Saturday, November 7, 2009

DALLAS TEXAS - Realities of Mexican Occupation WHO PAYS FOR IT?

AN AMERICAN SPEAKS on the realities of the Mexican Occupation

Whats worse than a Mexican? (DFW) (A Few FACTS)
If you are unfamiliar with these facts, you are either NOT reading/listening to the national news, or you aren’t paying close enough attention! Facts and figures stated here were accumulated over a period of years from the Associated Press, CNN and other reliable US news sources:

There was a time when the US Federal Government paid each good citizen $25 a head to turn in illegal immigrants for deportation. The financial gain was a great incentive to prospective employers to verify eligibility to work and eliminate those here illegally. This “bonus” for doing the right thing was reversed during the Clinton administration and should be restored!

Race-based incentives have hurt our country and our economy more than they have helped equalize opportunity. If a Caucasian student cannot get a college scholarship even with a high GPA because they are bumped in favor of a minority with a low GPA and little or no incentive, then cannot get a job with a descent income for the rest of their life, how does that equalize anything? You now have someone with little or no incentive to do a good job on the job, and someone who put forth a good effort struggling to survive.

The US government has also put in place race-based grant incentives to medical care facilities and domestic violence shelters, paying more to service minorities including the children of illegal immigrants. So when an abused spouse enters a domestic violence shelter, the government pays the shelter more if the victim is a minority. The same is true of medical care. The result is that these facilities have incentive to turn away some races in favor of others because their income will increase if they do! The result, race-based deaths!

Add to this the fact that our government has limited liability to medical facilities serving the communities on the premise of lowering medical malpractice insurance and therefore costs. Yet medical malpractice insurance has NOT gone down and is a huge contributing factor to medical costs to the patient. The result is that the facilities that already have incentive to discriminate on the basis of race, KNOW they can neglect the medical care of some people based on race and NOT have any legal remedy to the patient who may die as a result. The same people that put these laws in place, get the VIP treatment from these medical facilities!

The United States has a crime rate among illegal immigrants that's two and a half times that of non-illegals and is a leading cause of ID theft and forgery. Mexico openly admits that 90% of crimes committed in their country are NEVER investigated or prosecuted. This creates a society that believes that laws do not apply to them. Take a look at any random US state at their top ten most wanted or the sex-offender registry and the results are shocking! A cleaver way to hide the truth is that Hispanic sex offenders are listed as “White”! This crime spree isn’t cheap nor does it insure your family’s safety!

A few random examples:

American tax-payers’ money spent supporting illegal immigrants amounts to an estimated $ 338.3 BILLION DOLLARS A YEAR including things such as social services, food stamps, WIC, school lunches, Medicaid, education, incarceration and prosecution. Often illegals have multiple ID’s to access free services and avoid taxes. The expense listed above does NOT include charities that financially support them as well. Nor does it include the BILLIONS of dollars to US citizens who are hit by uninsured drivers that provide fake information, then disappear leaving thousands of dollars in uncovered damages and resulting insurance rate increases for all.

The National policy Institute, 'estimated that the total cost of mass deportation would be between $206 and $230 billion or an average cost of between $41 and $46 billion annually over a five year period.' Deportations would SAVE the US economy $92.3 BILLION a year! Mass deportations have been done in the US before in order to protect the jobs of Americans. Take a look at:

For the year 2006 illegal immigrants sent home $45 BILLION in remittances to their countries of origin. This is money LEAVING the US economy from people who falsely claim to be so poor they cannot afford basic living expenses making the total cost to tax-payers and our economy $383.3 BILLION a YEAR! Mexico admits that the money sent out of the US economy into theirs is the SECOND highest source of their country’s income! This is why Mexico has a vested interest in continuing illegal immigration, has openly become involved in lawsuits against the US, and should have financial consequences imposed by the US Federal Government. Mexican schools have begun teaching English so detection in this country will be more difficult. Mexico also prints out nationally distributed information teaching their citizens how to safely come to the US ILLEGALLY. Illegal immigrants have networks established to produce multiple fake ID’s, car registration, insurance, and more in order to hide their illegal activity. Mexico is currently politically active in controlling US policy including encouraging their citizens to illegally vote in the US! Even more outrageous is the involvement in the politically active group ACORN, which is being funded by people from Mexico, Columbia, and Brazil and is now in charge of the US census! Take a look at their website under “immigration” and see for yourself where their offices are located.

What can YOU do?

1. Write your state and federal representatives and DEMAND deportations, financial sanctions against Mexico for their part in this crisis, the restoration of bounties paid to citizens to turn in criminals, the elimination of race-based incentives, and do NOT vote for anyone who does NOT meet this demand.
2 FLAG any ad for jobs that require Spanish-speaking employees, take back OUR jobs! Notice jobs are not just those Americans are unwilling to do, they include insurance companies, medical companies, banks, and every industry! The Dallas Independent School District has openly fired American teachers and replaced them with teachers provided with fake Social Security Numbers so they can work illegally in this country with NO penalties from the state or federal governments!
3. Boycott any company advertising in the US in Spanish only. Take back OUR country!

Pilgram’s Pride Chicken had to file bankruptcy after a raid showed their facilities in Cactus Texas had intentionally set up an entire town of illegals for their benefit! I for one will NEVER buy another Pilgram’s Pride Chicken and haven’t since! The same goes for Coca Cola that has begun placing Spanish only billboards along major US highways. Can you live forever without a Coke? I certainly can!

If you agree with this, copy it and forward to everyone in your email address book. Then post it in another city until every city in every state takes action!

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