Wednesday, June 10, 2020


The True Plight of Black Americans

Walter E. Williams
Posted: Jun 10, 2020 12:01 AM
The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of
The True Plight of Black Americans

The True Plight of Black Americans
Walter E. WilliamsWalter E. Williams
While it might not be popular to say in the wake of the recent social disorder, the true plight of black people has little or nothing to do with the police or what has been called "systemic racism." Instead, we need to look at the responsibilities of those running our big cities.
Some of the most dangerous big cities are: St. Louis, Detroit, Baltimore, Oakland, Chicago, Memphis, Atlanta, Birmingham, Newark, Buffalo and Philadelphia. The most common characteristic of these cities is that for decades, all of them have been run by liberal Democrats. Some cities -- such as Detroit, Buffalo, Newark and Philadelphia -- haven't elected a Republican mayor for more than a half-century. On top of this, in many of these cities, blacks are mayors, often they dominate city councils, and they are chiefs of police and superintendents of schools.

In 1965, there were no blacks in the U.S. Senate, nor were there any black governors. And only six members of the House of Representatives were black. As of 2019, there is far greater representation in some areas -- 52 House members are black. Nine black Americans have served in the Senate, including Edward W. Brooke of Massachusetts, Carol Moseley Braun and Barack Obama of Illinois, Tim Scott of South Carolina, Cory Booker of New Jersey, and Kamala Harris of California. In recent times, there have been three black state governors. The bottom line is that today's black Americans have significant political power at all levels of government. Yet, what has that meant for a large segment of the black population?

Democratic-controlled cities have the poorest-quality public education despite their large, and growing, school budgets. Consider Baltimore, Maryland. In 2016, in 13 of Baltimore's 39 high schools, not a single student scored proficient on the state's math exam. In six other high schools, only 1% tested proficient in math. Only 15% of Baltimore students passed the state's English test. That same year in Philadelphia only 19% of eighth-graders scored proficient in math, and 16% were proficient in reading. In Detroit, only 4% of its eighth-graders scored proficient in math, and 7% were proficient in reading. It's the same story of academic disaster in other cities run by Democrats.

Violent crime and poor education is not the only problem for Democratic-controlled cities. Because of high crime, poor schools and a less pleasant environment, cities are losing their economic base and their most productive people in droves. When World War II ended, the population of Washington, D.C., was about 800,000; today, it's about 700,000. In 1950, Baltimore's population was almost 950,000; today, it's around 590,000. Detroit's 1950 population was close to 1.85 million; today, it's down to 673,000. The population of Camden, New Jersey, in 1950 was nearly 125,000; today it has fallen to 74,000. St. Louis' 1950 population was more than 856,000; today, it's less than 294,000. A similar story of population decline can be found in most of our formerly large and prosperous cities. In some cities, the population decline since 1950 is well over 50%, and that includes Detroit, St. Louis, Cleveland and Pittsburgh.

Academic liberals, civil rights advocates and others blamed the exodus on racism -- "white flight" to the suburbs to avoid blacks. But blacks have been fleeing some cities at higher rates than whites. The five cities whose suburbs have the fastest-growing black populations are Miami, Dallas, Washington, Houston and Atlanta. It turns out that blacks, like whites, want better and safer schools for their kids and don't like to be mugged or have their property vandalized. And like white people, if they have the means, black people cannot wait to leave troubled cities.

White liberals and black politicians focus most of their attention on what the police do, but how relevant is that to the overall tragedy? According to Statista, this year, 172 whites and 88 blacks have died at the hands of police. To put police shootings in a bit of perspective, in Chicago alone in 2020 there have been 1,260 shootings and 256 homicides with blacks being the primary victims. That comes to one shooting victim every three hours and one homicide victim every 15 hours. Three people in Chicago have been killed by police. If one is truly concerned about black deaths, shootings by police should figure way down on one's list -- which is not to excuse bad behavior by some police officers.

Walter E. Williams is a professor of economics at George Mason University. To find out more about Walter E. Williams and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate webpage at

June 8, 2020

Lies and Sacraments: The story of the Democratic Party


We are being fed an unending stream of lies by the media/academia/Democrat complex.  The party of segregation and Jim Crow now claims to be the one true friend of African-Americans and people of color.  In fact, according to its current presidential nominee, "you ain't black" if you vote for the other guy.  Does that not mean that "you ain't white" if you vote for Biden?  Maybe by Biden's "logic."  But conservatives don't think that way.
The ugly truth is that slavery and abortion have been the two sacraments of the Democratic Party.  The first, since its inception, the latter in more modern times.  Slavery was a monstrous evil as practiced then and is a monstrous evil as practiced now.  Stray too far from the Democratic plantation, and they try to strip you of your dignity.  Erase your identity.  Call you names.  Say you aren't actually black.  They actively foment race and class warfare to further their own cause, their own power.  Screw the country.  This is the mother of all evils.
Speaking of mothers, while those aborted don't have to be provided for, they aren't worth mentioning to Democrats since they can't vote.  Because they're dead.  That's the difference.  Abortions are effectively partly subsidized by our tax dollars.  What does one say about a party that advocates confiscating people's money to fund Planned Parenthood (or pay for union dues, for that matter) without their consent, or even in direct opposition to their beliefs?  Is that not another form of slavery?  It certainly is taxation without representation at a minimum.  The Founders rebelled against a three-pence tax on tea.  Isn't this worse?
We are being lied to continually.  Very few people in the media, such as Tucker Carlson, are brave enough to speak truth to power, whoever that power may be, wherever it may lie.  Democrats are gifted liars, preternatural prevaricators.  (See also the Clintons.)  They will tell you Republicans are racist.  They will tell you that President Trump colluded with the Russians, might even be a Russian asset.  They tell us that global warming is an existential crisis and that the Earth will be toast in ten years.  Of course, they also told us that ten years ago.  They told us that COVID-19 would likely kill countless millions, maybe 2.2 million in this country alone, so we should stay inside.  We couldn't have graduation ceremonies, get married, attend funerals, or get a haircut.  For our own good.  Those few of us who eventually dared to leave our homes and peacefully protest this usurpation of our constitutional rights were labeled as selfish, hateful, bigots — terrorists, in fact — who were going to be responsible for a surge in coronavirus infections and resultant deaths.
And now they tell us that certain protests, even violent ones, are a public health good, even a necessity.  That isn't "their truth."  It's a lie.  There's no such thing as my truth, your truth, his truth, or her truth.  There is only the truth.
The truth is: the truth is.
It is up to us to recognize it.  Embrace it.  Cherish it.  Protect it.  And tell it.



A Deliberately Bankrupted America


Why are the cities burning? African Americans have been a part of our history since our nation’s founding -- they fought for independence. They are found on the Supreme Court, in military leadership, as prominent mayorsMembers of Congressacademicsauthorscabinet secretariesambassadorspolice chiefssurgeonsbusiness ownersentertainersathletesastronauts, and CEOs. A 75% white America even voted twice to choose an African American leader. If so much progress has been made, why are the nation’s cities -- some led by African American mayors, with a diverse police force often led by non-white police chiefs -- burning?
Could this be the end result of choices made over time by some of our leaders to bankrupt America and African-Americans economically, morally, educationally, and spiritually?
The Free Trade Agreements from ‘94 to ‘01, with NAFTA, and then with China, bankrupted the nation economically. The ‘sucking sound’ of factories closing and millions of jobs disappearing hit both sides of the border. Millions of Mexican family farmers could not compete with American agribusiness, lost their farms .and began the trek northward. Those men (in the words of the times) worked ‘twice as hard as black men, for half the pay’. Systemic unemployment enabled by free trade and open borders was made worse by floods of drugs brought by the Colombian and Mexican Cartels, and synthetic drugs manufactured in Chinese factories. Addicted men engaged in petty theft to support their habits or became part of the predatory gangs profiting off the addicts. The explosion in crime, starting with the crack wars of the late 80s, resulted in the imprisoning of many young African American men. In 1990, one of every three African-American men under 29 were in prison or on parole.
Already stressed family bonds broke under this strain. Currently 77% percent of African Americans are born into unmarried families. The family pictures of son, father, and grandson is almost unknown in our poorest communities. The anger and pain of sons abandoned by their fathers is a lifelong wound. The consequences of numerous short-term disposable relationships is abusive stepparents and the loss of positive male role models. When the patriarchy is smashed, there are no fathers to guide boys to manhood, and the masculinity that remains is too often toxic.
If the family is a broken reed, what of the schools? In our poorest schools, the lowest achieving students, mostly young men with attention and behavior problems, leave elementary school without learning to read or mastering arithmetic, only to fall behind further each year. In our nation’s capital, one-third of the adults cannot read. Our lowest-performing students learn from school that no matter how disruptively and disrespectfully you behave, no matter how little you work or how low your test scores, you will pass on to the next grade. When 2/3rds of students are not at grade level, maintaining standards is impossible without drastic reform.
Our schools and our culture do not support societal stability. They are creating a nation of moral and spiritual midgets. With the Biblical Ten Commandments ridiculed for a generation, looters of every background across the nation defy the unknown command “Thou Shalt Not Steal.” Rather than heed Jesus’ example of forgiveness, grievance is nurtured and encouraged. In expelling those old white men, the Greek philosophers, from our humanities, we do not teach Aristotle’s virtue of moderation in a democratic society. In schools today, the focus is not on the virtues or genius of our founding generation. There is little talk of innovatorsentrepreneursexplorerssoldiersscientistspioneersarchitects, or engineers. Instead, a cartoon version of only protestors and oppressors becomes our national story. America is portrayed as a shameful, oppressive country, one that deserves little loyalty or protection from the mob. The social compact has been deliberately frayed.
For a generation, the complaint has been of wealth inequality -- some people are too rich.  An entire race has been labeled with #Whiteprivilege. We have become a nation singularly focused on the color of our skin, while blindly ignoring the content of our individual character. Suddenly America is not the place where an African immigrant genius can lead our national return to space, but an oppressive land where the fabulously rich Elon Musk is just another rich white man benefiting from his privilege. The nuance and truths behind the theories of income inequality and white privilege are lost on the rioting mobs. Instead it is the sin of envy personified, and the theory of socialism in street talk: “I need the iPad in your store, so I’ll take it and beat you senseless if you object -- you privileged, rich, oppressive white.” Or as Karl Marx so eloquently put it: “From each according to his ability, to each according to his need.”
Our nation’s political class is deeply divided. Many Democrat politicians cannot bring themselves to openly side with law and order against their allies and so remain silent to the hijacking of legitimate protests. To a socialist ‘you didn’t build that’ -- what the entrepreneur spent a lifetime building up -- is actually the property of the voters, who have decided to redistribute the wealth. Thus, hundreds of Minneapolis police stood by, at the mayor’s command, while businesses were looted across the street. They were defending the police precinct -- government property. And even then, they were ordered to give that up to the mob. After all, the city can just take your money in taxes to rebuild after it’s over. In Minneapolis, under the leadership of Mayor Jacob Frey, the police are there to keep your nonessential business shut down because of COVID-19, but not to protect your life’s work from the anarchists. In Washington D.C., the mayor at first refused to use city police to protect the White House and our nation’s monuments. Arlington county withdrew its police from D.C., when they saw their officers help the President cross the street during the protests. To some, the real problem is the political opposition, not the rioting. After all, if Trump succeeds in bringing back American manufacturing, and if his actions raise American wages by lowering taxes and regulations while decreasing illegal immigration, then Democratic politicians might lose a few elections. Better to burn America down, than to MAGA.
And therein lies a clue to the problems of our deeply divided country. Our country is deeply divided and hurting economically, educationally, morally, and spiritually. But division is in the interests of some of our political leaders. Why unify, when division makes your supporters more passionate? Why build, when it is much easier to tear down? The key to our political paradox lies in the virtues expounded by the world’s first democrats, the Greeks: wisdom, justice, moderation, and courage. May we have the wisdom to sit in moderate dialogue with our fellow citizens, and the courage to seek liberty and justice for all.

The Truth about Interracial Violent Crime

Debunking the Left's pernicious lies.
Thu Jun 4, 2020 

Instead it is the sin of envy personified, and the theory of socialism in street talk: “I need the iPad in your store, so I’ll take it and beat you senseless if you object -- you privileged, rich, oppressive white.”

A Deliberately Bankrupted America

Why are the cities burning? African Americans have been a part of our history since our nation’s founding -- they fought for independence. They are found on the Supreme Court, in military leadership, as prominent mayorsMembers of Congressacademicsauthorscabinet secretariesambassadorspolice chiefssurgeonsbusiness ownersentertainersathletesastronauts, and CEOs. A 75% white America even voted twice to choose an African American leader. If so much progress has been made, why are the nation’s cities -- some led by African American mayors, with a diverse police force often led by non-white police chiefs -- burning?
Could this be the end result of choices made over time by some of our leaders to bankrupt America and African-Americans economically, morally, educationally, and spiritually?
The Free Trade Agreements from ‘94 to ‘01, with NAFTA, and then with China, bankrupted the nation economically. The ‘sucking sound’ of factories closing and millions of jobs disappearing hit both sides of the border.
Millions of Mexican family farmers could not compete with American agribusiness, lost their farms .and began the trek northward. Those men (in the words of the times) worked ‘twice as hard as black men, for half the pay’. Systemic unemployment enabled by free trade and open borders was made worse by floods of drugs brought by the Colombian and Mexican Cartels, and synthetic drugs manufactured in Chinese factories. Addicted men engaged in petty theft to support their habits or became part of the predatory gangs profiting off the addicts. The explosion in crime, starting with the crack wars of the late 80s, resulted in the imprisoning of many young African American men. In 1990, one of every three African-American men under 29 were in prison or on parole.
Already stressed family bonds broke under this strain. Currently 77% percent of African Americans are born into unmarried families. The family pictures of son, father, and grandson is almost unknown in our poorest communities. The anger and pain of sons abandoned by their fathers is a lifelong wound. The consequences of numerous short-term disposable relationships is abusive stepparents and the loss of positive male role models. When the patriarchy is smashed, there are no fathers to guide boys to manhood, and the masculinity that remains is too often toxic.
If the family is a broken reed, what of the schools? In our poorest schools, the lowest achieving students, mostly young men with attention and behavior problems, leave elementary school without learning to read or mastering arithmetic, only to fall behind further each year. In our nation’s capital, one-third of the adults cannot read. Our lowest-performing students learn from school that no matter how disruptively and disrespectfully you behave, no matter how little you work or how low your test scores, you will pass on to the next grade. When 2/3rds of students are not at grade level, maintaining standards is impossible without drastic reform.
Our schools and our culture do not support societal stability. They are creating a nation of moral and spiritual midgets. With the Biblical Ten Commandments ridiculed for a generation, looters of every background across the nation defy the unknown command “Thou Shalt Not Steal.” Rather than heed Jesus’ example of forgiveness, grievance is nurtured and encouraged. In expelling those old white men, the Greek philosophers, from our humanities, we do not teach Aristotle’s virtue of moderation in a democratic society. In schools today, the focus is not on the virtues or genius of our founding generation. There is little talk of innovatorsentrepreneursexplorerssoldiersscientistspioneersarchitects, or engineers. Instead, a cartoon version of only protestors and oppressors becomes our national story. America is portrayed as a shameful, oppressive country, one that deserves little loyalty or protection from the mob. The social compact has been deliberately frayed.
For a generation, the complaint has been of wealth inequality -- some people are too rich.  An entire race has been labeled with #Whiteprivilege. We have become a nation singularly focused on the color of our skin, while blindly ignoring the content of our individual character. Suddenly America is not the place where an African immigrant genius can lead our national return to space, but an oppressive land where the fabulously rich Elon Musk is just another rich white man benefiting from his privilege. The nuance and truths behind the theories of income inequality and white privilege are lost on the rioting mobs. Instead it is the sin of envy personified, and the theory of socialism in street talk: “I need the iPad in your store, so I’ll take it and beat you senseless if you object -- you privileged, rich, oppressive white.” Or as Karl Marx so eloquently put it: “From each according to his ability, to each according to his need.”
Our nation’s political class is deeply divided. Many Democrat politicians cannot bring themselves to openly side with law and order against their allies and so remain silent to the hijacking of legitimate protests. To a socialist ‘you didn’t build that’ -- what the entrepreneur spent a lifetime building up -- is actually the property of the voters, who have decided to redistribute the wealth. Thus, hundreds of Minneapolis police stood by, at the mayor’s command, while businesses were looted across the street. They were defending the police precinct -- government property. And even then, they were ordered to give that up to the mob. After all, the city can just take your money in taxes to rebuild after it’s over. In Minneapolis, under the leadership of Mayor Jacob Frey, the police are there to keep your nonessential business shut down because of COVID-19, but not to protect your life’s work from the anarchists. In Washington D.C., the mayor at first refused to use city police to protect the White House and our nation’s monuments. Arlington county withdrew its police from D.C., when they saw their officers help the President cross the street during the protests. To some, the real problem is the political opposition, not the rioting. After all, if Trump succeeds in bringing back American manufacturing, and if his actions raise American wages by lowering taxes and regulations while decreasing illegal immigration, then Democratic politicians might lose a few elections. Better to burn America down, than to MAGA.
And therein lies a clue to the problems of our deeply divided country. Our country is deeply divided and hurting economically, educationally, morally, and spiritually. But division is in the interests of some of our political leaders. Why unify, when division makes your supporters more passionate? Why build, when it is much easier to tear down? The key to our political paradox lies in the virtues expounded by the world’s first democrats, the Greeks: wisdom, justice, moderation, and courage. May we have the wisdom to sit in moderate dialogue with our fellow citizens, and the courage to seek liberty and justice for all.

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