Monday, June 29, 2020

THE BLACK LIVES MATTER NOT THAT MUCH - Lt. Col. West Slams BLM for Attacking Nuclear Family and Ignoring Fatherlessness

Lt. Col. West Slams BLM for Attacking Nuclear Family and Ignoring Fatherlessness

 By Andrew Davenport | June 29, 2020 | 4:10pm EDT

Lt. Col. Allen West speaks on constitutional conservatism. (Photo credit: YouTube/The Dole Institute of Politics)
Lt. Col. Allen West speaks on constitutional conservatism. (Photo credit: YouTube/The Dole Institute of Politics)
Lt. Col. Allen West slammed Black Lives Matter for painting the nuclear family as a beacon of "white supremacy" while ignoring issues like fatherlessness facing the black community.
“Well when you think about that name Black Lives Matter, that's very oxymoronic because they are not focused on the issues that are confronting the American black community," West said. "You know, one of the big problems in the black community today is fatherlessness. When you look at the fact that when I was born in 1961, about 77 percent of black kids had both mother and father in the home, today that's down to 24 percent. You don’t hear Black Lives Matter talking about that. As a matter of fact, when you go to their website, they say that the traditional nuclear family is [a] representation of white supremacy.”
West continued to go after the failure of Black Lives Matter to address the important issues. 
“You don’t hear them talking about the genocide of 20 million black babies murdered in the womb since 1973," he explained. "The biggest civil rights issue in the black community right now is the equality of opportunity through an equality of education and educational freedom. They don’t stand for school choice or school vouchers. It’s a Marxist organization. They said that."
Below is a transcript of this part of the segment:
"This is a mob and depending on which mob member you speak to, they have a different cause and yet the common thread among them all is, like the leader of Black Lives Matter in New York City said, burn the system down. You either meet our demands or burn the system down. And my answer to him is, who the hell do you think you are to be burning systems down? You don't represent anybody in this country, black, white, brown, red, yellow, whatever. You represent nobody. This is a mob. It is a Marxist mob. The two co-founders of Black Lives Matter admit that they're trained in Marxism. You know what? I think this is a throwback. They're more effective. They're better funded and they're better organized and a bigger network than the Weather Underground in the 1960s that was absolutely violent and was linked to Marxism. What do you think about that?"
“Well when you think about that name Black Lives Matter, that's very oxymoronic because they are not focused on the issues that are confronting the American black community. You know, one of the big problems in the black community today is fatherlessness. When you look at the fact that when I was born in 1961, about 77 percent of black kids had both mother and father in the home, today that's down to 24 percent. You don’t hear Black Lives Matter talking about that. As a matter of fact, when you go to their website, they say that the traditional nuclear family is [a] representation of white supremacy. You don’t hear them talking about the genocide of 20 million black babies murdered in the womb since 1973." 
"The biggest civil rights issue in the black community right now is the equality of opportunity through an equality of education and educational freedom. They don’t stand for school choice or school vouchers. It’s a Marxist organization. They said that. But what they have been able to do is to go out and co-opt name, this title of Black Lives Matter that has put people on their heels and made people afraid to challenge them for being called a racist to the point now -- they have raised over $460 million in the last couple of months from corporations and businesses because they are a mob. They are [a] Marxist mob that are extorting businesses and people. They have raised $50 million here in the State of Texas, the Lonestar state of Texas."
Andrew Davenport is a student at Regent University, where he studies political communication and American politics. He has served as the chairman of the Regent Young Americans for Freedom and a student alumni ambassador since 2018. He is a member of the National Journalism Center program and serves as the senior representative of Regent University student government. Following his undergraduate, he plans to pursue an M.A. in government focusing on public policy.   

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