Tuesday, June 30, 2020


We Must End the Slavery of One-Party Rule

What is the solution for Democrat-led inner cities?
Phil Orenstein

The latest of the cataclysmic social events of the past few months is the devastating summer crime wave which has started hitting hard in our black communities. NYC has seen dozens of recent shootings, and after pressure to defund the police, the plainclothes anti-crime unit was disbanded in mid-June and we are now witnessing the biggest spike in gun violence and murders in decades.
In his column “Time for Republicans to Give Black Voters a Real Choice” Robert Hornak says that many center-right folks have missed the point when offering the facts to explain away the “pain that real people peacefully protesting are feeling.” While the roots of the historical problem in black communities is deeper than he suggests, it’s a good thing he’s calling for “the larger conversation we need to have on race relations in America.”
This larger conversation presents us with a positive opportunity to work with the black community and welcome them into the Republican Party, the Party of freedom, opportunity, law and order, prosperity, and choice. However, we don’t want to use the language of the extreme left such as “systemic racism” which invariably points the narrative to Republicans and police which couldn’t be further from the truth. It’s a smoke screen, covering up the real problems. 
Racism is evil, and must be stamped out, but America today is not a racist nation and the Police are not racist. Americans hailing from all races, colors and creeds are on the whole not racist people, and calling America a “racist nation” amounts to a false narrative. The charge of “racism” is used for the sick obsession to paint a large group with a broad brush, and while there are racist individuals in every group, it doesn’t necessarily translate to the entire group. The evil we are addressing is a much deeper disorder in New York City and the inner cities of America where slums of misery and poverty have been festering for decades.
It’s nothing less than the one-party political monopoly which has dominated these cities for decades and kept black communities down.  The most violent crime ridden and run-down cities in America, including Detroit, Newark, Philadelphia, Chicago, Atlanta, Baltimore, and many others have been run by progressive Democrats for decades. These once thriving cities now in ruins, have been ruled by corrupt Democrat politicians who have run them into the ground. 
Although downplayed in our present school history texts, media, and Hollywood, we need to look at the history of the Democratic Party, the “party of slavery,” a party that protected black slavery in the Southern states and spread it into new American territories. With the abolition of slavery following the Civil War, the Democrat Party continued to keep blacks down, legalizing segregation through the Jim Crow laws, which were enacted to marginalize blacks by denying them the right to vote, hold a job and get an education. Southern Democrat vigilante organizations were formed, the most prominent being the Ku Klux Klan, that launched a reign of terror throughout the South targeting blacks and Republicans who tried to win political power.
 Despite the deliberate coverup of the historical political sins of the Democrat Party, people are waking up to the underlying truth that Democrats have been using and abusing blacks up until today. It’s all about money and power. President Lyndon Johnson’s War on Poverty, costing American taxpayers over $20 trillion, destroyed the black family, kept them in poverty and dependence on government welfare, and funneled money into the hands of corrupt bureaucrats and anti-poverty programs to maintain permanent Democrat Party power and control of America’s cities.
The War on Poverty treasure-trove was milked by the Democrat Party to make sure blacks and disadvantaged groups forever vote Democrat, keeping them in a vicious cycle of dependency on government welfare and the politicians who legislated it. In every Democrat-controlled city rife with crime, bad schools, poor housing, drugs, and gangs, the blame for all manner of social ills and misery can be pinned directly on the Democrat Party and the lack of an alternative voice.
They succeeded in chasing the middle class taxpayers, wealth, Republicans, Conservatives, and political moderates, out of the hell-holes they created and left those too poor to leave no other option than to vote for Democrat politicians, who branded Republicans as the bad guys. Before Republican Mayor Rudy Giuliani turned NYC around into the safest large city in America, we who lived through the bad old days, remember the fear, the raging crime and chaos, the graffiti, the crack epidemic, the great city that had been written off as ungovernable. But now we have de Blasio and the leftwing Democrats running our city, giving in to the mob and excoriating our police. Now we see our middle class taxpayers and wealthy New Yorkers running for the exits, our demoralized and disrespected NYPD resigning in droves, as raging crime, murder, chaos, and fear is making a big comeback, hurting our disadvantaged neighbors disproportionately.
Teachers unions are the campaign arm of the Democrat Party, indoctrinating our kids in the public school system to brand Republicans as uncaring, greedy racists, while electioneering, fundraising, and phone-banking for Democrat candidates. Now the UFT wants to remove NYPD school safety officers, predominantly women and minorities, and replace them with their own untrained union members, which is a recipe for mayhem. The UFT, along with college professors, media, textbook publishers, and corporate giants feeding off the poor, are the tools of the Democrat Party to maintain perpetual political power, amass money, and to silence all alternative voices that genuinely want to help black inner-city communities.
These are the real enemies of the people, feeding off black and disadvantaged communities for their own money and power, keeping them living in neglect and squalor, public housing in disrepair, deficient hospitals, deteriorating roads and infrastructure, and terrible schools.  This is the real racism in America, and it’s all about votes for Democrats to keep them in control. Notorious Democrats such as Rep. Greg Meeks, the boss of the Democrat machine in Queens, named one of the most corrupt members of Congress, hasn’t done anything for black communities beside steal money and take lavish junkets around the world.
The police are not the cause of the misery. The call to Defund the Police is a big lie, a big cover-up of the real problem. They created a false narrative and smoke screen to divide us by race. The $1 billion in NYC to defund the NYPD, will never reach the black kids, their families, and their disadvantaged communities. It will only make their communities less safe, and the money will go into the hands of the Democrat political machine, the fake anti-poverty programs, the billion dollar ThriveNYC mental-health rip-off, the bureaucrats running our schools, hospitals, housing, homeless shelters, phony college classes, and so on.
Not one penny of the billions in profits of the globalist corporate giants from $300 pairs of sneakers, $6 cups of coffee, $1000 iPhones, or $2000 for 80” UHD TVs, that are marketed to target disadvantaged kids and families, ever benefits these communities. The Democrats were thrilled that their corporate allies, Nike and Michael Jordan donated $100 million to Black Lives Matter, a domestic terrorist organization, spearheading the war on cops and law and order, so that black kids continue to get ripped-off buying over-priced Jordan Brand sneakers.  Blacks have been used and abused, and fell for the lies and cover ups of the Democrats and their media handmaidens.
We need a two-party system in NYC and cities across America, otherwise with one political party controlling black and disadvantaged communities, their lives and destinies, they are left bereft of choices, deprived of freedom. Freedom is choice, and without it, you are living in slavery. The Democrat Party and urban media has kept them beaten down in slavery. They have become slaves to one party. We must end the slavery of one-party rule.
The only way to save these communities is to give them choice in schools, media, housing, hospitals, and quality of life, period. The biggest choice that’s needed is for alternative voices in other political parties to speak for them. Unless we have a two-party system, the economic and social problems in black and disadvantaged communities will never be solved. There needs to be an opposition party in the cities. The Republican Party is the opposition party which stands for freedom, opportunity, prosperity, choice in schools, vouchers, charter schools, safe communities, and policies that empower all people to get ahead, be self-sufficient, raise their families in safe neighborhoods, achieve their full potential and the American Dream. The answer is the Republican Party, which is composed of Black, Chinese, Indian, Haitian, Hispanic Americans, and many others, working together, running for office, and building a great loyal opposition party in the cities of America. We are there for you.
Phil Orenstein is the president of the Queens Village Republican Club. Established in 1875, it is America’s oldest Republican Club.  www.QVGOP.org   Historian, Jerry Matacotta was the advisor for this letter.

Lies and Sacraments: The story of the Democratic Party


We are being fed an unending stream of lies by the media/academia/Democrat complex.  The party of segregation and Jim Crow now claims to be the one true friend of African-Americans and people of color.  In fact, according to its current presidential nominee, "you ain't black" if you vote for the other guy.  Does that not mean that "you ain't white" if you vote for Biden?  Maybe by Biden's "logic."  But conservatives don't think that way.
The ugly truth is that slavery and abortion have been the two sacraments of the Democratic Party.  The first, since its inception, the latter in more modern times.  Slavery was a monstrous evil as practiced then and is a monstrous evil as practiced now.  Stray too far from the Democratic plantation, and they try to strip you of your dignity.  Erase your identity.  Call you names.  Say you aren't actually black.  They actively foment race and class warfare to further their own cause, their own power.  Screw the country.  This is the mother of all evils.
Speaking of mothers, while those aborted don't have to be provided for, they aren't worth mentioning to Democrats since they can't vote.  Because they're dead.  That's the difference.  Abortions are effectively partly subsidized by our tax dollars.  What does one say about a party that advocates confiscating people's money to fund Planned Parenthood (or pay for union dues, for that matter) without their consent, or even in direct opposition to their beliefs?  Is that not another form of slavery?  It certainly is taxation without representation at a minimum.  The Founders rebelled against a three-pence tax on tea.  Isn't this worse?
We are being lied to continually.  Very few people in the media, such as Tucker Carlson, are brave enough to speak truth to power, whoever that power may be, wherever it may lie.  Democrats are gifted liars, preternatural prevaricators.  (See also the Clintons.)  They will tell you Republicans are racist.  They will tell you that President Trump colluded with the Russians, might even be a Russian asset.  They tell us that global warming is an existential crisis and that the Earth will be toast in ten years.  Of course, they also told us that ten years ago.  They told us that COVID-19 would likely kill countless millions, maybe 2.2 million in this country alone, so we should stay inside.  We couldn't have graduation ceremonies, get married, attend funerals, or get a haircut.  For our own good.  Those few of us who eventually dared to leave our homes and peacefully protest this usurpation of our constitutional rights were labeled as selfish, hateful, bigots — terrorists, in fact — who were going to be responsible for a surge in coronavirus infections and resultant deaths.
And now they tell us that certain protests, even violent ones, are a public health good, even a necessity.  That isn't "their truth."  It's a lie.  There's no such thing as my truth, your truth, his truth, or her truth.  There is only the truth.
The truth is: the truth is.
It is up to us to recognize it.  Embrace it.  Cherish it.  Protect it.  And tell it.

Democrats - Like the Mensheviks - Will Go 

Into the Dustbin of History

How history is repeating itself.
June 8, 2020 
Phil Orenstein

All it took was a spark, the tragic police killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis, to trigger the explosion of anger and frustration that the radical left exploited to orchestrate the violent insurrection across America they had been planning for months.
The radicals strike when then see weakness, and that is what they saw in the largely Democrat run cities where the major riots broke out. These professional agitators have a well-planned strategy for the violent takeover of America which they can never accomplish peacefully through elections.  Hours after the video of Floyd began circulating the internet, militant Antifa, Black Lives Matters cells and other radical socialist groups began deploying to Minnesota to riot, according to Andy Ngo, an American conservative journalist who studies the revolutionary tactics of the radical left. The anarchist-communist group, Antifa has perfected the art of rioting and chaos, first breaking store windows, calling in the looters, and then burning the place down. It is encouraging news that Antifa, whose stated goals are to abolish capitalism and law enforcement in America, will be designated as a terrorist organization as President Trump announced on Sunday May 31st.
Antifa and an amalgam of radical leftist movements in America including Black Lives Matter (BLM), Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), Party for Socialism and Liberation (PSL), and the Bernie Bros, have taken a page from Lenin’s playbook of the Bolshevik Revolution. They follow in the footsteps of murderous dictators such as Lenin, Castro, Mao, Pol Pot, and Maduro, who exploited the poverty, chaos and turmoil of their societies to take over through violent insurrections, since they could never achieve power through a peaceful election process.
History is repeating itself now as we are witnessing the battle of the moderates versus the radical left within the Democrat Party. Lenin’s totalitarian Bolsheviks split from the more moderate democratic Mensheviks, who were the popular establishment party, violently seized power, overthrew the Tsarist regime, and ultimately established the Soviet Union. Lenin hated the Mensheviks more than the Tsar, whom he had executed along with his entire family. Along with capitalism and democracy, Lenin annihilated the Mensheviks and sent them, as Trotsky chided “… into the dustbin of history!”
These radical socialist movements, all enthusiastic supporters of socialist Bernie Sanders during the Presidential Primaries, will not be supporting Joe Biden, as DSA and others stated. Similar to Lenin and the Mensheviks, the radical socialists hate the establishment Democrats more than the president. The political war the establishment Democrat-media complex waged against the Sanders presidential campaign and the system rigged against him to defeat him the second time, pushed them over the boiling point to set off “the powder keg that is growing all over this country,” in the words of Nina Turner, former top aide for Sander’s presidential campaign, inciting the flames of riot and revolt across the nation.
It’s ironic that the rioters attacked CNN Headquarters in Atlanta, since CNN promoted the righteousness of the riots. But CNN, the media arm of the Democrat establishment, played a major role in the defeat of Sanders. After his Nevada victory, Sanders was poised to sweep the nation and win the Democratic nomination.  Biden was dead in the water. This frightened the Democrat-media establishment, and CNN conspired with them to undermine the Sanders campaign, blasting his age, his health after a heart attack, his way too expensive Medicare and tuition reforms, his far leftist leanings, and alleging “sexism” at the CNN debate. It was a full court press to defeat Sanders as Super Tuesday was approaching. So former rivals united around Biden who all exited the race giving their endorsement, as the fear and trembling of a Sanders victory took hold. The leftists vowed that if the nomination was stolen, wait for the riots to start.
Most of the rioting is happening now in Democratic strongholds, as payback for their offences against the left. Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore, Minneapolis, St Louis, Washington DC, Cleveland, some of the most dangerous cites in America, now hotbeds of rioting and unrest have been totally controlled by the Democrat Party for 50 years or more. The radical socialists doing the looting, burning, and causing chaos, do not care about the poverty, unemployment, the failing schools, the crumbling infrastructure, over-regulated businesses, or the black, the poor or minority populations living there. Their aim is to create chaos and take over when the people are sufficiently cowed and afraid. Democrat mayors and governors are giving them carte blanche to create havoc and destroy property and human life, as did leftwing Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey who surrendered the Third Police Precinct to the rioters. On top of that, the son of Minnesota AG Keith Ellison, and City Council member, officially declared his support for Antifa. Voters throughout America need to rise up and kick out these soft-on-crime political has-beens.  
Democratic governors and mayors have been weak and spineless as the riots have consumed their cities and the people were left terrified and hopeless. The riot at the Barclays Center in Brooklyn was a well-organized attack orchestrated by radical socialist groups throwing bottles, bricks, Molotov cocktails and other debris at police. Police were injured, some almost killed, but that didn’t prevent Governor Cuomo, Mayor de Blasio as well as other elected officials from taking the side of the rioters and calling for an investigation into police responses, and Senator Gounares (D-Brooklyn) blaming the police when they were trying to defend themselves. Senator Michael Gianaris (D-Astoria) and many other New York City Democrat elected officials, said they will no longer accept campaign contributions from police unions and declared, “we deserve a police force that is held accountable for racist behavior.” Setting the stage for lawlessness and mayhem, New York City with its bail reform laws releasing criminals to the streets and emptying city jails, welcomes the professional agitators expediting their plunder.
In contrast, the mayors and governors of Republican cities and Trump strongholds, who refuse to placate the rioters, who are not afraid to stand up to the criminals and thugs looting and rioting in the streets of their cities, have set curfews and declared state of emergency orders early on and rioting has been curtailed. While Democrats have failed to protect American lives or property, Republicans have protected this country from foreign adversaries and domestic foes since 1861, when Abraham Lincoln, the first Republican president emancipated the slaves and won the Civil War. In 1864 he defeated the Democratic nominee, former General George McClellan who wanted to make peace with the South and discard the victory that Lincoln and the Union was about to achieve. Teddy Roosevelt saved this country with “big stick” diplomacy, built up our military, and made America a superpower. Eisenhower defeated the Nazis and stood up to the Soviet Union. Ronald Reagan defeated communism and the Soviet Union and won the Cold War. 
The Republican Party is historically the Party of law and order and strong defense. They have always championed the protection of the people and always will.  In 1968, the chaos and storming of the Democrat National Convention and the riots that shook the nation, paved the way for the victory of Richard Nixon who ran for president on a law and order platform. History is now repeating itself. On Monday June 1st, President Trump called himself “the president of law and order” and promised to restore security and safety and mobilize the United States military to American cities to stop the rioting and looting and protect the rights of Americans. When chaos happens, people seek law and order, and will vote for Republicans. Rudy Giuliani recently said: “Don’t elect progressive Democrats if you want to be safe.” Just like the Mensheviks, the Democrat Party is headed for the dustbin of history.
Phil Orenstein is the president of the Queens Village Republican Club. Established in 1875, it is America’s oldest Republican Club. Historian, Jerry Matacotta was the advisor for this article.





Levin: BLM’s ‘Marxist, Anarchist Movement…Is a Piece of the Base of the Democratic Party Now’

 By Craig Bannister | June 26, 2020 | 1:01pm EDT

Mark Levin
When politicians support the Black Lives Matter organization, “They are embracing a Marxist, anarchist organization that is extremely well-funded, heavily-funded and extremely well-organized all over the country,” conservative commentator Mark Levin says.
“It’s almost like the Weather Underground except, smartly, they’re using race as the issue through which to push their Marxism,” because Marxists advocate using any means necessary to achieve success, Levin said in a Tuesday interview with BlazeTV.
Levin commented on video of Black Lives Matter Co-founder Patrisse Cullors saying the organization’s leaders are “trained Marxists” who want to remove President Donald Trump from office.
“So, it’s a Marxist, anarchist movement that has as its goal to overthrow the country and to get Trump out. Think about that,” Levin said.
What’s more, liberal politicians aren’t denouncing the anarchist movement because “This is a piece of the base of the Democratic Party, now,” Levin said.


Black Lives Matter: Democrats Can’t Live With Them, and Can’t Live Without Them


The folks at Black Lives Matter are really worried about black deaths. Not most black deaths, not even very many black deaths, mind you, but only that tiny fraction of a percent of blacks who have died at the hands of (presumably) white cops. Those are the only deaths that boil the blood of the folks at Black Lives Matter and spark the riotous mobs that loot and burn our Democrat-run cities.
Why Democrat cities? Because in 2015, Black Lives Matter activists tested Democrats’ resolve and found none. At a Netroots Nation Conference in Phoenix on July 18, presidential candidate Martin O’Malley uttered the unforgiveable words: “Black lives matter. White lives matter. All lives matter.” Shouted off the stage, he was heard by a Guardian reporter muttering to himself: “Black lives matter, black lives matter, black lives matter.” At a Bernie Sanders event in Seattle on August 8, activists took over the stage. Sanders waved goodbye and rescheduled the event. From that point forward, the moral authority of Black Lives Matter would remain unchallenged by any Democrat politician.
“Black lives matter” sounds good, but it provides cover for a lot of bad behavior. It’s like the tuxedo that enables a thug to work his way into your party. If you’re a Democrat mayor and you notice the well-dressed thug robbing your guests, you might say "Here, take my watch and go away and I won't call the cops." He’ll happily take your watch, but he'll also grab your rings and your billfold, and then he’ll demand "Where's the safe?" and you’ll tell him and give him the combination too, right after he breaks your Ming Dynasty vase and tears up your Picasso. Finally, he'll set fire to your house, because he despises you for your presumption in thinking that you could negotiate how much loot he should take.
There's nothing you can say or do anymore. You applauded him when he burned Ferguson and Baltimore, and you made excuses for him when he screamed: "What do we want? Dead cops. When do we want them? Now!" He owns you and you know it. You can’t criticize him. Best to take a knee and mutter vague homilies about racial injustice.
Your buddies in the newspapers and television can't help you either. They championed the thugs every step of the way. All they can do now is report that your home is "mostly standing" and that your thug was “mostly peaceable.”
What do these people want? The rioter wants to have fun, which to him means stealing as much cool stuff as he can and destroying whatever he wants. Probably he’s a bit amazed at the topsy-turvy world he’s created. The people he used to fear -- the cops -- now fear him. He can see it in their eyes. And when the cops take a knee, he sees surrender. For him, these are the best of times. He knows this can't last forever, but he also knows that whenever it does end, he'll own lots more stuff and probably be immune from prosecution.
The leaders of the Black Lives Matter movement want political power. They’ve already acquired quite a lot of it thanks to their violent groupies, but power is addictive and they may want even more. Right now, their knee is on the Democrat throat. They can do whatever they want. 
For their nominal political pals in the Democrat party, these are the worst of times. They’ve got a tiger by the tail, and they know it. Their political survival depends upon getting an overwhelming majority of the black vote, and if that majority should shrink to 85 percent or so, they’re politically dead. Black Lives Matter, or revulsion to it, could make that happen.
Black Lives Matter brings in a lot of money for the Democrats. Corporations are donating millions of dollars to the cause (just as they paid tribute to Jessie Jackson’s Rainbow Coalition years ago) and BLM sends much of it to the leftwing political action committee ActBlue. Democrats love the cash and so are loath to say a discouraging word about the mayhem.
But if the riots continue and bleed into November, Democrats will probably lose anyway. They surely wish that Black Lives Matter would just quiet things down, but they mustn’t say so. For now, all they can do is wear a happy face and some Kente cloth and talk about police reforms.
What Democrats really need is somebody who’s tougher than the rioters and who has the resolve to stop them. But he's running against them in November

BLM at War with America

Outrageously, cowardly and traitorous politicians are allowing Black Lives Matter, a racist hate group to engage in an “Everything Must Go” fire-sale against America. BLM is literally pulling down monuments and demanding that large portions of our history be removed from the records. They are burning down homes which dare fly the U.S. flag. They are taking control of portions of cities, absurdly claiming it as their new country. Why is BLM behaving like spoiled-brat bullies on America's playground? The answer: Because they are allowed to do it.
My stomach turned watching Tucker Carlson on Fox News cite a Rasmussen poll which says Black Lives Matter has 62% popularity, more than President Trump.  I remembered a bit of wisdom my brother gave me years ago. He said whenever something shocking happens, before you respond, stabilize your emotions. Despite the depressing poll, over a million people sought tickets to attend Trump's rally in Tulsa. Also, a Rasmussen poll says 40% of likely black voters approve of Trump's job performance. 
Fake news media is so despicable and obviously agenda driven. Here's a NYT headline, “Trump's Rally in Tulsa Could Spread Virus.” Meanwhile, the NYT and the rest of fake news media are encouraging anarchists to flood our streets with protesters with zero concern about spreading the virus.
What is so frustrating is that BLM is an extreme racist and anti-American hate group. Years ago, BLM declared war on cops and white people. They marched down a NY street chanting, “What do we want? Dead cops! When do we want it? Now!” 
Folks, how can any American in their right mind support these haters, paid to assassinate cops and whites and destroy our country? Long before the George Floyd incident, BLM was paid $150 million by George Soros and various anti-American liberal corporations and foundations.
“Accessory before the fact” is a legal term referring to a person who incites or assists someone to commit a crime. BLM is physically destroying businesses, assaulting, and murdering people. Can victims of BLM file lawsuits against major corporations who are eagerly donating millions to the domestic terrorist hate group?
Hateful extreme leftists are dominating the airwaves with intellectual sounding nonsense in praise of BLM. They claim America always has been and always will be irreversibly racist. They say the solution is to tear up and rewrite the U.S. Constitution. Folks, this is hogwash!
Given that blacks are only 13% of the population, Christians and decent whites had to play major roles in ending slavery and empowering blacks. And yet, leftists' get away with pretending that every achievement made by blacks throughout American history was made despite white America.
Historian David Barton has done tremendous research exposing how Christian whites and blacks fought side-by-side to liberate black Americans. 
Leftists do not give a rat's derriere about black empowerment or black lives. They view blacks as useful idiots towards transforming America into their socialist/communist utopia in which anything goes sexually.
A huge elephant in the room is how long will the white majority tolerate being repeatedly poked in the eye with a hot poker of racial hate by BLM; demanded to kneel in worship to blacks? While claiming to be against racial hate, leftists are intentionally generating such hate. They believe voters will blame Trump and vote against him in November.
Evidence that leftists are lying about America being eternally racist is everywhere for anyone willing to see it. Eager to heal our nation from the wounds of slavery and racial discrimination, white America excitedly allowed a black man to bypass the usual vetting process for a presidential candidate. They gifted Obama two terms in the White House. Naive whites believed electing a black president would usher in a new era in which they could never be called “racist” again. Democrats and fake news media used Obama's skin-color as a bludgeon to beat Republicans into submission, giving Obama free rein to implement their agenda to transform America into a socialist nation.
Here's another example of the good-hearted nature and generosity of the American people. Fake news media and Democrats promoted the lie that Republicans and white America did not care about the victims of hurricane Katrina because they were mostly black. The truth is U.S. donors opened their hearts, giving $4.2 billion to victims of Katrina which is believed to be the highest amount ever.
Formerly of the CIA, Buck Sexton has been ranting in his articles and tweets that we need to rally around the concept of “wartime conservatism.” Buck says the left is kicking our butts. He also called out conservative billionaires. Why aren't they purchasing media platforms and funding our cause?

The GOP is asking people to donate at 
https://takethehouse.com/, which is a good thing. However, everywhere I turn, I see people afraid, angry and frustrated because they feel like the GOP is doing nothing to push back against ANTIFA and BLM running wild in our streets.
I would love for the Tea Party buses to roll again. Frankly, thus far, the funding is simply not there. Yes, I have been contacted by concerned Americans who are eager to donate. However, a tour needs a major donor to get the ball rounding.
While we struggle to find funding for a bus tour to inspire and encourage Trump's base, BLM has a war-chest of mega-millions to destroy America and block Trump's reelection. There is something terribly wrong with this picture.
Another thing causing my head to explode is all of the pandering to BLM, an evil and demonic hate group. In compliance to BLM, pastors are telling their white congregations to own up to their white privilege. My response is, “Stop it! Stop falling for leftists' bogus guilt-trip.”
For crying out loud! America is the greatest land of opportunity on the planet for all who choose to purse their dreams. Anything else is a lie!
Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American

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