Wednesday, June 17, 2020


Nolte: Democrat Mayors Must Be Held Accountable for Their Police Departments

Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey
AP Photo/Jim Mone
Ever wonder why Democrat mayors are never held accountable for the police departments they are in charge of…? Probably not, because the conversation about police reform has been so effectively hijacked by media propagandists, the idea of holding the person who actually is accountable accountable gets lost in the mess.
The thing to keep in mind about the establishment media is that when it comes to policing, the goal is not reform or change, the goal is to manufacture chaos in predominantly black neighborhoods. The goal is to keep things simmering, to keep the pressure on, because — as I laid out here — this is how you keep a population from rising into the bourgeois middle class.
The left despise the middle class. We’re complacent and prefer to be left alone, prefer to govern ourselves… That attitude is a direct threat to the left’s worship of centralized authority, conformity, and its unceasing desire to organize every aspect of everyone’s life.
Regardless, as I have mentioned ad nauseum, even before the tragic death of George Floyd while in police custody, I am not a worship-the-blue guy. I was in favor of criminal justice reform when the feckless Barack Obama was unable to get it passed, I am in favor of it now that President Trump has.
At the same time, I do recognize that police shootings of unarmed people (including blacks) have dropped dramatically over the past few years, as has the black incarceration rate, I also recognize there are a lot of poorly trained police out there and am grateful for the cameras that have made this clear.
I mean, if the State is going to give a man a gun and the legal authority to use it, a few bad apples are not acceptable. We should push for the same perfection in police officers that we do from those who route, pilot, co-pilot, navigate, maintain, and repair passenger planes.
So how is it that these persistent problems persist?
A big problem is the media’s ongoing protection racket of Democrats and their cancerous public unions.
Earlier this week, I went back and listed every controversial death of a black man at the hands of the police over the past few years.
Without judging in any way, without inserting my opinion of whether or not deadly force was justified, I made a list of incidents that raised eyebrows. Below is that list, where you will find the name of the victim, the city and state where the death occurred, and the political party in charge of the police department at the time…
  1. Bayshard Brooks – Atlanta, GA – Democrat
  2. George Floyd – Minneapolis, MN – Democrat
  3. Breonna Taylor – Louisville, KY – Democrat
  4. Manuel Ellis – Tacoma, WA – Democrat
  5. Atatiana Jefferson – Fort Worth, TX – Republican
  6. Javier Ambler – Austin, TX – Democrat
  7. Tony McDade – Tallahassee, FL – Democrat
  8. Dion Johnson – Phoenix, AZ – Democrat
  9. Jemel Roberson – Chicago, IL – Democrat
  10. Botham Jean – Dallas, TX – Democrat
  11. Stephon Clark – Sacramento, CA – Democrat
  12. Jordan Edwards – Dallas, TX – Democrat
  13. Eric Garner – NY, NY – Democrat
  14. Laquan McDonald – Chicago, IL – Democrat
  15. John Crawford, Beavercreek, OH – Republican
  16. Freddie Gray – Baltimore, MD – Democrat
  17. Tamir Rice – Cleveland, Ohio – Democrat
As you can see, out of 17 incidents, 15 happened in cities or town where a Democrat mayor was in charge of the police department.
Let me back up just a bit…
You see, there are two very good reasons our country believes in civilian oversight of institutions like the military, national guard, and police… We don’t want unelected people in charge of institutions given legal authority to use violence. That would be a disaster. But it is also about accountability… By putting the president in charge of the military, an elected sheriff in charge of sheriffs’ departments, and mayors in charge of police departments, by way of the ballot box, voters are able to have a say in how they are policed.
That is how this is supposed to work, and it makes perfect sense, no?
But it doesn’t, and this is deliberate.
Let me put it this way…
Have you ever noticed that when a scandal hits the military, the media either attack or circle the wagons to protect the president? If the president is a Republican and an Abu Ghraib happens, the president is vilified. If the president is a Democrat and a Benghazi happens, the president is protected. Either way, responsibility for the military is laid at the feet of the president because the president is in charge of the military, is the commander-in-chief. As a population, we understand the  buck stops with the president when it comes to the military.
This is a good thing. This is a healthy thing.
But have you also noticed that when a scandal involves the police department, the media always-always-always blame an entity that does not exist known as “The Police.”
According to our fake media, the non-existent “Police” are the problem, this phantom organization called “The Police” is to blame. Some unicorn called “The Police” must be reformed.
There is no “Police” in this country. We do have some 18,000 separate police departments — 18,000!  And each of those departments is its own separate organism and each of those departments is controlled by an elected official — and it is this elected official who is supposed to be held accountable for the police department he or she is in charge of.
But that never happens in this country… When a Minneapolis police officer felt comfortable jamming his knee into George Floyd’s throat for over eight minutes while he was being filmed, no one held the person in charge of the Minneapolis Police Department accountable — Democrat Mayor Jacob Frey (pictured).
Democrats have run the Minneapolis police department for nearly 50 years — but who was blamed for the George Floyd incident? This entity that does not exist called “The Police.”
Further, riots and protests broke out all over the country against “The Police,” even though the other 17,999 police departments have nothing to do with Minneapolis.
Meanwhile, the guy who’s actually in charge of the police, who is supposed to be accountable for a police department comfortable with jamming a knee into a helpless man’s throat for more than eight minutes while he’s being filmed, is not held accountable at all.
Over the weekend a police officer shot a fleeing man twice in the back, a black man. This happened in Atlanta. Who was blamed? This straw man called “The Police,” but not the person who is actually in charge of the police, Democrat Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms.
Democrats have run Atlanta — this is not a typo — since 1879… Not 1979 — 1879… That’s 141 years.
And I could go on, and you know I could go on, and this is why reforms that must happen, don’t… We’re all screaming about “The Police” when we should be screaming about “The Mayor.” But the left and the media have deliberately distracted us from that in order to protect Democrats.
Another problem are police unions. Thanks to collective bargaining, public unions are obscenely powerful, which makes it as obscenely difficult to fire a lousy police officer as it is to fire a lousy teacher. But again, because the media adore the public unions that flood Democrat politicians with campaign cash, we don’t talk about this, we just scream at the unicorn.
This is all by design…
This is all deliberate…
You blame “The Police” and the Democrats who run these cities stay in power while policing suffers, the cities they police suffer, crime goes up, opportunity flees, poverty, anger, and bitterness simmer among a population whose road the middle class has been closed.
 Follow John Nolte on Twitter @NolteNCFollow his Facebook Page here.
MediaPoliticsSocial JusticeGeorge FloydJacob FreyJohn Noltemedia buasPolice

Democrats announce toothless police reform bill

9 June 2020
With a great deal of rhetoric accompanied by a political stunt, the Democratic congressional leadership on Monday released its “Justice in Policing 2020” bill.
Prior to the press conference to present the measure, more than 20 Democratic lawmakers, all wearing African kente cloths, knelt in the Capitol’s Emancipation Hall for eight minutes and 46 seconds, the amount of time fired Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin kept his knee on the neck of George Floyd, killing the 46-year-old African American worker.
The group of Democrats included House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer, Congressional Black Caucus Chairwoman Karen Bass and senators Cory Booker and Kamala Harris.
At the press conference, Bass, Pelosi, Schumer and other sponsors of the bill repeatedly cited the nationwide mass demonstrations against the murder of Floyd and touted their bill as a “transformational” and “bold” attack on police violence and systemic racism. 
But their statements and the token character 
of the reforms included in the bill make clear 
that the measure is nothing of the kind.
Rather, it is a political maneuver designed to 
provide cover for Democratic governors and 
mayors who have overseen brutal police 
attacks on protesters, not to mention the pro-
police record of the Obama administration.

 It is also aimed at containing and dissipating social protests by workers and youth against not only racism and the fascistic Trump administration, but also the social inequality, repression and poverty that are embedded in the capitalist system and magnified by the coronavirus pandemic.
The Democrats are well aware that even their collection of mild reforms has no chance of being passed by the Republican-controlled Senate or signed into law by President Trump. Just minutes after the Democrats’ press conference, Trump, who later met behind closed doors with law enforcement officials, tweeted: “This year has seen the lowest crime numbers in our Country’s recorded history, and now the Radical Left Democrats want to Defund and Abandon our Police. Sorry, I want LAW & ORDER!”
The major provisions of the bill include:
* Changes in the wording of statutes dealing with police abuse that somewhat lower the legal threshold for obtaining a conviction. The bill alters the federal standard for criminal police behavior from “willfully” violating the constitutional rights of a victim to doing so “knowingly or with reckless disregard.”
It also changes the standard for determining whether the use of force is justified from whether it is “reasonable” to whether it is “necessary.”
* It somewhat limits, but does not eliminate, the application of “qualified immunity” to police offenders. For the past 15 years, the Supreme Court has interpreted the “qualified immunity” doctrine, which applies to public officials pursuing their official duties, to vacate civil suits and throw out criminal cases against police who break the law or use unwarranted force.
Legal researchers Amir H. Ali and Emily Clark argued in 2019 that “qualified immunity permits law enforcement and other government officials to violate people’s constitutional rights with virtual impunity.” The Obama administration repeatedly intervened in Supreme Court cases to uphold the blanket use of “qualified immunity” to shield cops from civil suits or criminal prosecution.
* The bill limits, but does not eliminate, the transfer of military equipment to the police. Obama continued the practice of militarizing police departments with billions of dollars worth of military-grade weapons, armored vehicles, attack helicopters, drones and other tactical weapons.
* The bill creates a national register of police misconduct.
* It bans chokeholds.
* It establishes a grant program allowing—but not requiring—state attorneys general to create an independent process to investigate misconduct or excessive force.
* It requires body cameras for federal uniformed police officers and dashboard cameras for marked federal police vehicles. These federal forces comprise only a small fraction of the 687,000 full-time law enforcement officers in the US. The bill also mandates that state and local agencies use federal funds to “ensure” the use of body and dashboard cameras.
* The bill bans racial profiling.
* It grants subpoena powers to the civil rights division of the Justice Department for “pattern and practice” investigations of police departments.
* It makes lynching a federal hate crime.
At the press conference, Bass, who represents parts of South Los Angeles, went out of her way to profess her support for the police. “I am certain that police officers, professionals who risk their lives every day, are deeply concerned about their profession and do not want to work in an environment that requires their silence when they know a fellow officer is abusing the public,” she said.
She went on to present police officers as the unwitting victims of poor training and policing practices and a lack of “transparency.”
Pelosi called the bill a “transformational” and “structural change,” ran through its main provisions, and concluded by saying, “Police brutality is a heartbreaking reflection of an entrenched system of racial injustice in America.” She called the bill a “first step,” promising “more to come.”
New York Senator Schumer, known as the senator from Wall Street, referred nervously to the massive demonstrations that have continued in New York City and in cities and towns across the US for nearly two weeks, noting in particular their multi-racial and multi-ethnic diversity.
He then proceeded to define the issue of police violence exclusively in racial terms, saying, “The poison of racism affects more than just our criminal justice system. It runs much deeper than that. There are racial disparities in housing and health care, education, the economy, jobs, income and wealth and COVID has only placed a magnifying glass on them.”
This is a continuation of the narrative that has been employed by the ruling class, and particularly that faction represented by the Democratic Party, for more than 50 years, ever since the massive urban rebellions of the 1960s. Beginning with the Kerner Commission Report of 1968, there has been a concerted effort to portray the essential social category in America as race, rather than class.

This was designed from the outset to divert attention from the class exploitation upon which capitalism is based and within which racism serves as a weapon to divide the working class. All of the African-American lawmakers at the Democrats’ press conference are wealthy beneficiaries of policies that have elevated a thin layer of blacks into the upper-middle class and the bourgeoisie, while leaving black workers, and the working class as a whole, in far worse circumstances than in the 1960s.
A reporter asked if the sponsors of the “Justice in Policing Act” supported calls for “defunding” the police that have been embraced by some local Democratic officials, who have generally defined it as diverting a small portion of the police budget to social services. Bass had previously made clear she did not support such calls and the campaign of Joe Biden released a statement Monday disavowing the demand.
Responding to the question, Pelosi said, “We want to work with our police departments. There are many who take pride in their work, and we want to be able to make sure the focus is on them.” She went on to warn against getting “into these questions that may come by the small minds of some.”

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