Tuesday, October 27, 2020

THE LOW-LIFE BRIBES SUCKING BIDEN BOYS - Hunter Biden Chaired a Foundation to Stop Child Abuse, While Engaging In It


Greenfield Video: The Biden Crime Family Comes Undone

A laptop from hell sets off the downfall of a crooked clan.


[To get the whole story on the roots of the Left’s malice and what lies behind its war of destruction on free societies, read Jamie Glazov’s United in Hate: The Left’s Romance with Tyranny and Terror: CLICK HERE.]

Subscribe to the Glazov Gang‘s YouTube Channel and follow us on Instagram: @JamieGlazov, Parler: @JamieGlazov and Twitter: @JamieGlazov.

This new edition of The Glazov Gang features Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Fellow at the Freedom Center and editor of The Point at Frontpagemag.com.

Daniel discusses The Biden Crime Family Comes Undone, revealing how a laptop from hell has set off the downfall of a crooked clan.

Don’t miss it!

And make sure to watch Abraham Hamilton, host of The Hamilton Corner for American Family Radio, shed disturbing light on The BLM-Witchcraft-Satanism Connection, where he unveils how a Marxist movement is summoning spirits of the dead to fuel and protect its totalitarian revolution.

Subscribe to the Glazov Gang‘s YouTube Channel and follow us on Instagram: @JamieGlazov, Parler: @JamieGlazov and Twitter: @JamieGlazov.

Hunter Biden Chaired a Foundation to Stop Child Abuse, While Engaging In It

Who’s going to protect the children from the Bidens?


Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.

The Hunter Biden laptop at the center of the political scandal had a sticker on it with the name of the Beau Biden Foundation. The sticker has been widely reported, but not its full name.

The full name of the foundation named after Joe Biden’s son and Hunter Biden’s brother is the Beau Biden Foundation for the Protection of Children. It’s both tragic and disgusting then that Rudy Giuliani has alleged that the laptop contained material involving underage girls.

It’s unclear if the Hunter Biden laptop actually belonged to the Beau Biden Foundation, but the The Mac Shop, at the center of the story, is in Wilmington, as is the Beau Biden Foundation. It’s a short drive down the 202 from the physical address of the foundation at the University of Delaware Law School to the Trolley Square address of the shop where the laptop ended up.

Earlier this year, the Beau Biden Foundation was one of the beneficiaries of grants from the Delaware COVID-19 Strategic Response Fund. The Biden foundation had received a $22,000 grant to provide "virtual training" to protect children from abuse. That is the sort of thing that the foundation, co-chaired by Hunter Biden and other Biden family members, does.

The Beau Biden Foundation for the Protection of Children claims that its mission is protecting children from child abuse, especially over the internet. It runs workshops, distributes ebooks, and offers training sessions to prevent children from being groomed by abusers online.

It’s deeply troubling then that Hunter Biden had apparently been accused of doing just that.

In one of the messages allegedly exchanged between Joe Biden and his son, the Democrat presidential candidate asks his son, “This is [redacted 14-year-old girl] right.”

“She told my therapist that I was sexually inappropriate with [redacted girl] when she says that I facetime naked with her and the reason I can’t have her out to see me is because I’ll walk around naked smoking crack talking [redacted] girls on face time,” Hunter replied.

Meanwhile the Beau Biden Foundation was offering lessons on how to spot online predators.

Some have speculated that this refers to Hallie Biden's daughter. Hallie Biden, a fellow co-chair of the foundation, was also Beau's widow and had been in a relationship with Hunter. If so this would have been a devastating indictment of the foundation’s leadership which was charging $3,000 for lessons on preventing online child abuse while its board members were involved in it.

“As adults, we have a legal and moral obligation to stand up and speak out for children who are being abused.These children cannot speak for themselves,” Beau Biden once allegedly said.

The quote decorates much of the Beau Biden Foundation’s material.

Perhaps Beau would have wanted someone to speak out if his daughter were endangered.

If Hunter Biden was privately being accused of creating “a very unsafe environment for the kids” and of exposing himself to an underage girl, this should have been made public to warn others, instead of concealing the information for years until the laptop with its Beau Biden Foundation sticker, featuring an angel’s wing (t-shirts with the logo are available for $20 bucks), went public.

The Beau Biden Foundation offers "youth-serving organizations" a $3,000 "Shield of Protection" program which claims to train staff how to be "Stewards of Children®", stop grooming, as well as "Recognizing and Reporting Child Abuse." The latter, a $500 workshop, deals with, among other things, mandatory reporting statutes. Were the allegations against Beau ever reported?

If the allegations are true, then the Beau Biden Foundation leaders needed that training.

It might have been a better investment of their time than the foundation's annual Child Protection Classic golf game at the Wilmington Country Club for only $650 per golfer.

Playing golf doesn’t stop child abuse. Reporting child abusers and locking them up does.

A scandal affecting the Beau Biden Foundation doesn’t just stop there.

Beyond the various Biden family members, the foundation's board also included Tony Allen, the president of Delaware State University, a former Biden speechwriter and special assistant, as well as a member of Biden's Transition Team.

Also on the board is former FBI director Louis Freeh who had also been recruited by Hunter Biden to work on the case of a Romanian businessman convicted of fraud, while Joe Biden was pressuring the Romanian government to fight “corruption”. Biden’s former staffer had been appointed as ambassador and Beau had cut the ribbon for the new embassy.

Joshua Alcorn, the Chief Operating Officer at the Beau Biden Foundation, had been a senior adviser for Draft Biden, and had worked on Biden's previous presidential campaign.

The Beau Biden Foundation, like everything involving the Biden family, is a snapshot of Bidenworld: the political and personal associations mixing together in inseparable ways.

And that may have made the alleged misconduct by Hunter Biden impossible to police.

Beau was the "good son". The elder son who was being groomed to carry on the Biden political clan's fortunes. At the Democratic National Convention, after Obama had picked his father as his second, it was Beau who introduced him. A year earlier, Beau had become Delaware's Attorney General, and held the position for 8 years.

Delaware's legal community is littered with his associates.

When Giuliani turned over the laptop to Delaware authorities, the office of Delaware Attorney General Kathy Jennings quickly announced that it was passing it on to the FBI.

Jennings had worked under Beau Biden and is campaigning for Joe Biden, had posted, "I’ve known Joe, Jill, and the Biden family for most of my life."

Patricia Lewis, the Executive Director of the Beau Biden Foundation, had been a Deputy Attorney General until she retired the same year that Beau Biden did.

Delaware is a small state and its political class is a good deal smaller. How much did the board members of the Beau Biden Foundation know about what the laptop might contain? Were any of them aware that even while the foundation was soliciting and obtaining coronavirus grant funds to protect children from online abuse, its co-chair may have been accused of abuse?

Like so many questions about the Bidens, they will neither be asked nor answered.

Meanwhile, even while a laptop from its co-chair containing alleged photos of underage girls with its sticker on it was submitted to the authorities, the Beau Biden Foundation goes on promising to protect children. But who’s going to protect the children from the Bidens?

Can the Biden campaign last one more week?

The Biden laptop scandal is the biggest October surprise in modern political history. The Biden campaign is in crisis -- and it could, and should, cost him the election.

No longer is Biden the “sweet old Uncle Joe” of days gone by. While the 77-year-old seems more genteel at times than the 74-year-old tough-talking Trump, this isn’t about Trump being “bad” and Biden being “better.” This is about Biden’s very big crisis -- a crisis he cannot dismiss by calling it “garbage,” “a smear,” or “a set-up.”

In the midst of a bitter faceoff between President Donald Trump -- who’s kept his promises as president despite fierce Democratic opposition, protected religious freedom and constitutional rights -- and former Vice President Joe Biden, along comes unmistakable proof that the Bidens have been involved in a deceptive web that includes selling influence and enriching the family. Americans now have a major reason not to vote for Joe Biden.

Never mind his problematic policies on gun control, the border, and energy. Americans don’t want the corrupt in power. It’s that simple. If Hillary Clinton’s foundation peddled access to her when she was secretary of state; this is much worse. How could a compromised Biden ever stand up to countries like China and Russia, which have already paid his family millions?

While the Biden campaign may seem steady, this growing crisis has shaken their foundation. While readers of my books know I’ve been a Trump supporter, I didn’t see all of this coming when I wrote “God, Trump, and the 2020 Election before the primaries -- but this changes everything.

The proof of corruption is not only on Hunter Biden’s laptop. More allegations keep coming from former Biden business associates. Along with Hunter Biden’s drug abuse, pornography, and worse, evidence suggests he received $1.5 billion from China for a private equity firm and an 80 percent equity stake in CEFC, the China energy company. Emails also allegedly detail Joe Biden’s connection to the funds given his family. In one text to his daughter, Hunter Biden wrote that he’d been “paying” for everything for the family for 30 years, “but unlike Pop, I’m not going to ask you to kick back half your salary.”

Rudy Giuliani shared a screenshot of that text on Twitter. Giuliani, many will remember, served as U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York and had a record 4,152 convictions, including many related to organized crime. He called Biden “a decrepit little criminal.”

There’s more evidence against Biden. Meanwhile, the media continues to defend Biden without examining or even trying to examine the evidence. This is the same media that published numerous unverified attacks on Trump by disgruntled and partisan “unnamed sources” and couldn’t say the word “impeachment” enough.

It gets worse. When Big Tech entities like Twitter and Facebook ban even the dissemination of the Biden laptop story because it looks bad for their guy, think what they will do to conservative ideas if Biden ever gets elected. It would be far worse than Orwell’s 1984 ever depicted.  

It will take time to sort through all the damning information on multiple laptops to see if criminal charges will be brought over possible bribes of foreign agents, or worse. And the laptop is now said to be connected to an FBI money laundering inquiry. In the meantime, we have an election -- and the future of America is at stake.

There are many other reasons not to vote for Biden -- including the lackluster campaign he’s run and the fact that he’s a serial plagiarist. But for anyone still on the fence, it’s time to see the light. This is beyond personality. This is beyond policy. This is about raw, base corruption. If even 10 percent of the laptop stories are true, it’s enough to keep Joe Biden from the presidency.

If you’re stuck on Trump’s rough-around-the-edges personality, then vote against political corruption -- and the scary mindset of the Deep State and the media “elites” that this Biden scandal should be censored or set aside.

It’s a very big deal. Biden cannot be trusted. We are better than this. America deserves better.

Stephen E. Strang is founder and CEO of Charisma Media. He is the author of God, Trump, and COVID-19, as well as many other books. Learn more at stevestrangbooks.com. 

How can any Democrat call Joe Biden the 'moral' candidate with a straight face?

For four years, we have listened to liberals attack Donald Trump for every word uttered, tweet sent, and policy implemented, no matter the substance.  With complete indifference if not outright disdain for every accomplishment from Middle East peace to a record-breaking economy, Trump can do no right in the eyes of liberals.  And in addition to his physical appearance and strong personality, many of them complain about his lack of morals.  With a straight face, liberals tell you they are voting for Biden to bring morality back to the White House.

This is truly one of the fascinating aspects of Trump Derangement Syndrome.  These same individuals cheered on eight years of an Obama/Biden administration that abused all aspects of the Executive Branch's authority to push through their agenda, quash and silence dissent by individuals and organizations with whom they disagreed, and undermine the smooth transition of power for their successors.  Their methods included weaponizing the alphabet city of agencies including the FBI, CIA, NSA, IRS, CFPB, DOE, and DOJ; spying on their enemies; and framing and prosecuting innocent people, from the Benghazi filmmaker to Michael Flynn.  But please, let's bring back this morality.

The list of Obama/Biden scandals is lengthy.  It includes the Fast and Furious gun-running fiasco, which resulted in lost American lives (for which Eric Holder was held in contempt of Congress); spying on journalists, including AP and Fox News reporters; weaponizing the IRS to selectively target conservative groups; the Benghazi tragedy resulting in the death of Americans, including a U.S. ambassador, together with the accompanying lies in its aftermath; Hillary Clinton's secret server; the NSA spying scandal; the Bowe Bergdahl prisoner swap; the Iran nuclear deal passed with lies and the use of the "media echo chamber"; the V.A. scandal; and the use of a government shutdown to hurt Americans — to name a few.

The biggest scandal is the way that the Obama/Biden administration used the Deep State, including the FBI and NSA, to attempt to bring down Trump.  Never, in the history of our country, has a sitting president prevented a smooth transition of power for his successor in the hopes of seeing him impeached, prevented from governing efficiently and effectively, and embarrassed on the world stage, the cost to the country be damned.  Some morality.


Obama/Biden also enacted legislation that was not supported by more than half of the country while lying about it.  Not one Republican voted for Obamacare.  Nancy Pelosi declared that it needed to be passed in order for the American people to learn what was in it.  Obama lied and promised that we could keep our insurance and our doctors.  Millions of Americans lost both.

The Iran nuclear deal was as much of a fiasco as the ACA, with Ben Rhodes proudly declaring that their lies to the American public were being promoted through a media echo chamber, where reporters just repeated what the administration told them.  The JCPOA would have never passed as a treaty in Congress, so Obama just went ahead with it anyway.  He proudly declared that he would use his pen and his phone to govern if he was not successful in bullying Congress into submission, and that is exactly what he did.

Liberals now want to go back to those days by electing the second-in-command during those eight years, who we're now learning is possibly more corrupt than Hillary Clinton.  While we do not have all of the details of what Biden knew and how extensively he was involved with his family's abuse of his political power, we do know that Biden has been a pathological liar (and plagiarist) his entire career and that we cannot trust a word out of his mouth.  Yet the Hunter Biden emails, substantiated by no fewer than three individuals to date, are just noise to be ignored, lest the Democrats' "moral" guy lose to that horrible oaf occupying the White House.

What is astonishing is how easily Trump-haters overlook in Biden the exact traits they say they hate about Trump.  We need morality back in the White House, yet Trump-haters are praying for a guy who lies and is corrupt, making millions from foreign entities while in and out of office.  They fantasize that Trump is in bed with Putin and ignore that Biden is actually very well likely in bed with Xi and other foreign leaders whom his son has been conducting business with under the auspices of the Biden family name.

Trump-haters claim he's a racist who supports white supremacists, yet Biden continually makes racist comments, was even accused by his running mate of being a racist, and has supported and praised racists (and anti-Semites) for decades.  They demand that Trump denounce white supremacists and neo-Nazis, which he has done over and over again, but have no problem when Biden refuses to denounce Antifa.

The hypocrisy abounds.  Christine Blasey Ford, who had not one witness to back her story up, was to be believed during the Kavanaugh hearings, yet Tara Reade, who accused Biden of sexual assault and who had witnesses that support her story, is a liar not to be believed.

Trump-haters dislike Trump so much that they are willing to trade a booming and deregulated economy, lower taxes, energy independence, rewritten trade agreements, law and order, a stronger military, peace in the Middle East, patriotism, and so many positive Trump policies and sentiments for a corrupt old man who is surrounded by socialists, leeches, and America-haters because he's supposedly moral.  But we know he is not, so do Trump-haters lie to themselves or just to the rest of us about morality?

Put aside how utterly incompetent Biden is, how he suffers from serious mental decline, how his foreign policy decisions have been wrong for four decades, how he has no real accomplishment that stands out in his 47 years in public life other than winning elections (and lining his pockets and those of his family), and how he will irreversibly transform the country if he wins and the Democrats win the Senate.  Put aside how he strokes young girls while smelling their hair and whispering sweet nothings into their ears; how he berates voters, calling them ludicrous names like "lying dog-faced pony soldier"; and how he can't remember if he's running for the presidency or Senate or which state he's in.

How do his supporters say with a straight face that they're voting for Biden to bring morality back to Washington?  That is simply an absurd statement, and Biden voters deserve what they get if he wins.  Unfortunately, the rest of us will be stuck paying a steep price — literally — for their ignorant belief that they're bringing morality back with Joe Biden.

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