Sunday, January 27, 2019


The Democrats' stealth jihad

For decades, the Democratic Party has shown by both words and deeds that they despise the U.S. Constitution while they bend over backward to embrace Islamists, illegal aliens, and anyone who hates America.  The left is interested only in power and nothing else – even if it means to sacrifice our national security and advocate open borders.
The liaison between American Muslims and the Democratic Party is frequently described as a marriage of convenience, where Muslims will ally with leftist politicians, who will gladly cede some of their power to this group of enforcers so conservative politicians and Christians who advocate self-defense and sane social policies are kept out of office.
While America is in hibernation, Muslim organizations with the help of Democrats have been busy, working "stealthily" to change America in what is called "soft jihad."  Soft jihad is practiced where Muslims are not strong enough to unsheathe the sword of jihad, where the true nature of Islam is exposed and when the public would likely stamp them out.  A critical tool of soft jihad involves penetration of the American educational system, such as Da'wa, the religious duty of each Muslim to convert non-Muslims and strengthen the Islamic Ummah.
America is on a precarious path to lose its freedom and American values we have cherished for over 200 years.  We must accept that the current Democratic Party is no longer the party of Kennedy.  It has become the greatest threat to our national security and our survival as a nation.
Many Americans are confused as to why Democrats back Islamic ideology, honor their holidays and customs, and promote Islam as "the religion of peace," knowing that Islam is not a religion of peace.  In fact, it is an ideology of war.  The answer is quite simple: the Democratic Party stands with anyone who dislikes America and the Republican Party.  History has proven that once Muslims reach close to 10% in population, they institute sharia law and adopt their own legal system – a government within a government.
Some self-appointed prima donnas cover themselves with the shield of academic freedom.  Academic freedom is like liberty – it can be abused often and abused greatly.  That is the price of freedom.  Yet these abusers of freedom, the far left, will be among the first to be buried under the rubble of a free society's collapse they work so doggedly to bring about.  Muslims love our liberal politicians and will happily ally with them, who then will gladly cede some of their power to this group of enforcers.
I cannot emphasize enough the urgency of this threat.  It is indeed urgent that we confront Islamic ideology and its expansionism, close all their chapters across America, and declare the Muslim Brotherhood and its affiliates a terrorist organization.  All of us must pressure our government, at all levels, to abandon the practice of "political correctness" and protect and safeguard it against a truly deadly assault that is Islamic ideology.
Sugarcoating Islam is universally practiced not only by leftist politicians and liberal media, but also by the self-described doctors of Islamic religion.  They keep ranting about the importance of accepting things on faith, denigrate reason, dangle carrots and sticks, and demand unconditional surrender in return for guaranteed bliss and salvation.  Use jihad of the sword when it can and use soft jihad until the sword can be unsheathed to finish the job.  And don't forget: the ends justify any and all means in Islam.
Regrettably, America's fortress is no longer safe.  We also need to keep in mind that the breach of "Fortress America" from the air on 9/11 is only the first installment of many more forthcoming heinous assaults – unless we abandon our complacency, stop relying on the invincibility of law enforcement agencies, and willingly make the sacrifices that will protect our way of life.
Knowing Islam intimately and having experienced its systemic savagery has compelled me to warn repeatedly of the deadly and imminent threat it poses to all non-Muslims.
For as long as the leftist officials bend over backwards to protect Islam as an endangered species, Islam will thrive and flourish.  It is long past time for our elected officials to wake up and stop their political correctness.


A radical Muslim wants to cut your head off. A peaceful Muslim is praying that a radical Muslim cuts your head off.

Why are we defended the borders of these Muslim dictators when we can’t defend our own borders against NARCOMEX?
“The Wahhabis finance thousands of madrassahs throughout the world where young boys are brainwashed into becoming fanatical foot-soldiers for the petrodollar-flush Saudis and other emirs of the Persian Gulf.” AMIL IMANI

Robert Spencer’s The History of Jihad: From Muhammad to ISIS is an amazing book, extraordinary in its detail and riveting in its narratives and analysis.  This book documents the history of horrors, violence, brutality, oppression, conquests by the sword, beheadings of hundreds of thousands (probably millions), destruction of civilizations and cultures, corruption, deception, and lies that are part of the Islamist culture, and every other evil that you can imagine that one group of humans could impose on others in the name of an ideology or, in this case, a pseudo-religion.  

Anti-Semitic, open borders for cheaper labor and funded by criminal banksters… and these pols are making vast fortunes sucking the blood of America!

We must not let them cheat their way to power over the rest of us.  Their ongoing vote fraud must be stopped and the Democrats need to take a look at themselves and at what they have become. It's not a pretty picture.  What they have become threatens to destroy the greatest nation on the planet and they are doing it on purpose.  They have nothing but contempt for the US as founded and for those of us who love this country. PATRICIA McCARTHY – AMERICAN THINKER

“Then we suffered the rattling election of Barack Obama, whose active membership in a white-, Jewish-, and America-hating church was well known to the electorate.  His close personal relationship with the likes of his adored Rev. Jeremiah Wright and Louis Farrakhan was no secret.  Obama was open about his goals.  He told us he was out to "fundamentally transform America" and the world.”  ALAN BERGSTEIN

“There is a deep racist and anti-Semitic disease in the leadership of the Democrats. As Senator Cory Booker brings his hatred for the Jewish State to the Senate, he should be asked whether he agrees with his hero, “The only good Zionist is a dead Zionist we must take a lesson from Hitler”. DANIEL GREENFIELD


“Of course, one of the main reasons the nation is now “divided, resentful and angry” is because race-baiting, Islamist, class warrior Barack Hussein Obama was president for eight long years." MATTHEW VADUM
"But the Obamas are the center of the most delusional cult of personality that the media has yet spawned. And so we get bizarre pieces like these." MONICA SHOWALTER
"Along with Obama, Pelosi and Schumer are responsible for incalculable damage done to this country over the eight years of that administration." PATRICIA McCARTHY

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