Saturday, June 6, 2020


Veterans are America's modern martyrs

In countries that are (rightly or not) considered prosperous, the "me, myself, and I" principle has become a cultural standard, if not the sense of living.  Social media inflate egos willing to gorge on exhibitionistic narcissism, and mainstream media promote an "outcome only" societal model where the most despicable lowlife can be "a winner" if he is "successful" enough — namely,  very rich.  Self- focused attention evolved into selfie culture, and the concept of sacrifice is neither respected nor properly understood.
As if that weren't bad enough, it has now become a norm in modern society  that the most altruistic individuals get crucified both by the indifference of the dumbed down general public, and by the derelict maneuvers of worthless kleptocrats. One must be both intrigued and sickened by the actual correlation: the more our veterans adhere to "military service is an honor and not a sacrifice," the more brazenly all sorts of ingrates live by "no good deed goes unpunished."
The FBI would rather spend $25.2 million unsuccessfully looking for collusion than on looking into corruption and cronyism that ravage veterans' lives. The mainstream media will make headlines out of Hollywood's casting couch drama but finds no space or airtime for a minute of outrage over sexual assaults on homeless female veterans .  The V.A., for its part, keeps ranting and raving about MST (military sexual trauma) but keeps mum about housing for female veterans attacked on the streets.  Global warming calls for an immediate action because the big thaw wizards predict that glaciers might melt within 30 years; veterans who have been homeless for decades can wait, and if they have a meltdown, it must be PTSD.  One good tour in Afghanistan and Iraq deserves another.
Among still "pending" bills you can find, e.g., S.B. 3812, "[a] bill to amend title 38, United States Code, to expand eligibility for hospital care, medical services, and nursing home care from the Department of Veterans Affairs to include veterans of World War II."  No wonder that Vietnam-era, Thailand-based veterans are still snubbed by the V.A.  You've been waiting "only" for four decades; the WW2 veterans were put on hold for 80 years.
The soldiers who put their lives at stake for our lives as free people stake their future as veterans on the values of our country.  The indescribable pain caused by betrayal is an additional torture when you face homelessness, "service-connected" disability, and diseases.  Yet those who lost their limbs, those who battle multiple Agent Orange–related cancers, those who experience the symptoms of burn-pit exposure would rather voluntarily suffer death than deny their values and violate their oath.
Dealing with corruption, harassment, and the V.A.'s antics, I "lost my religion" many times, but my true beliefs have always been strengthened by veterans.  A WW2 hero who took part in the liberation of concentration camps used to underline that his revolt against the disgraceful treatment of our veterans prolonged his life.  On his deathbed, he promised me: "On the other side, we will still fight together.  We will kick the enemy's behind all the way to Hell."
 President Trump, I don't know if you share our concept of paradise, but I hope you are hell-bent on the resurrection of American veterans. RIGHT, SURE. THAT'S THE KIND OF THING THE ORANGE BABOON IS GOOD AT.... 'RESURRECTION' AND LOOTING!

Court Fines Trump $2 Million for Diverting Money From Veterans Fundraiser to His Campaign

An honest businessman. Photo: Olivier Douliery/AFP via Getty Images
Ajudge ordered President Trump to pay $2 million to a group of charities on Thursday, ruling that the president had broken the law by directing the proceeds from an event advertised as benefiting veterans to his presidential campaign instead.
The lawsuit stems from the wild days of the 2016 Republican primary. Because of a feud he maintained with Fox News at the time, Trump decided to skip a debate hosted by the network just before the Iowa caucuses in January 2016, and hold his own, competing event instead — a televised fundraiser for veterans. Shockingly enough, it turned out the event wasn’t quite on the level. Rather than having the foundation run the event and direct all proceeds to the charities, as promised, Trump did something quite different. As New York State Supreme Court Justice Saliann Scarpulla put it in her decision on Thursday:
Mr. Trump’s fiduciary duty breaches included allowing his campaign to orchestrate the Fundraiser, allowing his campaign, instead of the Foundation, to direct distribution of the Funds, and using the Fundraiser and distribution of the Funds to further Mr. Trump’s political campaign.
The lawsuit was brought by New York State attorney general Barbara Underwood, who announced last year that the Trump Organization would shut down amid her investigations into its well-documented chicanery. Though Trump had said on Twitter that he would fight the fundraiser case, his lawyers and the state have been in talks for months to negotiate a settlement.
It’s a loss for Trump, but $2 million is a minor blow in his universe — and the judge could have been harsher. She decided not to impose any punitive damages on the president, nor impose lifetime bans on him and his children from serving on the boards of New York–based charities in the future, conditions the state had been seeking. (Though she did put into place other restrictions involving his future charitable endeavors.)
Trump suffered another legal setback on Monday, when a federal appeals court ordered him to produce eight years of his personal and corporate tax returns, in a case likely headed for the Supreme Court.

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