 100,000 new additions every 30 days.  What constitutes this modern disease creating the ‘death’ of America as we knew her?
The disease more dangerous and deadly than Covid 19?  Answer: endless legal and illegal immigration of third world people and their cultures and religions.  Few understand the long-term ramifications of making America a quagmire of dozens of foreign cultures, languages, violent religions and world views.
Can Western Civilization Survive Another 100,000,000 Legal Immigrants predicted by 2050?  Why or why not?  What are you doing about it?
If you take time to read Mark Steyn’s book, America Alone, he sensibly and rationally dissects what’s happening to Europe.  They commit demographic suicide at blinding speed. He predated Douglas Murray’s, The Strange Death of Europe: Identity, Immigration, Islam.  Another book shows Canada’s demise, Canadistan: How Multiculturalism is Destroying Canada by Sarah Yasini.
Within 20 years, another astute author will write his or her book: The Self-Chosen Death of America by ******* ************.  If I’m still alive at that time, I will write that book, if the new immigrant majority will allow me.
Steyn says that Western Civilizations suffer from “civilizational despair.”  In other words, western countries have become SO complacent about freedom, free speech, women’s rights, children’s rights, religious choice and loyalty to their specific countries—that they simply sit on their butts to watch their cultures fade.  And, we seem to think that it won’t happen to us.
Except, it IS happening to us at blinding speed when you look at the four border states with Mexico.  Spanish dominates businesses, schools and workplace conversations.  It IS happening in Miami where a White American cannot secure a job or enjoy anyone resembling an American who speaks English.  It IS happening with parallel societies exploding in New York, Minneapolis, Detroit, San Francisco, LA and Houston.
It IS happening where Muslims dominate and are imbedding themselves into key political positions across America. Whether it’s the Council on American Immigration Relations or The Muslim Brotherhood—they follow one prime directive: install Sharia Law. Or, as their numbers grow, they de facto practice it against American Constitutional Law.
So many Americans point to Europe and Canada for allowing their cultures and languages to be immigrated to death.  Most Americans have heard of “no go zones” where the immigrants do not allow anyone other than their own people to trod.  Guess what?  We’ve already seen honor killings and FGM in America, and now, “no  go zones” in the aforementioned  cities.
Second Aspect Of The Death Of America As We Knew Her
If that doesn’t sober you as to the death of America, this second aspect cannot be denied or escaped.  We remain on course to add in excess of 110 million foreigners to America by 2050—a scant 30 years from now. That’s not “if” but a fact that will manifest by 2050 when our population jumps from 330 million to 440 million—unless we, the citizens of America—force Congress to rescind the 1965 Immigration Reform Act.
Do you know what it takes to sustain another 100,000,000 people beyond the 330 million already here?  Do you understand how much water must be available as the average American uses 166 gallons daily?  What about gasoline?  What about natural gas?   The horrific amount of resources?  Any idea as to the amount of food that must be generated to feed THAT many people?
This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”
All the while, THAT much population gain will completely destroys our quality of life and standard of living.  It means a doubling of populations of our 35 most populated cities.  How will we sustain that?
Do you remember the Titanic steamship in April 15, 1912? Captain Smith pushed it too fast through iceberg-filled waters.  Result: he sunk his own ship and all its passengers.  Do you remember  the movie “Thelma and Louise”?  They committed so many crimes that consequences drove them toward that cliff in their 1966 Thunderbird. They couldn’t fix their problems, so they chose suicide by driving over the cliff.
What’s happening to America?  Within 30 years we will be 440 million people and a hodgepodge of minority races, incompatible religions, linguistic confusion and virtually everybody will think on a different cultural page. We’ll suffer from too many people, too little resources and gasoline will be exhausted.
Coronavirus will be solved at some point, but unless we change course, nothing will solve the “immigration virus” that will permanently cripple the United States of America and all Western Civilizations.
Would you like a reasonable national discussion-debate on what kind of a civilization you’re handing over to your kids?  Or, would you like to see your children repeat the mistakes of the Titanic and Thelma and Louise?


Mexico prefers to export its poor, not uplift them

Mexico prefers to export its poor, not uplift them

By George W. Grayson 

WILLIAMSBURG, VA. — At the parleys this week with his US and Canadian counterparts in Cancún, Mexican President Vicente Fox will press for more opportunities for his countrymen north of the Rio Grande. Specifically, he will argue for additional visas for Mexicans to enter the United States and Canada, the expansion of guest-worker schemes, and the "regularization" of illegal immigrants who reside throughout the continent. In a recent interview with CNN, the Mexican chief executive excoriated as "undemocratic" the extension of a wall on the US-Mexico border and called for the "orderly, safe, and legal" northbound flow of Mexicans, many of whom come from his home state of Guanajuato.
Mexican legislators share Mr. Fox's goals. Silvia Hernández Enriquez, head of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations for North America, recently emphasized that the solution to the "structural phenomenon" of unlawful migration lies not with "walls or militarization" but with "understanding, cooperation, and joint responsibility."
Such rhetoric would be more convincing if Mexican officials were making a good faith effort to uplift the 50 percent of their 106 million people who live in poverty. To his credit, Fox's "Opportunities" initiative has improved slightly the plight of the poorest of the poor. Still, neither he nor Mexico's lawmakers have advanced measures that would spur sustained growth, improve the quality of the workforce, curb unemployment, and obviate the flight of Mexicans abroad.
Indeed, Mexico's leaders have turned hypocrisy from an art form into an exact science as they shirk their obligations to fellow citizens, while decrying efforts by the US senators and representatives to crack down on illegal immigration at the border and the workplace.
What are some examples of this failure of responsibility?
• When oil revenues are excluded, Mexico raises the equivalent of only 9 percent of its gross domestic product in taxes - a figure roughly equivalent to that of Haiti and far below the level of major Latin American nations. Not only is Mexico's collection rate ridiculously low, its fiscal regime is riddled with loopholes and exemptions, giving rise to widespread evasion. Congress has rebuffed efforts to reform the system.
• Insufficient revenues mean that Mexico spends relatively little on two key elements of social mobility: Education commands just 5.3 percent of its GDP and healthcare only 6.10 percent, according to the World Bank's last comparative study.
• A venal, "come-back-tomorrow" bureaucracy explains the 58 days it takes to open a business in Mexico compared with three days in Canada, five days in the US, nine days in Jamaica, and 27 days in Chile. Mexico's private sector estimates that 34 percent of the firms in the country made "extra official" payments to functionaries and legislators in 2004. These bribes totaled $11.2 billion and equaled 12 percent of GDP.
• Transparency International, a nongovernmental organization, placed Mexico in a tie with Ghana, Panama, Peru, and Turkey for 65th among 158 countries surveyed for corruption.
• Economic competition is constrained by the presence of inefficient, overstaffed state oil and electricity monopolies, as well as a small number of private corporations - closely linked to government big shots - that control telecommunications, television, food processing, transportation, construction, and cement. Politicians who talk about, much less propose, trust-busting measures are as rare as a snowfall in the Sonoran Desert.
Geography, self-interests, and humanitarian concerns require North America's neighbors to cooperate on myriad issues, not the least of which is immigration. However, Mexico's power brokers have failed to make the difficult decisions necessary to use their nation's bountiful wealth to benefit the masses. Washington and Ottawa have every right to insist that Mexico's pampered elite act responsibly, rather than expecting US and Canadian taxpayers to shoulder burdens Mexico should assume.
• George W. Grayson, who teaches government at the College of William & Mary, is the author of "Mesías Mexicano," forthcoming, a book about Mexican presidential front-runner Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

Billionaire Mexicans tell their poor to JUMP U.S. OPEN BORDERS and LOOT THE STUPID GRINGO… and loot they do!

Billions of dollars are sucked out of America from Mexico’s looting!

1) Mexico ended legal immigration 100 years ago, except for Spanish blood.
2) Mexico is the 17th richest nation but pays the 220th lowest minimum wage to force their subjects to invade the USA. The expands territory for Mexicans, spreads the Spanish language, and culture and genotypes, while earning 17% of Mexico's gross GDP as Foreign Remittance Income.

Jorge Ramos: Mexico Should Help Migrants Get to the United States

The Mexican government must stop helping to enforce Americans’ immigration laws and must instead help poor migrants travel to the U.S. border, says Mexican immigrant and Univision anchor Jorge Ramos.

“The country itself has become the wall,” Ramos complained in an October 7th op-ed. “This has to change.”
Ramos objects to the anti-migration cooperation between the two trading partners, including Mexico’s success in reducing the transit of Central Americans up to the U.S. border. But instead of talking money, migration, and trade between two independent nations, Ramos writes about pride, status, and respect, saying:
We are talking about sovereignty, about dignity and basic respect for human rights, under circumstances where the safety of people fleeing gangs, violence and extreme poverty is at stake. Mexico should never forget that for decades it was an “immigrant exporter.” Now it must treat Central Americans with the same care and respect it has always demanded for Mexicans living in the United States.
It’s true: President Trump is using Mexico. And, against all logic, Mexico is letting him get away with it. This has to change.

Mexican officials are protesting in public, but the evidence suggests that Donald Trump is getting Mexico to expand the 'Remain in Mexico' & other security programs to block migration & labor-trafficking into US job market. Good news for working Americans. 

Mexico, U.S. Set to Continue Migration Crackdown

Ramos came to the United States on a temporary student visa in 1983 and parlayed that into a news anchor job at a Spanish-language TV station in Los Angeles. He won a green card but only decided to become a citizen 25 years later, in 2008.
But Mexico has changed since Ramos left. A July 2019 poll, for example, shows that Mexicans’ view towards migration has turned hostile amid the conflict and turmoil of the cartel-managed migration:
More than 6 in 10 Mexicans say migrants are a burden on their country because they take jobs and benefits that should belong to Mexicans. A 55 percent majority supports deporting migrants who travel through Mexico to reach the United States.
Those findings defy the perception that Mexico — a country that has sent millions of its own migrants to the United States, sending billions of dollars in remittances — is sympathetic to the surge of Central Americans. Instead, the data suggests Mexicans have turned against the migrants transiting through their own country, expressing antipathy that would be familiar to many supporters of President Trump north of the border.
Yet Ramos says the relationship between his homeland Mexico and the United States is unequal, so Mexico must again help migrants reach the United States, regardless of the impact on his fellow nationals in the United States:
A salient feature of Mexico’s current foreign policy is precisely AMLO’s reluctance to confront anyone outside of the country. In short, American officials say what they want, and Mexico — almost always — goes along with it. The relationship between the two nations is by no means an egalitarian one.
What can Mexico do? It must refuse to be Mr. Trump’s wall, to be the United States’ waiting room and safety valve. Mexico must re-embrace its honorable tradition of protecting the persecuted and most vulnerable, whether they’re fleeing civil war in Spain or crime and hunger in Central America.

NYTimes tells tales of alligator-filled moats to shift the readers' attention from the reality that Donald Trump successfully fought his advisors, business lobbies, and family to partway fulfill his campaign promise to shrink illegal migration. Civics 101 

NY Times: Donald Trump Revived Idea of 'Alligator-Filled Moat'

Immigration Numbers:
Each year, roughly four million young Americans join the workforce after graduating from high school or a university. This total includes about 800,000 Americans who graduate with skilled degrees in business or health care, engineering or science, software, or statistics.
But the federal government then imports about 1.1 million legal immigrants and refreshes a resident population of about 1.5 million white-collar visa workers — including approximately one million H-1B workers and spouses — and about 500,000 blue-collar visa workers. The government also prints more than one million work permits for new foreigners and rarely punishes companies for employing illegal migrants.
This policy of inflating the labor supply boosts economic growth and stock values for investors. The stimulus happens because the extra labor ensures that employers do not have to compete for American workers by offering higher wages and better working conditions.
The federal policy of flooding the market with cheap, foreign, white-collar graduates and blue-collar labor shifts wealth from young employees toward older investors. It also widens wealth gaps, reduces high-tech investment, increases state and local tax burdens, reduces marriage rates, and hurts children’s schools and college educations.
The cheap-labor economic strategy also pushes Americans away from high-tech careers, and it sidelines millions of marginalized Americans, including many who are now struggling with drug addiction.
The labor policy also moves business investment and wealth from the Heartland to the coastal citiesexplodes rents and housing costs, undermines suburbiashrivels real estate values in the Midwest, and rewards investors for creating low-tech, labor-intensive workplaces.
But President Donald Trump’s “Hire American” policy is boosting wages by capping immigration within a growing economy. The Census Bureau said September 10 that men who work full-time and year-round got an average earnings increase of 3.4 percent in 2018, pushing their median salaries up to $55,291. Women gained 3.3 percent in wages, to bring their median wages to $45,097 for full time, year-round work.


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