Tuesday, September 8, 2020

TRUMP'S HATRED OF AMERICAN MILITARY..... But he sure loves lap dancin' Putin!!!


The Atlantic’s Goldberg: ‘Expect More Reporting’ on Trump Disparaging Military — People Have ‘Excellent Sources’


Editor-in-chief of The Atlantic magazine Jeffrey Goldberg said there is a lot of follow up reporting coming on his article claiming President Donald Trump said Americans who died in war were “losers” and “suckers” Monday on MSNBC’s “All In.”

Hayes said,  “You said something, I think, over the weekend about you expect there will be more reporting in this day. Obviously, there has been a lot in the aftermath. What do you mean by that?”

Goldberg said, “I mean just that. I mean, I know that there are a lot of reporters moving around on this story, people with excellent sources, people that are excellent reporters. And, you know, one of the things that you —again, there is this surprising — there is this shocking but not surprising quality to all of this. This discourse that Trump has about soldiers, about the military, it is no secret to anyone who has spent any time with him. It’s no secret to the military at the highest levels. So I just know of reporters who are trying to figure out other aspects of this, and I expect more reporting on this and everything else in the coming couple of months.”

Follow Pam Key on Twitter @pamkeyNEN

Scaramucci: Trump Has ‘Hatred of the American Military’


Former White House communications director Anthony Scaramucci Tuesday on MSNBC’s “MTP Daily” accused President Donald Trump of having a “hatred of the American military.”

Scaramucci said, “I think when we get into October, and some of us will be campaigning in places like Michigan and Pennsylvania and up in Wisconsin, just to simply explain to people the surgeon generally warning label, what he’s actually really like. His lack of managerial skills, his impetuosity, his hatred of the American military which is full-on display now. They’re fighting very, very forcefully to rebut that because they know how damaging that is. They have all heard him say it.”

He continued, “I was on a campaign plane with him and mentioned to him I went to Afghanistan and Iraq on troop support missions, and he looked at me like I was crazy. Why would I do that? Of course, it took him a long time to get himself out to those places as well. So, listen, there’s going to be an onslaught. We owe it to the American people to tell them the truth. Then the American people have to make a decision if they want four more years of this sort of nonsense or do they want to clean this up, and then we can begin the process of rebuilding the Republican party.”

Follow Pam Key on Twitter @pamkeyNEN

Donald Trump Willing to Spend Personal Money for Re-Election Campaign: ‘Whatever It Takes, We Have to Win’

US President Donald Trump pumps his fists as he arrives for a "Make America Great Again" rally at Minges Coliseum in Greenville, North Carolina, on July 17, 2019. (Photo by Nicholas Kamm / AFP) (Photo by NICHOLAS KAMM/AFP via Getty Images)
NICHOLAS KAMM/AFP via Getty Images

President Donald Trump said Tuesday that he was willing to spend his own money to run his reelection campaign but that it would likely not be necessary.

Trump spoke to reporters who asked him, prior to a trip to Florida on Tuesday afternoon, if he would spend his own money to fund the campaign,

“Yeah, if I have to I would, but we’re doing very well,” Trump replied.

He commented after a New York Times story detailed massive amounts of money spent earlier in the campaign.

Trump’s campaign and the Republican National Committee has raised $1.1 billion, the Times reported, but has already spent more than $800 million of it.

Much of the scrutiny for the spending fell on former Campaign Manager Brad Parscale, who was replaced by Bill Stepien in July. Parscale defended his spending in a statement to the Times.

“I ran the campaign the same way I did in 2016, which also included all of the marketing, strategy, and expenses under the very close eye of the family,” Parscale said. “No decision was made without their approval.”

Trump defended the spending as necessary, citing the “disinformation campaigns” waged by the Democrats and the left during the coronavirus pandemic earlier in the year.

“We needed to spend more money upfront because of the pandemic and the statements being made by Democrats which were disinformation,” he said.

Trump said that the administration had done a great job fighting the virus, producing ventilators, and developing coronavirus vaccines and therapeutics.

“The press was fake and we have to spend a lot of money,” Trump said.

The president said the campaign had “much more money” than they did in 2016 and would spend his own money if needed.

“Whatever it takes, we have to win,” he said. “This is the most important election in the history of our country.”

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