Saturday, September 1, 2012

THOMPSON: Putting Americans back to work - Washington Times - OR ONLY OBAMA'S LA RAZA PARTY BASE of ILLEGALS?

THOMPSON: Putting Americans back to work - Washington Times





"We could cut unemployment in half simply by reclaiming the jobs taken by illegal workers," said Representative Lamar Smith of Texas, co-chairman of the Reclaim American Jobs Caucus. "President Obama is on the wrong side of the American people on immigration. The president should support policies that help citizens and legal immigrants find the jobs they need and deserve rather than fail to enforce immigration laws."


President Obama is AWOL on the biggest issue of all JOBS!

Published August 23, 2012



Thursday’s jobless numbers and Wednesday’s CBO report are beyond ominous and present a direct challenge to the rationale for Barack Obama’s presidency.

Before President Obama took office, he vilified President Bush for adding $4 trillion to our nation’s debt as “unpatriotic.”  If Bush’s spending over the course of two terms was “unpatriotic,” Obama adding nearly $5.3 trillion to the national debt in half this time is not only “unpatriotic,” it’s also hypocritical.  It displays an utter disregard for financial health of this country.

Obama pledged to cut the deficit in half by 2012, but instead has increased spending so rapidly that our nation has surpassed the $16 trillion threshold.  He and his ObamaClones in the Senate continue to call for even more liberal deficit spending.

Senate Democrats have enabled Obama by refusing to produce a budget for over three years. This is a complete dereliction of duty on the part of Majority Leader Harry Reid.  The Senate is mandated to produce a budget but has failed to do so for almost the entire time Obama has been in office.

Democratic Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia expressed rare honesty in saying he was at a loss to explain why his fellow Democrats have gone along with this.  The former governor even said if he had done this while governor of his state, he would’ve been impeached.

 It’s an absolute disgrace that the last time the Senate passed a budget was on April 29, 2009. Since this resolution—which aimed to cut the deficit by two-thirds by 2014—the deficit has increased by $4.8 trillion.

Obama and his enablers in the Senate refuse to do their jobs and idly stand by as our nation teeters on the fiscal cliff.  The American people not only deserve to know how the politicians in Washington are spending their tax dollars, they also deserve representatives who do the job they were elected to do.

Do we need more evidence that Obama doesn’t take fiscal responsibility seriously?  His last budget proposal was shot down by both Democrats and Republicans in both houses of Congress: 414-0 in the House of Representatives and 99-0 in the Senate. When was the last time—if ever—you had a national, unanimous repudiation of this magnitude?

Both Obama and Reid must be held accountable for failing to do their jobs. The same goes for other enablers in the Senate such as Bill Nelson (D-Fla.), Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.), Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio) and Jon Tester (D-Mont.) – all of whom are up for re-election this year.

Additionally, former Democratic National Committee Chairman Tim Kaine (D-Va.) is running for the Senate in Virginia, and he has continually supported all of Obama’s policies which have driven our country deeper in debt.  Mr. Kaine needs to answer for this if he wants the voters to support him.  He is not exempt.

Obama declared that Stimulus One (a trillion dollars of taxpayer money) would get the economy back on track.  It was a miserable failure.  When that didn’t work, he threw more tax dollars at more failed projects in Stimulus Two. 

Back in February 2009, Obama said that as president he would be held accountable.  He said that if the economy didn’t recover in three years, his presidency would be a “one-term proposition.”   

Come November, the American people will remember Obama’s proclamation.  They will also remember that this administration has engaged in the most reckless deficit spending in history which has grown the federal debt over $16 trillion. 

At some point, the public’s patience will wear out unless Obama changes his spending ways and both he and his party begin to take this problem seriously.  Don’t bet on this.  You’ll be as successful as Obama and the Democrats have been lately. 


Brent Bozell is chairman and CEO of, the largest online conservative army in America with 2.5 million supporters.



Michelle Malkin


LA RAZA HILDA SOLIS - The U.S. Department of Illegal Alien Labor


President Obama's Labor Secretary Hilda Solis is supposed to represent American workers. What you need to know is that this longtime open--borders sympathizer has always had a rather radical definition of "American." At a Latino voter registration project conference in Los Angeles many years ago, Solis asserted to thunderous applause, "We are all Americans, whether you are legalized or not."

That's right. The woman in charge of enforcing our employment laws doesn't give a hoot about our immigration laws ---- or about the fundamental distinction between those who followed the rules in pursuit of the American dream and those who didn't.





Labor Secretary Pledges Help For Illegal Workers

Last Updated: Tue, 06/22/2010 - 11:00am

Two months after the Department of Labor launched a special program to assist and protect illegal immigrants in the U.S. the Obama cabinet official who heads the agency is personally encouraging undocumented workers to report employers that don’t pay them fairly.

In a Spanish-language public service announcement, Labor Secretary Hilda Solis assures that “every worker in America has a right to be paid fairly, whether documented or not.” Illegal aliens who are not getting fair wages are encouraged to call a new hotline set up by the agency on a new “Podemos Ayudar” (We Can Help) web page designed to administer worker protection laws and ensure that employees are properly paid “regardless of immigration status.”

In the short video, also posted in English, Solis tells illegal immigrants that it’s a “serious problem” when workers in this country are not paid fairly and that all workers have the right to receive their salary regardless of immigration status. She encourages those who are not to call the new hotline and assures it’s free and confidential. “Podemos ayudar,” (we can help), Solis guarantees at the end of the brief segment.

The Labor Secretary’s new message is part of a campaign launched a few months ago to help illegal immigrant workers in the U.S., who she refers to as “vulnerable” and “underpaid.” At least 1,000 new field investigators have been deployed to reach out to Latino laborers in areas with large numbers of illegal alien employees and the agency will focus on enforcing labor and wage laws in industries that typically hire lots of illegal aliens without reporting anyone to federal immigration authorities.

For a government agency to protect law breakers in this fashion may seem unbelievable but not if you consider the source. A Former California congresswoman, Solis has close ties to the influential La Raza movement that advocates open borders and rights for illegal immigrants. She made the protection of undocumented workers a major priority upon being named Labor Secretary, assuring illegal aliens that “if you work in this country, you are protected by our laws.”


"While the declining job market in the United States may be discouraging some would-be border crossers, a flow of illegal aliens continues unabated, with many entering the United States as drug-smuggling "mules."







Obama's 'Hispanicazation' of America

Monday, January 10, 2011 08:28 AM

By: James Walsh

Casting a shadow on economic recovery efforts in the United States is the cost of illegal immigration that consumes U.S. taxpayer dollars for education, healthcare, social welfare benefits, and criminal justice. Illegal aliens (or more politically correct, "undocumented immigrants") with ties to Mexican drug cartels are contributing to death and destruction on U.S. lands along the southern border.


While the declining job market in the United States may be discouraging some would-be border crossers, a flow of illegal aliens continues unabated, with many entering the United States as drug-smuggling "mules."


Increasingly vicious foot soldiers of the Mexican drug cartels are taking control of U.S. lands along the border, especially since U.S. Border Patrol units have been reassigned, some to offices 60 to 80 miles inland.


The U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management (BLM) early last year posted signs warning citizens to avoid Interstate 8 between Casa Grande and Gila Bend, Ariz., because of criminal activity in the area, an area that includes protected natural areas precious to the nation.


In reaction to public outrage over the signs, the BLM removed the offensive wording in October 2010, replacing it with the following: Visitor Information Update--Active Federal Law Enforcement Patrol Area.


As the liberal news media, far-left Democrats, and labor unions push for the "Hispanicazation" of U.S. culture, U.S. Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano says the U.S. border has never been more secure.


Perhaps she is basing this on the reduced number of apprehensions, which result, of course, from reassigning Border Patrol agents inland.


In a recent New York Times article, Nicholas Kristof criticized U.S. citizens for not speaking a foreign language and suggested that "Every child in the United States should learn Spanish." He concluded that as the United States increasingly integrates economically with Latin America, Spanish will be crucial for the United States.


For decades, the liberal left has argued that Latin America is essential for U.S. business and trade. Kristof states that Latin America "is finally getting its act together" but fails to mention the Obama administration's $2 billion loan of U.S. taxpayer money in 2009 to Brazil's Petrobras oil company for deep off-shore oil drilling. Obama confidant George Soros, through the Soros Fund Management LLC, until recently owned millions of dollars of Petrobras stock.


Kristof suggests that one day Spanish-speaking Americans will be part of daily life in the United States and that workmen such as mechanics will be able to communicate easily with Spanish-speaking customers.


He fails to explain why these customers will not be speaking English. After all, the ability to speak, read, and write English remains a requirement for U.S. citizenship.


President Barack Obama gives lip service to increasing border control resources with limited funding and personnel. Many officials, including the governors of Texas and Arizona, are skeptical regarding the Obama administration's resolve. They resent that the United States is being blamed for the killing fields on both sides of the Mexico-U.S. Border.


For instance, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in March 2009, during her first official visit to Mexico, placed the blame for the Mexican drug cartels' vicious murders on the United States.


In Mexico City, she announced that the U.S. appetite for illegal drugs and the easy acquisition of guns from the United States by Mexicans are the root causes of the Mexican crime wave. "Blame America" has become the global agenda of the Democratic Party.


The Obama administration's plan to resolve the immigration chaos is to offer amnesty to all comers. President Obama re-affirms his support of a "pathway to citizenship" (amnesty) for illegal aliens in 2011.


The administration, however, has announced no plans to control the influx of future waves of illegal aliens or their skyrocketing costs to the nation. The administration, which condones U.S. sanctuary cities and states, has no plans to file charges against them for violations of federal immigration law. Nor does the administration seem concerned about the environmental impact that illegal aliens have on the ecology of the United States.


Many national forests, parks, monuments, wilderness areas, and wildlife refuges -- once the pride of the nation -- are serving today as marijuana fields for illegal alien gangs.


Former Democratic Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi reportedly said to a gathering of illegal aliens in California in 2009 that U.S. immigration laws were "un-American," suggesting that they need not be obeyed. Concerned citizens can only trust that the new speaker of the House, John Boehner, as part of congressional oversight of federal agencies, will demand enforcement of existing immigration laws.


When will President Obama recognize that illegal immigration is slowing economic recovery? Can he resolve the chaos while still appeasing his Hispanic base?


To maintain his populist aura, the president is in the habit of saying one thing to one audience and the opposite to another.


One Obama apologist explained, "Campaign rhetoric is one thing," suggesting that governing is another. The deliberate Hispanicazation of the United States to secure a block of votes is quite another.




"We could cut unemployment in half simply by reclaiming the jobs taken by illegal workers," said Representative Lamar Smith of Texas, co-chairman of the Reclaim American Jobs Caucus. "President Obama is on the wrong side of the American people on immigration. The president should support policies that help citizens and legal immigrants find the jobs they need and deserve rather than fail to enforce immigration laws."

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