Wednesday, June 3, 2020



13% of the population in the USA is black
BUT THEY COMMIT 85% of all violent interracial crimes, 80% of all shootings, 79% of all robberies, 59% of all murders, 52% of all violent juvenile crimes, 45% of all drug offenses..
49% of all murder victims are black. 42% of all cop killers are black.
99% of all major riots involving property damage, looting and civil disobedience are committed by blacks as opposed to ANY OTHER minority in America.
93% of all black murder victims are murdered by another black.
33% of all crimes in America are committed by 3% of the population; blacks between the ages of 16 and 36
8% of America’s population are black men, yet they account for 40% of America’s total prison population.
40% of blacks are on welfare
Only 59% blacks graduate high school (Detroit, only 20%)
Over 60% of black households have no fathers present
72% of black mothers are unwed!
Blacks account for 38% of abortions (only 13% of population and contraceptives are FREE)

(STATISTICS FROM Dept. of Justice, Dept. of Commerce, FBI and USA Census (ALL and sect.5 Law Enforcement))

Watch: Rioters Use Forklifts to Smash into Best Buy in California During Daylight Hours

Looters Strike Best Buy in CA
CBS Sacramento

Vandals participating in the widespread riots in response to the killing of George Floyd commandeered at least one reach forklift to break into a Best Buy in the city of Fairfield, CA, during daylight hours yesterday, several videos show.
Several people captured the incident in videos posted on YouTube, Twitter, and other social media outlets.

Looters Use Telescopic Forklift To Break Into Best Buy In Fairfield, California

On Tuesday, the Live Universal Awareness Map (Liveuamap), an independent global news outlet that monitors conflicts, protests, and terrorism around the world, noted that the vandals used two reach forklifts to smash into Best Buy.
“Officers said the looting started even before sundown when a large crowd gathered to gain access to two forklifts and rammed them through the front door of a Best Buy, KCRA-TV, the local NBC News affiliate in Sacramento, reported, echoing Liveumap.

Somehow this... Two forklifts smashed into the Best Buy in Fairfield. Police monitoring Solano Town Center after reported looting.

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Police reportedly began monitoring the incident, which took place at the Solano Town Center in Fairfield, soon after the destruction of the Best Buy. Fairfield is in Solano County.
Law enforcement officers were reportedly able to get to the store before the looting began.
Shortly after looters drove at least one of the crane-like reach forklifts into the store, “you can hear a siren in the background, and the group of people start running away from the store,” the local Fox 40 News outlet reported.
“Police swarmed the parking lot before anybody could get inside,” KCRA added.
Officers were reportedly responding to multiple reports of looting at the Solano Town Center and beyond on Monday.
Looters targeted up to 20 businesses in the area, namely pharmacies as well as mobile phone. electronics, and liquor stores.
Citing law enforcement, KCRA said the criminals were moving from store to store in cars.
Floyd died on Monday after a now-fired white Minneapolis police officer, Derek Chauvin, kneed his neck for several minutes. Two independent autopsies have deemed his death a homicide. Before the results of those autopsies came to light, authorities charged Chauvin with manslaughter and third-degree murder.
Protests that have devolved into rioting and looting, mostly at night, have been raging in dozens of cities across America, prompting officials to call in the National Guard to assist law enforcement.

Pin the Tail on Champions of Lawlessness and Anarchy

American cities aflame after the death of George Floyd at the hands of the Minneapolis police should come as no surprise.
Those small businesses and lives of everyday Americans that weren’t already crushed by the Democrat governors’ prolonged Covid-19 lockdowns were debilitated by the Dem mayors across the nation enabling and ennobling rioters, roving thugs, and bomb-throwers.
Democrats own the consequences of their devastating policies, starting with Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society welfare state.  Barack Obama’s race hustling criminal coddling set the more recent tone where state and local law-enforcement officers were routinely attacked, accused of serial hate-inspired killings of suspects; where civilized norms were declared the illicit fruit of white privilege; where the epidemic of black-on-black homicides was either ignored or blamed on unresolved racial grievances.
Where Marxist mayors demonizing and disarming their own police, nullified enforcement of criminal codes by issuing stand-down orders; embraced militant advocacy of open borders, enacted sanctuary city statutes to harbor illegal aliens; refused to prosecute and/or deport illegal aliens with long violent records including rape, kidnapping, sex trafficking, and murder.
Willis L. Krumholz has it correct in a City Journal piece “Standing Down”:
“For what it’s worth, every public official responsible for the mayhem is a Democrat—the governor, the mayors of Minneapolis and St. Paul, and even Hennepin County Attorney Mike Freeman, who finally had Chauvin arrested on Friday. And it was current Democrat Senator Amy Klobuchar, the former county attorney, who failed to prosecute Chauvin for misdeeds in the past. Democrats collectively run a state that has one of the widest racial disparities in the country in terms of education and income.”
As Roger Kimball notes here:
“In a magnificent monologue on his television show, Tucker Carlson peeled back the headlines to expose the festering reality that has brought us to this pass.
“The ideologues will tell you,” he noted, “that the problem is race relations, or capitalism, or police brutality, or global warming. But only on the surface. The real cause is deeper than that and it’s far darker. What you’re watching is the ancient battle between those who have a stake in society, and would like to preserve it, and those who don’t, and seek to destroy it.” That’s exactly right.
“Writing in the dark days of 1939, Evelyn Waugh noted that “barbarism is never finally defeated; given propitious circumstances, men and women who seem quite orderly will commit every conceivable atrocity.”
“Many if not most of the violent hooligans defacing our cities today are young beneficiaries of the richest and most generous society the world has ever seen. At school, they were taught to despise their country as racist, sexist, colonialist, and exploitative, attitudes that were reinforced in college and from the megaphones of the media, Hollywood, and our elite universities. How thin is the line between civilization and violent anarchy!”
It was the Dems who created multi-generational wards of the state, yet never delivered a better life to any of its captives, filling a reservoir of resentment, and pent-up fury.
Instead of safe neighborhoods, good schools, and a climate for businesses to thrive and add jobs, the Dems ushered in wretched schools where union spoils are a higher good than children’s futures, where small business entrepreneurs have to compete with drug dealers on street corners, and no one is shielded from gunfire.
Where vermin infested apartments are better than living on the streets, barely. 
Where police officers and firefighters don a bulletproof vest before responding to a call. Where corrupt mayors and city councils loot their constituents’ meager take-home remains, to pay for second homes and obscene wardrobes.
And now the good citizens who endured such prolonged humility and depravation, especially small business owners who just wanted a chance -- a puncher’s chance against all odds -- have seen their sweat equity, a tiny bit of tangible reward, up in flames as Dem mayors and governors talk of the sanctity of protest voices even as some use violence as their medium, while watching their cities burn to the ground.
Yes, the Dems are directly responsible, and the rest of us would be complicit in denial, or in soft-pedaling the obvious.
Rudy Giuliani nailed it on Hannity:
"Progressive Democrats are incapable of keeping their people safe," he said, "because they have criminal-friendly policies that are pathetic, that are dangerous, and now we are seeing the results not only there [in Minneapolis], but watch the cities that start burning.
"They are all going to be run by so-called progressives, idiot Democrats who let criminals out of jail, who set bail for murderers and encourage exactly this kind of thing."
As John Wohstetter points out from The American Spectator “ When you reward bad behavior, expect more of it”
Wohlstetter chronicles the inept and incoherent responses to riots in the late 1960s to the 1990s from which we have learned nothing.
“Detroit 1967-- five days of violence, with more than 40 fatalities and more than one thousand injured. …It was the worst rioting in America since the 1863 New York City draft riots, not to be exceeded in scale until the 1992 Rodney King riots (LA 1992)…
“Detroit and Newark (also 1967—four days of violence 26 deaths, over 700 injured) never recovered from the destruction of 1967. Washington, D.C. never fully recovered from the riots after the 1968 assassination of Martin Luther King…
 “And in 1991 NYC Mayor David Dinkins took a “let off steam” approach, as black rioters marched through the streets of Crown Heights shouting “Heil Hitler!” as they assaulted Jews, after a rabbi’s car accidentally struck two children, killing one. A rabbinical student — a student guest from Australia, a more civilized place than was New York City in 1991 — was stabbed to death. “
The false narratives endorsed and disseminated by Democrat politicians and the press about the Baltimore police and Freddie Gray, George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin, the Ferguson police and Michael Brown endure against truth tellers consigned to the shadows.
Dems stood aside while dozens of their neighborhoods were firebombed, businesses destroyed, cities ravaged --- activated by Democrat mayors and their states attorneys, county and city DAs whose selective readings of criminal statutes  emboldened and offered safe harbor to unrepentant violent criminals and revolutionary anarchists -- all  supported by Obama’s radical communist community organizer sympathies, who vilified Tea Party patriots while beatifying Occupy Wall Street deconstructionists.
The Democrats have successfully disintegrated decency and civility, re-shaping society.  Lawlessness, anarchy, random violence, and destruction of private property frames their new normal.  Imposing nihilist tyranny of the majority as a substitute for a constitutional process in resolving competing political visions, punishing victims while cheering criminals, are all standard- issue Dem behaviors, unconditionally underwritten by the MSM and purveyors of social media.
And so, we have the likes of David Gergen, establishmentarian, onetime advisor to four presidents, now a political analyst for CNN, lamenting that AG Barr’s plea for returning to “law and order” was a dog whistle, harkening to the civil rights days in the South, having no place in the present discourse.
Clueless Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey issued this pee-on-the-ashes nonsense while his city was ablaze:
“The City encourages everyone to exercise caution to stay safe while participating in demonstrations, including wearing masks and physical distancing as much as possible to prevent the spread of COVID-19,”
All of America’s most important cities from NYC to LA, to Chicago, to Seattle, to Boston, to Chicago, to Minneapolis, to St Louis, to Houston to San Francisco, to Washington DC, Baltimore, and Philadelphia are run now, and for the most part have been for last half-century, by Democrats, are to some degree in ruin, ungovernable.
Covid-19 is a sideshow compared to the takeover of American urban life by the malignant Democrats, as they champion the house arrest of everyday innocent and healthy Americans, while reopening America to the erstwhile underworld, now mainstream practitioners of despoiling all that is good.
Photo credit: YouTube screen grab 

This Black American Deems Floyd Protests Unnecessary

As a black American, Democrats and fake news media demand that I agree with the George Floyd protests. I say the protests are unnecessary and are totally politically motivated. The American people of all races including President Trump have expressed their outrage over the wrongful death of Mr. Floyd. The officer who killed Mr. Floyd has been charged with murder. The three officers who watched the abuse have been fired and investigated. So, where's the beef?  Why are opportunists looting stores, burning businesses, and beating up whites in the name of demanding justice? Who is opposing justice for Mr. Floyd? The answer is no one.
Therefore, what is the real purpose of the riots, hate, violence, and chaos in our streets? The answer is politics. Democrats and fake news media believe by generating racial hate, they can ensure that blacks will vote against Trump in November.
Like a magician uses misdirection, Democrats and fake news media hope to focus blacks' attention away from the fact that blacks have experienced unprecedented prosperity and record low unemployment since Trump has been in the Oval Office. 
Leftist political hacks say the killing of George Floyd reflects America's systemic racism, a country dominated by white supremacists. They say America was founded by racist white men for racist white men. Folks, such bogus and divisive rhetoric is nothing more than leftist intellectual-sounding gobbledygook. There are not enough white supremacists in America to elect anyone to any public office.
In the real-world America, blacks are not suffering persecution. I realize saying that will get me in trouble, but it is true. America is the greatest land of opportunity on the planet for all who choose to pursue their dreams. The perverted thinking of leftists has to make everyone a victim of someone or something. Democrats and fake news media brand blacks who do not harbor resentment for whites and America traitors to their race.
Blacks are only 13% of the population.  White America gifted its first black president two terms. And yet, far too many blacks absurdly believe Democrats' and fake news media’s lie that white America did not want a black man in the White House. If America is such a hellhole of racism, how did Oprah Winfrey, a dark-complexioned stout black woman, become one of the wealthiest and most influential persons on the planet? The myth of America's racism is evil, destructive, and must end.
Racism along with every other sin will exist until Jesus returns. However, there is not enough racism in America to stop anyone. This is why it is so offensive hearing wealthy black celebs filling young black minds with the lie that white America has stacked-the-deck against them. I wish blacks would ignore such crap and simply pursue their dreams.
Despite countless glaring examples of blacks thriving in America, Democrats and fake news media relentlessly sell the lie that blacks can't catch a break in this horrible country. This is why they persecute successful blacks who love their country and do not view themselves as victims.
Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden said, “If you don't vote for me, you ain't black.” Biden has also absurdly said, “Republicans want to put y'all back in chains.” Biden insultingly views blacks as brain-dead idiots eager to stay on Democrats' government dependency plantation.
In 2020 America, the tired old battered, tattered, and torn race card has been begging to retire for several years. Democrats refuse to retire it because they believe playing it wins them emotional, mindless black votes, trumping logic, facts, and commonsense.
All of the people who are protesting because cops routinely murder blacks and because America is racist are responding to lies. Cops do not murder blacks so much as blacks murder blacks. America is not racist. Why do you think people risk everything to get here? Trump is building a wall to keep illegals out, not to keep people in. We are extremely blessed to be Americans living in America.
Americans should be angry and protest about failing schools controlled by Democrats. Students graduate who cannot read their diploma. People should be angry and protest Planned Parenthood's black genocide. Why are 36% of America's aborted babies black?
Black Christians should protest the Democrat party's anti-Christian agenda which has led to the moral decay of the black community; fatherless households, gangs, crime, generational poverty, incarceration, and record-high black on black homicides.
I refuse to pander to Democrats' and fake news medias' lie that protests against cops, white supremacy, and America are necessary. America is the greatest land of opportunity on the planet for all who choose to pursue their dreams. This truth should be repeatedly shouted from the rooftops.
God instructed Pharaoh, “Let my people go.”
God instructs us, “Let my people know.” Spread truth.

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