Wednesday, September 23, 2009


god damn mexicans (newport village)

Date: 2009-09-23, 8:42AM MDT

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when the FUCK did they start letting them in?! these used to be nice apartments, then EVERY MORNING you hear their fuckin clown music. they hang out on their porches like fuckin monkeys. they stare the females down. they try to talk to you in their disgusting language. they dry their clothes on their balconies! how fuckin ghetto is that?! seriously... one of these days i'm gonna buy some spray paint and start decorating. a few weeks ago the police were called to evict some of them. they had 12 PEOPLE living in a 2 bedroom!! and of course the office doesn't do anything. i'm called almost every day this month to complain about my new mexican neighbor and his clown music. this is getting really old and i have no idea what to do. our lease isn't up until march. so we can't just leave. i'm gonna start taking things into my own hands soon.

Location: newport village
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