Monday, October 26, 2009


Welcome to

Obama National Health Care Plan includes 12 million Illegals

75% of the children who will be picked up in this will be non-citizens and that 44% of the uninsured are non-citizens!!

Our next meeting is Oct 14th & 28th at 7:00PM

The American Legion Hall
130 Triangle Street Danbury, CT.

IMMIGRANTS: Welcome to America!!!!

ILLEGAL ALIENS: You are NOT Immigrants.

You are Criminals ! Leave America Immediately or be Deported. You are not welcome when you break our laws! Go home, get in line, & wait your turn

English Impaired ??

A Los inmigrantes legales: bienvenidos a América

A Los Extranjeros ilegales: Ustedes no son Inmigrantes, son criminales! Salgan de los inmediatamente o sean detenidos. Entren a la cola y esperen su turno.

"Our sovereign nation is undergoing an overwhelming illegal alien invasion by an Hispanic 'migrant army' that has defied our immigration laws and sovereignty. The invasion of America now totals 25 -30 million and rising. Of that number, 90% are Hispanics who balkanize our cities and towns, and arrogantly corrupt our unifying national language while actively disrespecting our laws, culture, society, and country! All this is being accomplished while our complicit government and media shamefully stands by, blatantly ignoring the anarchy by allowing Mexico's human tsunami of illegal aliens to lawlessly overrun America". -NAU

AMNESTY means never having immigration enforcement!

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