Sunday, June 21, 2020






Black Lives Matter: Democrats Can’t Live With Them, and Can’t Live Without Them

The folks at Black Lives Matter are really worried about black deaths. Not most black deaths, not even very many black deaths, mind you, but only that tiny fraction of a percent of blacks who have died at the hands of (presumably) white cops. Those are the only deaths that boil the blood of the folks at Black Lives Matter and spark the riotous mobs that loot and burn our Democrat-run cities.
Why Democrat cities? Because in 2015, Black Lives Matter activists tested Democrats’ resolve and found none. At a Netroots Nation Conference in Phoenix on July 18, presidential candidate Martin O’Malley uttered the unforgiveable words: “Black lives matter. White lives matter. All lives matter.” Shouted off the stage, he was heard by a Guardian reporter muttering to himself: “Black lives matter, black lives matter, black lives matter.” At a Bernie Sanders event in Seattle on August 8, activists took over the stage. Sanders waved goodbye and rescheduled the event. From that point forward, the moral authority of Black Lives Matter would remain unchallenged by any Democrat politician.
“Black lives matter” sounds good, but it provides cover for a lot of bad behavior. It’s like the tuxedo that enables a thug to work his way into your party. If you’re a Democrat mayor and you notice the well-dressed thug robbing your guests, you might say "Here, take my watch and go away and I won't call the cops." He’ll happily take your watch, but he'll also grab your rings and your billfold, and then he’ll demand "Where's the safe?" and you’ll tell him and give him the combination too, right after he breaks your Ming Dynasty vase and tears up your Picasso. Finally, he'll set fire to your house, because he despises you for your presumption in thinking that you could negotiate how much loot he should take.
There's nothing you can say or do anymore. You applauded him when he burned Ferguson and Baltimore, and you made excuses for him when he screamed: "What do we want? Dead cops. When do we want them? Now!" He owns you and you know it. You can’t criticize him. Best to take a knee and mutter vague homilies about racial injustice.
Your buddies in the newspapers and television can't help you either. They championed the thugs every step of the way. All they can do now is report that your home is "mostly standing" and that your thug was “mostly peaceable.”
What do these people want? The rioter wants to have fun, which to him means stealing as much cool stuff as he can and destroying whatever he wants. Probably he’s a bit amazed at the topsy-turvy world he’s created. The people he used to fear -- the cops -- now fear him. He can see it in their eyes. And when the cops take a knee, he sees surrender. For him, these are the best of times. He knows this can't last forever, but he also knows that whenever it does end, he'll own lots more stuff and probably be immune from prosecution.
The leaders of the Black Lives Matter movement want political power. They’ve already acquired quite a lot of it thanks to their violent groupies, but power is addictive and they may want even more. Right now, their knee is on the Democrat throat. They can do whatever they want. 
For their nominal political pals in the Democrat party, these are the worst of times. They’ve got a tiger by the tail, and they know it. Their political survival depends upon getting an overwhelming majority of the black vote, and if that majority should shrink to 85 percent or so, they’re politically dead. Black Lives Matter, or revulsion to it, could make that happen.
Black Lives Matter brings in a lot of money for the Democrats. Corporations are donating millions of dollars to the cause (just as they paid tribute to Jessie Jackson’s Rainbow Coalition years ago) and BLM sends much of it to the leftwing political action committee ActBlue. Democrats love the cash and so are loath to say a discouraging word about the mayhem.
But if the riots continue and bleed into November, Democrats will probably lose anyway. They surely wish that Black Lives Matter would just quiet things down, but they mustn’t say so. For now, all they can do is wear a happy face and some Kente cloth and talk about police reforms.
What Democrats really need is somebody who’s tougher than the rioters and who has the resolve to stop them. But he's running against them in November

BLM at War with America

Outrageously, cowardly and traitorous politicians are allowing Black Lives Matter, a racist hate group to engage in an “Everything Must Go” fire-sale against America. BLM is literally pulling down monuments and demanding that large portions of our history be removed from the records. They are burning down homes which dare fly the U.S. flag. They are taking control of portions of cities, absurdly claiming it as their new country. Why is BLM behaving like spoiled-brat bullies on America's playground? The answer: Because they are allowed to do it.
My stomach turned watching Tucker Carlson on Fox News cite a Rasmussen poll which says Black Lives Matter has 62% popularity, more than President Trump.  I remembered a bit of wisdom my brother gave me years ago. He said whenever something shocking happens, before you respond, stabilize your emotions. Despite the depressing poll, over a million people sought tickets to attend Trump's rally in Tulsa. Also, a Rasmussen poll says 40% of likely black voters approve of Trump's job performance. 
Fake news media is so despicable and obviously agenda driven. Here's a NYT headline, “Trump's Rally in Tulsa Could Spread Virus.” Meanwhile, the NYT and the rest of fake news media are encouraging anarchists to flood our streets with protesters with zero concern about spreading the virus.
What is so frustrating is that BLM is an extreme racist and anti-American hate group. Years ago, BLM declared war on cops and white people. They marched down a NY street chanting, “What do we want? Dead cops! When do we want it? Now!” 
Folks, how can any American in their right mind support these haters, paid to assassinate cops and whites and destroy our country? Long before the George Floyd incident, BLM was paid $150 million by George Soros and various anti-American liberal corporations and foundations.
“Accessory before the fact” is a legal term referring to a person who incites or assists someone to commit a crime. BLM is physically destroying businesses, assaulting, and murdering people. Can victims of BLM file lawsuits against major corporations who are eagerly donating millions to the domestic terrorist hate group?
Hateful extreme leftists are dominating the airwaves with intellectual sounding nonsense in praise of BLM. They claim America always has been and always will be irreversibly racist. They say the solution is to tear up and rewrite the U.S. Constitution. Folks, this is hogwash!
Given that blacks are only 13% of the population, Christians and decent whites had to play major roles in ending slavery and empowering blacks. And yet, leftists' get away with pretending that every achievement made by blacks throughout American history was made despite white America.
Historian David Barton has done tremendous research exposing how Christian whites and blacks fought side-by-side to liberate black Americans. 
Leftists do not give a rat's derriere about black empowerment or black lives. They view blacks as useful idiots towards transforming America into their socialist/communist utopia in which anything goes sexually.
A huge elephant in the room is how long will the white majority tolerate being repeatedly poked in the eye with a hot poker of racial hate by BLM; demanded to kneel in worship to blacks? While claiming to be against racial hate, leftists are intentionally generating such hate. They believe voters will blame Trump and vote against him in November.
Evidence that leftists are lying about America being eternally racist is everywhere for anyone willing to see it. Eager to heal our nation from the wounds of slavery and racial discrimination, white America excitedly allowed a black man to bypass the usual vetting process for a presidential candidate. They gifted Obama two terms in the White House. Naive whites believed electing a black president would usher in a new era in which they could never be called “racist” again. Democrats and fake news media used Obama's skin-color as a bludgeon to beat Republicans into submission, giving Obama free rein to implement their agenda to transform America into a socialist nation.
Here's another example of the good-hearted nature and generosity of the American people. Fake news media and Democrats promoted the lie that Republicans and white America did not care about the victims of hurricane Katrina because they were mostly black. The truth is U.S. donors opened their hearts, giving $4.2 billion to victims of Katrina which is believed to be the highest amount ever.
Formerly of the CIA, Buck Sexton has been ranting in his articles and tweets that we need to rally around the concept of “wartime conservatism.” Buck says the left is kicking our butts. He also called out conservative billionaires. Why aren't they purchasing media platforms and funding our cause?

The GOP is asking people to donate at, which is a good thing. However, everywhere I turn, I see people afraid, angry and frustrated because they feel like the GOP is doing nothing to push back against ANTIFA and BLM running wild in our streets.
I would love for the Tea Party buses to roll again. Frankly, thus far, the funding is simply not there. Yes, I have been contacted by concerned Americans who are eager to donate. However, a tour needs a major donor to get the ball rounding.
While we struggle to find funding for a bus tour to inspire and encourage Trump's base, BLM has a war-chest of mega-millions to destroy America and block Trump's reelection. There is something terribly wrong with this picture.
Another thing causing my head to explode is all of the pandering to BLM, an evil and demonic hate group. In compliance to BLM, pastors are telling their white congregations to own up to their white privilege. My response is, “Stop it! Stop falling for leftists' bogus guilt-trip.”
For crying out loud! America is the greatest land of opportunity on the planet for all who choose to purse their dreams. Anything else is a lie!
Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American

Over 56 Shot by Sunday Morning on Father’s Day Weekend in Chicago

Police stepped up patrols near Belmont and Central avenues in Portage Park after a shooting Sunday night.
Scott Olson/Getty

More than 56 people were shot, nine fatally, by Sunday morning on Father’s Day Weekend in Democrat-controlled Chicago.
WLS reports “two teen boys and a three-year-old are among the dead.”
The three-year-old boy was killed when a car pulled up next to his father’s car and the occupants opened fire “just before 6:30 p.m. Saturday night.” The three-year-old was shot in the back and the wound proved fatal.

Our city's collective heart breaks to hear the unfathomable news of a 3-year-old boy who was shot and killed tonight on Chicago's West Side. There are simply no words to describe such a heinous, unconscionable act of cowardice to shoot at a toddler.

NBC Chicago reports a 13-year-old girl was shot and killed in a separate incident.
Breitbart News reported over 30 were shot, two fatally, in Chicago last weekend. Thirty-five were shot, five fatally, the weekend prior.
Police in Democrat-controlled Cleveland are investigating six shootings which occurred between Saturday morning and Sunday morning in their city.
Fox 8 reports the shootings began Saturday around 9 a.m., with the last one occurring Sunday about 6 a.m.
The individuals were all shot while outside and the conditions of all victims are not known.
AWR Hawkins is an award-winning Second Amendment columnist for Breitbart News and the writer/curator of Down Range with AWR Hawkinsa weekly newsletter focused on all things Second Amendment, also for Breitbart News. He is the political analyst for Armed American Radio. Follow him on Twitter: @AWRHawkins. Reach him at You can sign up to get Down Range at

Report: Florida Man Confesses to Murders of Protester and Elderly Woman

Aaron Glee Jr. was arrested by the Orlando Police Department. Glee is suspected of killing two Tallahassee women. Orange County Jail
Orange County Jail

A suspect has reportedly confessed to killing a female protester and elderly woman whose bodies were found June 13 in Tallahassee, Florida.
“Aaron Glee Jr. confessed several times that he kidnapped and killed both Oluwatoyin Salau, a student and protester, and Victoria Sims, a volunteer and retired state worker, in grisly crimes that have horrified the community,” according to the Tallahassee Democrat.
Glee recently waived his right to remain silent and gave his account of the killings to officers with the Tallahassee Police Department and Orlando Police Department, court documents said.
The Democrat report continued:
They include shocking new details, including that Glee kept Salau a prisoner in his run-down home on Monday Road for several days, raping her and eventually deciding to kill her to avoid getting caught.
The documents also reveal that Salau, 19, and Sims, 75, apparently met one another in the last days of their lives, after Glee arranged for Sims to pick both him and Salau up at a bus stop.
Officers traced Sim’s cellphone to Glee’s home on June 13 and found her body under a bloody sheet in a bedroom and Salau’s body under a pile of leaves behind the house.
Following his arrest, Glee, who has a lengthy prison record, said he tied up Salau in a manner he thought would cause her death and left her alone in a room.
“Glee explained how over the course of several hours he would re-enter the bedroom multiple times to see if (Salau) was still alive,” the arrest report stated. “Ultimately, he entered into the bedroom and determined (she) was deceased.”
Police said Sims was also bound and they believe Glee ransacked her apartment on Blair Stone Road, stole her vehicle, and kidnapped her.
Later, authorities found Sims’ vehicle stuck in the mud outside his home.
Glee was charged with two counts of kidnapping and murder, and one count of sexual assault, according to Fox News.
In court Saturday, Chief Circuit Judge Jonathan Sjostrom ordered the suspect held without bail at the request of Assistant State Attorney Callaway Scott, who said he was a “danger to society.”

Her Name Is Mari McElyea: White Woman Murdered By Black Career Criminal Da'qon Sipple Speeding Away From Shooting
Want to learn about Black Privilege? This is the story of Da’qon Sipple, the poster child for what happens when Criminal Justice Reform unleashes black criminals back into the general public, when instead they should be locked away in the deepest, darkest prison and the key conveniently lost:
A man convicted of an aggravated assault at the scene of the 2016 shooting death of Kansas City, Kansas police Capt. Dave Melton is now in the Jackson County Jail, charged with murder in a shooting and crash from last week.
Daqon Sipple, 22, is charged with second-degree murder in a fatal crash that happened last Wednesday on U.S. 24 Highway and Sterling Avenue. Police said the crash happened after Sipple had fled the scene of a shooting on North Emery in which a woman said Sipple shot into her vehicle.
Independence police said Sipple ran a red light and hit a vehicle that was going south. The driver, Mari McElyea, died.
Sipple remains in the Jackson County Detention Center on $250,000 bond.
Sipple is one of two men who were charged in a July 2016 incident that involved the fatal shooting of Melton, 46, who had responded to assist other officers in the search for drive-by shooting suspects. A man named Jamaal Lewis came up behind Melton, who was still in his vehicle, and fired several shots into the police car, killing the police captain.
Mari McElyea was a white woman, who was murdered in her vehicle as Da’qon sped away from a shooting he had just engaged in (firing rounds into the car his ex-girlfriend was driving). Da’qon – it should go without saying – is a black male, who is the type of repeat black criminal the GOP is so desperate to let out of jail via the First Step Act and restore their voting rights since he is obviously a natural conservative/Republican.
Friends mourn innocent woman allegedly hit, killed by man fleeing Independence shooting,, May 29, 2020
A 22-year-old who is well known to police on both sides of the state line is in custody after police say he hit and killed an innocent woman while running away from a shooting.
Friends said Mari McElyea was always trying to help people and loved working with children. Her death is hitting friends and family hard, especially because of the way she died and who allegedly killed her.
“I miss her. I can’t even believe she’s gone,” her best friend Marilyn Evans said.
A knock on the door by two Independence police officers is not how Evans thought her friendship with McElyea would end.
“You know, they said there’s no easy way to tell you this. There was a car accident, and Mari didn’t make it,” Evans said.
On Wednesday, McElyea was on her way home from work at Sugar Creek Elementary School when she was hit by a car speeding through a red light at 24 Highway and Sterling Avenue in Independence.
“Maybe a little bit worse because it was someone who was doing bad things,” Evans’ husband Jonathan Hutchins said of the man accused of killing McElyea.
Sipple has a long rap sheet, including a drive-by shooting in KCK that prompted a call to police and ended in the death of Capt. Dave Melton. Sipple spent about two years in prison for his role in that incident, and police said Sipple is up to his old antics.
Prosecutors said Sipple shot at his ex-girlfriend at their Independence home and then took off. He was allegedly running from that incident when he hit and killed McElyea.
“If it had just been an accident, then it would be just something random. But this was worse than that,” Hutchins said.
Evans said the two were more like sisters than friends, who went fox hunting, camping every summer, and were members of SCA, a historic recreation group.
The two expected to be friends for a lifetime. Mari even gave Marilyn the Blue Zones Diet cookbook so they could live to be 100.
“And I was pouring through it. We were figuring out how we were going to cook all these things,” Evans said. “And we had a passion for Indian food. We both love Indian food, and I don’t think I’ll eat Indian food again without getting kind of messed up about it.”
McElyea was an accomplished equestrian who taught riding lessons to children and adults, including Evans and her husband. They said her passion for animals, including horses and cats, and her love of children will be her legacy.
“Going through her things, I’m finding so many notes and cards from people thanking her and wishing her well,” Hutchins said. “She appreciated them I guess.”
Sipple has been charged with second-degree murder, unlawful use of a weapon and armed criminal action.
FOX4 spoke to Sipple’s extended family who said the police have the story all wrong, but they would not speak on record to tell their story.
Had Da’qon been locked away for good in a prison rotting for the rest of his life, Mari McElyea would still be alive, working with children at the elementary school where she was employed. Instead, because we are in the early stages of making it illegal to arrest black criminals, he was allowed out and on probation and promptly engaged in more criminality (firing rounds at his ex-girlfriend), before trying to speed away from the police and killing an innocent white woman.

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